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Survivors Page 20

by Alex Isaacs

  My mom gets off the phone, telling Joe to let Simon know there is a big storm coming in on Saturday night. We will not be able to fly in on Sunday because of it. The storm will probably last for about three or four days. David will call us when we can fly to the airport. I start to think; I will be down here to do the asteroid pickup. We get out of our uniforms for dinner. I do not need to start packing; I will have some free time on my hands for the next two days as the other members will fly to the asteroid. I go to do another of my astronomy classes, being interrupted by Joe. Joe tells me the General will be seeing us tomorrow morning to go over some of the changes. I ask Joe about the changes; Joe says it is for security purposes, that is all he knows right now. Joe then says it is nice; I will be here to help with the asteroids instead of being up in the valley. Joe lets me get back to my studies. I complete the online segment of the course, making notes. I decided that I will go to the astronomy lab tomorrow at the university after our talk with the General. I will need to take street clothes with me for my university visit.

  I wake up in the morning, bringing a change of clothes and my books. The girls see my bag with the clothes asking what I am doing. I tell them that I will go to the university astronomy lab after our meeting. They ask if they can come with me. I say yes, bring a change of clothes. We head in with Joe to see the General. We have to wait to see the General, so I take the girls in to look at the PSV’s on the trip to the belt. The view is amazing; the technicians tell me they are taking photos of everything; they have them in a file. I grab a computer stick, copying them on it for me to look at later.

  We go to see if the General is ready for us, I hand Joe the computer stick with the pictures on it, I should not take it off the base. Joe thanks me, saying I should keep thinking of that with everything on the base, starting now. The General comes in seeing the four of us. He tells Mandy that this does not involve her since she is in the military already. The General tells the three of us the military will not pay us; we are under Simon’s group. We are still in the military with the new battalion. We have papers to sign for us being in the military. I ask the General what about me, I am Canadian. The General brings out another set of papers, telling me to sign them, I am now a dual citizen, saying I am now able to join the battalion. The General tells me, he is making all of my family dual citizens, as well as making the people going to work in the valley dual citizens.

  I do not know how the General could pull this off, but he must be high up to be able to get this done quickly. The General tells me that for now, the four of us have to stay down here until everything is straight for the battalion. We ask if we can go to the university to resume our studies. The General says no, we should continue doing them online. No need to change and then have to change them again. I ask if I can go to use the lab for my astronomy class at the university. The General looks at Joe. Joe tells the General that Simon has set it up that Alex can go into the lab alone at any time. The General says I can go in when no one else will be there using the lab then. The girls ask if they are allowed to go into the astronomy lab with me today. I inform the General of my course and what I need to do to get my grades. The General says okay, but only to the lab then back here for our training. We thank the General, then get ready to go to the astronomy lab.

  We get changed, head to the lab. I show the girls my work, then use the equipment to look at other things out in space. The girls are eager to see more, asking if it will help in our work with the battalion. I say it should; we will need to know things when we are in space. Zoey says she might look into taking a course in astronomy; it might help her to know what the things are that might affect everyone. I complete my work in the lab, looking at the time. We have to head back for our daily training.

  We get changed and fall in for training. Kelly has some announcements; there are more people here in our battalion. Kelly goes over the command structure with everyone, pulling Jason, Jenny, and myself out to stand by her. I get introduced to the four other pilots I have not met yet. Max Williams, Jill Rogers, Mary Ball, and Jeff Allen; all lieutenants, are flying the PSV’s on the days we have off. We have eleven pilots for the ten, soon to be twelve PSV’s. We do have access to Jenny and Joe, but I should not count them in on my list. The two pilots that are training will keep going up until they can fly by themselves. Lieutenant Smart comes over to me, saluting, saying he is sorry for not giving me the respect I deserve for my rank. I smile, saying, I have just received the rank after our first training mission; I will forget about it now. Lieutenant Smart salutes me, thanking me.

  Kelly gets us into our training for the day; then, at the end of the day, Kelly gets ready to run with Zoey. She looks around at the full battalion, waiting for her and Zoey to begin. We get the two laps done quicker today. After we get changed, I take Zoey aside, telling her I will run with her in the morning before we come to the base, which will help her catch up. Zoey thanks me as we head to the lab.

  I begin to talk with Joe about the main ships. I have thought about changes to what I proposed earlier. Joe said great; the engineers do not like the way the layout is right now. We both go down to the engineer’s lab, talking with the head engineer, Bill Hoskins. He shows me the lists he has for the two main vehicles; the fuel-producing area is a concern. I ask Joe to talk to Simon, making a third primary vehicle to carry the fuel-making equipment and more storage. Bill says that it will solve a lot of problems. I look at his layout; the vehicle is a lot wider than I thought it would be. I told Bill I had thought of stacking the areas, making the farm sections go on top of each other, saving the width of the vehicle. Bill starts to move things around on his computer, putting in two or three levels on the first vehicle, then five or six on the second vehicle. I tell Bill there are nine farms in the valley, the main one that I live on with my parents could be a level by itself. I tell Bill he should go up to the valley to look at how we have the farms set up. Bill tells me he could have the water flowing from the top to the bottom level of the farm levels, the water going through filters. I ask Bill if he gets it set up, we might be able to put fish in each small lake on each level.

  Joe comes back in to see how we are doing. Bill shows him the new layout, stating we can put fish in the lakes on each level for the farms. Bill says he can put in an area for a fish farm. Joe looks at me; I say we got talking. Bill asks Joe if he and a couple of the engineers can go to see what the valley looks like; it can give him a better idea of how to build it on the vehicles. Bill then tells Joe that the sections can start inside the asteroid; then, put together outside. Joe asks when we can start building the main vehicles. Bill says as soon as the two PSV’s are ready on the asteroid. Some of the parts for the sections are now in production. Bill then tells Joe that he is going to get a tunnel running out to the blind side of the asteroid that no one can see on earth. It will hold the space vehicle in place. Then, we can use it to help build until the landing bays in the rear are ready.

  I leave the two to discuss more things; I want to look at the pictures that are on the stick. Maybe I can take the girls in to see the PSV’s on the trip to the asteroid belt. I find the girls; we get a laptop to see the pictures. They are marvelous to look at; then, I tell the girls we can see the new pictures. I leave the stick on Joe’s desk, going to the technician's lab. There are more pictures for us to see. It looks so peaceful out in space. We head back, finding Joe.

  We head back to the house for dinner. The others are not at the house; they must be out having some fun. They show up, telling us they had to stop for groceries since everyone would be here for a few more days. The next morning, I get Zoey, and the two of us head out for a morning run. There is not much going on for us this morning. We do not have our training on the base until the afternoon. The four of us go to the beach to have some fun. There are not that many people here now; they must be heading back after the week off.

  We go in for our training, finding out the last of the parts for the next two PSV’s are up on the asteroid. Th
e parts for the main vehicle will be going next. I find out that a separate chamber will be on the asteroid to produce the fuel for us now. We head back to the house; my dad called saying the storm is still with them. He will call back when the storm begins to let up. I do another of my astronomy classes, letting the girls look at my first class and notes. They start the first class again, taking notes, looking at my textbook.

  Monday morning, Ann and Mandy join the two of us for our run before breakfast. They are eager to come with Joe and me today. They want to go up to the asteroid again. We now load parts for the main vehicle; they are for the front end and part of the base. Joe tells me the engineers have to okay to build the sections for the body of the vehicle; the stacking of levels will save time, space, and materials. The last two PSV’s are almost ready for use. Lieutenant Smart is getting better at flying the PSV; I do not have to worry about his maneuvers. I let him know he will have his solo test soon. We land safely, going to change for our training exercises. Kelly has stepped them up again; she wants us in top form. After we go to the lab, we see the PSV’s are getting closer to the asteroid belt. We check out the remote controls we will be using to capture the asteroids. Joe tells me he will be here to help pick out the asteroids to bring back. Two of us picking them out will be quicker. I ask Joe if we can bring back two asteroids for fuel on each PSV and one for ore. Joe suggests one PSV can bring back two fuel asteroids, the other two just one for fuel. We need the ore for the production of the third fuel vehicle. Joe then tells me; we are sending out another set of PSV’s to the belt soon, in fact, Joe says, one might go right back after the asteroids it had brought back are used up.

  We head home for the night; I hope to get my trip to the asteroid before we start farming the asteroid belt tomorrow. After my dinner, I try to do some studying, but I am excited about getting the asteroids from the belt. Joe sees I am excited, so he gets me to come out to have a couple of beers with him. It settles me down enough for me to get some sleep that I need to have.

  In the morning on the drive into the base, Joe tells me I will not be flying today. We need to be on our toes for the farming part. Kelly and Jason are waiting for us in the lab. The PSV’s are now close enough to get the asteroids. I take mine in looking for the asteroids to bring out for Kelly. Joe instructs Jason what to look for now. We get the two asteroids that contain the fuel parts, bringing them out to Kelly’s PSV. She grabs hold of them as I go to get the ore asteroid for her. When she has the three in her tractor beams, I tell Kelly to start to head for home. I watch the computer sending back the information on dragging the asteroids.

  Kelly has more power to spare to bring them home. Once moving, Kelly can cut back on her throttle. We get the next three asteroids out for Jason. I look at Joe; I suggest that Jason now begin back with his three asteroids. Joe asks me why Jason can help me get the next three asteroids. I tell Joe I do not want to take the chance of the next three hitting one of the other three asteroids, causing a problem for us. Joe thinks about it, then gets Jason to head out. I go in to get my first asteroid. As I set it in place, I notice that it drifts a little after I release it. I get the second asteroid, hoping the two do not collide. I get the third asteroid, moving back to the first two. They have drifted apart; Joe says I was smart to send Jason ahead. I get the three on my tractor beams, but I may have used up more fuel than I would like. I begin the journey back home, noticing that I should have enough fuel. If I do start to run down, we can send another PSV to help this one.

  Now on the trip back, we have to monitor the three PSV’s. We are lucky, Jason can watch Kelly’s load, I can watch his load. We will watch my load on the instruments. I tell Joe we now need a camera out the back of the PSV’s. The three of us monitor the PSV’s for a shift, as Joe sets up people to take over after every four hours. We go to our training for the afternoon; everybody is talking about the farming we did earlier in the day. Kelly tells the group that they can go in to see the feed from the PSV’s in an orderly fashion. Some of the pilots can volunteer to watch the PSV’s on the trip home, to give them some experience of seeing the PSV’s flying under the control of the computers.

  We get through the training; then, I take the three girls up to see the PSV’s. There is a lineup already forming to go in to watch. We wait our turn; I do not want to use my rank to go ahead of anyone. The General comes by to have a look, seeing me in line. Everyone comes to attention. I tell him I do not want to use my rank; he says that is fine, but he does not wait. The people let the General in to see the progress, the General thanking them for letting him in ahead of them. We get in on our turn, the girls saying these asteroids are not that large. I tell them the PSV’s can only pull so much weight. There are enough materials in these nine asteroids to keep the program going. More PSV’s will be making the same trip again soon. We head out with Joe back to the house. The first load from the belt should be back here in five days. Joe tells us the lab is making plans on what to do with the asteroids when they arrive. Joe then tells me they are changing things around on the asteroid. Tractor beams, we will now use the tractor beams to bring the PSV’s in the main door where the main pieces will start to go together. The General also has an announcement to make with Simon.

  We have our dinner; I go to see my courses that are starting online again. I get my Monday classes up to date, then start on today's classes. My mom comes in to let me know that they will fly out in the morning. Simon set up everything. I go to sleep, planning on doing the second course from today in the morning before going to the base. I wake up early, doing my course before breakfast. I meet the girls to go for our run, then head to the airport to say goodbye to them all.

  We get to the base, forming up to listen to the General and Simon. Simon starts saying that there are some changes starting today. First, they will build the main fuel vehicle along with the four special fuel collecting PSV’s. More people will be going into space to train and work on the vehicles. Changes in procedures for flying the PSV’s and the operations on the asteroid will start immediately. Simon steps back to let General Horten speak. The General starts off saying that new personnel is coming into our battalion starting today to train. Because of security, the people taking courses will now be taking them online here at the base. Any external use of equipment will have to be approved first with Simon or me. All personnel will now be staying on the base at all times, except when flying out to the asteroid. Questions are now allowed. I ask for permission to speak. I ask why the change in building of the space vehicles. Simon says that we need it to go to retrieve fuel for the other main vehicles to be able to move. If they cannot move, we cannot build the next ones. I ask how we will be building them. Simon tells me more information will come our way soon.

  I see the girls looking at each, Zoey asks if she can speak. The General gives her permission. Zoey asks where we will be sleeping. The General says in barracks, like the rest of the battalion. Zoey then asks will there be separate barracks for them. The General tells Zoey and the rest of us that we will be in the same quarters as everyone else. Your Captain has your assigned barracks. Simon and the General dismissed the battalion, then leave. Kelly now addresses us, saying the lists for the barracks are on the wall behind her. I move over quickly, getting there first as the rest of the battalion move in to see where they will stay. I am shocked to see the names on the list in my barracks. I look to see where the girls are. They are a few feet away, having to wait for others to leave. The girls finally get to see what I see on the lists; the look on their faces tells me what I want to know.

  Chapter 9: Our Fleet Grows

  Zoey looks at Ann, then at Mandy, saying we have to sleep with men. Mandy says that is the way it is now. I see Kelly looking at them. Kelly tells the girls that the battalions have to sleep together; you cannot have them split up in case of emergencies or deployment. I see Kelly’s point; I think it is significant that the four of us are together. Ann asks if the girls have to shower with the guys. Kelly tells the girls
we can make arrangements in the barracks, you do not have to worry about seeing all the naked men. I try not to laugh; I think the girls do not want the men staring at them.

  I go with Kelly to see the list of people that will be training today. The recruits for our battalion will arrive in the next few days. I ask to see Joe; then, I head over to ask about the change in production. Joe says Simon is correct in changing the building. We need to move the vehicles away from the asteroid to put together the next vehicle. The fuel ship will go to the closest nebula to gather fuel. We need to train about fifty people, a platoon of the battalion, to go in the fuel vehicle. I think it is better we do this now, we can move faster in our production.

  I head back to do our flight to the asteroid. The new tractor beam components are onboard. We will begin to use the main entrance to the asteroid. I get Lieutenant Smart again to train. I let him fly up to the asteroid; then, I take control to land the PSV in the new entrance. The next time we will use the tractor beam when it is ready. The other PSV’s land in the old spot to unload. The technicians quickly put the tractor beam in; they were waiting for the parts. One technician informs me that he thinks the asteroid is moving; it might be because of the mass changing. I look at the computers, seeing it has moved a little out of its orbit. I check the mass; it has gone down with all the mining. I am ready to go; the tractor beam gets a hold of the PSV, the magnets release. We move out of the asteroid, then engage the engine as the beam releases us to go back. Lieutenant Smart flys us back to earth; he is ready to pilot the PSV on his own.


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