Demanded by the Alien

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Demanded by the Alien Page 18

by Sabrina Kade

  “How much longer?” Prince Korben asks.

  “The contractions are close,” York calls to him, hoping to offer something to the conversation. “She’s probably getting pretty close.”

  “Close to what?” he hisses.


  Blythe’s eyes widen, as though the importance of this moment slams her in the chest. She doesn’t want to do this. She can’t want to push a baby through her vag in front of a bunch of other girls she barely knows. My patience snaps. This isn’t right. All of us standing around like slack-jawed locals when most of us can’t offer anything? No. This has to end now.

  “Everyone out,” I bark.

  Most of the girls glimpse in my direction. Prince Korben’s and Blythe’s eyebrows are sky high.

  “You heard me!” I scream. “Get out! York, Ellis, you guys can stay, but everyone else OUT!”

  “What about you?” one of the workout twins asks.

  “I’m leaving, too. Now, largarse! That means SCRAM! When it’s time to see the baby, we will, but we’re not all going to stand in here when she’s pushing. It’s weird and rude. Out!”

  I’m shocked when everyone listens, and I can’t help but beam when I see the look on Prince Korben’s face. He moves away from his mate only for a moment to stand and awkwardly rub the top of my head.

  “Thank you. I would have done it myself, but Blythe doesn’t want the females to become frightened of me.”

  “Gotcha,” I agree. “No problem.”

  Then I’m out of the room, standing beyond the curtain with most of the other girls. It’s like a ghost town because none of the Sidyths are hanging around and I guess in their world babies are women’s business, and that’s that. Fine by me. York and Ellis are the two closest to Blythe so they should be in there, but honestly what’s the point of Celeste and Phoebe and myself? There isn’t one.

  Still, I can’t help listening in as Blythe continues screaming about having to take a poop. York says that means it’s time to push.


  The sounds that follow beyond the curtain are something I’m sure will stick with me for years to come. I’ve never heard a woman give birth before and now that I have, I can no longer live in ignorant bliss. Can I do this in seven months? I won’t have medicine, or at least, Blythe sure didn’t. How did she handle the pain? Is it that bad? I swallow hard as another ice-shattering scream breaks from behind the curtain, and an inexplicable squishy sound follows like squeezing jelly onto bread. I swallow hard. I don’t like the sound.

  Blythe isn’t screaming anymore, though.

  Something else is.

  “It’s a girl!” York shouts, poking her head out from the curtain. “A girl!”

  We all celebrate in the hallway, hugging and embracing each other like we’ve all been getting along since arriving on Hethdiss. I’m still in shock. A baby. There’s a baby on Hethdiss now. Soon there will be two more. And then mine. I swallow hard, desperate to see what a cross-species baby looks like, but I’m the one who told everyone to get out. I can’t be the one to bust back in all nosy and demanding to see if the baby looks like a dark-skinned reptile. Instead, I push my hand through my hair when the baby continues to wail, assuming this is a good sign. I don’t think I can handle anymore.

  I want a family with Dolan, but how did I forget about the pain that comes with pushing out a baby? I should have paid closer attention in sex education class… or was it family planning? I can’t remember.

  Dolan glances up when I enter our lair, a crooked, hesitant smile on his face as he stands and cups the tiny swell on my belly. “Well? Did everything go all right?”

  “It’s a girl.” I sound a little depressed, I’m sure, and Dolan mistakes this for me overworking myself and guides me to the bed to take a seat. Crouching down in front of me, he looks so sure of himself, and I wish I could take some of his confidence, bottle it up and put it on me like a lotion.

  “I thought you’d be happier with this news.”

  “I am happy. I’m…” I trail off, staring down at my alien, wondering if I can be as strong as the other girls. Those cries and screams of pain still haunt me, so I try to focus on Dolan’s calm, concerned expression. “I guess it’s finally hit me that I’m going to be a mom. I’m going to have a baby.”

  Dolan nods. “Yes. You will be fantastic.”

  “I’m practically still a kid myself. How can you be so sure?”

  “I am always sure.” He beams, and rises, taking a seat next to me on the bed before wrapping his large arm around my shoulders. “Even if you are scared, Layla, I will be there for you. I am so excited to see you already growing larger with my sprog. And soon, yes, you will have to push the baby out, but you will be fine. You are strong. Your body is made for carrying sprogs. And when that bay-bee arrives, it will be the luckiest in the universe.”

  I sniff hard. “Why?”

  “Because the bay-bee will have two parents who will love and care for him more than anything else. He will be strong like his mother, and confident like his father. He will be brave like his mother. Caring like his mother. Stunning like his mother, I am sure.”

  “How can you be so sure it’s a boy?”

  “Because I am sure of everything,” Dolan says confidently, and I can’t help leaning against his chest. When in doubt, I can always count on Dolan to make things better. He’s going to make the perfect father.

  When I start getting big, he’ll be there.

  When I give birth, he’ll be there.

  When I have to figure out a way to get over my fear of breastfeeding, he’ll be there as best he can.

  Those sleepless nights? He’ll be there.

  When I doubt my ability as a parent? As a mother? As a lover? Dolan will be there. He’s always going to be there for me. I’ve never been so sure of anything as I am of that.

  “You’re going to be an amazing father,” I tell him softly, trying to smile away my tears. “Of course, you probably already knew that.”

  He sighs. “If I remember everything my parents did for Azan and me, and do the opposite, I think I will be an amazing father.” He pulls me closer to him, inhaling my hair with a soft smile on his face when he pulls away. “Did you get a chance to see the bay-bee?”

  I shake my head. “Not yet, but I’m excited to. I wonder how the combination looks with Sidyths and humans. Hopefully, it doesn’t create anything too weird.”

  “Weird? Layla, I am attractive and so are you,” Dolan says. “We have nothing to worry about.”

  “You don’t know for sure,” I remind him.

  “Ahh, that is where you are wrong, my Chosen, because I do know for sure.”

  I roll my eyes, unable to stop myself from laughing. “Arrogant, annoying alien.”

  He only smiles more widely. “Fearless, courageous human.”

  After only a short talk with Dolan, I don’t feel so worried about carrying a baby and giving birth. It’s like the clouds have lifted. I have a mate who makes me smile and feel more attractive than any friend or family member I’ve ever known. I lean down and brush my fingertips across the fabric covering Dolan’s dick, and it immediately jerks in response, going from half-mast to full in a matter of seconds.

  “Layla,” he grunts, fixing me with a thoughtful expression. “What are you doing?”

  “Something,” I tease, circling the tip of his crown with a single finger. “Something to distract me from all these pregnancy worries.” My eyes grow hooded as I lean into Dolan, pressing a hand against his chest. He sucks in a breath, and of course, he knows what I’m up to.

  “What about the baby? Will it… I mean…”

  “The baby will be fine, Dolan. Trust me; pregnant women have safely engaged in sex for many years. Now, kiss me.”

  I don’t have to ask him twice. I never have, and I don’t think I ever will. Dolan’s lips slam against mine in hungry excitement, and a hand finds its way to my increasingly tender breasts. I don’t mind the brief flash
of pain because I’m alive under his touch. He loves me. He loves all of me. He loves my curves and my flaws. My past and my present. And now, he’s my future. He circles a large hand through my hair, pulling my face closer to his as we fall back against the coverings on his bed. They’re silky soft, and I’m amazed that these alone aren’t a reason why girls don’t find a Sidyth mate for their own. Kidding! Sort of.

  I moan into Dolan’s mouth as the kisses grow more profound and more passionate, thanking my lucky stars that this man is mine. He’s not the most human looking of the bunch, but he’s better than a human. He has a heart that sings for me (literally. I’ll never let him sing Clapton again) and a body that grows aroused merely with a look or soft touch. What more can I ask for? I wrap my leg around his waist as he moves on top of me. I used to think that guy-on-top sex was vanilla, but there’s nothing vanilla about the way Dolan looks at me from above. He rips away the fabric of my top and brushes his hand across my belly.

  “Skirt,” he hisses, smiling when I slide the fabric away from my hips and on to the floor. He’s barking orders, but there’s a smile on his face. He knows he can’t get too bossy with me because deep down, he’s worried about the baby. I remind him that everything’s going to be fine and with that, he slams his cock sack-deep inside of me.

  I’m already his, but each time we have sex, it feels like he’s claiming me all over again.

  We find a lovely rhythm rocking our hips together and he leans down and presses his forehead against mine, intensifying the moment. I thought sex with one partner would get boring after a while, but nothing is boring about Dolan. I love when he tells me to strip. I love how, despite his tone, it’s my choice. It’s a fun game to play because I’ve finally learned the rules.

  “Oh… oh, Dolan,” I moan, bucking my hips so I can take more of his cock into my folds. Our pace picks up, and something rubs against my nub. He’s playing with my clit now; the alien must be made of rubber because he always manages to hit me so many delicious places at once that I can barely keep control. “I won’t last too much longer,” I pant.

  “I know.” He pounds more furiously into me. Sex like this won’t last much longer if I keep swelling up the way I am now.

  I can barely last too much longer as it is.

  Dolan smirks above me. I know what he’s going to say because that fucker always knows when I’m about to come. He doesn’t say a word, but when he pinches my clit between two fingers, he gets the response he wants, and I explode into orgasm right before he does, and chilled seed flows through my core. I shudder and shake, enjoying the pain and pleasure blended in perfect harmony before the last of the aftershocks pulse their way through, and I’m left feeling like the puddle at the bottom of a bowl of ice cream.

  Sighing loudly, Dolan crashes beside me in bed, and we fall silent for a few minutes, staring at the ceiling. I don’t know what it is about after sex, but that’s when I’m the most contemplative. I can’t hear Blythe’s crying baby anymore, so part of me wants to get out of bed and see the child for myself, but another part of me says there’s no rush. Blythe’s baby isn’t going anywhere, and neither am I.

  “Are you still nervous about the baby, my Chosen?”

  “Which one?” I ask.


  I shrug, shifting around to meet his eyes. “I think I’m always going to be nervous, but there’s something to be said about not having to do this all by myself. Especially considering it all happened so fast.”

  “When a male for a female, we fall hard. We fall fast.” He says this with such pride that I can’t help smiling at him like a lovestruck idiot.

  “You get women pregnant fast too,” I say in a teasing tone, but Dolan still looks shockingly serious.

  “I will always be there for you, Layla. Whatever worries you shoulder, we can shoulder them together, yes?”

  Shoulder them together. Such kind words were never spoken to me.

  “Dolan. I’m so happy to be yours. I’m so happy you’re mine.”

  “I love all these things as well.” He pulls me closer to him, whispering some of Eric Clapton’s lyrics close to my ears. “Layla, you got me on my knees. Layla, I am begging, darling, please. Layla, darling, won't you ease your worried mind?”

  I chuckle against his chest. “Babe, you’re getting the last part all wrong; it’s Layla, darling, won't you ease my worried mind?”

  Dolan’s tongue darts from his lips and swipes across the tip of my nose with a playful grin. “I like my version better.”

  “Of course you do.”

  “It makes the most sense. I don’t want you to worry. I will always be there for you. I will always take care of you.” My heart swells at his declaration. “And despite all of those things, always remember, most importantly, I am lucky to have you.”

  I smile, fighting the urge to cry like a baby all over again. The future ahead of us may be murky, but there’s one thing that will always be crystal clear.

  Dolan’s here for me, and he isn’t going anywhere.

  I lean forward and press my lips against his, enjoying everything about my alien mate. His masculine, buttery scent. The feel of his taut muscles and enormous package, already ready for round two. The sound of his arrogant voice. The sight of his love for me. The reflection of myself in his eyes because my love for him is just as strong. All of its mine now. All of him.

  And maybe, just maybe I’ll tell him that I’m the lucky one. But not today.

  Dios mío. I have found my happiness, and it feels so good.

  The End

  If you like this book, please leave a review. The only way I can decide whether to commit more time to these characters and this series is by getting feedback from you, the readers. Your opinion matters to me. I have only so much time to craft new stories. Help me invest that time wisely. Plus, reviews buoy my spirits and stoke the fires of creativity.


  Wow! So hey, I’ve never done one of these author’s notes things before, but they looked like a lot of fun, so I decided to try it out! First of all, I want to say thank you so much for reading about my Rebels of Sidyths. For the longest time, I struggled so hard to create a world that I wanted to revisit over and over again, and I couldn’t find a place that felt like home. But now, not only do I have a place I love returning to, I’m learning that others like visiting me here as well. SO THANK YOU for giving the Rebels of Sidyth and me a chance. I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but please, if you like this book, please leave a review and that way other curious readers may want to explore this world as well!

  I hope you liked reading about Dolan and Layla. I have to admit that while I was excited to write out their official story finally, I was nervous as well because I wanted to do them justice. There are so many pieces of myself in so many of these ‘human females,’ and Layla is no exception. Like almost every woman that’s ever existed ever, I’ve had times where I’m not feeling my sexiest or most beautiful. Luckily, I’ve found a Dolan in my life who loves every curve I rock and every stretch mark I’ve earned.

  Anyway, my next book is titled Desired by the Alien and will feature Sloane and Exer. I guess it’s not shocking for me to share that I’m nervous and excited to share their story as well! They’re a funny pair. They’re friends, but of course, I’m sure you guys can tell that Exer wants more. And though Sloane shows sign of wanting to ‘take the next step,’ so to speak, does she really? And why does she hesitate when it comes to the moody, and yet so achingly attractive and detached Exer? I’m hoping that this book will release in April, but don’t worry! When it’s close to release time, I’m sure I’ll be screaming it from the social media rooftops.

  If you want to keep up with me and all the latest news about the Rebels of Sidyth universe, please be sure to friend me on Facebook or click LIKE on my business page. You can also follow me on Amazon or Bookbub to stay up to date on the latest release.

  Once again, thank you so much for taking time out of you
r day to read my words.

  Purchased by the Alien

  Rebels of Sidyth

  Book One



  When I volunteered to become an entertainer, I had no idea I would become a whore – let alone one shipped across the entire galaxy.

  I shouldn’t have been so eager, but the money was too good and signing the contract without taking anything too seriously came easily. The entire transaction was legit. Supposedly. There was nothing I could do once the ink dried on the paper. Who could I ask for help? My parents? My mom’s dead, and my dad’s the reason I signed the contract.

  I could only hope the money promised was as concrete as the contract I had signed.

  How would I know from five billion miles away?

  Would I ever find out if the money I sent helped my dad at all? Did it even matter? Would he still smile, in selfish relief, if he knew his oldest daughter had sold herself to become an intergalactic space whore?

  This leads to me to where I’m at right now.

  I glance around the room, taking note of the faces as the ship transports me to my next assignment. As usual, everyone’s young, female, and at least somewhat athletic. All the girls train when we have a free moment but having something in common didn’t exactly make us friends. Quite the opposite. We look out for ourselves, save for a few of the high-class entertainers who always manage to work jobs together.

  Frowning, I lower my cup of water. This isn’t a bad room. There’s enough space for all of us to stretch out, and there’s even a separate space if we need to take a piss. Accommodations have been a lot worse, but there’s still no telling how long this trip will last.

  “Where are they taking us?” one asks, ruining my quiet assessment. I glance up to find a pair of piercing blue eyes fixating on my much darker ones.

  That’s how it is on a lot of these journeys. So many girls turn to me for answers. I’m not exactly sure why. Maybe I look old or more experienced. Maybe I’m more approachable than the others. Either way, enclosed in this locked room with nineteen other girls, I’m not surprised when several of them flock towards my corner. I lick my lips and take in the first who’s brave enough to speak to me, recognizing her immediately.


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