The Billionaire's Heart

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The Billionaire's Heart Page 2

by Christina Tetreault

  “Good luck with that,” Gavin called out as he walked past Harry. And thank you, he silently added.

  As much as he hated the reason why Leah had dumped his half brother, with Harry and Leah’s relationship over, it meant he could now do what he’d wanted to do since he first met her. Ask out Leah Sherbrooke.

  Chapter One

  Three Months Later

  “Did you know it was going to rain today?” Leah paused at the entrance to the country club’s restaurant.

  Like she often did, she’d met Gavin at Pine Ridge for a friendly round of golf followed by a late dinner. They hadn’t even made it out to the first tee when the rain started. She may enjoy golf but by no means did she enjoy it enough to play in the rain. Thankfully, they managed to get back to the clubhouse before the true downpour started, so while she’d gotten a little wet, it didn’t appear as though she’d taken a shower in her clothes.

  Gavin shook his head and held open the door for her. “Last I checked the storm wasn’t supposed to start until much later this evening.” A crack of thunder rumbled outside, and then a bolt of lightning lit up the suddenly dark sky. “Looks like someone really got it wrong this time.”

  Predicting the weather in New England was always an iffy thing, especially when it came to bad weather. Leah just hoped the meteorologist had it right about this weekend. Her parents were throwing their annual Fourth of July bash. If weather similar to tonight’s rolled in on Saturday, everything would have to be moved inside, and Mom hated when her plans changed at the last minute—a trait they both shared.

  “Ms. Sherbrooke, Mr. Kincaid, it is so nice to see you both again this evening,” the hostess greeted when they approached.

  Regardless of the individual manning the hostess desk, he or she always recognized club members and addressed them by name. Considering the size of the country club, Leah found it rather remarkable.

  “Would you prefer a table by a window or upstairs this evening?” the hostess asked.

  “Either is fine,” she replied.

  The hostess led them through the dining room to a small table tucked away near a back corner. It was a table perfectly positioned for a romantic dinner for two, and Leah suspected the hostess assumed they were a couple rather than friends sharing a meal, especially since tonight wasn’t the first time she’d seen them in here together.

  Okay, perhaps that wasn’t completely true. They weren’t just friends, but good friends. Something she still found not so much odd but unique. Except for her two older brothers and numerous male cousins, she’d never had a close, platonic relationship with a guy. That wasn’t to say she didn’t have friends of the opposite sex, but those friends always remained more superficial. Her friendship with Gavin was far from that.

  She hadn’t expected to see or hear from Gavin again after she walked out of Harry and Gavin’s condo. But the following afternoon, he called to ask how she was doing, and they’d ended up talking for almost an hour. Three days after their phone chat, she’d been restless. Rather than meet up with friends and again be on the receiving end of their looks of pity, she’d called Gavin and invited him to lunch. To this day she still couldn’t say why she’d called him instead of visiting her cousin Callie, who only lived a few miles away and was usually too busy chasing after her young son to offer up looks of pity. Whatever the reason, she didn’t regret her decision. Since then they’d engaged in countless conversations both in person and on the phone, gone for dinner numerous times, and played several rounds of golf at the country club they both belonged to.

  “How was Gray’s wedding last weekend?” Gavin inquired once they were both seated and the hostess was gone.

  “Beautiful, and thankfully the weather cooperated.”

  The entire family had held its breath in the days leading up to her cousin Gray’s and Kiera’s wedding as meteorologists tracked a storm moving up over the Atlantic from the Caribbean. Thankfully, it had stalled somewhere off the coast of North Carolina, allowing the wedding to be held on the lawns of Cliff House in Newport as planned. The following day, though, the skies had opened up and dumped plenty of rain on southern New England before moving back out over the ocean.

  “Brett even made it,” she added, referring to her eldest brother. “I really didn’t think he would. He missed both Trent’s and Derek’s weddings last year.” As an officer in the United States Army, unfortunately Brett usually missed most family events. “And Curt and his girlfriend left before the ceremony even started. She had some kind of emergency at home. I have no idea what it was. Curt didn’t share any details, and we haven’t talked since.”

  Across the table, Gavin opened the menu the hostess had left him. “Is he still living up in New Hampshire or did you finally convince him to move back to Boston?”

  “Still up there, and since his girlfriend lives next door, I don’t see him moving anytime soon. He put his apartment in Boston on the market.”

  She’d tried talking some sense into Curt, but he’d refused to budge. Instead he invited her up to visit his latest project and the quaint—his word, not hers—town of Pelham, New Hampshire—something she had every intention of doing soon. Since they’d left so suddenly, she hadn’t had much of a chance to get to know her older brother’s new girlfriend and she wanted to rectify that. However, from the little she’d spoken with Taylor, she’d gotten the impression the woman was unlike any of Curt’s past girlfriends. And since he’d brought her to not only Gray’s wedding but also to a family-only gathering at their cousin’s home a few weeks earlier, he was serious about Taylor Walker in a way he’d never been serious about a woman before.

  Leah opened her own menu, although she already had a decent idea of what she wanted for dinner. “What about you? How was your week?” She scanned the list of entrées, noting the changes the restaurant had made since her last visit a week and a half ago.


  At the sound of the single word in his smoky voice, a fluttering sensation that had nothing to do with being hungry sprang up in her belly.

  “You were in Mississippi, right?” She set her menu aside so she could look at him, only to discover his dark, almost magnetic eyes focused solely on her and not his menu.

  Gavin nodded, his gaze never leaving her face. “Jackson. Honestly, I don’t know how people live down there in the summer. It gets hot and humid around here, but nothing compared to down there.”

  Their waitress appeared to take their dinner order, putting a temporary hold on their conversation. While he seemed oblivious to the fact, it didn’t escape Leah that the woman was eyeing Gavin much the way a tigress eyed her prey just before she pounced.

  An emotion bordering on jealousy slithered its way through her thoughts, and Leah cleared her throat. “I’ve changed my mind,” she said once Gavin finished giving the woman his dinner selection, forcing her to look her way.

  The tigress masquerading as a waitress turned her attention to Leah, but judging by her expression, she wasn’t at all happy about it.

  “Instead of the gorgonzola crusted filet, I’ll have the seared tuna with gingered rice, please.”

  “Certainly,” the waitress said with a slight nod as she took a step back. “And I’ll bring out your appetizer as soon as it is ready.”

  “Almost went with the tuna myself,” Gavin commented once they were alone. “But the porterhouse sounded too good today.”

  With the waitress no longer devouring Gavin with her eyes, the unpleasant emotion invading Leah’s thoughts faded away. Maybe later she’d examine whatever she’d just experienced, because it wasn’t the first time it had happened, but with him sitting across the table watching her, doing so now was impossible.

  “What about this weekend? Any big plans?” Leah inquired.

  He reached for his water glass and shook his head. “Catching up at the office.”

  “You are not.” Any other weekend she’d accept his response, but not this one. “Saturday is the Fourth of July, Gavin. You kno
w, cookouts and fireworks. Spending time with friends and family. Having fun.”

  “I know.” He shrugged matter-of-factly before sipping his water. “And since the Fourth falls on a Saturday, the office will be empty until Tuesday morning. I can work and not be interrupted.”

  Leah admired how dedicated he was to Culloden, but seriously, the restaurant giant wouldn’t go under if he took a few days off. “You can’t work on the Fourth of July. Monday, sure, okay, if you insist, but not Saturday.”

  “I’ve got no other plans, and thanks to my business trip to Jackson, I’m behind on a few projects.”

  It was time for a little friendly intervention. He might be the chief development officer for the Culloden Company, but even he needed some downtime. “Well, you have plans now, my friend. Saturday, Mom is hosting her annual Fourth of July party in Newport. You’re coming with me. It’ll be fun.”

  Mentally Gavin pumped his fist in the air. For the past three months he’d been fostering his friendship with Leah, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make his move. Considering the way things ended between her and Harry, he hadn’t wanted to move too fast. Although it had been pure hell, he’d refrained from pursuing her the way he wanted, allowing her time to get past her breakup while at the same time getting to know him better. If she was inviting him along to her parents’ house, perhaps the time had finally come to step things up.

  “Shouldn’t you check with her before you invite me?” His mom didn’t hold many parties. When she did, the guest list was planned at least two months in advance, and she didn’t take well to last-minute additions. He’d never met Judith Sherbrooke, but he wouldn’t be surprised to learn she had that in common with Mom.

  Leah waved a dismissive hand in his direction. “She’s used to last-minute additions. And don’t worry about this being a big family event. Mom invites a lot of her and Dad’s friends too. You’ll probably even know some.”

  Whether he knew anyone there or not didn’t matter to him. The only person he cared about sat across from him.

  She narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at him. “And I’m warning you right now. If you say no or give me some other excuse, remember I know where you work and live. Don’t think for a minute I won’t storm your office and drag you to the party by your hair.”

  No need to drag me anywhere.

  Gavin threw up both hands in defeat. “Just tell me the address and time and I’ll be there. Promise.”

  “It’s not that I don’t trust you, but when it comes to taking a day off, I don’t trust you, Gavin.” There was no missing the trace of humor in her voice. “Meet me at my house Saturday morning around nine o’clock, and we’ll drive to Newport together. We can spend the night at my parents’ house and come back Sunday afternoon. They have plenty of room.”

  Showing up at her family’s party unexpectedly was one thing, but staying the night was another matter. He’d happily make the three-plus hour drive back and forth with Leah, but he’d book himself a hotel room for the night.

  “I’ll meet you at your house, but I’ll get a room nearby for Saturday night.” There was no shortage of hotels in and around Newport.

  Their waitress appeared with the prosciutto-wrapped mozzarella they’d ordered. Despite the fact Leah sat across from him, the waitress sized him up as if he was a prime piece of horseflesh she wanted to add to her stable.

  “Is there anything else I can bring you at the moment?” the waitress asked, her eyes never leaving him.

  “I’m fine, thank you. Leah?” When he transferred his gaze back across the table, the last thing he expected to see was an annoyed expression on Leah’s face. Yet, with her jaw clenched tight and her lips forming a partial frown, it was the only word that came close to describing the look she wore.

  Interesting. He’d given up trying to guess what went on in a woman’s head a long time ago, but right now he’d love to know what was going through Leah’s mind.

  She gave the waitress a curt nod. “I’m fine too.”

  “Fabulous. I’ll bring out your entrées when they are ready.” The waitress sent him one last I’m yours if you want me look before walking away.

  “Do you want to drive on Saturday or do you want me to?” he asked.

  Leah’s gaze trailed after the waitress briefly before her eyes turned back in his direction. “We can figure it out then.” She added some of the appetizer to her plate and then pushed the rest closer to him. “I had this the last time I came. It’s delicious.”


  Gavin massaged the back of his neck and stood. He’d arrived home from the country club three hours ago and gone straight into his office. Since then he hadn’t moved from his desk. The cramps in his neck and back were telling him it was time to call it a night, even if he hadn’t gotten as much accomplished as he’d hoped.

  Switching off the lights, he left the room and headed for his bedroom. Tomorrow morning he’d get up a couple hours earlier than normal and get some extra work in. When he told Leah he had some catching up to do, he hadn’t lied. The projects in Mississippi had dominated all his time while he was down there, meaning everything else had gone on hold. Then he’d gone straight from Jackson to his apartment in Providence, where he’d spent the weekend before coming back to New York late Sunday night. While in Providence he hadn’t touched his laptop or his briefcase.

  Before his ex-girlfriend’s move to Rhode Island two years ago, he’d spent time with Erin every chance he got. Unfortunately, now he only got to see his nine-year-old daughter every other weekend during the school year, assuming he wasn’t traveling for business. In the summer he got to spend a little more time with her, but even then it was limited due to work obligations and the fact they lived four hours apart—a fact he hated but couldn’t do much about, since Culloden’s headquarters were located in New York City and Amber’s promotion had taken her to Providence. Given the current situation, Gavin refused to let anything, including work, stop him from enjoying time with his daughter whenever he got the opportunity. Especially during their most recent visit, because he wouldn’t see Erin again until close to the end of July. This morning she’d flown down to Florida with Amber and Amber’s boyfriend to visit her family as well as the theme parks for a few weeks.

  Until tonight, the only plus side he’d seen about the situation was that when Erin returned north, she’d be spending almost two full weeks with him in New York. His conversation with Leah tonight had him wondering if there might be a second silver lining to Erin being on vacation with her mom for most of the month.

  He’d sensed Leah viewed him as more than a casual buddy she could rely on for a round of golf and dinner. Her insistence tonight that he join her rather than work over the holiday weekend reinforced his gut belief. And usually his gut didn’t let him down.

  Since he wouldn’t be traveling back and forth to Providence this month, he could dedicate his attention to Leah and hopefully move their relationship in the direction he wanted. With a little luck, it’d be in a good place before Erin came and stayed with him, because as of now Leah didn’t know he had a daughter.

  Gavin changed the alarm on his phone and then tossed his shoes in the closet. Not for the first time over the past few months, his conscience chastised him for not telling Leah about Erin. She’d talked about her family countless times during their conversations, but he’d kept Erin’s existence to himself for two reasons. One, his relationship with his daughter was the most important thing in his life, and he didn’t share the information with many people, especially women. He’d experienced firsthand a woman using the existence of a child to achieve her goals. He was eight when Dad met Joy. In the beginning she had acted as though she’d be the perfect stepmother, especially to Vivian. However, once Joy had the ring on her finger, she cut him, Vivian, and Harry out of her life and tried to write them out of their father’s life too. At the time, Vivian had taken it the hardest because she’d grown to care a great deal about the woman. And Vivian’s relat
ionship with their dad had never been the same again, even though he’d divorced Joy after a year. Under no circumstances did Gavin ever want to put Erin in a similar situation. And two, from the start he’d gone out of his way to not discuss his family at all because of Leah’s previous involvement with his half brother. Although he knew she would never take Harry back, and the guy had certainly tried, he didn’t want to remind her they were related and in turn think he treated women the same way Harry did. Another bonus to not talking about his family was that Gavin could avoid mentioning his dad, a man whose cheating reputation was well known and not someone he wanted her to think he emulated.

  Yeah, he’d gone out with plenty of women in college, but unlike his half brother, he’d never screwed around behind a girlfriend’s back. He left that kind of behavior to Harry and their dad before his most recent marriage. At least, he believed Dad was faithful to Kerry, his fourth wife. When it came to Donald Kincaid and women, one could never be 100 percent certain. And honestly, he didn’t want to know what his dad did or didn’t do unless it involved the company.

  So while Harry went out with half the female population in New York between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five, Gavin’s romantic life slowly deteriorated as his role in the family company grew. His relationship with Amber Wright had been the last committed one he had. It had ended more than eight years ago, not long after their daughter was born.

  The more he got to know Leah, the more he wanted to see if he could change the relationship abyss his life had fallen into. And after biding his time for three months, he intended to plunge forward this weekend. Fingers crossed it wasn’t too soon.

  He switched off the lights and climbed into bed, once again grateful for the silence—something he’d missed during the months Harry lived with him. The guy thought nothing of blasting the television at one o’clock in the morning or having a guest arrive regardless of the time. They’d had more than one heated argument about both during his stay.


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