Rebellious and Reckless: College Sports Romance Stand-Alone (Campus Hotshots Book 1): Campus Hotshots

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Rebellious and Reckless: College Sports Romance Stand-Alone (Campus Hotshots Book 1): Campus Hotshots Page 3

by Michelle A. Valentine

  “Hey.” I close the door behind me and then set my book bag on the dining room chair.

  He returns my greeting and then directs his attention back to his book. The tension in the room is thick, and visions of Baker being upset with me at lunch flash through my mind. I invaded his privacy and internet stalked him. I feel bad, but I don’t regret doing it. I needed to know who I was living with, but I did cross a line by prying into his business.

  I want to make it up to him.

  I head into the kitchen and check out what I have in my pantry. There’s not much, but I do find the ingredients to make my famous spicy cheese nachos. It doesn’t take me long to whip it up, and once I pour it into a serving bowl, I carry the food into the living room and set it on the coffee table in front of Baker.

  “What’s all this?” he asks, closing his book.

  I shrug. “A peace offering. I’m sorry about being so nosy earlier.”

  “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have been such an asshole over the whole football thing. It’s a touchy subject for me.”

  “So I noticed.” I smirk as I sit in the chair across from him. “Any other topics we need to add to our house rules list?”

  Baker grabs a chip and then dips it. “Family. That’s off-limits too.”

  “That will be hard considering the reason we’re living together is for me to get to know your brother.”

  He shoves a cheese covered chip in his mouth, as he contemplates my words and then swallows. “How about parents are off-limits?”

  I nod, knowing the last thing on this planet I want to discuss is my parents. People tend to treat me differently once they learn about who my father is, so Baker doesn’t know it, but this stipulation of his is doing me a favor. “Fair enough.”

  He grabs another chip. “This is excellent. Where’d you learn to make this?”

  “My mom, sort of. She had the basic recipe, I spiced it up a bit.”

  “Nice. Will you teach me how to make it?”

  “Sure. Next time I make it, I’ll show you.”


  I grab a chip myself and smile. They say a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. If Baker likes these so much, maybe I should make this for Luke if I get the chance.

  “Remember earlier when we were talking about schedules?” Baker asks.


  “Well, on the second Wednesday of every other month, some of the guys from the frat I’m a part of get together and have a poker night.”

  “Okay…? And you’re telling me this why?”

  “Since I’m living here now, they guys are going to want me to take a turn an host the game. They’ve been taking turns and having it in their apartments since they all have moved out of the frat for junior year.”

  I hold up my hand. “Wait a minute. You want to have a bunch of guys come over to my apartment to play poker?”

  “Our apartment,” he corrects me. “And yes. Besides it’s not a lot of people. Only six guys, counting me.”

  I grimace. “I don’t know, Baker. This place really isn’t that big, and if something gets damaged my dad will freak out. One of his rules was no guys in my place.”

  “Yet here I am.” He chuckles. “Aren’t you the little rule breaker.”

  “Not usually. Asking you to move in is by far the craziest thing I’ve ever done.”

  He eyes me suspiciously. “You really like my brother a lot, huh?”

  Heat floods my cheeks. “I do.”


  “What do you mean, ‘why’?”

  “How can you like someone so much if you don’t know the first thing about them? Luke could be the biggest asshole in the world, would you still like him then?”

  “Of course not, but I don’t think he is. I’ve seen him around enough the last year to draw the conclusion he’s a pretty nice guy.”

  A harsh laugh rolls out of Baker. “I think you’ve built Luke up so much in your head, you’re going to be disappointed when you get to know him.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “I don’t.”

  I furrow my brow. “Why would you say that?”

  “Like I’ve told you before, you’re not Luke’s type. The two of you have nothing in common.”

  “Sometimes the best relationships don’t make since.”

  “If you say so,” he grumbles.

  “This plan is going to work. You’ll just have to trust me.”

  He takes a few more chips. “So, is it alright if I have the guys over? I promise I’ll make sure they’re on their best behavior and don’t fuck up the place.”

  “Will Luke be here?”

  His face tightens. “No. We don’t really get along these days.”

  “If the two of you don’t hang out, how am I going to see him?”

  He gives me pointed look. “If you’re hanging around me, Luke will notice you.”

  There’s some truth to his words. Luke definitely noticed me today in the cafeteria after Baker left. It the first time Luke had ever made it a point to carry on a conversation with me intentionally.

  “I think you’re right about that. Luke came up to talk to me after he spotted me with you earlier.”

  “What’d he say?”

  “Nothing much. He wanted to know how I knew you and asked me to get you to come to the Homecoming party at the frat house. Can the other guys really kick you out of the frat?”

  His brow furrows. “Is that what he said?”


  He sighs. “Then maybe I better make an appearance there.” Baker’s eyes roll up toward the ceiling. “You should come to.”

  “To a frat party…? I dunno, Baker. That’s really not my scene.”

  He snickers. “You mean you’re not the girl who’s into getting wasted and fucking random guys at a party?”

  I toss a chip at him. “Stop making fun of me!”

  He catches the chip and shoves it into his mouth while wearing a big grin. “See, I told you, you are nothing like the girls Luke typically dates.”

  “I’m sure once he gets to know me, he’ll appreciate how different I am to those other girls and fall madly in love with me.”

  He shakes his head. “You watch way too many movies. Real life isn’t anything like that. You could be the nicest girl on the planet, but if you don’t put out, no guy is going to stick around to get to know you.”

  “That can’t be true.”

  “But it is. I’m a guy. I’m telling you sex rules our brain, and we tend to go where we can get it without much hassle.”

  “So you’re telling me I need to get drunk and sleep with Luke before I can get him to like me?” My voice is close to shrieking.

  He shrugs. “It would certainly speed things along. He’ll notice you a lot faster if you’re willing to spread your legs for him.”

  I can’t fight the disgust on my face. “That is so wrong. I can’t believe you’d say that to me.”

  “Look, Sky. You asked for my help, so this is me helping—letting you know how a guy really works. We’re crude, self-centered and think with our dicks. Most of us aren’t ready for anything serious with a chick until we’re much older and can learn to value a real relationship. So if you’re going into this thinking my brother is going to fall at your feet and beg you to be his girlfriend, I advise you lower your expectations. Luke’s out to have fun and if you want to get with him, you have to prepare yourself for that.”

  I stare at him, unsure of what I’m supposed to say to that. Did I expect a marriage proposal? No. The idea of being Luke’s fuckbuddy, allowing him to use me like that, in order to like me, makes me a bit queasy. But, I don’t think Baker is as well versed in the matters of the heart as he thinks he is. I don’t think Luke is the man-whore Baker’s making him out to be. I’m going to have to find that out for myself.

  My lips twist. “I think you’re wrong about your brother.”

  “Trust me. I’m not.”

  “Let’s jus
t agree to disagree.”

  “Okay, but when he crushes your heart, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  I’m about to tell him that won’t be a problem because I don’t think that will happen, but Baker’s phone rings and it cuts me off. He fishes it from his back pocket and quickly answers it.

  “What’s up?” There’s a long pause as he listens to the person on the other end of the line. “When?” Another pause. “I can be there in twenty minutes. That’s enough time. I don’t need to prep.”

  When he hangs up, he pushes his large from off the couch and stuffs his phone in his pocket. “I have to go. Thanks for the chips.”

  “No problem.”

  Baker heads for the door, and leaves me wondering if there’s any truth to what he’s said about his brother.



  Baker hasn’t been back to the apartment for days, and I’m concerned. I don’t think he has any other place to go. I don’t like the idea of him sleeping in his car and I also don’t like the idea he may no longer want to help me get to know Luke. I’ve debated on texting him all morning to check on him. I don’t want to seem like a creeper roommate, but the suspense of why he hasn’t come back to my place is killing me. It felt like we were starting to get along…maybe even be real friends.

  “Earth to Sky.” Miley waves her hand in front of my face. “Did you hear what I said at all?”

  I scrunch my nose. “Sorry. Baker has me worried.”

  She tilts her head as we walk into the campus coffee shop. “Why? Is doing something weird at the apartment?”

  “No. Actually, so far, he’s been a great roommate. He just hasn’t been there for a few days. I hope he’s all right.”

  “You have his number, right?”

  “Well, yeah. He gave it to me on the night he moved in.”

  “Then text him. You are roommates after all.”

  She’s right. I’m being silly. Friends check up on each other. I whip out my cell and shoot a quick text.

  Me: You okay?

  Three little dots appear instantly, and I await anxiously for his reply.

  Baker: I’m good. Staying with a friend for a few days.

  Me: All right. I was worried.

  Baker: About me or about losing my help to see Luke?

  Me: Both.

  Baker: At least you’re honest. Don’t lose sleep over me. I’m fine. I’ll be back tomorrow. I won’t welch on our deal, princess.

  Relief hits me and I’m glad he’s okay.

  “What’d he say?” Miley asks.

  “He said he’ll be back tomorrow.”

  She nods. “He’s probably shacked up with some sorority girl, screwing her all over the house.”

  “Ew!” I nudge her arm. “I don’t want to ever think of Baker having sex.”

  She laughs and tosses her blond and pink braid over her shoulder. “Why not? He’s hot. If I were living with him, I would be contemplating ways to jump his bones every day. I bet he’s an animal in the sack. He just has that look about him.”

  “What look?”

  “Some guys just have a look—a presence if you will—of how they are in bed. Baker’s muscles and tats make me think he’s a take-charge kind of man in the bedroom. The kind that decides he wants you, and game over, you’re his and will be willing to do whatever he wants.”

  I shake my head and laugh. “You’ve really given this some thought.”

  “As should you. Baker’s grade-A man-meat, and living under your roof, getting naked in your shower and probably jerk—”

  “Stop.” I cut her off before she goes too far, and I swear off going into my bathroom again. “It’s not like that between us. Baker and I have a deal. That’s it. Besides, a guy like him will never be into a girl like me. He thinks I’m a total nerd.”

  Miley smirks. “You are a nerd, but you’re also hot as hell. Baker’s a man, trust me, he’s noticed you.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Don’t roll those pretty blue eyes at me, Missy. We’ve been over this a million times. You. Are. Beautiful. Stop doubting it.”

  “I’m really not.”

  “Oh. My God!” She halts mid-step, clearly frustrated with me, and grabs my arm. “That’s it. We’re blowing off the rest of our classes today. You still have your dad’s credit card.”

  I give her a quizzical look. “Yeah. Why?”

  “I’ve been hounding you over this for too long and frankly, it’s getting old, so I’m going to fix you myself.”

  “What in the hell are you talking about.”

  “It’s time to go shopping. You have your dad’s card, so let’s put it to use.”

  “It’s only for emergencies and supplies.”

  “Trust me. This is a very urgent matter. Your V-card needs to get punched, and maybe, just maybe you’ll see men for how they really are and stop comparing everything to those romance novels you read. Sex isn’t always a fairy tale, Sky. It’s dirty but feels so damn good and it’s time you experience it.”

  “Jesus, now you sound like Baker.” This conversation is boarding along the same lines of what he said to me the other night.

  “Well, then Baker is obviously a smart man.” She grabs my shoulders and looks me straight in the eyes. “You want Luke?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Then it’s time to get him.”

  Her determination makes me swallow, and it now seems to be her personal mission to get me laid.

  “Dad is going to kill me when he sees how much money I’ve spent today,” I whine as Miley drives me back to my apartment in her Jeep.

  “It was for a good cause. Besides, the haircut and highlights were a must to go with your new wardrobe.” Miley grins, clearly pleased with our shopping expedition as she pulls in front of my building. “Luke will be drooling when he sees you. The outfit you have on now might just be my favorite.”

  I glance down at the jeans and form-fitting, deep V-neck blouse I’m wearing. “It’s one of mine too.”

  I liked it so much, I wore it home. It makes me feels sexy.

  “Are you sure you can’t come with me to the party? I’m not sure I want to go to a frat party without you.”

  She gives me a pointed look. “You know my sister will freak if I don’t come to dinner. She wants to discuss her bachelorette party.”

  I frown. “How’s the wedding planning going?”

  Miley shakes her head. “She’s a damn bridezilla! If I didn’t love her so much, I would’ve already strangled her.” She sighs. “As much as I want to stalk football hotties with you, I’m going to have to take a rain check on the party.”

  I poke my bottom lip out.

  “You’ll be fine. Besides, you have Baker in all his hot, manly goodness to be your wingman.” She waggles her eyebrows. “I’m thinking I may be jumping ship from team Luke to team Baker soon. He’s hella sexy with his bad-boy ass.”

  With that, I roll my eyes.

  She’s completely man crazy.

  “Thanks for the ride,” I tell her as I hop out and then reach behind my seat for my shopping bags.

  “Call me later!”


  I fish my keys out of my pocket and unlock my front door, surprised to find Baker at the stove, cooking, and the scent is heavenly.

  “Hey!” he greets me, but his back is still to me. “I hope you’re hungry. I’ve made enough spaghetti to feed the entire football team.”

  I laugh as I set my bags down on the floor. “It smells really good.”

  When Baker turns to look my way, his jaw drops, and so does mine as we stare at each other for a long moment.

  “What happened to you?” I ask as I close the gap between us to further inspect his marred, handsome face.

  He doesn’t answer me, but his brown eyes roam down my body, appraising me from head to toe. “You look, um…wow.”

  I swallow, feeling self-conscious. “It’s too much, isn’t it? I told Miley it was.”

; “No,” he quickly says. “You look amazing. I never knew all that was hiding under those baggy shirts you like to wear.”

  “You think Luke will notice me?”

  He nods, and his eyes flick down to my boobs again. “Fuck yeah, he will and every other guy on campus too.”

  My cheeks burn with his crude compliment, and a small grin pops up on my face. “Good.”

  A weird expression crosses his face. “My brother doesn’t deserve all the effort you’re putting in to get his attention.”

  “I think he does,” I say and then catch myself studying the cut above his right eye that’s in the middle of a yellowing bruise. “You going to tell me what happened to your face?”

  “It’s nothing you need to be concerned about,” he tells me in a brisk tone.

  “We live together, so if something is going on with you, then it does concern me. I don’t want some thugs showing up here to finish the job they started on you.”

  “Relax, Sky. No one will be coming here to get me. Nothing will happen to you while I’m around. Don’t make this a big deal.” He runs his fingers through his dark hair, pushing it away from his face.

  “How can you expect me to blow this off? You’ve obviously gotten into a fight of some kind. I want you to tell me what happened. Are you in some kind of trouble? Is this why you were gone for two days?” All of my built-up angst bursts out of me at once.

  “Damn.” He holds his hands up. “What are you, the cops?”

  I pause, knowing I can get a little carried away at times when I get excited. “I’m sorry. I have a habit of overreacting at times.”

  “Good to know.” He laughs, and I raise my eyebrows. He takes a big breath as he sees I’m not going to let this go. “You’re right. I did get into a fight.”

  “Over a girl?” For some reason, the idea of him in a relationship causes a knot in the pit of my stomach.

  His face wrinkles as though I’ve offended him. “Hell no. I never fight over women. Either they want me or they don’t. I damn sure don’t go chasing after them, and I don’t get jealous.”

  “Oh, then someone pissed you off or…”

  “I wasn’t fighting over any of the reasons you’ve got floating through that brain of yours. I’m a professional…or at least I want to be, so I’m training.”


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