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The Keepers Collection

Page 14

by Pepper North

  “Thank you, Dr. Irte, for your reassurances. I have been so concerned.” Huma nodded and carried Pien to the bathing chambers. When the door had sealed, and the liquid began to swirl around them, Huma hugged Pien tightly to her chest.

  “Am I still in serious trouble?” Pien asked with a tired smile.

  “Oh, yes!” Huma answered, kissing his lips softly.

  Chapter 40

  Dr. Irte’s thorough cleansing of Pien’s bottom had utterly exhausted the human. He slept against her chest. The doctor had already noted that Pien was calmer and less restless when he was in contact with his Keeper. He was very satisfied to see their relationship was strong and growing stronger. He gave Huma the last of his instructions and gathered his medical supplies before walking to the exterior door.

  Huma waved a thankful goodbye to Dr. Irte and promised to bring Pien into his office after two greennesses for a full check-up. She decided to take his advice to get lots of rest by carrying Pien into her sleeping chamber as soon as the doctor disappeared over the hillside. Pushing the bed against the wall, Huma laid Pien on the far side of the bed. She stretched out on the outer edge of the bed to keep him from falling out. Her bed, of course, didn’t have his crib’s safety railing or the transparent security shield. Huma’s eyes fluttered almost immediately as she began to fall asleep. At the touch of Pien’s body scooting close to hers, she opened her eyes to smile encouragingly at her little human. He moved to lay against her chest with his head nestled against her lower shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him, and they both sighed in contentment. It was a very long time before they both began to stir.

  Chapter 41

  Feeding Pien bite after bite, Huma looked at him critically. His color was better. She had thought his white skin was very pale in comparison to her vibrant Nrantian fur. She had learned during his illness just how devoid of color human skin could become. Now, she saw the beige coloring and warm blushes. She never wanted to see his skin become so transparent and fragile again.

  Pien chattered happily. He felt so much better after Dr. Irte’s treatments and several lora of sleep. He seemed to have forgotten the horrible risk and injuries that had resulted from his decision to run away. Huma’s mind still dwelled on the sight of Pien keeping the wyfters away with only a pile of hard berries.

  Finally, Pien realized that Huma was very quiet. “Are you hurt, Huma? We could call the doctor to come back and fix you, too,” he suggested eagerly. “He knows his stuff. Or does he just treat humans?”

  “I am physically well. My mind keeps picturing you surrounded by wyfters. Why did you run out into the greenness?” she asked, frowning at him. Now, she wished she hadn’t practiced this facial expression. She knew she’d only need this when something had gone wrong.

  “I don’t know why I did it. I knew it was stupid immediately. I heard you calling, but I didn’t want those crazy bird things to attack you, too.” Pien dropped his eyes to the tray of his highchair. “It’s so different here. On Earth, I could go where I wanted - when I wanted. Here, I’m like a little kid. Do you think you’ll be able to forgive me? I’m sorry I put you in danger.”

  “I’m sorry you put yourself in danger as well. Negative behavior earns you negative consequences. Are you ready for your punishment?” she asked quietly.

  His eyes flew up to meet hers. “What kind of punishment?”

  Huma wiped his face and hands before removing the tray from his highchair. She lifted him easily from the chair and set him on his feet in front of her. She unfastened his diaper and removed it, leaving him standing nude in front of her. “You have earned your first spanking.” She grabbed his shoulders when he would have run away. “Pien, you should have already learned that running away gets you in more trouble. I will add five swats to the ten I had intended to give you. I want you to remember this lesson.” She lifted him to lay him over her legs. She easily restrained him as he struggled on her lap. She allowed him to wear himself out before beginning his spanking. When his efforts to get away ended, she calmly raised her hand and dropped it heavily on his white bottom. Instantly, a red handprint appeared on his pale flesh. “Count the spanks, Pien. You have earned fifteen. They won’t count unless you say the number.”

  “Ouch! You can’t beat me. This is wrong,” he shouted.

  She dropped a heavy hand near the pink spot marking his first swat. “One, Pien. Count the spanks for they won’t count.”

  “What! That’s not fair. That’s two,” he howled, squirming on her lap.

  “Whack!” Huma’s hand overlapped the previous spanks. “One, Pien.”

  “Okay, okay, one,” he cried out. His voice grew hoarse as he announced the swats that she delivered without leniency on his tender bottom. Finally, he sobbed, “Fifteen! That’s it, right? You’re not going to spank me anymore? I’ll be good. I promise. I’ll never run away again.”

  Huma tenderly rubbed his red bottom to soothe the stinging flesh. “I am glad to hear that you have learned that your misbehavior will have a direct impact on your bottom. It is not safe for you to be away from me. I am your Keeper. Will you allow me to keep you safe, Pien?”

  “Yes, Huma. I promise,” Pien sobbed, rubbing the tears from his eyes. He tried to console himself that no one from Earth was there to see him cry. He couldn’t help it. Huma’s spankings hurt. “I never want to be spanked again.”

  “I have a feeling that my hand will spank this cute bottom again. I hope that you will think twice next time before you put yourself in danger. I will not be lenient with you next time,” Huma said sternly.

  Pien gulped loudly at the thought that this had been a lenient spanking. “I’m sorry, Huma!” He sobbed until she tenderly lifted him to lay against her chest hugging his naked body to her soft fur. She was glad to see that his penis had responded stiffly to his punishment. He was feeling much better, she observed.

  Chapter 42

  After another nap to recover from his punishment, Huma sat Pien in front of a large screen in their home’s main room. “Pien, this is an entertainment computer. It can be used by humans for short periods of time. The games you play will help you begin to adjust to life here on Nrantia.” She placed one of his hands on a black box and pressed his index finger to a button decorated with squiggles.

  Immediately, Pien pulled back his finger when it was pricked. “Ouch! Did you know that was going to stick me?”

  She nodded. “It needs a drop of your blood to tune the program to you specifically. That’s the last ouchie. I promise.” Huma gestured to the screen. “Watch and see what you think.” She stepped back to observe him as he interacted with the screen. She had watched several humans using the computerized learning system. Their fingers had flown over the screen as they interacted with the learning games. Pien, however, moved hesitantly. His fingers hovered over buttons before moving left or right to choose or press another.

  The computer had implanted a bit of technology in Pien when it delivered that finger prick. Usually, humans were then able to learn successfully. The games were addictive for humans who were allowed to play for too long. Huma knew that Pien was struggling when he turned around in a quarter lora to ask if he could stop. He rubbed his head with one hand.

  Huma turned off the screen immediately and carried him into his nursery. Pien didn’t protest at all when she unfastened his quobon and turned him on his side. Pressing the lubricated reading device deep into his rectum, Huma watched the screen. A green capsule popped from the dispenser. A flashing icon instructed Huma to read a message from the learning system before Pien was allowed to interact with the computer again. Huma removed the reading device and pressed the large, green medicine into his bottom. Almost immediately, Pien fell sound asleep. She tenderly brushed back the blond curls on his forehead. She secured him in bed and went to read the message.

  Nodding, she understood. The system had detected an imbalance in the nerve pathways deep inside Pien’s mind. His brain simply couldn’t process information like oth
er humans could. Even with the boost of the implanted technology, Pien would not be able to learn Nrantian. Huma smiled. Not because the news was pleasing but because it didn’t matter. She and Pien would be fine. They had amassed numerous signs to allow them to talk to each other. She was learning to read Pien’s facial expressions easily.

  Her precious human would sleep for a few lora to recover. She debated whether she should tell him the results of his interaction with the computer learning system. She decided to wait until he awoke. She’d take her clues from his behavior.

  Deciding to take advantage of Pien’s recovery period, she sealed the nursery door. Pien was already secured in his crib, but Huma wasn’t taking any chances. She walked to the evacuation chamber and activated the system. The trauma of the attack had caused her body to create toxins that needed to be removed. She would take care of this now while Pien slept. Then, she wouldn’t need to leave his side for a long time.

  Chapter 43

  Pien woke in the quiet of his nursery. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and was glad to find his headache had disappeared. He knew that he’d failed at the learning system. He dropped his head forward to rub his neck. “You’d think by moving to another planet, a guy would get away from the label of a slow learner,” he said aloud to himself. He shrugged his shoulders. At least Huma hadn’t seemed too upset with him. He tried calling her name, “Huma! Huma! Would you come to get me? I’m awake.”

  Silence was his answer. He pressed against the transparent screen that shielded the top of his crib. It was rock solid, not moving a fraction of an inch. Grabbing the crib railings, he rattled them and called again, “Huma? Huma, are you here?” Again, nothing answered him.

  Pien sank back on his heels in the corner of the crib. What was he going to do if Huma didn’t come for him? Had she decided not to be his Keeper anymore? Surely, she hadn’t just left him. His mind filled with worries and tears overflowed onto his cheeks. He imagined the worst that could happen to him. She was the only person who cared for him here. He suddenly realized how important Huma had become to him.

  He covered his face with his hands, hiding from his own thoughts. Back on Earth, he had enjoyed his job. He tried to be kind to everyone. Criminy, he’d been trying to help Ariel and her family. He bet everyone had laughed at him now for being taken in by the family of con artists. He wondered what happened to the money. Hopefully, everyone didn’t think he’d run off with it. He’d sent the pictures of the supposedly wheelchair-bound girl standing without difficulty. He’d always tried his best. He hoped everyone had known that.

  He heard a small sound as fresh air wafted around him. He dropped his hands to look up. The screen had been raised. Launching himself toward the railing, Pien jumped into Huma’s arms. He kissed her frantically, laying sweet kisses all over her face. “Huma, you’re still here! I thought I’d disappointed you so much that you’d left.” He hugged her, desperately holding himself close.

  “Wow! That is the best greeting I’ve ever gotten. Pien, I would never leave you. I’m your Keeper. What is this about disappointing me?” Huma asked, hugging him close and lifting him over the railing. She swayed to comfort him and kissed the top of his head.

  “I called, and you didn’t come. I know I messed up on the computer thing. I’m sorry. I’ll try it again. I’ll do better the second time,” he promised with his cheek pressed to her broad chest.

  “You didn’t mess up on the computer. It just wasn’t right for you. I’m actually glad you didn’t like it. Some humans become very addicted to the interaction. Their Keepers have to monitor their use closely.” She leaned Pien away from her body to look into his green eyes. “You are a perfect you. I am your Keeper. Forever. I never want you to worry that I’ve left you. I took advantage of your nap to visit the evacuation chamber. The skirmish with the wyfters had left some toxins in my body that needed to be flushed from my system.”

  “Just like Dr. Irte flushed my tummy?” he asked, remembering the thorough cleansing that the doctor had administered. Pien looked down at the purple furry arms around his waist. “You look more purple. Does your color fade when you need to go into the evacuation chamber?”

  “My cleansing was different from yours, but the idea is the same. You are very observant, my little human. Yes, Pien, the first sign that I need to seal myself in the evacuation room is a dulling of my fur. If I failed to take care of myself, then I would begin to have difficulty using my limbs and brain when it gets more severe. I never allow it to reach that dire point.” She shuddered in revulsion.

  All Pien heard was random sounds and whistles. He looked at Huma and pointed to his ears, cupping behind one with his right hand to show he wasn’t understanding her. “Can you hear me?”

  Huma froze and then shook her head slowly to indicate, “no”. All she heard coming from Pien’s mouth was a jumble of sounds without meaning. The time for the translator had elapsed. Pien’s face was pale. She hugged him to her body for reassurance. She made the sign that they had decided for affection. Pien returned the gesture and laid his head on her shoulder snuggling as close as possible.

  Chapter 44

  Huma knew that Pien needed reassurance. Picking up a bottle of lubricant, she carried him into her sleeping chamber and laid him on the bed on his stomach. She began massaging his shoulders and back. The slippery lubricant allowed her to help him relax totally. He moaned in enjoyment as she worked on one shoulder and down that arm to his hand. She elongated the muscles in each finger as she worked the tension from his body. Moving to his toes, she rubbed his feet, relaxing his muscles. She was glad to see that the cuts and abrasions from his run through the greenness were healing well. Sliding her hands up to smooth the gnarled muscles from his calves and thighs, she could feel Pien’s small motions of pressing his pelvis against the soft padding of the bed.

  Her hands glided up to cup his bottom. “My little human is so handsome,” she crooned to him, knowing that he couldn’t understand her words. Huma knew that he would understand her touch perfectly. His hips began to rise toward her hands and Pien turned his head to the side, giving Huma a glimpse of his dazed expression. Her fingers parted his muscled buttocks and spread them slightly.

  Pien’s mouth opened with a deep moan as Huma revealed his clenched anus to her view. Pien was almost beyond thought. His mind and body were focused on Huma’s hands. The feel of her soft fur brushing slightly against his body as the lubricant allowed her hands to glide across his sensitive skin. They were everywhere. Her four hands seemed to touch every part of his body. “There!” his mind froze as a large fuzzy finger pressed against his anus, sending shock waves through his body. In and out it glided as her other hands pressed deep into his muscles. On a slow glide out of his body, her finger disappeared, and he felt his body cradled by her strong arms as she turned his body over. He looked up at her with emotions etched into his expressive face: lust, love, trust.

  She smiled at his stunned expression as she began massaging his lean muscled chest with her hands. Working her way from this neck down, she hesitated briefly at his tightly budded nipples. He moaned her name as she plucked at his left nipple while lowering her mouth to run her tongue around the pink flesh. Huma felt his hand cup the back of her hand gently. She allowed him to pull her lips up to meet his. Huma invaded his mouth taking control and wrapping her two tongues erotically around his. Her hands caressed further down his torso to finally wrap one hand around his raging penis.

  Pien tore his mouth away from hers. He didn’t want Huma to just pleasure him. He wanted to please her as well. He began to run his hands over her furred torso. When he brushed the center of her lower abdomen, he heard Huma gasp in reaction. She was so sensitive here. Pien began to explore. He could feel the long indentation that she had revealed to him so long ago in the bathing chamber. He looked at her for permission and Huma nodded immediately. His fingers began to press down the seam and the furred skin began to open to his touch.

  Pressing Huma to roll on her si
de, Pien fingers glided into the hidden cleft. A well of moisture coated his hand as he explored her body. Remembering her descriptions of her erogenous points, he concentrated on running his fingers around the sensitive openings of her body. He pushed her over onto her back and lowered his lips to her hidden channels. Hearing her increasing moans, Pien smoothed a finger inside the lower opening while his other hand stimulated the upper passage.

  Suddenly, it was too much for Huma. She lifted Pien with her strong arms and positioned him between her legs. Watching his face for any sign of discomfort, Huma pressed the tip of his penis to her upper channel. Her hands wrapped around his back and buttocks to pull him toward her aroused body.

  An enormous smile covered Pien’s face. He loved knowing that Huma was as eager for the feel of his body inside her as he was to press into her body. He did not hesitate. Slowly, he entered her gripping channel. When his bare pelvis met her body, Pien groaned at the overwhelming sensations of her soft fur brushing his dehaired flesh and her tight body wrapped around his. He began to ease himself in and out of her body slowly. Looking at her quizzically, Pien withdrew totally from one channel and pressed deeply into the lower.


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