The Keepers Collection

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The Keepers Collection Page 15

by Pepper North

  A low hum began to flow from Huma’s throat. She gripped his hips and lower back with an urgent grip. She felt her eyes roll back at the feel of his body invading all of her as his talented fingers teased her openings. Finally, she could take no more. Her body tightened around his penis, holding it in place. Her flesh rippled around him, pushing him into his orgasm as she found her pleasure. Huma pulled Pien’s torso down to rest on hers as she kissed his swollen lips fervently.

  Finally, the sensations began to ebb for both the Nrantian and her little human. Huma could feel her body easing around Pien’s organ and she rolled their bodies over to rest on their sides. Pien’s hand cupped Huma’s jaw and his fingers smoothed across her mouth. When she smiled, he returned the elated expression. They began to drift into sleep, entangled together.

  Huma knew it would all be okay. Pien was safe. They could communicate even without the translator. Her human astonished her each lora she spent with him. Their bonding was complete. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of Pien’s smooth flesh pressed to her fur.

  Chapter 45

  The following pinkness, Huma once again took Pien into the bathing chamber and washed him thoroughly. She ensured that Pien was clean for his appointment with Dr. Irte in just a couple of lora. When they emerged, she wrapped a nude Pien tightly in a blanket before picking him up in her strong arms. She placed her hand on the glowing screen to open the door and exited their home.

  Pien did not struggle against the tight swaddling around him. He knew Huma was remembering the evening he tangled with the wyfters. It would be a long time before she would allow him to roam freely. He had no idea where they were going, but he enjoyed seeing more of Nrantia. The brightly colored flowers and plants were gorgeous in the pinkness light.

  Soon, he began to see more buildings clustered together. There were other Nrantians walking around. Many seemed to hail Huma. She acknowledged their words with a nod and a wave, indicating the human in her arms. Everyone nodded and stepped from their path. Finally, Huma stopped in front of a large building. There were squiggles on the building that Pien didn’t think were decorations. He realized that the complicated scrawl must be Nrantian letters. No wonder my brain wouldn’t learn that, he thought with a rueful smile.

  To enter, Huma pressed her hand against the familiar glowing screen. The entrance opened, and they walked in to see something appear on the wall in front of them. Huma went to the door with that same symbol and once again activated the door with a simple press of her hand. She carried him inside.

  Pien was intimidated by the completely white room. A chair with a very high back sat in the middle of the room. When the door on the opposite way from their entry point slid open, Pien knew where they were. Dr. Irte walked in the room. Huma had told him that he would see Dr. Irte again for a complete check-up. He swallowed hard. He didn’t like doctors when he was back on Earth. Dr. Irte was a big Nrantian. He had made Pien feel so much better after the wyfter attack. Maybe, I’ll like Dr. Irte better than Earth doctors, he tried to reassure himself.

  The doctor began to talk to Huma, and she responded, pointing to Pien with a wave by his ears. The doctor shook his head and walked to the wall. A panel appeared before him, and he pressed a button before turning to speak again. Pien jumped when he understood the words. “So, they have turned off your translator, little human. Here in my office, we will need to talk so I will activate it for you. If you behave well today, I will allow you to stay in the exam room for a half lora to speak with your Keeper. I bet you’d like that,” he said with a look back at Huma.

  “Yes, sir,” Pien said quickly. “I’ll be very good.”

  “Perfect! Huma unwrap the blanket and set Pien down here on the table,” the doctor instructed firmly.

  Pien tried to hold on to the blanket to cover his privates, but Huma removed it from his clutching fingers. She frowned at him. Pien nodded and put his hands in his lap to shield himself at least a little.

  “What was your name on Earth, Pien?” the doctor asked, making notes for himself.

  “Pieter Nillson,” Pien replied as he looked around the sparse room. It was very intimidating to be sitting in the middle of an empty room without your clothes.

  “Pien, how old were you when you left Earth?” the doctor questioned.

  “I was twenty-three,” Pien said softly as he realized that he’d never have another birthday.

  “Did you have a career?” Dr. Irte continued.

  “I guess. A career is a big word for a professional job. I wasn’t a professional. I had too much trouble in school to be something academic. I had a job in an animal shelter. I was in charge of feeding, bathing, and cleaning the kennels. I worked very hard and loved being around the animals.” Pien smiled as he remembered playing with the dogs that had been in the shelter for a long time. They loved his attention.

  Dr. Irte looked confused at Pien’s statements about the kennels and the animal shelter. He looked at Huma for confirmation, and she nodded to him. The doctor decided to ask her to explain at a different time. “I am the doctor who has chosen to specialize in the treatment of humans. You will see me on a regular basis. I will monitor your health and ensure that your Keeper is maintaining your body, mind, and emotional stability well. If not, another Keeper will take over your care.”

  Looking with a panicked expression at Huma, Pien tried to leave the chair to hold on to Huma. She moved quickly to hold him on the chair. “Huma, he doesn’t mean it, does he? He’s not going to take me away from you,” he demanded.

  “Calm down, Pien. As long as you are happy and healthy in my care, I will remain your Keeper,” she assured him.

  The doctor made additional notes in his file. He could tell now that the pair were fully bonded. He was pleased to note this. He pressed a button, and the chair under Pien began to move as it morphed into an exam table. “Pien, your chair is reclining for your exam.” As soon as the little human was lying flat, a thin beam of purple light began to flow over Pien’s body. “Hold still for the exam, Pien.” The doctor and Huma watched the results of the scan appear on a lighted screen on the wall. When the light disappeared, they moved quickly to restrain Pien’s arms and legs to the exam table.

  Huma explained what was happening to Pien. “The computer scan has completed. Now Dr. Irte will conduct his manual exam.” She stepped back so the doctor could examine Pien’s eyes, ears, and mouth. He ran his fingers around Pien’s teeth before stepping back and opening a panel in the wall.

  He returned to his bedside and said, “Pien, open your mouth. A little wider, please. That’s it!” he praised as he slipped a device that fit between Pien’s upper and lower teeth. “Bite down, Pien.” When his instructions had been followed, he said, “Open.” He removed the device and inserted it into a small bin in the wall. Almost immediately four small items dropped into a receiving bowl. He picked one up and held it to Pien’s lips.

  Automatically, Pien opened his mouth as he looked cross-eyed at the thing in Dr. Irte’s hand. He allowed the doctor to insert it to rest on his tongue. Instantly, the pacifier-like device sealed itself to his tongue and teeth. Pien tried to push it out with his tongue and a minty liquid squirted into his mouth. Pien smiled instantly around the pacifier. That liquid was so good. He felt his body calm, and his mind settled easily, erasing his panic.

  “This is a tranquilizing device that I designed for humans. As a species, they become very nervous at times. The tranquilizer makes a trip to the doctor easier. Not all humans respond to this device. It appears that Pien is very happy with his tranquillizer. I have prepared extras for you.” He handed them to Huma and waved a hand. A small table appeared behind Huma. “I’ll send a number of things home with you for the care of your human. There is a carrying bag on the table. Start putting everything in there to take home.”

  He turned back to his patient. “Pien, I’m going to complete your physical. I will be testing your reactions as well as examining your body. It is very possible that you wi
ll be aroused by my exam. That is very normal. It is also important that your Keeper and I are able to make sure all your bodily systems are functional. Suck on your tranquillizer if you become nervous.”

  The doctor continued his exam, moving across Pien’s nude body. He stopped at his nipples and rolled the left and then the right in a firm pinch watching them clench tightly while Pien wiggled on the table. The doctor noted that Pien’s penis had begun rising when he had been restrained. It had reached a full erection when the tranquillizer had sealed his mouth closed. Now, the touch on his sensitive nipples were causing the engorged penis to jerk in reaction.

  Moving his hands to examine Pien’s stomach and bowels, Dr. Irte looked at Huma and asked, “Is he using his quobon for all his needs?”

  She nodded immediately. “Pien is adjusting to his quobon. He frequently urinates in his quobon. He’s had several cleansings, so he hasn’t needed to defecate into his diaper yet. I anticipate that this will be difficult for him,” she answered honestly.

  “That is very common. I will program his treatment program for the reading device in your home to begin adding a softening agent to his bowels. This will make it easier for him to pass solid waste into his quobon,” the doctor shared. He moved his hands to Pien’s toes, and he examined his feet and legs before moving to the wall and pressing a different button. Pien’s chair began to move, the bottom section divided apart and bent to reveal his bottom and spread his buttocks apart. Pien struggled but then relaxed as the tranquillizer emitted a minty burst, calming him immediately.

  Dr. Irte stepped between his thighs and began to run his fingers over Pien’s bare skin. “Huma, I am glad to see that you followed my recommendation to remove his pubic hair. He will be much cleaner in his quobon. I recommend that all humans be completely undressed for at least a lora each day, so all their tissues will benefit from exposure to the air. It is even better if this period of being undressed is conducted outside in the pinkness. Humans are very private creatures. You will have to help Pien adjust to being undressed completely first around you and then, in front of other Nrantians or humans.”

  The doctor dabbed a gooey mixture on the top of Pien’s penis. He looked at Huma and said, “Hold Pien’s hand and block his view. Male humans become very disturbed when something enters this organ.” He waited until Huma moved Pien’s head to the side holding it firmly to look at her. She grasped his hand and knelt, so they were at eye level.

  “Aaaahhhh! No! Stop, please!” Pien’s muffled voice begged around the tranquillizer as a thin probe advanced into his urethra, threading itself deep into his penis and into his bladder. Pien looked desperately at Huma.

  “Huma, touch the tranquillizer, and it will spray additional calming medicine into Pien’s mouth.” He attached a receptacle at a spout in the exterior section of the probe and filled it with urine sucked from Pien’s bladder. The excess urine was whisked quickly away and discarded. He rubbed Pien’s inner thighs. “Almost done here. You’re doing very well.” He illuminated a screen, and the inside of Pien’s bladder appeared on the wall behind Pien’s head. The doctor and Huma watched carefully as the bladder walls appeared.

  “Huma, do you see those small red spots? That is a sign that Pien’s urine is too concentrated. He needs to drink more liquids. Will he drink from a bottle?” At her nod, the doctor continued, “Perfect! Begin giving him a bottle when he wakes up, at mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and before he goes to sleep. Push liquids at meal times.”

  “Yes, doctor,” Huma nodded, making a mental note. She leaned forward to kiss Pien’s forehead. “I’m glad we came to the doctor, little human. We need to make sure that you are healthy. And I’ll take any opportunities to hold you in my arms.” She smiled tenderly at him. When he jumped, she smoothed a hand over his blond curls as she lifted her eyes to watch the probe retract as the image on the screen showed the sides of the sensitive pathway into his penis.

  At the tip, the insert hesitated. Dr. Irte triggered the release of a numbing medication that would relieve any irritation from the probe. His patient moaned low in his throat as the doctor deftly removed the probe. Again, he rubbed the skin of Pien’s inner thighs that trembled. “You are a very brave little human. Huma is very lucky to be your Keeper. I’ll examine your bottom now, and then you’ll be all done for today.”

  Dr. Irte applied a generous amount of lubricant to one of his large fingers while Pien looked on with dismay. Huma turned his head to meet her eyes, averting his gaze. Pien’s hips lifted as the doctor’s finger pressed against his anus and then into his rectum. Huma moved to press a restraining hand on his lower abdomen, keeping him pinned in place. Pien’s eyes begged her to stop the doctor. Huma brushed a hand through the curls that had flopped over his forehead before touching the tranquillizer once again. When she saw the panic leave Pien’s eyes, she said softly to him, “Thank you for allowing the doctor to examine you fully. I want to make sure that you are healthy and that I’m taking good care of you. Pien, you’ve become very special to me. I don’t want to lose you.”

  The closeness of her hand to his penis combined with her sweet words and the deep probing and rubbing of the doctor’s fingers within his rectum caused his penis to begin to stiffen quickly. Pien groaned as he tried to move his privates away from the doctor and toward Huma’s warm hand. The doctor’s fingers pressed against a very sensitive area between his rectum and his testicles. Pien’s eyes rolled up in his head in reaction to the wave of pleasure that he felt. His head jerked up as the doctor removed his fingers. He had been so close to an orgasm. He dropped his head in disbelief onto the padded table.

  A low chuckle filled the room. “I know, little human. You were responding very well. I need to check further into your tummy, and then I’ll make sure you find your pleasure,” Dr. Irte promised Pien as he pressed a metallic probe into Pien’s relaxed rectum. The probe advanced through Pien’s bowels. The feel of the invading probe was not painful, but it was often disconcerting to humans. Dr. Irte and Huma watched the pictures again on the screen as the probe reached deep into Pien’s intestine. Dr. Irte stopped the probe’s advancement when it reached the barrier of solid waste filling the passageway ahead. He pressed a button, and the probe began to hum and vibrate inside of Pien’s body.

  Instantly, Pien’s erection stiffened to attention. He could feel the buzzing against that sensitive spot that Dr. Irte had been examining. There was no way to prevent his orgasm. It came crashing over his body. His eyelids drooped over his unseeing eyes. He felt something cover the head of his penis as he ejaculated over and over again. Finally, the vibrations ended, and the probe began to retract from his intestines.

  Pien heard a low conversation between Huma and the doctor as he recovered on the table. A large suppository was administered deep in his rectum. The doctor rubbed his inner thighs one last time, sending shock waves through his overstimulated body. He felt the warmth of the doctor’s body ebb as he stepped away from the table and quietly exited the exam room. Pien had earned extra time with his Keeper and the translator. The table below Pien began to slide back into a simple chair as the restraints released from his wrists and ankles. Pien slumped to the side into Huma’s powerful arms.

  The pleased Keeper cuddled her Little to her chest, rubbing his back to comfort him. “You have been so brave, Pien. I am very proud of you,” she praised as she wrapped his bottom in a fresh quobon before swaddling him in the blanket. She sat on the exam table with his body close to hers. She talked to him about her joy of having him in her life and how important he was to her. The words swirled around in his brain, and he looked at her with his heart in his eyes. Huma nodded to him reassuringly. “I know, Pien. You love me as much as I have come to love you. Our time with the translator will be up in a short time. Thank you for being such a good human for Dr. Irte. He was pleased to reward you with some additional time with the translator. Do you have anything you wish to say to me?” When he nodded his head, she pressed a release and pulled the tranquill
izer from his mouth.

  “I love you, Huma. I’m glad I’m here with you. Thank you for caring for me just as I am. I’m sorry I can’t learn Nrantian,” Pien said, smiling sadly at her.

  “We don’t need to speak Nrantian to understand each other, do we? I’m sure we’ll be just fine without talking. Besides, we can always come back to see Dr. Irte. He’ll be glad to give you another exam,” Huma teased. The outer door opened, and Huma knew the translator had been turned off. She kissed Pien’s sweet lips before pressing the tranquillizer back between his lips and dispensing more of the minty liquid into his mouth. She waited until Pien’s eyes drifted closed before standing. Huma picked up the heavy bag of supplies. She carried her precious cargo home and tucked him in his crib. As she stood looking over his sweet face, Huma realized that her joy of being chosen as a Keeper could not compare to her feelings that she had for this small, defenseless human. She closed the shield over his crib, sealing him safely inside and walked slowly from the room. Her little human needed his sleep.

  Chapter 46

  Several pinknesses later, Pien had recovered entirely from his encounter with the wyfters. He had learned his lesson and would not try to run away again. Huma still kept a close eye on him.

  They communicated through their predesigned gestures. Although it was awkward, they were able to understand what the other person was trying to say. Pien still talked to himself in Swedish. He wanted to maintain a small bit of individuality. He heard a lot of Nrantian as Huma interacted with their neighbors and video calls through the large screen.

  Today, Pien was wandering outside in the nude. Dr. Irte had instructed Huma that humans need to have some time out in the pinkness with all their skin exposed. It felt weird to not wear a quobon. He hadn’t thought he’d ever get used to it, but when he was not wearing one, he missed it. Now, he was uncomfortable when he didn’t have a quobon wrapped around his hips. Especially, when Huma made him play outside. His body was revealed to everyone around. He didn’t even have his pubic hair to shield his penis from view.


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