The Keepers Collection

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The Keepers Collection Page 18

by Pepper North

  His hand wrapped around hers instantly. “Ouch, little one. You will need to touch nicely.” He pulled her hand from his chest and laid it on her thigh. His hand held it in place.

  Naja looked down her body realizing for the first time that she was almost entirely naked. She wrapped her free arm around her breasts as she struggled to pull her hand out from under his. “Where are my clothes?” she demanded. “Let me go!”

  Moving her easily, Srih leaned her back into a reclined position and pressed the bottle back into her mouth to soothe her once again with the maigriri milk. “Drink, Naja. I will explain when you are calm.” Her eyes shot fiery rebellion at him for a few seconds before the fluid again sedated her.

  “You were taken by one of our scientific teams. We have many teams on your planet to study your civilization. The vast majority of the time, no resident of Earth discovers that we visited. However, on a rare occasion, someone detects our activity. We are unable to leave the individual on Earth to share the news of our presence.”

  “That flare of light! That was you!” Naja pushed the bottle away.

  “It was a scientific team,” Srih confirmed.

  “Take me back,” she demanded.

  “That is impossible. You have been in stasis for a very long time. The equivalent of twenty Earth years has passed. Human bodies are not strong enough to travel in stasis for two transport cycles. You will now live here with me. I am your Keeper,” Srih explained logically.

  As he watched her digest that information, Srih glided the bottle’s nipple back into her mouth. He watched with relief as she swallowed automatically and began to relax against his hard body. To his dismay, a lone tear rolled slowly from her eye. Gently, he wiped it away. She had processed that even if she left today to return, many of her family would not be waiting for her.

  “You are not alone, little human. I will always be with you,” Srih said softly. He was shocked as she accidentally knocked the bottle out of his hand as she sat up to press herself against him. Her small arms wrapped around his thick waist. Srih moved his hand up and down her back to soothe her. When his fur became wet, he knew she needed some additional support. The trainers had warned that human females especially could be very emotional and could need special treatment.

  He stood with her pressed against his muscular body. Her fingers clung to his fur as his heavy steps jarred her hold. Srih placed her lying on her back. He pressed one strong hand against the middle of her torso. His fingers extended over the generous swell of her breasts. His soft fur grazing her nipples stimulated them to contract.

  Another hand wrapped around her ankles and lifted her heavy legs into the air without a hint of difficulty. Naja felt small and dainty for the first time in her life. He moved her without a trace of strain. One of his forearms was the size of her thigh. When the hand around her ankles pulled her legs over her head, she realized what a revealing position she was in as the wrapping around her hips loosened and fell to the table. She started to struggle.

  “Calm down, Naja. I need to take your reading.” He easily held her in place as he withdrew a large rod from a panel lit with blinking lights.

  When he pressed it against her anus, Naja bucked up against it. “Stop! What are you doing? No, it’s too big,” she demanded as he slid the rod into her small passageway stretching her body. “Why?” she demanded as she struggled against his restraining arms.

  She froze as one of his fingers brushed against her clitoris. The soft velvety fur smoothed across the nerve-rich site. Instantly, her body responded to his touch. Her tear-filled eyes met his. “No,” she moaned. “It’s not right.”

  His fingers were skillful as they explored the slick folds between her legs. The rod in her rectum seemed to throb and swell. She tried to resist but her eyes closed as the pleasure grew. The thick tip of one finger began to press into her vagina. Between the thick rod in her bottom and the stretch of his finger into her soaked channel, Naja began to pant heavily as her arousal rose quickly. The brush of that velvety fur against the side of her vagina stimulated all her secret triggers.

  Naja heard a computer-like ding come from above her, but her attention was too focused on his hands. She froze in place and then tried to arch upward as her body exploded with pleasure. Naja looked up at him with dazed eyes. With just a few touches, this strange being had evoked sensations that had rocked her deeply.

  As she tried to regain her breath, Srih removed the probe from her tight rectum. Holding her legs raised, he quickly inserted the medicine the computer had formulated for her. His finger pressing into her anus launched a new series of contractions in her body. He watched her eyes close in pleasure once again.

  His precious human was so responsive. She was a delight. He was a very lucky Keeper.

  As the medicine began to take effect, the fingers of her small hand wrapped around one of his fingers that pressed on her torso, holding her in place. Her fingers clung to him as her body relaxed onto the table. Holding onto his finger for reassurance that she was safe, Naja drifted back into sleep. She promised herself that she would fight harder when her body had recovered.

  Chapter 52

  Naja’s eyes burst open. She held her body still as she glanced around to take note of her surroundings. The enormous, purple figure was not in sight. Naja dared to sit up. She was in an enclosed area with tall sides. The surface under her body was padded and adjusted easily to her. She realized that she was in something very close to a baby’s crib.

  Pushing herself shakily to her feet, Naja reached for the top of the barrier in front of her. She was just tall enough to wrap her hands over the edge. Damn, I wish I’d used that gym membership. There was no way that she would be able to pull her weight over.

  Sinking to her knees, Naja looked around the room filled with a curious pink light. In front of her was an eye-catching display of colors that formed a landscape. The hues were bright and vivid. It looked like the cover of a science fiction novel. Was this Nrantia?

  Her eyes flew to the doorway as it opened with a whisper of sound. The large, purple figure walked in with just a touch of a smile. Naja shrank into the corner of the enclosed bed. “Who are you?” she demanded.

  “Good pinkness, Naja! I am glad to see that you are moving your muscles easier today. There is no need to be afraid. I am your Keeper. My name is Srih,” he reminded her. “It is a great honor for me to take care of you, Naja.”

  “My name is Erin,” she answered hesitantly, staying in the far corner as he approached the bed. Her eyes feasted on his body. As a scientist, she always dreamed that there were actually inhabitants on other planets.

  “Your name on Earth was Erin. It is lovely, but your life is now on Nrantia. Nrantians will not be able to pronounce your name here,” Srih gently explained.

  “You can say it,” she quickly answered.

  “I can say it now through the transmitter because you hear me speaking English. After your adjustment period, the transmitter will switch off,” Srih explained as he reached the crib and leaned his forearms against it to talk to her.

  The thought of not being able to understand what anyone was saying scared her. Erin nodded her head slowly. Her Spanish teacher back in high school had required everyone to choose a Spanish name to use in class. She’d had fun being Rosaria. She’d look at this the same way. Naja was a pretty name when he said it.

  Looking at his massive size, Naja blurted out, “Are you going to eat me?” She didn’t think so, but she wanted to make sure.

  “No, little human. I am your Keeper. I would give my life to keep you safe,” he responded with that smile as if she amused him.

  A silence stretched between them as Naja considered his words. Slowly she walked on her knees toward him. She needed someone to trust. She held her breath as two of his arms reached toward her. When he easily lifted her from the crib, she clung to his broad shoulders.

  “I will not drop you, little human,” he promised. He took her back to the high padded ta
ble. As he began to lay her down, her grip tightened on his body. “Naja, I will not hurt you, but you must allow me to take care of you.”

  “You’re going to put that thing back into my bottom,” she accused.

  “The reading device scans your body and provides any nutrients that your body or mind needs. I will place this often into your rectum. Your previous Keeper had not taken care of you. You were significantly deficient in key nutrients when you arrived,” Srih patiently explained.

  “I didn’t have a Keeper. I took care of myself,” Naja indignantly responded. The distraction caused her to loosen her fingers, and she found herself stretched out on the table once again. “Nooo!” she wailed.

  “Little human, you are not being cooperative. Close your eyes and hold my finger tightly as I take your reading. It will be over soon.” He slid a finger into her grasp and winced as she squeezed it tightly. He lifted her legs and lubricated the reader. Srih pushed it into the small opening between her full buttocks. Naja had clenched her bottom to try to keep the device out, but the rounded design on the end pressed inside easily.

  To distract her, Srih began talking. “It is now the pinkness. This is the equivalent to your day. I will feed you and then, perhaps, you would like to look outside?”

  “Does it really look like that?” Naja asked, pointing to the beautiful painting on the wall.

  “Even more beautiful,” Srih assured her as the computer beeped and dispensed two orange capsules. Before Naja could process what would happen next, Srih quickly pressed the capsules into her bottom. He wrapped a fresh quobon around her hips and picked her up. Looking at her disgruntled face, he once again practiced that smile.

  “You put stuff in my bottom,” she accused.

  “All human medication here on Nrantia is administered rectally,” he honestly replied.

  “I don’t like it!”

  “I understand.” Srih could not tell her he would cease giving her medicine. Several times each day the reader would dispense anything that her body needed. “Are you hungry, Naja?” he asked as he walked out of the nursery and into the main living space. He paused to allow her to look around her new home. Almost immediately, her stomach growled.

  Trying to ignore her hunger, Naja wrapped her arms around her exposed breasts. “I need some clothes,” she demanded.

  “Are you cold, little human?”

  “No,” she admitted, “but I can’t just go around naked.”

  “Why not?” Srih asked puzzled. “I am not wearing unnecessary coverings. I am the only one here with you. I am your Keeper.”

  “It’s not right! People don’t just go around naked!” Naja was exasperated.

  “On Earth, you mean?’

  “Yes! Back home everyone wore clothes!” she protested.

  “Nrantia is your new home. There are new ways of behaving. Clothes are not necessary here. Now, let’s feed your stomach before it gets really angry,” he soothed.

  Ignoring her desire to continue arguing, Srih carried her to the table and sat her in the elevated chair so she could see the table top. He quickly fastened her in place with the tray that fit over the arms of the chair. Gathering many dishes for her to try, Srih sat at the table and speared a blue chunk of food and held it to her lips.

  “I can feed myself,” she reached for the strange utensil that he was holding. She still wrapped one hand around her breasts to shield them. Srih didn’t even seem to notice.

  “Naja, it is my purpose as your Keeper to take care of you. I will feed you,” Srih said. His triangular face looked at her seriously. He held a light blue chunk to her lips. “Try this, Naja. I think you will like it.”

  Her stomach growled, urging her to eat. Covering her tummy with both hands, she opened her mouth obediently. When he placed it in her mouth, Naja bit down on the cool cube. An explosion of a creamy flavor that tasted like a crunchy milkshake burst over her taste buds. “I love it,” she enthused as she chewed. Immediately after swallowing, she opened her mouth again. If all Nrantian food tasted this good, she would be very pleased.

  A thought crossed her mind. “Is it fattening?”

  Looking confused, Srih repeated, “Fattening?”

  Naja blushed and poked her rounded stomach. “You know… Will it make me heavier? I don’t want to gain any more weight.”


  “Because I’ll be fat and unattractive,” she blushed. “Or fatter.”

  “You, little human, are perfect. I am much larger than you are. I plan to eat…a lot. You will not become unhealthy here, Naja. Eat what you like and enjoy. I think you are very attractive,” Srih logically responded. “Now try this for me.”

  When Naja nodded eagerly, Srih smiled and placed a green square into her mouth. Naja chomped down on it hungrily. A crisp flavor like unsalted potato chips filled her mouth. “Mmmm!” she hummed in enjoyment.

  She hesitated and looked at him. “Aren’t you going to eat, too?”

  “Nrantians only need to eat once a day. Your human metabolism requires nourishment several times a day to be healthy. I will eat with you during the greenness meal,” Srih explained. His smile returned as she nodded her head as if she agreed but indicating that she really didn’t understand. He would leave it to her to ask questions when she wished.

  As the meal continued, Naja decided that most Nrantian foods were yummy. A bright yellow globe like a grape from back home was the only thing that Naja despised. Her favorite was the first thing that she had tried. She ate as much of the light blue jera that Srih would allow her to eat.

  At the end of the meal, Srih lifted her from the tall chair and cradled her on his lap. He held a bottle of a purple liquid to her lips. It was a hydrating mixture that contained a small amount of maigriri milk. Both the computer reading and Srih’s observations had noted that Naja was prone to anxiety. The maigriri milk would take the edge off her nervousness as he took her outside to see Nrantia.

  Naja wiggled and struggled to sit up, but Srih held her securely in position. Placing the nipple in her mouth, he began to talk to her to distract her. Thirsty after eating, Naja settled down to drink the delicious liquid as Srih described what she would see outside.

  The bottle was almost empty when the need to pee hit Naja. She squeezed her legs together as she pressed the bottle away. “Srih, I need to use the bathroom now,” she urgently said as she struggled to sit up.

  When one of his hands began to press into her lower abdomen, she urgently pleaded, “No! I’ll have an accident.”

  “Your quobon will absorb your waste. I will clean your skin, and we will go outside to explore,” Srih answered as if this was totally normal.

  “Aaaahh!” she moaned as she lost control and urinated strongly into the quobon. Instantly she began to cry. Why was he forcing her to have an accident? Adults didn’t pee in their pants! Unable to see through her tears, Naja missed the concerned expression on Srih’s face as he shifted her to lay against his chest.

  Contact with his warm, solid body calmed her slightly. Two large softly-furred hands rubbed up and down her back, soothing her as if he sensed her need to cry. Naja sobbed for all she had lost and for all the challenges and changes that already faced her in her new life. Srih became the rock in her life instantly. He cared for her. She could tell that in the way he touched her and looked at her. Finally, she was able to staunch the flow of her tears.

  She was a mess. She hid her face against Srih. She’d never been a pretty crier. She knew there was snot running from her nose and her face was all blotchy. She tried to cling to Srih as he eased her away from his body, but he was too strong.

  With care not to hurt her, he pressed her backward and cleaned her face with the cloth he had used to wipe her mouth during the meal. “Little human, you are making me very sad. Is it so bad to be living with me?” His eyes watched her carefully. He did not seem repulsed by her snotty appearance.

  Meeting the kind being’s eyes, Naja whispered, “No, Srih. You’re the only thin
g that I have here. You’ll always be… my Keeper?” she asked, struggling to find the correct words.

  “Always, little human.” He carried her to her sleeping chamber and efficiently changed her quobon before lifting her again into his arms. “Now, come. Let’s go outside to explore. I think you need some fresh Nrantian air. I will create a protective suit for you to wear. You will not need it. I will be there to care for you, but it will ease my mind.”

  He set her on her feet and scanned her body carefully. When he pressed buttons on a panel on the wall, there was a hum, and a protective suit appeared. Crouching by her side, Srih helped her step into the suit, and he sealed up the opening with a smoothing motion of his hand. When she was protected, he stood and extended a hand to her. “Come, Naja. Let me show you your new home.”

  Chapter 53

  Naja took small, unbalanced steps next to Srih. She appreciated his bulk as her body tried to adjust to the difference in how her body functioned on Nrantia. Slowly, they approached the door. Naja carefully watched as Srih pressed his hand against a lighted square placed high on the wall next to the door. She was immediately distracted as the door slid open.

  A riot of colors struck her eyes. “Wow!” she enthused. “It’s so beautiful!” The sky was a mass of pink. Below, a thick, blue type of plant covered the ground. She took a step out of the door and her covered feet sunk into the luxurious ground cover. Her eyes immediately went to the sky searching for stars visible even during what must be the daytime but the pink hue disguised any signs.

  Srih held her hand to steady her uncoordinated footsteps as she walked away from the large home. His eyes scanned everywhere to guard against anything that could harm his precious Naja. After a short distance, his little human was breathing heavily. She needed to rest.

  Sinking athletically to sit on the trawl, Srih scooped her off her feet and sat her sideways on his lap. There, she could look around easily and see him as well. Srih had noticed that her eyes returned to him frequently as if to reassure herself that he was nearby. His protective instinct to keep her safe blossomed.


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