The Keepers Collection

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The Keepers Collection Page 21

by Pepper North

  “Are there a lot of humans here?” Naja rushed to ask.

  “Some, but not many. You’ll meet others later, I’m sure. Our Keepers think it’s important for us to get to see each other.” Payi glanced up at Oreg. “I think they like to talk about us, too. Everyone is pretty normal. The only gorgeous one amongst our group is Pien. He’s model perfect, but he can’t learn Nrantian. He couldn’t talk to anyone until I got here and knew French.”

  “Why can’t he talk like I do to Srih? Somehow, we understand each other,” Naja looked puzzled.

  “When humans arrive on Nrantia, they are implanted with a translator. That translator is turned off after an initial period for the human to adjust to life here. Have you played with the computer yet?” Payi asked waving a hand toward the screen.

  “I have but just for a short time. Then, Srih made me stop. I didn’t want to,” Naja complained.

  “He is a good Keeper.” Payi nodded approvingly. “The training program can be harmful in large doses. It is addictive like a drug. You will need to interact with it to learn Nrantian and about life here but in short segments of time. Do you have any toys?”

  Naja blushed remembering the plush soft bear that she had clung to during her nap. “Payi,” she whispered furiously. “He treats me like a little girl.”

  “Here you are like a little child. You are smaller and not equipped to survive. Our bodies are different, so their methods of caring for us seem strange at first. You’ll adjust to Srih’s dedication to you. It’s much easier if you trust that his priority is keeping you happy and healthy. If being treated like a little girl makes you happy, why worry about what others think?”

  Why, indeed? Naja’s mind raced inside her head. It really didn’t matter. No one from home would ever see her. A crinkling sack brought her attention back to Payi.

  “I brought you a welcome to Nrantia present. Sometimes it’s nice to do something fun. Oreg made these for me when I described these as something I used to like to do when I was a kid. I thought you might like them also,” Payi smiled as she handed Naja the small bag.

  Looking curiously inside, Naja laughed and pulled out a thick folder containing a bunch of pages that looked like they had come from a child’s coloring book. These were a little more challenging with more intricate designs. The images were unlike anything that Naja had ever seen. Naja looked at several very closely.

  “Hey, these are super neat! I haven’t seen all these things. Are they real Nrantian images?” she asked flipping through the pages.

  “They are all pictures made from something like a photo, or at least the Nrantian version of a photo. There are some colors in there, too,” Payi said scooting closer to loot inside the bag with Naja.

  Soon both girls were stretched out on their tummies on the floor with the colored sticks scattered between them. They happily colored as they chatted about different aspects of life on Nrantia. Naja took advantage of having Payi there to ask questions. She hadn’t been there long enough even to know what she should ask. They talked a bit about home but not too much. Payi didn’t like to talk about her life before coming to Nrantia. She was happy here and had adjusted to her new life.

  Talking to Payi was terrific. She helped Naja realize that she would become acclimated to her new life with time. I hope I get to see her often, so I can ask her new questions when I have them. “Payi, do you live close to us?”

  “Oh, yes. It is not far.” Payi pointed at an angle to signal in which direction Oreg’s home was located.

  Nodding happily, Naja turned back to her coloring page with a big blue coloring stick in her hand. She asked several questions about the items in her picture but avoided trying to find out more information about the shadowy figure partially drawn in the corner. Anything that had legs like a giant spider was something she preferred not to know existed.

  When they had finished their pictures, Oreg stood, signaling that their visit would end. He smiled at Payi as she rushed to hug his legs before showing him her picture. Very solemnly, he accepted the picture to scrutinize it as Payi danced nervously by his massive body.

  After a long pause, Oreg looked up from the picture. Scooping Payi into his arms, he tenderly kissed her cheek. “I think this is an excellent portrait of the Nrantian vegetation. I will hang this in your gallery when we return home,” he promised, smiling back at her glowing face wreathed in happiness at his proclamation.

  At the expression of confusion on Srih’s face, Oreg explained. “The hanging of precious artwork is an important practice on Earth. The best art is usually displayed on something called a refrigerator. Since those do not exist here, I have created a gallery in my sleeping chamber for Payi’s art. She likes to come to visit her art frequently,” he shared, sending an unspoken message to the other Keeper.

  “I see. I had not learned of this sacred practice.” Srih scooped Naja into his arms and asked to see her picture as well. After studying it carefully, he met her eyes and asked, “I think I also need to have a gallery of art in my chambers. This is a beautiful depiction of a Nrantian greenness. Would you like to display your picture as well?”

  His little human threw her arms around his thick neck and hugged him tightly. Srih held her securely as he patted her back and held the picture away so Naja’s exuberance would not wrinkle it. He kissed the top of her blonde head. Who knew humans would respond so favorably to a piece of colored paper hanging on the wall?

  He met Oreg’s eyes to thank him. The other Keeper nodded without comment as well. No words were needed between the two Keepers. Making their humans happy was a gratifying responsibility.

  Chapter 58

  The day after Payi and Oreg had visited, Naja didn’t feel too well. Her tummy hurt, and she didn’t feel like eating. She’d tried to eat the breakfast and lunch that Srih had made for her, but she’d turned her face away after a couple of bites. She knew that her Keeper was concerned about her. He watched her closely.

  Srih knew that Naja needed a cleansing. He also knew that his little human would struggle during the invasive procedure. After laying her down for a nap where she tossed and turned uncomfortably, Srih knew that he needed to treat her now.

  Moving quietly in the corner of her chambers, the concerned Keeper gathered all the supplies that he would need. Based on Naja’s size, he selected the correct bag and poured in a good supply of cleanser. His little human’s rectum was very narrow, so he chose a small nozzle that widened gradually in the middle. It would slide easier into her channel. Filling it with liquid, he hung the bag out of Naja’s view behind her. He would hold her in his lap for this first cleansing to try to soothe her protests.

  Srih walked to the side of her crib and leaned over to look at her. Naja was curled on her side around the soft plush. She rocked uneasily back and forth as she napped fitfully. He reached inside and stroked her hair. “Naja, I’m going to help you feel better, okay?”

  When she nodded slightly, he pressed carefully on her lower stomach to help her empty her bladder. Her groan went straight to his heart. Srih didn’t like to see her so uncomfortable. “We’re going to make sure this doesn’t happen again, my sweet human. I promise.”

  When she looked at him so trustingly, he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the padded table. There, he removed her quobon and cleaned her skin. Rolling her onto her side, he lubricated her rectum with a gentle, though large, finger. Her groans increased with the pressure of his finger inside her.

  He left his finger inside her body as he scooped her up with his other arms. It would help dilate her rectum for the nozzle. Settling into the gliding chair, he cradled her in his arms so that she was stretched out on one side. “Little human, I should have intervened sooner. I promise that I will care for you better in the future.”

  “It’s not your fault, Srih. Maybe I’m not made to live here on Nrantia,” she whispered.

  “You will be fine, Naja. Now, let’s help you feel better,” he slid his finger from her tight channel and
replaced it quickly with the nozzle he had selected earlier.

  “No, no, no, no!” she chanted as the thick nozzle slid into her body. The widest section caused her to try to squirm uncomfortably away from his hands.

  “Shhh, Naja! It will be okay.” He continued the pressure so that her body slowly relaxed to allow that thickest section inside. With ease, the remainder of the narrowing section glided inside. A flick of his fingers started the gentle flow of warm fluid and cleanser into her body. He readied a few of the items that Oreg had given him when he’d first received his human charge. He sent him a silent thank you for his assistance.

  Chapter 59

  Naja felt so bad. Her stomach ached, and all she wanted to do was curl into a ball. This usually happened to her every month right before her period started. Her stomach would get clogged and need some help. At home, it was easy. She’d just take some medicine, and everything would be better in a few hours. Here, everything was different. She was reliant on Srih for everything.

  It was embarrassing enough to think that she’d start her cycle soon. Naja assumed that her Keeper knew that human females had this bleeding period each month. I wished I’d asked Payi. Now, she had this extra problem of having trouble pooping—not that she wanted to have that in her quobon!

  She laid in her crib, curled in a ball, and tried to think of what to do. Srih’s large hand caressed her head tangling in her tousled hair. Naja closed her eyes to enjoy his touch. She’d known he had been moving around the room but had been too miserable to sit up to see what he was doing. When he gently picked her up to cradle her in his arms, she clung to his warmth.

  As soon as he placed her on the padded table, Naja’s eyes drifted closed. Even his preparations to place the reader back into her bottom didn’t phase her. She was just too dejected. When he pressed his finger deep into her bottom, she groaned deeply at the extra pressure on her packed tummy.

  Naja’s eyes flew open as he lifted her from the table. His finger was still stretching her bottom. She listened to his words promising to help her as he settled in the gliding chair with her cradled on his lap. Naja tightened her grip on his arm and told him her fears that she would not survive on Nrantia. His response was optimistic. She almost believed that he was going to help her.

  Srih’s finger slid from her bottom, and he began to press a tube into her body. At first, it was small, but it widened as he pressed it inside. She felt her body stretching to the point that she worried she would tear. “No, no, no, no, no,” she protested. Naja’s tearful pleas stopped when suddenly the thing in her bottom became smaller and then just slipped inside.

  Clenching her bottom on the intruder, Naja could feel it inside her body. She opened her mouth to ask a question, but before she could form the words, a warm gush of liquid began to stream inside her body. Her first reaction was a relief. Srih knew what was wrong with her. He was going to help her. Her body relaxed on his hard, muscled thighs as he moved the chair gently.

  The pressure began to build inside of her. Moving restlessly, Naja asked urgently, “Can I go to the bathroom, Srih?”

  “No, little human. Your cleansing has just started. Let me help you,” he answered in that deep voice that she had already grown to love. One hand began to rub a clockwise pattern on her abdomen. She could hear a rumble start inside her as he coaxed the fluid deeper into her body.

  She jumped slightly as one large hand cupped her breast. A velvety soft fingertip began to brush her nipple. Instantly the sensitive tissue clamped into a tight bud, and a different type of moan fell from her lips. “Srih…”

  “Relax, Naja. Let me make you feel better. You may learn to enjoy a cleansing,” he suggested as his fingers caressed her full breast.

  When his fingers tugged slightly at her clenched nipple, Naja turned herself to lay with her back against his lap. She presented her other breast for his attention and moaned again when his hand circled her other breast as well. Thank goodness he has four hands, tumbled through her thoughts as his final hand caressed the inside of her thighs to tease them apart.

  The pressure of the fluid began to build again. She couldn’t think of the discomfort it was causing as his fingers began to glide through her thick juices that had gathered between her legs. His fingers traced the seam of her body and opened her outer lips as she dropped her knees to the sides, inviting his sensual touch.

  “So, pretty,” that low voice crooned softly above her.

  She knew that he was watching everything. Her body was totally exposed and under his control. His velvety fingers began to stroke her inner folds, agitating the juices to make soft crackling sounds. She arched upward as she felt him trace the sensitive entrance to her vagina.

  His fingertip pressed inward. As it entered her channel, Naja moaned as he stretched her body more than ever. She could feel him trace the length of the inserted nozzle through that thin membrane between her two passageways. The inserted nozzle tightened her vagina, making her feel the velvety fur infinitely more than ever before. As he withdrew his large digit, the reverse pull of the fur against her sensitive tissues made her lift her hips to chase his touch. By the fifth insertion, her body erupted into a massive orgasm that shook her body. When he pinched each nipple, the pleasure increased to such a level that she screamed into the quiet room.

  When her breath settled into a calmer pattern, Naja stomach cramped, reminding her of the liquid trapped inside her. She couldn’t feel it still flowing inside. It must be over. Tensing on his lap and beginning to sit up, she urgently asked, “Srih, can I go to the bathroom now?” His strong hands penned her to his lap, preventing her movement.

  That low voice rumbled over her, “No, little human. The cleansing is inside you now. We must wait for it to soften everything that became trapped in your intestines. Let me help you find your pleasure again.”

  His fingers began to caress her body. Closing her eyes, she lost track of all the sensitive areas his velvet covered fingers touched. Soon, Naja felt those tremors begin in her lower abdomen. One of his hands still moved the liquid trapped within her body. The congestion inside of her continued to make her more sensitive to his touch. It did not take long for her pleasure to explode once again. This time a solid thump to the inserted nozzle that extended from her rectum caused her to scream once again as her orgasm reached that uncontrollable level.

  Over and over, her body was aroused to an explosive climax. Naja panted against his hard body. “No more, please.” His warm hand tenderly brushed the hair from her forehead. The urge to empty her bowels struck again as he moved her body to stand to carry her to the padded table. “Srih…” she began.

  “Yes, little human. It is time. I will help you,” the large Nrantian reassured her as he opened a small compartment in the wall and pulled out a short wide hose. He connected it to the closed nozzle that Srih had disconnected from the cleansing bag after it had emptied into her. Releasing the seal, the cleanser and the softened waste inside her began to burst from her body and was carried through the tube and into the house’s internal recycling system.

  As the pressure eased in Naja’s body, Srih adjusted the table top to raise the end where her head was resting to allow gravity to help her expel the waste from her system. Two of his hands lightly circled on her rounded abdomen to coax the liquid out of her body now. His final step was to turn on a gentle suction to pull the last of the fluid from her bowels, leaving her stomach rounded as it was naturally. Next, he turned off the suction and wiped her body free of the residue from the cleanser and the juices that had flowed generously during her pleasure.

  Kissing her stomach softly, Srih asked, “Do you feel better now, Naja?”

  “Thank you for helping me.” The words burst from her lips. Her chubby cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “I mean with my stomach.” She dropped her eyes to her hands which twisted nervously in front of her abdomen. “And for the other stuff. I enjoyed that a lot.”

  “I enjoyed it as well, little human. Perhaps s
omeday you will look forward to your cleansing. It is a perfect time to allow pleasure to distract you,” Srih said as he pressed a finger covered in a healing cream shallowly into her rectum, coating the areas that had been forced to stretch. Finally, he wrapped her in a fresh quobon before picking her up in his arms.

  “Sleep, Naja. It is time for your body to rest after so much activity.” Srih walked back and forth slowly across her chamber with her pressed to his chest. Her head soon rested on his shoulder as her fingers tangled themselves in his fur. He continued to walk slowly until he felt her body relax, and a slight snore began to emit from her upturned nose. Only then, did he tuck her back into her crib before pulling the railing up to restrain her safely inside.

  He cleaned up quickly and quietly before pausing to check on Naja. Just as he thought, Naja was totally exhausted by her cleansing and her pleasure. She was sound asleep. Srih tiptoed to the doorway, allowing her to sleep peacefully.

  Chapter 60

  Sleeping through the rest of the pinkness and the entire greenness, Naja woke up and panicked. She could feel that her period had started. She moved quickly onto her knees to check to see if she had stained the sheet below her. Only as she moved did her mind fully wake up to realize that she was not at home in her apartment. For once, she was happy to be wrapped in the absorbent quobon.

  Then, the cramps hit her. She whimpered in reaction. She usually lived on pain tablets during her period. Tears began to roll down her cheeks as she realized that she would have to deal with the pain without relief. She sat against the back of the crib, pulled her legs into her chest tightly and dropped her head to her knees.

  Srih rushed to the sleeping chamber as soon as he heard that painful sound. He quickly lowered the restraining barrier and reached inside to rub a gentle hand over her head. “Little human, why are you crying? Does your stomach need additional cleansing treatments?” He had not thought that this would be needed again, but she was again in a posture that his studies had revealed was an indicator of abdominal distress.


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