The Keepers Collection

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The Keepers Collection Page 25

by Pepper North

  Her breath surrounded his organs with a puff of warmth and purpose before the flat of her tongue began to lap urgently at his neeblings. One large hand rose to cup the back of her head, encouraging her explorations. She rose slightly to surround his neeblings with her lips. She could only draw the large tips into her mouth. His size exceeded her ability to engulf his body orally, but she was inventive with her technique.

  Needing to taste her sweetness as she caressed him, Srih lifted Naha from between his thighs. He ignored her pleas to let her continue as he lifted her and rotated her body to drape her over his body with her fragrant womanhood at his mouth. His lips delved into her sweet folds as she began to use her hands once again to drive him crazy. She hummed her approval as she again surrounded the tips of his neeblings with her lips. The vibrations seemed to travel up his spine

  When he felt that her body was stimulated sufficiently to join with him and he was at the edge of his control, Srih lifted her body to realign their legs together. Kissing her deeply, he rolled them both over so that he could balance his weight above her on his strong arms. He seduced her lips to distract her from tightening her body as he fitted himself to her openings with skilled, yet urgent fingers. In one quick thrust, he seated himself fully into her body. Stilling as his body reveled in the feel of her tight channels surrounding his organs, Srih waited for her to respond.

  Her low moan of arousal and a breathless plea to, “Move, please!” impelled him to withdraw slowly before pressing back into her warmth. When he felt her fingers tangle in the short fur on his shoulders, he knew she was with him and holding on to him for the ride. His hands caressed her as his body stroked in and out.

  Needing to see her entrancing form, Srih heaved his bulk to his knees, carrying her body cradled to his to maintain their connection. He lowered her torso to display her beautifully lush body. Naja’s rounded bottom rested on his powerful thighs. Her legs tightened around his body as she rubbed her wetness against him.

  Supporting her body with one strong arm wrapped under her lower back, Srih eyes locked on her form as he strongly drove into her. Her full breasts swayed entrancingly in front of him and his hands were drawn automatically to cup her flesh. Her small sounds of pleasure fueled his arousal and need to bring her the most enjoyment possible. His fingers pinched her nipples, and he groaned as her body tightened around him. That small measure of pain catapulting her into an immense orgasm that contracted around his neeblings.

  Naja’s eyes opened to focus on Srih’s mass leaning over her. “So good! You make me feel so good!” she whispered as her hand ran along the forearms above the hands that caressed her breasts. “I love you, Papa,” she told him in perfect Nrantian. Her voice quavered with emotion as her hands curled tightly around his limbs.

  Leaning over to bring his lips tenderly to hers, Srih’s mouth and tongues explored hers intimately. When they were both breathless, he raised his head to look deep into her eyes. “And I love you, Naja, more than I ever dreamed would be possible. Soon, we will be sealed together for an eternity. That will not be long enough for me.”

  Her eyes shone with unshed tears of happiness. Srih did not need her to speak. Through all the bewilderment and embarrassment that had come with her transport to Nrantia, Naja was happy. She didn’t wish to be anywhere else. Passion flared in those expressive eyes as he began to quicken his thrusts once again into her tight body. She bucked against him, revealing her eagerness to feel his body moving strongly within hers.

  Srih watched those beautiful brown eyes close as her mind focused on the sensations that were growing inside her body once again. Mentally, he vowed to bring her happiness for the rest of her life before his body concentrated fully on the captivating view and feel of her form in front of him.

  Touching and caressing Naja with deliberate skill, he brought her to two more orgasms before finally allowing himself to climax deep within her body. He raised her body to hold her tightly against him. Her soft form pressed against him pushed his arousal one final step. Unable to move for several moments as the pleasure blasted through his large body, Srih fingers tightened around her body.

  She is mine.

  Chapter 69

  Sitting on the cool table at the medical office, Naja shivered more from nervousness than the chill. Her papa had stripped off her clothing and quobon before setting her on the high examination table. Her body still hummed with increased sensitivity. Following his thorough lovemaking, Srih had cleansed her insides with just as much focus. She didn’t like the invasive treatment, but the pleasure that he evoked in her body while the pressure grew inside of her almost made her enjoy the process.

  If she was honest with herself, Naja would have to admit that her mind also enjoyed his total control of her body. Being restrained and unable to escape his strong hold on her body, allowed her mind to focus on the pleasure and not on what she thought was acceptable or not. She wasn’t choosing to participate in the cleansing, he was in charge. It was very freeing.

  The door opened and a Nrantian male entered. A computer screen behind the examination table blinked into life displaying the wealth of information that had been transferred from the monitoring computer in Naja’s nursery. Dr. Irte approached his newest patient and introduced himself.

  “Good pinkness, Naja.” He glanced at Srih. “And good pinkness to you as well, Srih. What a beautiful name you have selected for your little human! I can see why you chose it.”

  His fingers sped across a small handheld tablet as he brought up additional information. “I am Dr. Irte. I am pleased to have you as a patient. Srih, please remove the blanket warming Naja. I have adjusted the temperature for her.” He waited as Srih tugged the blanket away from her resisting body.

  “Naja, you will see me regularly. Each time you come to visit me, I will check on your physical wellbeing as well as your emotional state. We’ll start with easy questions. “Do you remember your Earth name?”

  “Erin Rivers,” she whispered, trying not to be intimidated by her surroundings and her nudity. Her hand reached for Srih’s for comfort automatically.

  “How old were you on Earth?” Dr. Irte’s eyes assessed her carefully. Already, he could tell that the relationship between the human and her Keeper was strong.

  “I am twenty-four. Um, I guess I was twenty-four,” Naja hesitated as she answered.

  “Did you have a career?” he asked as he made notes on a small screen.

  “I studied science-astronomy. I was working in a call center to earn enough money to go to grad school. I wanted to go back to my studies. I wanted to be an astronomer.” Her voice gathered strength as she talked about familiar things.

  “Did you like this job?”

  “No, it absolutely sucked,” she answered bluntly. “Everyone who called had a problem and were already pissed off. It was the worst job ever.”

  The two Nrantians looked at each other partially in confusion at her use of words that didn’t seem to make sense and partially in amusement at the honesty of her answers.

  Dr. Irte decided it was best to change the subject. “I think it is time to begin your exam.” He held the small scanner in front of her face. “Try to relax as I complete your physical profile.

  Naja blinked furiously as a bright flash of light probed her eyes. She was just recovering from that assault when a high-pitched sound caused her to turn one direction and then the other. She opened her mouth automatically when directed and coughed at the gust of air that penetrated her nose and mouth. She clutched Srih’s hand, feeling totally out of control. Which I totally am! she realized.

  “You are fine, Naja. I am here with you.” The large Nrantian squeezed her fingers slightly to reassure her.

  “Very good, little human. You are doing very well. Please lie back on the table. The computer will scan you now. You will need to let go of your Keeper’s hand for a moment.” His cool hands adjusted her on the table slightly before stepping back so he did not interfere with the computer’s process

  A thin line bisected her body as it ran from her head to her toes. She shivered on the cool table.

  “Please raise the temperature to just above human warmth, please. The doctor’s voice echoed slightly in the quiet room. Instantly, Naja softened onto the now warm table as the air temperature rose as well.

  When the light extinguished, Naja began to sit up. One of Srih’s large hands held her to the exam table gently. “Lie still, little human,” he instructed as another hand slipped into hers. The doctor will complete your exam now.”

  Dr. Irte took his position at her side and with gentle pressure began to feel the contours of her scalp and across her forehead and face. Moving his hand down her softly padded neck and across her collar bones, the doctor’s eyes met Srih. “Please reassure your human. They sometimes are aroused by the next part of this exam. I understand human doctors strive to avoid pleasuring their patients.” This concept appeared to baffle both of the Nrantians as Naja realized just how different this exam would be.

  The doctor’s firm hands glided over her upper chest and down each arm, feeling the musculature under her softly rounded skin. They lifted to meet together over her left breast. Circling the full flesh, his fingers encircled her erect nipple assessing her responses and pulling slightly on the beaded tip before moving over to the other side.

  Naja’s eyes closed as she tried to hide her reaction to his touch. Already, she could feel herself becoming wet between her thighs. She clamped them together as she willed her body to relax. Dr. Irte’s hands did not allow her to ignore her feelings.

  His hands compressed various sensitive places on her lower abdomen. His fingers brushed over her hairless mound as he complimented Srih on his care of his human. Assessing the muscles of her thighs and calves by pressing against her flesh, the doctor reached her feet. His patient jerked her foot out of his hand.

  “Don’t! I’m ticklish,” she ordered.

  Srih began to rebuke her orders to the doctor but was amazed as Dr. Irte lifted his hands immediately with a kind apology.

  “Little human, I did not mean to tickle you. I will mark that you are sensitive to touch on your feet.” He met Srih’s eyes and explained, “This is a phenomenon that we have recently become aware of while studying humans. There is a small number of the population who are sensitive to touch in various areas of their bodies. Touch to their feet, sides, or neck, can often cause a hyper-reaction of sensitivity that is expressed as uncontrollable laughter. They find this very disturbing. You will want to avoid the motion called ‘tickling,’ when possible.”

  He continued her exam by lifting her foot and bending her leg back to attach her leg securely to a support. Dr. Irte urged Srih to repeat the process with her other leg. The bottom section of the table folded away, leaving Naja’s legs widely spread and just the edge of her hips was supported by the exam table.

  Naja had no difficulty in identifying what type of exam would come next. She had hated her yearly exam on Earth. Here, she suspected the exam would be even more thorough. She closed her eyes tightly and gripped Srih’s hand as Dr. Irte stepped between her legs. She hoped that this would be over soon.

  The smooth touch of Dr. Irte’s fingers opened her privates widely. He explored her outer labia before running his fingers over her inner lips. Retracting the hood of her clitoris, he brushed that sensitive bundle of nerves with his fingertip to assess her response. The doctor was pleased to note that her body immediately emitted the clear, thick fluid to lubricate her delicate folds.

  Using her natural juices, he entered one thick finger into her and slowly examined the walls of her tight channel. Her low moan caused him to pause when his exploring digit glided against a responsive spot on her vaginal wall. “Srih, have you discovered that Naja has a very active nerve center within her vaginal channel?”

  The large Keeper nodded affirmatively. “Naja is very responsive both at the entrance of her channel especially at her clitoris and at that site.”

  Dr. Irte’s finger slid from her vagina while another hand picked up a compact cylinder. “Naja, you will feel a probe entering your vagina. Just relax and hold on to Srih,” recommended the doctor. He easily slid the cylinder inside her wet channel, placing it carefully. With a few taps to the device in his hand, he activated the probe.

  Naja felt the thin instrument enter her body. This wasn’t too bad. Her shoulders relaxed slightly on the table as she tried to forget that she was lying there nude with two males standing over her. She felt it move. The probe began to swell in her body.

  Thickening and lengthening simultaneously, Naja began to wiggle uncomfortably on the table. Two of Dr. Irte’s hands firmly anchored her in place as the probe continued to grow. She felt it extend inward seemingly to the mouth of her womb and to swell just outside her inner labia. Suddenly, it was too much, and she whimpered, unable to prevent the sound from falling from her lips.

  “Please, Srih. No more. It hurts,” she whispered, squeezing his hand. Instantly the probe stilled within her.

  It began to vibrate. Slowly at first but with growing strength in measured increments. Her brown eyes flew up to meet her Keeper’s reassuring gaze. His large velvety hand caressed her shoulder to calm her.

  She squeezed her eyes tightly closed as she felt her body begin to respond to the stimulus. The vibrations stabilized and began to move in a random pattern inside her. Her arousal rose quickly, and before she could process what was happening, her body arched against Dr. Irte’s hands as a furiously strong orgasm burst within her.

  Panting, she squeezed Srih’s hand as she tried to steady her world. “Nooo!” burst from her lips when she felt a cold, thin cylinder floating into her rectum. After its careful placement, that probe also began to grow inside her. Stretching her to just under the threshold of pain, it paused for several seconds.

  “No, Srih! No!” she pleaded for her Keeper’s intervention.

  “Shhh, little human,” he said, his voice calm and deep. He knew she harbored a feeling that anal stimulation was somehow wrong. This would be something that they would work on erasing from her mind. He had learned from his human sexuality training that this was common among both human males and females.

  Srih leaned over her to bring his face close to her. Taking her lips, he kissed her lightly. When her lips parted eagerly under his, Srih deepened his kiss. One of his large hands began to stroke across her hair to thread his fingers through her long, blonde tresses. He tugged firmly, drawing an aroused moan from his little human.

  Lifting his mouth after several moments, he waited until her dazed eyes opened to look at him. Srih whispered, “The doctor must know all your secrets. Hold on to me. You are safe.”

  She nodded as her eyes drifted closed again as the vibrations grew. The Nrantian males watched the computer readings flash across as her arousal swelled and peaked again and again. After two more climaxes, Dr. Irte’s fingers triggered the retraction of the vaginal probe. When it was back to its original form, the doctor smoothly removed the cylinder from her vagina.

  “One more test, Naja,” he announced to her.

  She felt the anal probe begin to glide deeper into her body. Her fingers once again tightened on Srih’s hand. Surely, it would stop soon.

  The probe’s discovery began to appear on the large computer display. Smooth, pink flesh appeared unblemished and healthy before their eyes. Tracing the winding path of her intestines deep into her stomach, Dr. Irte nodded positively. This female did not need the internal treatments that many of his human patients required. He triggered the withdraw of the probe as he updated his notes. His hands released the confining press of his hands to the exam table.

  “Dr. Irte?” Srih addressed the esteemed doctor. “We would like to talk to you about a sealing ceremony.”

  Assessing eyes met his. The doctor had already entered the highest rating for human/Keeper bonding in his notes. “You feel that you are both ready for this irreversible step?” he probed holding Srih’s gaze as
he automatically removed the probe from Naja’s body.

  “Yes, please,” a small human voice drew their attention to Naja’s face. The numerous orgasms and the stress of the invasive exam had exhausted her.

  “Do you understand, small human, that this is a very serious step that can not be undone. You will be linked to Srih for the rest of your life,” asked a very serious Dr. Irte.

  “I know that Srih is now my life. He cares for me, protects me, and loves me more than anyone on Earth ever did.” Slow tears ran from her big brown eyes. This was important. She needed to make sure the doctor understood how important Srih was for her. Her hulking Nrantian leaned forward to scoop her upper body into his arms. He held her pressed against his body. Naja linked her arms behind his neck to hold on tightly.

  “I see. I am pleased to note that you are strongly bonded.” He did not explain that his job today had been not only to assess Naja’s health but to decide if her placement with her current Keeper was appropriate. It was rare that a human/Keeper relationship needed to be dissolved, but it had happened. For Srih and Naja, a reassignment would be hazardous to both.

  “It would be my honor to assist you in the sealing. Comfort your human as I gather a few items,” pronounced Dr. Irte.

  Returning after a short interval, Dr. Irte signaled Srih to stand between Naja’s restrained legs. The immense Nrantian released his erect neeblings and stroked them as he stroked her inner thighs. Two of his hands began to caress her rounded tummy before moving to cup her breast.

  Naja’s eyes jumped back and forth between her Keeper and the observing doctor at her side. She tried to hold back a moan as Srih’s talented fingers touched her body so intimately. “Srih?” she questioned in a hoarse whisper.


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