Elsie's children

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Elsie's children Page 15

by Martha Finley


  "Great minds, like heaven, are pleased in doing good, Though the ungrateful subjects of their favors Are barren in return." --ROWE.

  The short winter day was closing in. At Ion, five eager, expectant littlefaces were looking out upon the avenue, where slowly and softly, tinysnowflakes were falling, the only moving thing within range of theirvision.

  "Oh, dear, what does keep papa and mamma so long!" cried Vi, impatiently;"it seems most like a year since they started."

  "Oh, no, Vi, not half a day yet!"

  "I don't mean it _is_, Eddie, but it does _seem_ like it to me. Elsie, doyou think anything's happened?"

  "One of the horses may have lost a shoe," Elsie said, trying to be verycheerful, and putting her arm round Violet as she spoke. "I remember thathappened once a good while ago. But if mamma were here, don't you knowwhat she would say, little sister?"

  "Yes; 'don't fret; don't meet trouble half way, but trust in God, ourFather, who loves us so dearly, that he will never let any real harm cometo us.'"

  "I think our mamma is very wise," remarked Eddie; "so very much wiser thanAunt Lucy, who gets frightened at every little thing."

  "Oh, Eddie dear, would mamma or papa like that?" said Elsie softly.

  "Well, it's true," he said reddening.

  But they've both told us that unkind remarks should not be made even iftrue: unless it is quite necessary."

  "Oh, why don't papa and mamma come?" "Oh, I wis dey would! I so tiredwatchin' for 'em!" burst out Harold and Herbert, nearly ready to cry.

  "Look! look!" cried the others in chorus, "they are coming, the carriageis just turning in at the gate!"

  But it was growing so dark now, and the tiny flakes were coming down sothick and fast, that none of them were quite sure the carriage was theirown, until it drew up before the door, and two dear familiar formsalighted and came up the veranda steps.

  They were greeted with as joyous a welcome as if they had been absent forweeks or months, and returned the sweet caresses as lovingly as they werebestowed, smiling tenderly upon each darling of their hearts.

  But almost instantly little Elsie perceived something unusual in thesweet, fair face she loved so dearly, and was wont to study with suchfond, tender scrutiny.

  "Mamma, dear mamma, what is wrong?" she asked.

  "A sad accident, daughter," Elsie answered, her voice faltering withemotion, "poor grandpa and Aunt Enna have been badly hurt."

  "Our dear grandpa, mamma?" they all asked, lips and voices tremulous withgrief.

  "No, darlings, not my own dear father," the mother answered, with a heartfull of gratitude that it was not he, "but our poor old grandfather wholives at Roselands."

  "My dear little wife, you are too much overcome to talk any more justnow," Mr. Travilla said, wheeling an easy-chair to the fire, seating herin it, and removing her hat and cloak, with all the tender gallantry ofthe days when he wooed and won his bride; "let me tell it." He took a seatnear her side, lifted "bit Herbie" to his knee, and with the othersgathered close about him, briefly told how the accident had happened, andthat he and their mother had met a messenger coming to acquaint them withthe disaster, and summon them to Roselands; then gave the children someidea of the present situation of their injured relations.

  When he had finished, and his young hearers had expressed their sorrow andsympathy for the sufferers, a moment of silence ensued, broken by littleElsie.

  "Mamma, who will take care of them?"

  "God," said Herbert, "won't he, papa?"

  "But I mean who will nurse them while they are sick," said Elsie.

  "My father will take care of grandpa," Mrs. Travilla answered, "UncleHorace and papa helping when needed."

  "And Aunt Enna, mamma?"

  "Well, daughter, who do you think should nurse her? Aunt Louise is away,Aunt Lora sick herself, grandma at Ashlands with Aunt Sophie and her sickchildren."

  "Oh, mamma, it won't have to be you, will it?" the child asked almostimploringly.

  "Oh, mamma, no; how could we do without you?" chimed in the others,Herbert adding tearfully, "Mamma stay wis us; we tan't do wisout you."

  They left their father to cluster about and cling to her, with caressesand entreaties.

  "My darlings," she said, returning their endearments, "can you not feelwilling to spare your mother for a little while to poor, suffering AuntEnna?"

  "Mamma, they have plenty of servants"

  "Yes, Vi, but she is so very ill that we cannot hope she will get wellwithout more careful, tender nursing than any servant would give her."

  "Mamma, it will be very hard to do without you."

  "And very hard for me to stay away from my dear children; but what doesthe Bible say? Seek your own pleasure and profit, and let others takecare of themselves?"

  "Oh, mamma, no! 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.'"

  "'Do good to them that hate you,'" quoted Eddie in an undertone.

  "But we were not speaking of enemies, my son," his mother said insurprise.

  "I think Aunt Enna is your enemy, mamma; I think she hates you," he said,with flashing eyes, "for I've many a time heard her say very hatefulthings to you. Mamma, don't look so sorry at me; how can I help beingangry at people that say unkind things to you?"

  "'Forgive, and you shall be forgiven,'" she said gently. "'Do good andlend.' Can't you lend your mother for a few weeks, dears?"

  "Weeks, mamma! oh, so long!" they cried. "How can we? who will take careof us, and hear our lessons and teach us to be good?"

  "Dinah will wash and dress you, Elsie help you little ones to learn yourlessons, and I think papa," looking at him, "will hear you recite."

  "Yes," he said, smiling on them, "we will do our best, so that dear mammamay not be anxious and troubled about us in addition to all the care andanxiety for the suffering ones at Roselands."

  "Yes, papa," they answered, returning his smile half tearfully; thenquestioned their mother as to when she must go, and whether they shouldsee her at all while Aunt Enna was sick.

  "I can wait only long enough to take supper with you, and have our talktogether afterward," she said, "because I am needed at Roselands. Perhapspapa will bring you there sometimes to see me for a little while if youwill be very quiet. And it may be only for a few days that I shall bewanted there; we cannot tell about that yet."

  She spoke cheerfully, but it cost her an effort because of the grieved,troubled looks on the dear little faces.

  "But baby, mamma!" cried Vi, "baby can't do without you!"

  "No, dear, she and mammy will have to go with me."

  They were not the usual merry party at the tea-table, and a good manytears were shed during the talk with mamma afterward.

  They all consented to her going, but the parting with her, and the thoughtof doing without her for "so long" were the greatest trials they had everknown.

  She saw all the younger ones in bed, kissed each one good-night, andreminding them that their heavenly Father was always with them, and thatshe would not be too far away to come at once to them if needed, she leftthem to their sleep.

  Elsie followed her mother to her dressing-room, watched for everyopportunity to assist in her preparations for her absence. They were notmany, and with some parting injunctions to this little daughter and theservants, she announced herself ready to go.

  Elsie clung to her with tears at the last, as they stood together in thelower hall waiting for the others.

  "Mamma, what shall I do without you? I've never been away from you a wholeday in all my life."

  "No, dearest, but be my brave, helpful little girl. You must try to fillmother's place to the little ones. I shall not be far away, you know, andyour dear father will be here nearly all the time. And don't forget,darling, that your best Friend is always with you."

  "No, mamma," said the child, smiling through her tears; "it is so sweet toknow that; and please don't trouble about us at home.
I'll do my best forpapa and the children."

  "That is right, daughter, you are a very great comfort to me now andalways," the mother said, with a last caress, as her husband joined herand gave her his arm to lead her to the carriage.

  "Don't come out in the cold, daughter," he said, seeing the child about tofollow.

  Mammy had just come down with the sleeping babe in her arms, warmlywrapped up to shield her from the cold.

  Elsie sprang to her side, lifted the veil that covered the little face,and softly touched her lips to the delicate cheek. "Good-bye, babydarling. Oh, mammy, we'll miss her sadly and you too."

  "Don't fret, honey, 'spect we all be comin' back soon," Aunt Chloewhispered, readjusting the veil, and hurrying after her mistress.

  Elsie flew to the window, and watched the carriage roll away down theavenue, till lost to sight in the darkness, tears trembling in her eyes,but a thrill of joy mingling with her grief: "it was so sweet to be acomfort and help to dear mamma."

  She set herself to considering how she might be the same to her father andbrothers and sister; what she could do now.

  She remembered that her father was very fond of music and that her motheroften played and sang for him in the evenings. He had said he wouldprobably return in an hour, and going to the piano she spent theintervening time in the diligent practice of a new piece of music he hadbrought her a day or two before.

  At sound of the carriage wheels she ran to meet him, her face bright withwelcoming smiles.

  "My little sunbeam," he said taking her in his arms; "you have beennothing but a comfort and blessing to your mother and me, since the dayyou were born."

  "Dear papa, how kind in you to tell me that!" she said, her cheek flushingand her eyes glistening with pleasure.

  He kept her with him till after her usual hour for retiring, listening to,and praising her music and talking with her quite as if she were fit to bea companion for him.

  Both the injured ones were very ill for some weeks, but by means ofcompetent medical advice and careful nursing, their lives were saved; yetneither recovered entirely from the effects of the accident. Mr. Dinsmorewas feeble and ailing, and walked with a limp for the rest of his days,and Enna, though her bodily health was quite restored, rose from her bedwith an impaired intellect, her memory gone, her reasoning powers scarcelyequal to those of an ordinary child of five or six.

  She did not recognize her children, or indeed any one; she had everythingto relearn and went back to childish amusements, dolls, baby-houses andother toys.

  The sight was inexpressibly painful to Dick and Molly, far worse thanfollowing her to her grave.

  She remained at her father's, a capable and kind woman being provided totake constant charge of her, while Bob and Betty stayed on at the Oaks,their uncle and aunt bringing them up with all the care and kindnessbestowed upon their own children; and Dick and Molly made their home atIon.

  The latter was removed thither as soon as the danger to her mother's lifewas past, the change being considered only temporary at the time; thoughafterward it was decided to make it permanent, in accordance with the kindand generous invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Travilla to her and her brother,and their offer to become responsible for the education and presentsupport of both.

  Little Elsie, bravely and earnestly striving to fill her mother's place inthe household, making herself companionable to her father, helping Eddie,Vi and Harold with their lessons, comforting Herbie when his baby heartached so sorely with its longing for mamma, and in all his little griefsand troubles, and settling the slight differences that would sometimesarise between the children or the servants, found Molly an additionalburden; for she too must be cheered and consoled and was often fretful,unreasonable and exacting.

  Still the little girl struggled on, now feebly and almost ready todespair, now with renewed hope and courage gathered from an interview withher earthly or her heavenly Father.

  Mr. Travilla was very proud of the womanly way in which she acquittedherself at this time, her diligence, utter unselfishness, patience, andthoughtfulness for others, and did not withhold the meed of well earnedpraise; this with his advice and sympathy did much to enable her topersevere to the end.

  But oh what relief and joy when at last the dear mother was restored tothem and the unaccustomed burden lifted from the young shoulders!

  It would have been impossible to say who rejoiced most heartily in thereunion, father, mother or children. But every heart leaped lightly, everyface was bright with smiles.

  Mrs. Travilla knew she was adding greatly to her cares, and to theannoyances and petty trials of every day life, in taking Dick andespecially Molly into her family, but she realized it more and more as themonths and years rolled on; both had been so spoiled by Enna's unwise andcapricious treatment, that it was a difficult thing to control them; andpoor Molly's sad affliction caused her frequent fits of depression whichrendered her a burden to herself and to others; also she inherited to someextent, her mother's infirmities of temper, and her envy, jealousy andunreasonableness made her presence in the family a trial to her youngcousins.

  The mother had to teach patience, meekness and forbearance by precept andexample, ever holding up as the grand motive, love to Jesus, and a desireto please and honor him.

  Such constant sowing of the good seed, such patient, careful weeding outof the tares, such watchfulness and prayerfulness as Elsie bestowed uponthe children God had given her, could not fail of their reward from himwho has said, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap"; and asthe years rolled on she had the unspeakable joy of seeing her darlings oneafter another gathered into the fold of the Good Shepherd;--consecratingthemselves in the dew of their youth to the service of him who had lovedthem and washed them from their sins in his own blood.

  She was scarcely less earnest and persistent in her efforts to promote thewelfare, temporal and spiritual, of Molly and Dick. She far more thansupplied the place of the mother now almost worse than lost to them.

  They had always liked and respected her; they soon learned to love herdearly and grew happier and more lovable under the refining, elevatinginfluence of her conduct and conversation.

  She and her husband gave to both the best advantages for education thatmoney could procure, aroused in them the desire, and stimulated them toearnest efforts to become useful members of society.

  Elsie soon discovered that one grand element of Molly's depression was thethought that she was cut off from all the activities of life and doomed,by her sad affliction, to be a useless burden upon others.

  "My poor dear child!" she said clasping the weeping girl in her arms,"that would be a sad fate indeed, but it need not be yours; there are manywalks of usefulness still open to you; literature, several of the arts andsciences, music, painting, authorship; to say nothing of needle work bothplain and fancy. The first thing will be a good education in the ordinaryacceptation of the term--and that you can take as easily as one who hasuse of all her limbs. Books and masters shall be at your command, and whenyou have decided to what employment you will especially devote yourself,every facility shall be given you for perfecting yourself in it."

  "O Cousin Elsie," cried the girl, her eyes shining, "do you think I couldever write books, or paint pictures? I mean such as would be really worththe doing; such as would make Dick proud of me and perhaps give me moneyto help him with; because you know the poor fellow must make his own wayin the world."

  "I scarcely know how to answer that question," Elsie said, smiling at hersudden enthusiasm, "but I do know that patience and perseverance will dowonders, and if you practice them faithfully, it will not surprise me tosee you some day turn out a great author or artist.

  "But don't fret because Dick has not a fortune to begin with. Our verynoblest and most successful men have been those who had to win their wayby dint of hard and determined struggling with early disadvantages. 'Youngtrees root the faster for shaking!'" she added with a smile.

  "Oh then Dick will succeed, I know
, dear, noble fellow!" cried Mollyflushing with sisterly pride.

  From that time she took heart and though there were occasional returns ofdespondency and gloom she strove to banish them and was upon the whole,brave, cheerful and energetic in carrying out the plans her cousin hadsuggested.


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