Furious (Nomad Outlaws Trilogy Book 3)

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Furious (Nomad Outlaws Trilogy Book 3) Page 8

by Tory Richards

  Fucking Martin had gotten away the night before. Once I'd heard him mention the back door I'd hauled ass out back, but he'd already gone. I'd sent Tommy in to deal with Bailey, coming back in to find her puking in the ladies room. The fucker had touched her. He was going to die, and for a number of reasons. Once I knew who my enemies were I didn't tolerate them breathing the same air that I did, especially when they had the balls to invade my space.

  Fuck. If neither one of them had taken the SD card on Graves, who the fuck had?

  I didn't know who Martin was working for, but he'd confirmed Bailey's version of the story about her involvement. She didn't realize what I already knew, though. Holly wouldn't be coming home. Martin wouldn't leave any loose ends. Once he got what he wanted, he was coming back for Bailey, but I knew the kind of prick that he was. He'd just as soon kill her after he fucked her. Right now he was playing games, thinking that he was superior and in control.

  Martin was going to die for touching Bailey. She'd been quiet once we’d gotten home the night before. Not that we had all that much to talk about. I'd heard her shower, and then I’d assumed that she'd gone to bed.

  In my bed.

  That was my fault. I should have moved her ass to the guest room, but something had got a hold of me while I'd stood there staring down at her. She'd looked peaceful, and I hadn't wanted to destroy that peace if sleep was what got her through all the shit that she’d been through that day. The sight of all that red hair on my pillow had been fucking sexy, too.

  What the fuck was I going to do about her? I could have sent her home, but I couldn't do it in good conscious, knowing that Martin was threatening her. I wasn't a good man, but I wouldn't willingly put a woman in harm's way. Besides, I wanted to fuck her, and keeping her around gave me a better chance of that. Seeing her in that clinging dress last night, I'd come close to losing it. Not because she was wearing something Maggie had worn, but because she had looked that tasty.

  Every delicious curve of her tight, little body had been emphasized, the material so fucking tight over her tits that her nipples had been clearly outlined. And the shape of that mouthwatering ass--I'd had my fingers inside her, but the thought of sinking my dick inside that tight hole almost made me lose my shit. Hell, my dick was hard now just thinking about it. I wondered if she'd ever had a dick up there.

  I flicked the butt of my cigarette away, watching the tip glow as it flew through the air until it hit the ground and sparked a hot death. The kitchen was behind me, the window open. A noise alerted me that Bailey was up and moving around. The sound of a cup being removed from the cupboard revealed that she was going for the coffee. She's wasn't going to like it. I made it one way--thick, black, and bitter. Then I heard the fridge open, and I guessed that she was probably looking for milk or cream.

  "Sugar's in the fridge," I called out to her. I kept it there to keep the ants away from it.

  "Thanks," she returned hesitantly. "Where are you?"

  "Porch." I took a sip of my lukewarm coffee.

  After a few minutes the door opened and she stepped outside. There was another chair on the porch, but she chose to walk to the rail and stare out at the horizon. She was wearing another one of my t-shirts, most of her legs exposed. She looked a hot mess. Her hair was a big part of Bailey, and it was as wild and curly as ever. It fell halfway down her back, the vibrant red standing out against the white of the shirt. I watched her tits rise and fall with every breath, and almost grinned when she took a sip of coffee and grimaced.

  I wondered what she was thinking besides the fact that my coffee tasted like shit.

  "He's going to kill her, Moody." It was a quiet declaration and one she'd uttered before.

  I wasn't surprised that she'd figured it out for herself. Bailey struck me as a strong, intelligent woman. She was right; her friend's time would run out once Martin got what he wanted. I'd reached out to my contacts on the streets, including the MC in the area, the Desert Rebels, to find her. I wasn't going to tell her that, though, in case it didn't pan out.

  Bailey turned toward me when I remained silent. My gut clenched at the dismal look that I saw reflected in her eyes. She looked at me with fucking hope, as if I were the answer to all of her troubles. I didn't like it. I didn't want her to mistake me for a good man, someone who gave a fuck. I cut my gaze back to the desert.


  "Don't what?" she asked innocently.

  "Don't look at me like I have all the fucking answers," I snapped, and then I turned toward her. "Don't look at me like I'm someone who gives a damn." I had my own problems. I had to find out who I couldn't trust, who had betrayed me.

  "Don't you care about anything or anyone?" she asked softly and with deep disappointment.

  "I care about shit, baby," I began in a gruff tone. "I care about freedom, riding, and pussy." I let my eyes run over her. "You giving up pussy?"

  She took a sip of my god awful coffee, keeping her eyes trained on me over the rim. She was thinking. I could see it. She was trying to figure out what made me tick, what made me human. Well, I'd just told her what I cared about, and I wasn't human. I was a mean, uncaring bastard, and not much touched me. I kept it that way on purpose. Caring led to pain, and I'd already been down that fucking road.

  "Why do you try so hard to be unlikable?" she asked after a moment. I'd been waiting for her to throw her coffee at me. "Aren't you lonely?"

  What made her think I was lonely? "I have what I want," I said, standing up and tossing the rest of my coffee over the rail onto the ground. I faced her, and stopped because she was in my way.


  She had a lot of fucking nerve. I should send her home and be done with her. She stood, refusing to move. She was challenging me, whether she knew it or not. A rare desert wind picked up, carrying her scent with it. I thought about the body beneath my shirt that she wore, the dress that she’d worn last night that hadn't left anything to the imagination. I clenched my back teeth with anger that she didn't know what she was doing, the temptation she was putting in my way, the invitation that shone in her sparkling emerald eyes.

  Then I realized what she was doing. She was offering herself up like some fucking sacrificial virgin. I closed my hands to keep from snatching her up and taking her, because I knew that if I did it wouldn't be anything like what she thought it would be. I would hurt her, because I was rough and unemotional when I fucked. I didn't care about the woman because, like Bailey was proving now, they were users and knew how to make a man fall to his knees. They made promises they didn’t keep to get what they wanted. They were devious, conniving little creatures that the devil had put on earth.

  "If you don't move I'm going to bend you over that rail and fuck you, and I guarantee that you won't enjoy it."

  I watched the flare of sudden fear glow in her eyes. But there was something else there, too--excitement. She couldn't hide it. The subtle changes in her color and breathing gave her away. My gaze shifted to her tits, and those hard little nipples were poking through the shirt. My words had affected her. Interesting. I wondered if she was wet for me. Without warning, the strong urge to kiss her until she was breathless came over me, and kissing wasn't something that I was normally interested in.

  Finally she shielded her eyes by glancing down and shifting to the side so I could pass. I reached for the door, but something caught my attention and caused me to hesitate. A familiar sound, so distant that I could be imagining it, yet recognizable enough to tell me that I wasn't. Bikers were coming down my drive, which was a mile-long road that dead ended at my house. They were approaching fast. I narrowed my eyes against the horizon until they came into view.

  I reached behind me to make sure my weapon was there. It was as much a part of me as one of my appendages, even when I was home. I'd learned long ago to always be prepared. As soon as I could make out that they were the Desert Rebels I relaxed. "Go inside," I told Bailey. I moved to the railing and waited for the six riders to pull up and turn o
ff their engines.

  Demon let out a wolf whistle, his eyes moving beyond me. I turned to see that Bailey was still standing there, innocently and too damned beautiful. "Bailey," I growled low, drawing her attention. Our eyes met, and she finally got the message that I wanted her gone. She turned and I watched her sexy ass disappear inside.

  "Whoa, brother," Demon smirked with a glint in his one good eye. "I didn't know you had a woman."

  "Not my woman," I corrected.

  He shrugged. "I've never known you to bring one here, but I can see why you did. She's a beauty. Is she free, then?"

  "Is that why you came here?"

  Demon was a charmer. He was a good looking son of a bitch, and he didn't let the fact that he wore a patch over one eye stop him from going after any woman he wanted. He had an old lady, but he wasn't faithful to her.

  My comment seemed to remind him of why he was there. "We have news."

  "You have my number," I reminded him. Anyone who knew me knew that I didn't like unexpected company.

  "We were riding by," Rugar explained from behind Demon. "Didn't think you'd mind us making a pit stop."

  I took in the six men. Demon was their VP, and had been for as long as I’d known the Desert Rebels. Rugar, Sax, and LD were patched members I'd associated with a time or two. The other two were patched, too, but I didn't know them.

  "There are plenty of desert plants around," I said to Rugar. "Just watch what kind of cactus you wipe your ass with." Several brothers laughed. "So what did you find out?" I pinned my gaze on Demon.

  "Word on the street is your little bird is caged at Crystal's Palace."

  Shit. Crystal's Palace was a legal brothel right outside of Vegas. Their reputation was that anything went there. Their motto was "We never say no." I hadn't been there, but I'd heard of it. It didn't surprise me that Martin had stashed Holly in a place like that.

  I nodded. "What's it going to cost me for you to get her out of there?"

  "How about a beer, brother?" Sax, called that because he played the saxophone, sat back on his bike and crossed his arms.

  "Come on in." I turned to go inside.

  "We're good here, brother," Demon said, causing me to look back from the doorway. "We're eager to get to Crystal's Palace." He grabbed his crotch. "Been a while and they have a little bitch there that can suck all night."

  "Maybe it's because it takes you that long to get it up," LD joked, getting several laughs in response.

  "Shut the fuck up," Demon snarled.

  "I'll be back with the beers." A six-pack was cheap for a job. I'd done plenty of work for the Desert Rebels over the years, most of them paid, but they owed me a favor or two for some other small shit that I'd taken care of. Getting Holly out of the brothel should be easy.

  I stepped into the kitchen and came to a stop. Bailey had stuff out all over the counter and was stirring the shit out of something in a big bowl. Her back was to me, and my eyes dropped to take in the movements of her little ass as she put her whole body into it. Jesus Christ, I was going to have a case of blue balls before I got her out of my life. Angry that I couldn't seem to control my dick when I was around her, I stormed to the fridge.

  "Oh!" she gasped, and spun around at the sound of me opening the door. "I, ah, hope you don't mind, but I'm going crazy with nothing to do. I found enough ingredients to make cookies. Before I leave." She stressed the last three words.

  I gave her another glance after pulling out the six-pack. "Knock yourself out."

  I made a move to leave, and she jumped in front of me. Our gazes locked.

  "You are going to let me go home, right?"

  "No." I made to move around her, but she counteracted with a move of her own. I jerked to a stop and released a sound of annoyance. "Did you forget about Martin?"

  Fear flashed across her face, but she ignored my question. "There's no reason to keep me here now." She tugged on her bottom lip, drawing it inside her mouth. "I have to find a way to save Holly, and I can't do it from here."

  "Maybe I'm not done with you." I didn’t know why I’d said it. Maybe to see her reaction.

  Surprise flashed across her face, and a little bit of fear. "What-what does that mean?"

  I was growing frustrated. "Bailey, move out of my way unless you want to come outside and entertain my friends."

  She opened her mouth, and slammed it shut just as fast. Several emotions flirted across her flushed face, her eyes turning hard with determination when she finally made her decision. "Fine. Sure. I'd love to entertain your fucking friends! Maybe I can get one of them to get me out of here!"

  She stepped around me. I set the beer down on the closest surface and grabbed her before she could get too far. "You little fool." I pulled her roughly against me, and for a minute we struggled. When I felt her teeth sink into the hand that I had wrapped around her arm, I slammed her back against the nearest wall and followed her there with my body. She cried out at the impact, and I snarled and yanked my hand away. I lowered my face close to hers. We were both breathing heavily.

  "Calm the fuck down before I hurt you," I growled.

  "Or I might hurt you," she countered, her eyes flashing green fire at me. I had no doubt that she would try. "I'm not afraid of you, Moody."

  Defiant little witch! She should be very afraid of me, but I felt the corners of my mouth want to curl up at her sass and fire. "Those men out there are on their way to a brothel. Unless you want them taking out their sexual frustrations on you, I suggest you stay inside and out of sight."

  I felt her relax against my hold, and I slowly released her. "You good?"

  She nodded. "Yes. Let me get back to my cookies."

  Smart woman. I grabbed the beer and went back outside. I handed Demon the carton. He began distributing the beer to his brothers.

  "What do you want us to do with the woman?" he asked, twisting off the top.

  "It's not safe for her to go home. I have to find Martin and take care of him first. Take her to your clubhouse until you hear from me, and, Demon--no one is to touch her unless she wants it."

  He nodded, drinking down half his beer before speaking. "I'll let you know when we have her, brother."

  "Make it sooner than later. Not sure how much time she has left."

  It sounded like rolling thunder when they revved up their bikes all at the same time, and then rode away, leaving a trail of dust in their wake. I glanced down at the ground where they'd dropped their beer bottles. I'd pick them up later.

  I opened the door and barely stepped inside when I saw a streak of red out of the corner of my eye, and turned just in time to catch the woman throwing herself into my arms.

  Chapter 11


  "Thank you! Thank you!" I threw myself at Moody and wrapped my arms around him. I ignored the stiffening of his body, ignored that he wasn't hugging me back. In fact, he was holding his arms out to his side, away from his body, as if he didn't know what to do with them. None of that mattered as I squeezed him with gratitude. I'd been standing by the kitchen window, out of sight, and had shamelessly eavesdropped, and though Holly's name hadn't been mentioned, I knew that they'd been discussing her.

  I felt as if the weight of the world had been taken off my shoulders.

  "I knew you were a good man," I gushed, trying not to cry. "Don't you know when someone hugs you that you're supposed to hug them back?" I teased, burying my face against him and inhaling everything that was Moody. He just grunted. I smiled, because I was so incredibly happy. I'd felt so alone and helpless since Martin had blackmailed me into helping him, but after hearing Moody’s conversation I realized that he was helping me get Holly back.

  "I'm not a good man, Bailey," he grumbled like a bear that had been awoken too early from hibernation. "And if you knew all the filthy thoughts I've had of what I want to do to you, you'd step away."

  It sounded like a threat, but his words had the opposite effect on me. I knew that it shouldn't have, but his confession turn
ed me instantly hot. Moody was such a hard man, so serious and unemotional most of the time that I couldn't help but wonder what he would be like when he let go and finally lost control. Call me crazy, but all of a sudden I wanted to know. I wanted to be the one to release him.

  I sensed that he was uncomfortable with my emotional outbreak, that he wasn't quite sure how to deal with it, or that he didn't want to. His hard-on was throbbing against my lower belly, and before I gave him the chance to push me away I rubbed against it with a moan.

  "How filthy?" I murmured, as arousal surged through me.

  I felt his hand in my hair as he jerked my head back, his expression raw, almost primal, doing something to my core. "I'll show you," he grated, before slamming his mouth down onto mine.

  Things escalated quickly after that, and I got the impression that Moody had been holding on to his resolve by a thread, and for a long time. His mouth was hard and masterful, grinding against mine until I was forced to open to his thrusting tongue. I thrust my tongue against his, tasting coffee and smoky heat as he explored every inch of my mouth. My moans filled the air surrounding us. I was overwhelmed with pleasure by his kiss alone. The man knew how to kiss, and while it may have been rough with need, it was no less devastating to my senses.

  The hand in my hair tightened. I ran my hands over his hard body, marveling at the defined muscles that I could feel through his t-shirt. I wanted to see them and kiss them. I smoothed his cut off his shoulders and he shifted, letting it fall to the floor. Next I smoothed my hands up his abs and pecs beneath his shirt. He pulled back long enough to whip the shirt over his head, and then we were kissing again before it hit the floor. I didn't even have a chance to see the muscles that I'd been exploring.


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