Hope's Delta (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Delta Team Three Book 5)

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Hope's Delta (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Delta Team Three Book 5) Page 20

by Riley Edwards

  She stopped squirming under him and stared.

  Heath couldn’t help but grin at her, even though he knew she might kill him for it.

  “This is all wrong,” he said, still not moving inside her. “I have a ring and we have reservations for dinner tonight. I was going to ask you there. I had it all planned out. But I don’t want to wait. I love you, Nori Bonham. I have for a long time, maybe since we were kids. It’s not ever going to go away. I want a life with you. Kids, more dogs. Everything.”

  She thrust her hips at him. “You could get going on that kid part right now.”

  He laughed, putting a hand to her hip to hold her in place. “Not until I get my answer, woman.”

  The laughter left her face then and she held his gaze. “In a heartbeat, Heath Davis. I’ll marry you in a heartbeat.”

  His heart kicked into overdrive, swelling so damned much he didn’t know how it wasn’t busting through his chest.

  “I don’t know how I got so lucky, Nori. I don’t know what I did to deserve this second chance with you, but I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

  She put a hand to his cheek and smiled. “Your luck’s going to run out if you don’t start moving, mister.”

  He laughed at that and did as he was told. He moved slow and deep, losing himself in the feel of their bodies joined together. The feel of them coming together—mind, body, and soul. The feel of the promise they’d just made to each other and what it meant for their future.

  “I love you, Heath,” she said, never looking away from him.

  “I love you, Nori. Always.”

  And after he’d loved her thoroughly and completely, he retrieved the ring from his bag, got down on one knee, and proposed to her the right way.

  Thankfully, her answer was the same. She’d be his wife and make his life complete.

  Five years later…

  Destiny could smell the herbal tea and smiled inwardly even though she grumbled as she smashed her face deeper into the pillow.

  Trent chuckled as he set the cup on the bedside table and laid a hand on her hip. “You’re stalling.”


  He rolled her onto her back, brushed her hair from her face, and set both hands on her enormous belly before leaning in to kiss the tight skin. “Have I told you lately how gorgeous you are?”

  She let her lids flutter open and met his gaze. “Every day, you liar.”

  He shook his head. “Not a lie. You’re radiant.”

  “I’m a whale, and the last thing I want to do is get all dressed up and go to a party. Can’t I just stay here in bed for the last two months?” she joked.

  He smoothed his hand over her belly again. He was always touching her like that, as if he were still in awe and shock over what they’d created. “My mother has been planning this baby shower for months. She’d be terribly disappointed if the guest of honor didn’t show up. And your grandmother would be, too.”

  Destiny rolled her eyes. “You lie again. Your mom has been planning this shower for thirty years.”

  Trent laughed. “True. Look at it this way, you know the shower will be amazing. She never fails when it comes to celebrations. She managed our entire wedding without a single glitch.”

  Destiny finally smiled. He was right about that. She was extremely lucky to have Nancy Dawkins as a mother-in-law. The woman had loved her as if she were her own mother for thirty years. She was the best. “Who’s on the guest list?”

  Destiny hadn’t given more than a passing thought to this shower. For the past few months, she’d been dedicated to quitting her job, breaking her lease in Dallas, and moving her belongings to Killeen. She and Trent had lived in two separate cities for five years and they’d made it work, but with a baby on the way, it was no longer feasible.

  She would miss not working for Open Skies. She loved being a flight attendant. But she loved Trent more, and this baby, of course. She was ready to become a full-time mom and wife. The best part was waking up every day in Trent’s bed. He wasn’t always there. Sometimes he was on a mission, but at least she no longer had to worry all the time about her schedule matching up with his. Often, they only saw each other a few nights a month.

  “In addition to everyone my mother has ever met and all our friends, everyone on my team will be there and their significant others. Merlin and Gwen, Woof and Nori, Duff and Ivy, and Jangles and Hope.”

  Destiny pulled Trent down for a real kiss. On the lips. It seemed he spent more time kissing her belly lately than her mouth. He was already in love with their baby and they didn’t even know the gender. She knew he was going to be an amazing father. She also knew this was a special day. It was rare for everyone on his team and their wives to be able to gather in one place.

  “So, are you going to get out of bed?” he asked, his face inches from hers, a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Thinking about it.” She glanced at the herbal tea. “Maybe after I down some of that ridiculous decaf tea, I’ll find the strength.”

  He sat up, pulled all the pillows from his side of the bed to stuff behind her, and handed her the tea.

  “You spoil me,” she pointed out as she took a sip.

  “That’s because I wake up every day remembering how damn lucky I am to have you, and this baby on the way.” His hand smoothed up and down her belly again, pausing when the baby suddenly kicked.

  She winced. The little guy or gal was strong already.

  Trent grinned. “I’ll never get used to that. It reminds me that there is actually a human in there. Inside you. It’s mind-boggling. I can’t wait to meet him or her.”

  “I can’t wait for you to either, because it will mean he or she is no longer kicking me from the inside out.”

  Trent kissed her belly and then her lips one more time. “I’ll turn the water on. We can shower together.” He wiggled his brows.

  She couldn’t imagine why he still seemed to find her so attractive, but he apparently did. She sure wasn’t going to complain about sharing the shower. She loved it when he bathed her. It meant all she had to do was stand there while he ran his hands all over her body. It usually ended with them back in bed though. “You sure we have time for a shared shower?” she asked, glancing at the clock.

  “They can’t start the party until we get there,” he teased. “And I’m not going to complain if we’re late because I was busy making you scream my name.” He stood and hurried toward the bathroom.

  Destiny stared after him. She wasn’t going to complain either. Even seven months pregnant, she hadn’t lost a single bit of lust for him. It seemed like it had increased since moving in and having the promise of sex readily available far more often.

  She heard the shower turn on and then she smiled as Trent started humming. It was time to face the day. The idea that it would start out with Trent’s hands on her making her writhe made the thought of attending the baby shower far less daunting.

  She finally set the teacup on the bedside table and heaved herself to standing. As she shuffled toward the bathroom, she pulled her nightgown over her head. The look on Trent’s face when he turned around and found her leaning on the doorframe naked was everything.

  God, she loved him. And there was no doubt he loved her back just as fiercely.

  Ten years later…

  Gwen stood at the sink, rinsing off vegetables for the salad to go with dinner when Enid’s loud screech made her look out the window into the backyard. The nine-year-old fraternal twins were playing tag, and her brother, Bran, had caught her. They were growing up so fast and getting more independent and inquisitive by the day. It was rare that they played together these days, but since it was so close to dinner, they had to stay in the yard.

  Their lives were so different. Gwen wouldn’t change a day of it. She had an amazing husband and two children who meant the world to her. But she had never believed it could happen before Luke walked into the bookstore that day. Her life was everything she’d dreamed of and more.

After the twins were born, Gwen had cut back on her hours at the bookstore and worked mostly from home, managing the online store. Remembering how she’d complained about being tired at the end of the workday back then made her giggle. After chasing the kids and playing Uber driver for soccer practice, karate, and dance classes, she’d learned the real meaning of exhaustion. She’d even learned how to cook, much to the relief of her family.

  The timer beeped, and Gwen pulled the lasagna out of the oven and put it on the island to cool. If she’d timed it right, it would have just enough time to rest before Luke got home. She didn’t miss the days when he was on the Delta Team and had to leave at a moment’s notice. Not knowing when he’d return home had been the hardest part. It hadn’t been easy when he was off saving the world, but she’d understood the drive that burned inside him. When he missed the twin’s birth, he’d been so upset, but he’d more than made up for it.

  Luke’s days as a Delta ended three years ago. Gwen would never forget how the world had stood still when Roe called. Just hearing his voice meant something awful had happened to Luke, but hearing the words—wounded in action—made the world stand still. Thank God Roe had also called Destiny. She’d come over with Nori, Ivy, and Hope before the words had sunk in. Their help kept her sane until she could see for herself that Luke would be okay. After he’d healed, he’d taken the promotion they had offered him—a desk job. At first, Gwen worried he’d hate it. But that never happened, and he seemed to enjoy all the research and planning he did now.

  Gwen checked the time and leaned out the window to find the kids. “Hey, guys. Daddy will be home soon. C’mon in, and get ready for dinner.”

  “Too late, he’s already here.” Luke’s deep voice raised goosebumps on her arms. Not only was she still head over heels in love with him, but their passion hadn’t cooled at all.

  “I can’t believe you snuck up on me,” Gwen said as she turned away from the window and looked up into her husband’s handsome face. “Did you have a good day?”

  Luke wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. He slanted his head, and when his warm lips touched hers, she moaned with desire.

  “Eww, gross. We don’t want to see you kissing,” Bran said as the twins skidded to a stop in the kitchen doorway.

  Luke smiled against Gwen’s lips as he pulled back to greet the children. Bran had been growing like a weed and looked more like Luke every day. Enid took after Gwen down to the red hair and freckles across her little nose.

  “Daddy, what are the flowers for?” Enid asked as she ran up to her father and hugged him around the waist.

  “What flowers?” Luke asked.

  Gwen tried to peer around him to see what Enid meant, but Luke blocked her.

  “The ones in your hand. Daddy, you’re silly.”

  “Shhh, they’re a surprise for Mommy.”

  “You messed that up, E,” Bran teased his sister.

  Gwen winced. They had about ten seconds until the explosion. Whoever said twins were inseparable didn’t mean hers. “Why don’t you go wash your hands for dinner? No fighting,” Gwen admonished.

  “Okay,” the twins answered, then turned around to go to the bathroom.

  Luke chuckled as the two of them argued all the way up the stairs.

  “How long until they grow out of that?” Gwen leaned into Luke and inhaled his scent of pine trees and mint.

  “I don’t know? Maybe by the time they go to college.” Luke laughed and then handed her a huge bouquet of wildflowers. The orange, yellow, and pink assortment filled her with joy.

  “What are these for? Not that I’m complaining.” Gwen opened a cabinet door and reached for a vase.

  “I put in my retirement papers today,” Luke said.

  Vase in hand, Gwen twirled to face him, staring into his caramel eyes. “What? Really? Are you okay? Did something happen?”

  “I’m fine. Nothing happened, but it’s time. I thought we could take over the bookstore from your parents. The last time they were here, your dad hinted about wanting to retire and do some traveling with your mom. They haven’t been happy since we grounded them.”

  Gwen giggled. They’d more than deserved it after almost getting them all killed in Egypt. Her grandparents had died within weeks of each other the previous year, and that had left an enormous hole in her heart.

  “You want to run the bookstore? Your sisters will kill you. They’ve begged you to work with them.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to run a chain of department stores. And you know how I feel about books.” Luke’s eyes warmed to molten amber, and she shivered with desire as she recalled their first meeting so long ago.

  “Yes. Yes, I do,” Gwen whispered as she pulled his head toward her. She needed another kiss.

  “God, woman, you’re killing me. I want to lay you out on the table and make love to you. But we’d scar the kids for life.”

  “Yes, we would,” Gwen said with a giggle. “Besides, dinner is ready, and I made your favorite.”

  “Lasagna? I guess I’ll have to ravish you later.” Luke’s stomach growled, and they both grinned. “But I do have one more surprise for you.”

  “You do? What is it?”

  Luke brought her flowers all the time, but the retirement announcement was huge. She didn’t know how he’d be able to top that one.

  “I’m taking you to Camelot.” Luke’s grin was huge as he held up a pamphlet.

  “What?” Gwen’s head spun with shock. He’d already given her Camelot—at least the one she’d dreamed of as a child. Luke had made all of her dreams come true.

  As if he could read her mind, he shook his head. “Not all of your dreams, princess. I did some research, and we’re going to tour Wales and visit all the likely locations where King Arthur could have lived and ruled.”

  Gwen jumped into his arms and slid her hands through his silky hair. “I don’t even know what to say. I love you with everything that I am. But you still make me fall even harder.”

  “I told you, princess. You are my one love, my life, my everything. If I could give you the moon, I would, but Camelot will have to do.” Luke lifted up and she wrapped her legs around his hips.

  Gwen smiled at the man who’d made all of her dreams come true.

  “I love you, princess,” Luke murmured and slanted his lips over hers. His tongue slid into her mouth, tasting like mint. Even after all these years, his kisses still curled her toes.

  “That is so gross,” Bran groused from the hallway.

  “One day, you’ll kiss a girl like that,” Enid told him.


  Fifteen years later…

  Ivy held the cellphone to her ear. “Maggie’s not answering.”

  Duff laid a hand on Ivy’s arm. “She’s probably reading a bedtime story to the twins.” He smiled. “They’ll be all right. Trust our daughter. She learned from you.”

  “But this is Maggie’s first time babysitting all five of them.”

  “She’ll do fine. They love her as much as they love you. I’m sure they’ll behave.”

  Ivy rolled her eyes. “They love me, but there are times they run all over me, leaving skid marks.”

  “Relax. It’s been a long time since we all had a chance to get together at the Ugly Mug.” He pulled into the parking lot. “Looks like the old place got a new paint job since the last time we were here.”

  “Lord, when was that?” Ivy asked.

  “Two or three kids ago,” Duff said. “It’s been a couple years since we were all in the same town.”

  “I can’t wait to see everyone,” Ivy said, her smile spreading across her face as she looped her purse strap over her shoulder.

  “And the best part is we get to see everyone without kids.” Duff sighed. “Real adult time.”

  Ivy glanced back at her phone. “I’d feel better if I could get Maggie to answer.”

  Duff switched off the engine and walked around the mini-van to open the door for Ivy. “They’l
l be fine. Maggie knows how to call 911.”

  “Sweet Jesus, don’t jinx us,” Ivy said as she let him help her to the ground.

  He pulled her into his arms and held her there. “We could run away, you know.”

  “Don’t tempt me,” she said, and rose up on her toes to press her lips to his in a brief kiss.

  He shook his head. “Uh-uh. I need a lot more than that.” His arms tightened around her and he bent to claim her mouth the way he did when they weren’t surrounded by children.

  Oh, he loved his children, but alone-time with this woman was hard to come by.

  He kissed her long and hard, wishing it would never end. When he came up for air, he stared down at her. “You’re as beautiful today as the day you kissed me in Gwen’s bookstore.”

  She laughed. “I was a lot younger then, and a bit more adventurous.”

  “I’d say you’re still just as adventurous, and I love you even more now.” He smiled down at her. “You don’t look like a woman who has six children.”

  “They keep me running. I don’t have time to think about getting old.” She cupped his cheek. “And you don’t look any different than the day we met. You’re still my handsome guy.”

  “You two gonna stand out here sucking face? Or are you coming inside to do some serious adult drinking?” Merlin grinned as he led Gwen up to the door of the Ugly Mug and waited for Ivy and Duff to join them.

  Duff shook Merlin’s hand while Ivy and Gwen hugged.

  “Can you believe we got out of the house without children?” Gwen said. “I feel like we’re playing hooky.”

  “Me, too.” Ivy grimaced. “I feel bad dumping all of mine on Maggie.”

  Gwen shook her head. “Maggie’s amazing. Whenever I have her babysit my hellions, I know they’ll be in bed on time, fed, bathed and stories read.”

  “She’ll make an amazing commander someday,” Merlin said.

  Duff’s chest puffed out. “Damn right she will.”

  “If she goes into the military,” Ivy said.

  Gwen grinned. “She wants to be like her daddy.”


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