Shattered Chaos (Steel Roses Book 1)

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Shattered Chaos (Steel Roses Book 1) Page 5

by Samantha Bee

  “We don’t get to see it until the tattoo is done?” I ask, surprised by her level of daring. I wonder if she thinks I’m going to back down from her challenge. No shot.

  She just nods smirking, “No face tats, though.”

  “Alright, Ladybug. Let’s do it.”

  She claps her hands together and jumps up and down, “Fuck. Yes,” she pauses and looks at me, “Wait, what? Lady bug?” she asks, arching her brow at me.

  “Yeah, your new nickname,” I laugh before pointing at her lips, “Red,” I move my finger down to point at her outfit, “black. You seem like those are your brand colors so I’m rolling with it.”

  She laughs but grabs my hand and starts walking down the street.

  “You’re a fun guy, Stranger,” she says as she twirls around still holding my hand. Her energy is infectious and makes me smile as she dances down the street. The few people that are also walking down the street are as fixated on her as I am. She just has that type of personality that draws your eyes to her, and you just can’t seem to look away. She’s a whirlwind of energy and good times that sucks you in and drowns you in her essence until she is all you see, hear, and need.

  “Where are we going, Scar?” I ask, trying to figure out if she has a plan in mind with her dancing down the street or if she’s just drunk. Hmm, maybe we shouldn’t be getting tattoos.

  “My tattoo artist’s shop is downtown,” she smiles.

  “Seriously?” I ask. I guess it was meant to be, we are really doing this.

  Scar is greeted by a few of the artists when we walk in, “Scar, girl. What are you doing out this late?”

  I look down at my watch and realize it’s almost 3 o’clock in the morning. Shit, I don’t know how it got so late.

  “Hey Mikey,” she smiles, “We were out having a good old time and decided to stop for some quick ink.”

  “Bitch,” he stammers, “I can smell the alcohol on you two from here.”

  I chuckle and she just laughs walking over to him and sitting in his lap, “Oh come on, Mikey. They’re just little ones. Right, Stranger?” she asks looking at me while running her fingers through the artist’s hair.

  Before I have the chance to respond he scoffs, “Please tell me you aren’t getting matching tattoos with some guy you just met?”

  She throws her back as she laughs and grins at me conspiratorially, “Nope,” she says, popping the p the same way she did when I first met her, “Kade and I became friends when we were seventeen.”

  I just nod, going with her slightly exaggerated version of things. Getting tattoos together is probably on this side of stupid decisions after just reconnecting tonight. I just don’t think either of us have the personality to really care even if we never talk again after this night, which I don’t plan on allowing to happen again, anyways. She’s stuck with me now, she just doesn’t realize that yet.

  “And, we are not getting matching tattoos,” she explains to her artist, still playing with his hair. I wonder if they’ve ever fucked. He’s a good looking guy, if a little older but they seem very comfortable with each other. “We are picking what the other is getting.”

  Mikey just laughs, “You really are a wild one, you know that?”

  She just winks at him before turning to the other artist currently working on another client, “Hey, Ronan,” she calls out.

  “Oh, about time you acknowledged me. Thought I was invisible there for a second,” he calls back as he wipes the thigh of the girl he’s working on.

  “Har har, you’re so funny,” she calls back. “What are you working on?”

  “Some skull and flowers, I’ll be done in just a minute and you can check it out. It’s right up your alley.”

  “Great,” she says, rubbing her hands together, “Can you do Stranger’s tattoo? I already know what he’s getting.”

  I’m starting to get a little nervous with the evil grin spreading across her face.

  “Anything for you, babe. What’s he gonna get?”

  “Oh, it's a surprise,” I answer for her. “Neither of us know what we are going to get.”

  Both artists laugh but Mikey is the one to respond, “Brave soul, you are. That girl has a twisted sense of humor,” I just shrug though. I don’t think Scar could give me anything that I would regret. Even if she had them tattoo a penis on me, I would look at it and think of her, so it would make me smile. I’m not worried about it.

  “Alright brave guy, you know what she’s going to get?”

  My grin must look as evil as Scar’s did because Mikey starts cackling, “Hey Ronan, looks like our girl may have finally met someone to match her sick sense of humor.”

  I don’t know that he will find my idea as funny as I do. I’ve been thinking about it ever since we decided to do this, and I think it’s perfect for her.

  He gestures towards one of the private rooms, “Alright, we can go back there and plan her tattoo out without her overhearing.”

  When we go back into the main area of the shop with the stencil for her tattoo, Mikey is still laughing to himself. He agreed it was perfect for her, in an ironic sort of way. I’m pumped to see what she has planned for me and to see what her reaction to what I chose will be.

  The other client is already gone, and Scar is now sitting in Ronan’s lap and it looks like they’re finishing up the stencil for my tattoo. I tilt my head to the side as I watch her leaning into him. I’m noticing that she’s an extremely affectionate person. I wonder who that extends too, is she like that with everyone? Or has she slept with both of these guys. She’s clearly not worried about either of them getting jealous of the other.

  Mikey must notice that I’m staring at them, but he mistakes my musings for jealousy, “Don’t worry man, neither of us have slept with her,” he hesitates before continuing, “but you should know, she doesn’t deal well with guys getting jealous.”

  I decide then that Mikey is a good guy, even if he’s mistaken about what I’m thinking. “Oh, I know, girl’s got a whole ass roster,” I laugh. “Don’t get me wrong, I was wondering if either of you had slept with her,” I explain, “but I was really more curious about how affectionate she is. I was thinking about if she’s like that with everyone or what.”

  He nods along with me as I talk, “She’s an affectionate girl for sure. With men and women but I do think it’s more extreme with people she’s comfortable with. I think she just craves a sense of closeness. Ironically enough, it’s the men she’s sleeping with that she’s the least affectionate with.”

  “Huh, interesting,” I nod at him as I ponder this. How much of what I witnessed between her and the boss was abnormal?

  Scar’s laughter brings me out of my musings, “I love it,” she exclaims. I look over at her and she’s laughing so hard she’s wiping tears from her eyes and Ronan is grinning at her. She looks proud of whatever idea she came up with for me.

  “Alright, let’s do this,” I call out to her, “I can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned.”

  We both walk toward the tables next to each other so we can get them done next to each other, “Nervous?” I ask her.

  “Excited. You?”

  “Same,” I smirk and point at her pants, “You’re gonna have to take those off. Again.” I stroke my chin in thought, “You think you can do a repeat performance of earlier?”

  Ronan gasps, “You had a show tonight and didn’t tell me!?” he clutches his chest like she's mortally wounded him.

  She actually looks apologetic, “Luca talked me into a spontaneous performance. You know you’re always the first person I invite to my shows.”

  Mikey rolls his eyes at the two of them but still asks, “Did we miss a good one?”

  Scar fidgets at the reminder of the stunt she pulled with Luca during her little show, “Oh you know, not really,” she hesitates, “it was only two songs.”

  “Uh huh,” I chuckle, ignoring the death stare she sends my way, “and you used our boss as a fucking stripper pole, licked his
face, kissed his neck, before throwing yourself in to a backbend over the side of the balcony that left you suspended over the crowd. Sure, nothing interesting.”

  “Right,” she says sheepishly, “there was that.”

  Mikey and Ronan trade shocked looks. Ronan recovers first, “You licked...Luca? Licked him?”

  She nods and he cackles, “You guys finally bumping uglies?”

  She rolls her eyes, “Who the fuck says that?” she deflects.

  “It was quite the show, I’m sure there will be videos on Instagram tomorrow of the infamous Stormy,” I tease her.

  “Oh, I can’t wait to see this,” Mikey says.

  “Alrighty then, so tattoos?” Scar interjects, trying to get us back on track.

  “Take your pants off, Ladybug,” I remind her.

  She smirks, “You too, Stranger.”

  Our tattoos only take about twenty minutes, Scar gets done a couple of minutes before me, but I tell her she has to wait until I'm done to look. Ronan is just finishing up his work on my inner thigh, very high up, on my inner thigh. It’s not a place I would ever have thought to get a tattoo, but I can’t lie and say I don’t like the slightly sexual placement Scar chose for me.

  When I first laid down, Ronan joked about avoiding looking at the pantsless Scar because his face is right up in my dick. I somehow managed to avoid staring at her gorgeous lean legs. I’m hoping to get to spend the rest of the night exploring her body.

  Fuck. Think about something else. I’m just a few minutes away from being able to put pants back on and my hard on won’t be so noticeable to everyone in the room. Ronan chuckles, obviously noticing my struggle.

  “Okay, you are done,” he says.

  I look up and over at Scar and raise my brows, she nods, “On the count of three.”




  I look down at my inner thigh and see red shaped lips like a kiss on my inner thigh and I start smirking at the sexual implications of it. I like Scar thinking about me sexually. I want her to be thinking about sex with me.

  I’m studying the tattoo, there’s black writing in the lips that’s a little hard to read at this angle, when her laughter once again washes over me. I look over at her to see the grin on her face. The tattoo I had Mikey gave her is also a little sexual in nature, okay a lot sexual.

  I walk over to her to study it. I place my hands on her hips as I read it. Right there on her panty line at the front of her hip, it says, “Yes, Sir.”

  “It’s as sexy as I imagined it would be,” I smile.

  “I kind of love it,” she says, still laughing. “It’s perfect.” She leans over and kisses Mikey on his cheek and then leans up to give me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Okay, now let me see yours!”

  I smile and lift up my boxers so she can see the red lips inked into my upper inner thigh. She runs her finger down my thigh, I look up and try to distract myself from her hands on me. I don’t think Mikey and Ronan need to know me quite that intimately.

  “Did you read it?” she asks.

  “Oh no, I got distracted by you,” I answer. “Let me see it.”

  I look down and start smiling like an idiot when I realize it says, “Hey, Stranger,” I look up into her eyes and see the mirth dancing there.

  “They’re my lips,” she whispers but Mikey and Ronan can still hear her.

  Mikey starts cracking up as understanding dawns on me. She had Ronan tattoo an impression of her lips practically on top of my dick.


  I can feel myself getting hard and there’s nothing I can do to stop it now that I’m thinking about Scar’s lips that close to my dick.

  Ronan and Mikey are cracking up at my very obvious approval of the tattoo she picked.

  “God dammit, Scar,” I try to sound stern, but I can’t help the amusement in my tone. I do love my tattoo.

  “Hurry up and wrap this shit up, so I can take her bitch ass to bed,” I demand, scowling now that I’m feeling impatient to get her undressed. I need to feel her real lips on my skin. Now.

  Ronan and Mikey laugh as they briefly go over aftercare for our tattoos before wrapping them in the plastic wrap and taping it down.

  As soon as I’ve paid Ronan for both of our tattoos as well as a generous tip for the both of them, I grab Scar and throw her over my shoulder and head for the door. Her body vibrates with her silent laughter and the guys call out their goodbye to her.

  “We are going back to your place, now.”

  “Yes, sir,” she practically purrs, wiggling her ass in my face. I slap her ass before pulling my phone out and ordering an Uber.

  As soon as our ride is confirmed, I place her down and lean her against the outside wall of the tattoo shop and press my body against her so she can feel how hard I am for her.

  I love the little gasp that escapes her mouth a second before she starts moving her hips against my erection.

  I sink my hands into her hair, tilting her head to the side to give myself the perfect access to her beautiful plump lips. I get so close to her that my lips graze her when I whisper, “Having your lips permanently on me is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard of,” she flicks her tongue out and my control almost snaps. “I need to feel those sexy lips of yours for myself, don’t you think?”

  She barely manages to nod before I’m pressing my lips more firmly to hers and sweeping my tongue through her hot mouth.

  She presses harder against my body as she lets me control the kiss, giving as much as I’m taking. Her lips are so soft against mine, her taste heavenly. Kissing Scar tastes like the air after a storm, clean and fresh and heavy with a sense of newness.

  I press my body further into hers until I can’t tell where I end, and she starts. I nip at her full bottom lip before pulling it into my mouth to suckle on.

  “Fuck,” I curse as I break the kiss. I dance my fingertips across the waistband of her jeans. “You are seriously addictive,” I sigh, “We have seven minutes before the Uber gets here,” I tell her, “Think I can make you come before he gets here?”

  Her eyes get wide as she looks at me, “You wouldn’t,” she scoffs.

  “Oh, but I would,” I grin as I start to unbutton her jeans and slip my hand down the front to those red lace panties that have been haunting my thoughts for hours now.

  I curse again when I feel how slick she is for me. I slip my finger through her folds, slowly teasing her with an up and down motion I know will drive her insane with need. When I feel her shudder underneath my body, I drag my finger back up to the highly sensitive nub hidden in her folds and start rubbing tight circles around it. Slowly increasing my pace as she starts panting against my neck.

  I love the way her body writhes underneath me as I find the rhythm that drives her insane. I add a second finger as I move them back down and quickly thrust into her heat. I’m rewarded with her wet warmth clenching all around me. God, she’s so hot and tight. I wish I could fuck her against this wall right now. I don’t even want to wait until we get back to her place.

  Scar moaning my name into my neck has me picking up the pace as I thrust my two fingers in and out of her at a brutal pace. Making sure to rub against her clit with my palm and adding extra pressure to take her that much higher. I can tell she is close.

  “Come for me, sweetheart,” I whisper as I lean down and bite her lower lip again just as she cries out and I feel her sweet pussy clenching around my fingers as an orgasm wracks through her body.

  We are both panting against the wall as I slip my finger out of her jeans when my phone goes off to let us know our Uber driver will soon be approaching.

  I look down at my dripping fingers before looking into her eyes, “I hope you’re ready, sweetheart because that was just the start. You’ll be screaming my name before sunrise.” I pop my fingers into my mouth and suck the taste of her clean.

  Her eyes dilate and her mouth drops open, but our driver pulls up before sh
e can even respond.

  I wipe my hand on my jeans as she hops into the car without even bothering to button herself back up. She just shrugs when she catches me noticing, “They’re just going to come right off.”

  I laugh as I close the door and she gives the driver her address.

  Chapter Three

  6 Months Ago

  I walk into the gym and quickly look around to try and find Kade. I spot Ian, Holden, and Ty standing there talking amongst themselves while the fighters are spread out lazily throughout the gym. I don’t notice him anywhere.

  This is one of my favorite businesses that Luca owns. It's a full functioning training gym for his fighters. He and Kade run the fights and before Kade came back into my life, Luca kept me pretty far away from this aspect of his business.

  Now I know why.

  I’ve thought a lot about it in the last couple of months and I know why I had to leave Kade in my past, but I haven’t quite figured out why it took so long for Luca to want us to reconnect.

  I wasn’t wholly surprised to find out that Kade has had his hand in this part of the business since day one, he does have a history with fight rings. While we were growing, it made sense to keep me completely out of it. We were terrified the first few years of someone discovering my new identity, but no one has ever had any suspicions about Luca’s favorite dancer.

  I make my way over to the guys, “Hey guys,” they all turn around and greet me with huge grins. Ty, Ian, and Holden all help Kade and Luca run the fights. This is where Luca really started building a name for himself and it is the center point of his empire.

  They host huge fighting events one weekend every month, but you can find fights happening here on any given weekend and even some weekdays. Kade typically headlines the larger events, currently undefeated. Luca uses the fights as a way to gather information. Most of the big players show up on fight nights, bets are placed, deals are made, alliances forged, the whole damn nine yards. It’s like a damn crime syndicate tea party.

  I snort to myself silently. If Luca or Kade ever heard me refer to it that way, heads would roll. Not mine, but definitely someone’s. Might be a fun game to see whose.


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