Shattered Chaos (Steel Roses Book 1)

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Shattered Chaos (Steel Roses Book 1) Page 16

by Samantha Bee

  We move as fast as we can without jostling her too much and fuck me, I can feel the effects of some of the blood loss from my wound. I can’t move as fast as I normally can without getting dizzy. I notice Kade watching me as we run, I know he sees something is off, but I don’t think he’s figured it out yet. I’m covered in blood from my kills so it’s not immediately obvious that I was hurt.

  We catch up to Joe, Ryder, and the girls just a few minutes away from the exit to the taco place. We slow our pace to match theirs and I notice both Joe and Ryder looking over the little girl in my arms. Ryder knew how little she was, but Joe only had what Luca and Kade had described, seeing her is far different.

  I watch as Joe clenches his fists and I pin him with a deadly stare, silently warning him to keep his cool around the girls.

  “Alright, baby girl, we caught up to some of our friends. Remember the girls who stayed with you?” I ask her in the same soothing voice I have been using with her.

  She nods in response.

  “Good, they are here with us. They’re okay too. We're going to make sure you guys get all better, okay?” She nods again.

  “That’s a good girl,” I soothe. “I have some other friends here too. Joe, he’s the old guy I told you about,” I tease and the guys chuckle.

  “Ryder is also here,” I continue to explain to her, so she doesn’t get surprised by anything, “He was with you and the other girls for a little bit, okay. They both helped me save you.”

  I stop and point out the exit to Joe and Kade. Joe starts explaining to the girls what’s going to happen and Kade takes my key to open up the door to the stairs.

  “Alright, sweetie, we are going to walk up some stairs. I’ll hold you tight the whole time, okay? Then when we get to the top, we are going to climb into a van and my friends, Luca, Mikey, and Ronan will be there, okay?”

  I wait for her to nod before continuing, “They’re ugly and stinky but they have our tacos and churros, so I guess we can keep them. You think?”

  She nods against me and I think I feel a smile again. I feel my own break out across my face.

  “I won’t let you go, I promise,” I reassure her one more time.

  Ryder and Kade are standing watching the two of us closely. I can see the pain in Kade’s eyes for this little girl and what she’s been through. Ryder’s eyes are observing and calculating as if he’s trying to figure something out.

  “I see it now,” he says, more to Kade than me.

  I tilt my head in question but Kade is the one who voices it, “See what?”

  “She can in fact be sweet as sugar,” he jokes, nodding towards my shirt that he called false advertising before.

  Well, I was not expecting that. I let out a low chuckle, not wanting to startle the little girl in my arms too much. I’m glad Ryder turned out not to be a bad guy, he seems alright.

  Chapter Eleven

  God I fucking hate these missions. I know they are a huge part of our operations and play a big part in Letty’s recovery but fuck. I hate not being able to go with them. I hate that she is in danger and I’m not by her side. Rage vibrates through my body as I watch her and Kade on the screens set up on my desk.

  Saving these girls and even the guys is important. We are saving them from a life of hell only to end in their death. I know that, and I’m glad we do it, but I’m going to be honest. I do this for Letty.

  I’m not a good person. I’m a selfish bastard. I don’t do things out of the goodness of my heart. I think the skin market is disgusting. I would never have gotten involved with it, even if I didn’t have Letty. But I would never go out of my way to help these girls if it weren’t for her.

  The guilt she felt when she found pictures of her father’s crimes and knew she couldn’t do anything for the girls in them has festered for years. She will never be able to forgive herself for not being able to save her sisters and I know a part of her wishes she would have been devoured by the flames that night. I know it and it devastates me that a part of her still wishes that.

  Saving these girls helps give her purpose, it eases her guilt, helps her atone for sins that were never hers, and should never have been put on her shoulders. It also helps her feel like she is fighting back against her own attackers, and we are. We are getting closer. My fingers itch to mete out my own justice, draw the blood of the fucks who hurt my girl.

  Taking out some of Romano’s crew is huge. It's a great step in the right direction for her revenge, which only makes the rage in my soul burn hotter, fueling my need to give her everything she needs. Scar lives and breathes for her chance at revenge. I live and breathe for Scar. Everything I do is for her. Every single decision I make is made with her in mind.

  What she went through was fucking horrific, worse than anything I could ever comprehend. She describes that night as the perfect storm, full of evil and destruction and death. So much was lost that night, but the wreckage nurtured something else into existence. It took and damaged, but it gave birth to the chaos that now resides in Scar’s soul. It broke her down and created her anew in its image. She became the perfect storm.

  When she told me about that night, the words bled out of her and into the air before soaking into me like raindrops on my skin. Her words infected and burned fury into my veins so hot, it burned everything else out of my bloodstream, leaving only my love for this girl and rage for what was done to her.

  Her tragedy turned her into ice, but it morphed me through fire, bringing the demons in my soul out to play. Now I’ll use every demon she awoke in me to protect her, to help her gain her vengeance. I crave the blood of her attackers as much, if not more than she does. Staying back and having to watch her sate her cravings through a computer screen kills me.

  Even though I’m going crazy sitting here in my office while she takes all the risks, I can’t help the chuckle that escapes me as I watch her gut one of the guards.

  “Dear lord, Scar.”

  Her answering grin is fucking savage, “What? I said I would gut these fucks, right? Just following through on my word.”

  “Fuck, Ladybug, he’s still alive,” mumbles Kade.

  “Not for long,” she snickers. God damn snickers like it’s the funniest thing she’s seen today. My baby girl is a deranged psychopath, but fuck if it doesn’t make me love her more. Her bloodlust is truly remarkable and kind of funny when you think about how small she is. You’d never expect it out of her, especially if you’ve ever seen her pout. It’s adorable as all hell.

  All of us start joking and teasing her about her psychotic tendencies but I don’t even think she’s listening to us anymore, too intent on the next kill. I agree to let the guys watch the videos before I get rid of them because, even I can admit, her kills today have been quite aesthetically pleasing. If you’re into blood and guts and shit. Our crew is quite fond of brutality which Scar displays in spades.

  “Joe, start heading towards Marnye’s, they’ll be able to catch up to you guys,” the other girls were moving pretty slowly, they won’t be able to jog there and the sooner we get them to a safe house the better. I get confirmation as everyone starts moving.

  I would do anything to trade places with Kade. For a lot of different reasons but most especially right now because I can’t do shit but give them as many details about the guards whereabouts as possible.

  They split off into separate directions getting into position, “Wait for my go,” I remind them. Kade still has to take out two guards and Scar will have to take out the last guard without jeopardizing the last girl. The surprise element gives them the advantage to get it done with the least risk to themselves.

  Scar reaches the door to the office first, but she pauses and gives a single nod to let me know she’s ready as soon I give the go ahead. I turn my attention to Kade and as soon as he gives me his own nod, I tell them to move in.

  I lose sight of her as soon as she slides through that damn door and can’t stop myself from pacing. I hear two shots go off within moments
of each other. Scar and Kade taking out a guard each, almost simultaneously. I watch as Kade fires rapidly to dispatch the other guard almost immediately. Only seconds have passed.

  My whole body is tense as I wait for confirmation from Scar that she’s okay. I hear two more shots go off at almost the exact same second and I know neither one came from Kade. Fuck. I throw my coffee mug against the wall, but the sound of shattering glass does nothing to appease my demons.

  I need to hear Scar’s voice, see her, feel her.

  I hear one more shot almost right after and then silence. I almost lose my shit. Those two simultaneous shots have me fucking worried. Why is Scar being so quiet? I know it’s barely been a minute since she entered that room but every second is dragging out, ratcheting up my anxiety, until I’m a bundle of pulsing energy ready to be unleashed.

  “What the fuck, Scar?” I demand letting my impatience and anxiety bleed into my voice.

  A heavy silence fills the line as we all wait to hear confirmation that Scar is okay. Fuck, I’m about to throw something else against the wall when I hear her angry tone cussing through the line.

  I sigh in relief before I take in what she’s saying. Fuck. They’re not out of danger yet.

  I start barking out orders to all of the members of my team to get them moving or ready to move. I need Mikey and Ronan to stay on point out front until Scar and Kade can get back into the tunnels and lock the hidden entrance.

  I’m instantly aware of the change in Scar’s tone as she starts talking again, low and soothing.

  Fuck, she’s talking to the last girl. I almost forgot she was the whole reason Scar insisted on going up there. Although, I know she always intended to find a reason to do just that.

  God dammit. Scar is using the gentlest voice I have ever heard out of her, this girl really must be a fucking child. These sick fucks. I almost wish Scar and Kade could have drawn out their deaths a little bit longer.

  I realize Kade is about to burst into the office, but I can tell by the way Letty is talking to the child that she’s trying to establish trust and it seems like the girl is reluctant. The last thing she needs is a huge monster of a dude busting into that office.

  “Kade stop,” I bark out.

  “What the fuck?” he exclaims back at me, “You heard those extra shots, they didn’t all come from Scar’s gun.”

  “I fucking know that, okay?” I snap back. I don't need this fucker to tell me how it feels. At least he’s there. “Let her get the child situated.”

  “I just want to make sure she’s okay,” he snaps back.

  “Get your head out of your ass and listen to her? She’s talking to a fucking child. Calm yourself or I will let Scar rip your balls off your body when you scare that kid.”

  He huffs, “We need to move, the sooner the better.”

  I sigh, “I know, give her a moment. Scar’s not dumb. I’m leaving now. Mikey, Ronan, as soon as that door is locked, you guys take off. I’ll pick you up in the van at the fountain by the park and we will meet the others at Marnye’s Margaritas.”

  I wait for their confirmation before I start grabbing all my stuff I need. Wallet, regular keys, sunglasses, keys to the safehouse. I double check I have my blades strapped to me. I have the corresponding set to the one I gave Scar, custom made to match us. All black with red rubies in the handles except my pocketknife has a blue diamond. Fire and ice.

  I hesitate before leaving even though I know I’m good to go. I just want to catch a glimpse of Scar before I leave. I watch the screen knowing she should be in view any moment now.

  Nothing in the world could have prepared me for what I see when that door finally opens. Scar is a tiny person, maybe 5’3? She is more than a foot shorter than Kade and can’t weigh more than a hundred and twenty pounds and yet this child is gently curled into her chest with her arms wrapped around her.

  I can’t help the violent string of curses that flies out of my mouth at the sight of the two of them. That’s not even a child, that’s a fucking baby.

  I wish we could bring these sick fucks back to life just so I can watch Scar gut them again and choke them out with their own intestines.

  Even through the cameras I can see the emotion on Kade and Letty’s faces. I can hear Scar still talking in that soothing tone trying to keep the little girl calm as they walk through the building and head back towards the tunnels.

  Dammit. We are all going to have to keep our emotions in absolute check to keep from frightening the girl even more.

  “Heads up team, the last girl is a fucking baby. She looks tiny in Scar’s arms and that’s fucking saying something.”

  All of the guys curse as Kade starts talking low, obviously trying to keep the little girl from hearing him, “She can’t be more than four or five. Tiny little thing and shaking like a newborn baby bird. Burns, cuts and bruises litter her arms and legs.”

  More cursing as I walk out and lock my office before leaving Steel Roses and jogging towards the van to head towards the park.

  “Everybody needs to keep their emotions in fucking check, got it? The last thing that little girl needs is to be surrounded by angry, grown ass men.”

  I start driving as we all continue to talk over the comms. I try to keep track of their position based on their conversation but it's hard as Scar is mostly talking to the little girl. It’s obvious when they get to the closet as an argument breaks out between Kade and Scar because the little girl won’t let go of her.

  Before I have a chance to tell Kade to let it go, Mikey snaps at him to get moving. I hear as they continue to move, Scar’s breathing sounds a little more labored than it should. I make a mental note to see what’s going on.

  Kade confirms as soon as the door is locked once again, and I hear quick confirmations from the other two that they’re taking off.

  Then we each go quiet as we listen to the gentle voice of Letty as she questions the little girl about tacos. I make another mental note to order extra churros as I smile to myself at how good Letty is with her. She thinks she’s so cold and unemotional, but she collects people everywhere she goes. She draws people in and nurtures their souls without even realizing she does it.

  There’s a reason we have so many loyal people working on our teams, it's for her. Every single person on this run would gladly step in front of a bullet for Scar. Everyone here loves and trusts her even if she doesn’t want to let any of us in.

  Less than a minute of listening to more embarrassing stories about us, Ronan curses, “Oh shit, Romano’s crew just flew past us. We made it out just in time.”

  “Did they look twice at you guys?”

  “Nope,” they both answer at the same time but it's Mikey who continues, “We will dump the truck at the park and have one of the crew come back to get rid of it, just in case.”

  “Perfect, get that in motion. I want it scrapped, no traces within the hour.”

  “Yes, boss,” Mikey confirms.

  I settle in to listen to Scar’s stories and find myself laughing at some of the stories she tells the little girl. Some of them are definitely not appropriate for a child, but that's Scar for you. I hear the other guys laughing along with her stories as well. Especially when Scar starts talking to her about some of the tattoos Ronan and Mikey have given.

  Just as she starts a certain story about Ronan that we’ve all heard before, he cuts her off laughing, “Scar! You can’t tell that story to a kid.”

  I hear her huff in response, but she changes the topic to an embarrassing story about Kade falling off one of the stages at Steel Roses instead. Kade joins in to start telling his own stories about Scar to the little girl.

  I pull up to the fountain and find Mikey and Ronan already waiting for me, smoking, and looking causal as fuck. I stop the van and they both jump in, Mikey sitting in the front with me. I toss him my phone and tell him to order a shit ton of tacos and churros.

  Marnye’s has some of the best tacos in this town, but one of the greatest things abo
ut them is how damn fast they are. Our order should be ready by the time we pull up, before even Joe and the girls get there. Of course, when they see my order, they'll move it to the front of the line but that's beside the point.

  A short ten minutes later we are pulling up and Ronan jumps out of the back to go grab the bags of food. He will let them know that Scar, Kade and Joe will be exiting out of the back in just a few minutes. It sounds like Scar and Kade just caught up to Joe and the girls. I continue to listen to their conversations and laugh when I hear Ryder calling Letty sweet, referring to that stupid shirt she has on. Girl has a twisted sense of humor.

  After he hops back into the car with his arms full with bags of food, I pull around to the back. Marnye’s has two back exits, one is the normal one, but the other is an exit from the tunnels. The room is separated from the business and even most employees don't realize it’s there, but it helps that it leads straight into the parking lot.

  I park the van as close to the exit as possible and as soon as we hear them opening the door, Ronan throws the back door open so Joe can usher the older girls straight into the van with no one being the wiser to their presence.

  We all take our comms out and turn them off as Kade helps Scar and the little girl into the back of the van. We have several of these untraceable vans at our disposal. The entire back has no seats because we don’t always know how many people we are going to have sitting back there. It's a tight fit but we keep blankets and pillows back there to help make it a bit more comfortable.

  I take off as soon as Kade closes the door behind him. I didn’t get a good look at Scar, but she seemed to be covered in blood, more than I would have thought from the kills I watched. I wonder how close she was to the last guard she killed.

  I try to keep my eye on her in the rearview mirror, but I don’t get too good of a view of her since she’s sitting on the ground. Ronan starts handing out tacos to the girls and Ryder. Who knows when the last time these girls had a good meal?


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