Tangled With A Texan (Texas Cattleman’s Club: Houston Book 8)

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Tangled With A Texan (Texas Cattleman’s Club: Houston Book 8) Page 6

by Yvonne Lindsay

  “You look very domesticated,” Zoe commented as he quickly set the outdoor table and lit a bunch of squat candles in the center of the table.

  “I’m a man of many talents. Come, take a seat,” he suggested. “I’ll get the ribs off the grill.”

  He plated up the ribs and brought the platter to the table.

  “You mentioned your grandmother. Did she raise you?” Zoe asked as he settled into his place.

  “Both my grandparents were still here with us when my father took over the ranch. My grandfather died five years ago but Abuelita is still fighting fit. She lives with my parents. When Dad retired, he decided he wanted to get away from ranching. Told me that if he lived here, or near here, he’d always be interfering in my way of doing things and he didn’t think that was fair. They bought a condo in Palm Springs, but to be honest, I don’t think he’s happy there. Oh, he puts on a good face and all, but he’s a farm boy at heart. Rounds of golf and cocktails at five?” Cord shook his head. “That’s not his lifestyle.”

  “I guess he made his choice, though, right?”

  “It worries me that he’s unhappy. His pride won’t let him admit he’s made a mistake. I would welcome him back. His knowledge is invaluable, and God knows the house is big enough for us all to continue living here without tripping over one another. It worked for him and his parents. I don’t see why it wouldn’t have worked for us.” He shrugged. “Whatever, it is what it is.”

  “I couldn’t wait to move out of home and get a place of my own. Even though my brothers are all married, I just felt suffocated by my family’s expectations of me.”

  “Their expectations?” Cord probed.

  “I’m a girl. They want me to settle down and have babies.”

  “And quit your career?”

  Her laugh was scornful. “They don’t see this as my career. It’s a placeholder to them, until I do the right thing and find a good man and settle down and let him support me. My family is fiercely traditional.”

  “Well, there’s traditional and there’s dark ages,” Cord commiserated.

  He picked up the wine bottle and held it above her glass without pouring, just waiting for her assent or refusal. There was no way she’d be legal to drive if she had another glass of wine. They both knew it. If she accepted the drink, she was staying. It wasn’t until he allowed the thought to form again in his mind that he realized just how much he wanted her to stay. How much he wanted to explore her again. The moment Zoe’s fingers lightly grasped the slender stem of the wineglass and lifted it toward the bottle, every particle in his body stirred.

  Her blue eyes met his and locked. He saw the faint remnants of indecision fade and be replaced by something else. Heat. Need. Desire. He slowly tipped the bottle and poured.

  “Thank you,” she said, lifting the glass to her lips and taking a sip.

  “No, thank you,” Cord said, his voice no more than a rumble.

  He dragged his focus back to their meal, to the succulent meat that, with a gentle bite, simply twisted off the ribs, then melted on the tongue in a burst of flavors. But right now his taste buds were flooded with the memory of Zoe’s skin from last night, and the longing to repeat the experience—and more.

  He couldn’t say how he got through the rest of the meal or what they discussed. All he could think about was the fact that Zoe Warren was staying the night. Sure, she might yet take him up on the guest-room idea, but he had a feeling that she’d be sleeping with him. Actually, sleeping was the furthest thing from his mind. The anticipation of how the rest of their night would unfold settled around him, filling him with a sizzling buzz of excitement. Yeah, this was going to be a good night. He would put aside the reasons she’d come here and what she did for a living, and he’d make damn sure she forgot them, too.

  * * *

  Zoe felt herself relax in increments. It had to be the wine she’d unwisely drunk, she told herself. It would have nothing to do with the man sitting opposite her. The man who’d put together a meal that was worthy of any five-star restaurant, because even in its simplicity, it had been imbued with a myriad of flavors that varied in intensity but each of which created both craving and satisfaction. A bit like the man himself.

  And just like that she didn’t feel quite so relaxed anymore. She’d made a conscious decision here tonight. The moment she’d accepted his offer of wine, she knew she’d be staying—and forget about any guest room. The hum of her body had heightened to a persistent buzz of need, and the idea of taking care of that need on her own held little appeal when there was a warm and willing partner right here in front of her. She allowed herself to revel in the air of expectancy that built between herself and Cord Galicia.

  When they finished their food, Cord began to clear their things away. Zoe swiftly rose to assist him.

  “You don’t need to help. You’re my guest here tonight,” Cord protested.

  “Of course I’m helping you,” she answered firmly, stacking plates and cutlery.

  She followed him through to the kitchen, where she rinsed dishes while he stacked the state-of-the-art dishwasher. Clearly ranching was a profitable business for this family, not that money impressed her necessarily, but she liked seeing people enjoy the fruits of their hard labor—even if it was something as simple as a dishwasher. She made a passing comment, complimenting Cord on his choice in kitchenware. He laughed.

  “You think I had anything to do with any of this?” He flung out his arms to encapsulate the entire room. “No way. When Dad declared his retirement, my mom and Abuelita took it as a chance to ensure that I didn’t have to lift more than a finger without a woman here to look after me. Everything was changed. You just about need a software degree to operate the oven, let alone the microwave.”

  Zoe laughed along with him, but inside she felt something pull tight and close up like a clamshell. Clearly there was an expectation in this family that the women took care of their men. Not that looking after a household and all the multiple things that fell under that umbrella was in any way less important than what she did, but to Zoe her career was everything. She wouldn’t give it up for anyone.

  And no one is asking you to, that voice in the back of her mind reminded her tersely. Basically you’re here to satisfy an urge. Don’t expect any more than that, nor any less.

  With that voice ringing clearly in her mind, Zoe cocked her head and watched Cord as he completed the cleanup. There was something very satisfying about watching a strong and capable man busy in the pursuit of domestic duties. Sexy even. Yeah, definitely sexy. Cord had big, strong hands with long, deft fingers. He kept his nails short and clean, but there was no denying those hands had calluses earned through hard work and determination. And yet they could be gentle, too, she thought on a shiver of memory.

  “Everything okay?” Cord said as he turned to face her.

  “Oh yes,” she replied. “Just thinking about dessert.”


  “Yeah. You said last night was the appetizer. You’ve just fed me dinner. Which kind of leaves...” She let her voice trail away suggestively.


  He took a step closer, and Zoe felt the heat in the room skip up a few notches. When he reached out a hand to stroke her face with his fingertips, it was all she could do not to throw herself into his arms. Instead, she stood there, her eyes locked with his, her body all but visibly shaking as she waited to see what he would do next. She didn’t have to wait long.

  Cord moved fast, his arms going around her and one hand cupping the back of her head as he lowered his face to hers and took her lips in a searing kiss that all but turned her legs to water. Hot, steaming water, but boneless nonetheless. She reveled in the feel of his firm body as he hauled her against him, plastering her soft curves against his harder frame. And she lost herself in the taste of him—hot, sinful, spicy and sweet all at once.

sp; Suddenly he was moving away from her, his hand clasping one of hers firmly as he tugged her after him.

  “We’re not doing this here,” he said in a gravelly tone.

  “As impressed as I am by your appliances, I concur with your decision,” she teased in return.

  He threw her a grin over his shoulder and headed for the staircase. She followed close behind as he continued down a carpeted hallway to the end, where he threw open a door and yanked her inside.

  “I want you naked,” he said in a voice that brooked no argument.

  “How convenient. I want the same of you,” she said bluntly and began to peel her clothing from her body.

  Opposite her, Cord undressed just as quickly. She could barely keep her eyes off him. The sinewy strength of his arms showed in the way his muscles bunched and released as he dragged off his shirt with little respect for the buttons that tore free and bounced onto the carpet beneath their feet. He kicked off his boots and shucked his jeans and socks in a smooth movement, which left him standing there in front of her in only his boxer briefs. Clad in only her bra and panties, red lace this time, she eyed his very obvious erection constrained behind the cotton knit of his briefs. She sucked in her bottom lip and bit down hard to hold back the moan of delight that threatened to break free.

  Cord, too, was taking a moment to feast his eyes on her body.

  “Red lace? Ah, Detective, you slay me,” he groaned as he moved forward to take her into his arms.

  The shock of their skin touching made her draw in a sharp breath, which in turn made her breasts swell. The heat of his chest poured through her lacy bra, and she wished she’d been faster to disrobe so she could feel him more closely, without any barriers between them. She shifted, reaching her arms behind her only to feel him trap them in his hands.

  “Not so fast, Detective. I think I want to enjoy the sight of you just a little longer.”

  He carefully walked her backward until she felt the softness of bed linen behind her knees.

  “On the bed,” he ordered.

  “Are you always this bossy in the bedroom?” she asked.

  But even as she said the words, she did as he’d commanded because she was eager to feel him against her again. Eager to feel him everywhere.

  “Well, we’d have to do this more than once for you to have a basis for comparison, wouldn’t we?” he responded.

  She laughed. “Bossy and confident. What a combination.”

  “You forgot something else,” he said as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his briefs. “I’m also very, very good at what I do.”

  Her mouth dried and her voice was little more than a croak when she spoke. “Ah yes, I’d forgotten. Perhaps you could refresh my memory.”

  His smile was feral and made every cell in her body clench on a wave of anticipation. Had she provoked the beast? It would seem so. He slid his briefs off his hips, freeing his straining erection to her hungry gaze.

  “Mmm, dessert,” she managed before he moved onto the bed.

  “I’m not sure if you’ve earned your dessert yet,” he murmured against her ear.

  “Oh? Tell me what I’ve done wrong.”

  “Well, let’s see. There’s the matter of you pestering Jesse and his sister today.”

  “Not to have done so would be in dereliction of my duty.”

  “I’d asked you not to,” he said, taking an earlobe between his teeth and biting gently.

  Zoe squirmed as sensation shot through her.

  “Actually,” she said, breathless now, “you ordered me not to.”

  “You admit you were disobedient?”

  He nipped a trail down her neck, while one hand brushed against her bra, rasping against her budded nipple before his fingers closed around the aching peak and squeezed just right. It felt like he already knew every intimate secret about her erogenous zones because he managed to zero in immediately on every one.

  “I admit nothing,” she gasped as he squeezed her nipple more firmly. “Besides, I have to wait until the sheriff’s office equipment is repaired before I can interview him properly.”

  A spear of pleasure shot straight to the apex of her thighs and she squirmed again. She could feel her panties getting wet as her need for him increased in rapidly expanding increments.

  “Equipment?” he asked, nuzzling against her skin, his hot breath making her feel even hotter.

  “Yeah, video camera and recording equipment. Have to do things by the letter. But why are we talking about this? Haven’t you got something more important to attend to?”

  “More important?” He lifted his head and looked at her with a teasing glow in his eyes.


  He laughed. “Bossy, Detective. I see I’m going to have to continue my investigation a little more carefully, just to remind you who’s in charge here,” he promised, his voice deadly serious.

  His wet, hot mouth replaced his fingers at her breast.

  “Cord, please,” she begged, without even knowing exactly what she was begging for.

  “Please—now that sounds nice. Please what? Please bite you?”

  She groaned but nodded her assent.

  “Your wish is my command,” he said, his voice getting rougher with each touch he bestowed on her.

  She felt his erection against her as he lowered himself and bit her gently through her bra.

  “Naked, please. I want to be naked. This isn’t fair.”

  “Fair? The detective wants fair?”

  She felt his fingers at the clasp of her bra, felt her breasts spill free as the fabric mercifully fell away. Then there was nothing but sensation as he kissed and licked her heated flesh. She arched beneath him, desperate for her skin to meet with his, desperate for his touch lower down her body, where she ached with a hunger that was all consuming.

  “Don’t rush, Zoe. Some delights are best savored slowly,” he teased as he spent more time first on one tautly beaded nipple and then the other. “Ah, you taste divine. I could do this all night long.”

  “Surely not all night... I may melt apart in your arms before that.”

  “Well, maybe not all night, then,” he conceded with a chuckle. “Are you always so pedantic?”

  “Details are my thing,” she admitted on a rushed breath as he began to trail that wicked mouth of his down the center of her rib cage and lower to her belly button.

  “I’m finding I like pretty much everything there is about you, Detective,” Cord drawled.

  “I have to admit I’m enjoying your journey of discovery.”

  He laughed again, and Zoe thrilled on the sound of it. Sex had been infrequent but good, but even so, she’d never enjoyed this level of fun in the process. Nor this level of aching demand that throbbed through her. If he kept this up, he’d have only to breathe on her clit and she’d be transported to the stratosphere. She could feel her body pulse as Cord continued his voyage lower, and lower still—but not quite low enough or fast enough for her satisfaction.

  “I like what you’ve done here,” he said, pulling back a little and stroking her neatly groomed body hair. “Intriguing. Hard to maintain?”

  “Seriously, you’re asking me about my personal grooming?”

  “Why not? It hasn’t distracted me from your punishment.”

  He pressed a kiss on her mound. Close, but still too far from her aching bud for her liking.

  “Laser hair removal, and a regular trim.” She ground out the words.

  He kissed her again, a tiny bit closer to her clit, to her release. She shivered and pressed her head back into the pillow as he traced his fingertips up the inside of her thigh. Shivers rippled through her.

  “Consider me punished,” she begged. “Just please, touch me.”

  “Like this?” he asked, slowly pressing one finger into her wet c

  He stroked her, dragging a sound from her that spoke volumes to her level of need.


  “And still the lady thinks she’s in control.” He sighed and withdrew his finger.

  At her moan of distress he pressed two fingers inside her and stroked her again, and then, at last, he closed his mouth around the aching, pulsing bead of flesh that had been his goal all along.

  “Mmm, dessert,” Cord said against her heated skin.

  Zoe began to laugh, but then he changed the pressure of his tongue, moved his fingers, and all humor was suspended as he sent her soaring on a pounding wave of pleasure so intense she lost all sense of who and where she was. All she knew was the man who had delivered this pleasure was virtually a stranger to her, and right now she didn’t care.

  It was some time later before Zoe felt herself come back to any kind of awareness. Cord was lying on his side next to her, one arm bent under his head, his free hand softly stroking her belly.

  “You’re not going to leave me now, are you?” she asked, lifting a hand to trace the strong lines of his face.

  “Nope,” he said simply. “Not this time. Besides, we’re at my place and I’m not letting you go anywhere.”

  “Good,” she replied. “Because I want you inside me.”

  “Making demands of me now?”

  “Yeah, got a problem with that?”

  He flashed her a smile. “Not at all.”

  “But first...”


  “My dessert.”

  Zoe moved quickly to sit astride him. Beneath her bottom she could feel his erection, but that would have to wait awhile. First, she wanted to bestow on him a little of the same punishment he’d dealt to her. Cord’s hands moved to grasp her hips but she shook her head.

  “Uh-uh,” she cautioned. “No touching. Not yet. Hold on to the headboard until I say you can move.”

  “Are you planning to frisk me, Detective?”

  “I’ve told you, I’m conducting an investigation,” she said with a playful curl of her lips. “A very important investigation.”


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