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Poison Page 12

by Jacqui Rose

  Vaughn stared at Franny as she began to push the door closed, but with the baby in one hand and with Vaughn’s strength, she was no match for him as he pushed it easily open.

  ‘I could ask you the same thing. I followed you because I wanted to know …’ He stopped. Stared. Looked at Bree lying motionless on the floor before his gaze went to Franny, and to her jeans smeared with blood.

  ‘Vaughn, it ain’t how it looks.’

  ‘I don’t think even you can come up with a decent explanation. What the fuck have you done?’

  ‘It was an accident.’


  Pulling back from the memory, Franny stared at Alfie, who had been listening to the whole story intently. She glanced around the prison visitors’ room, then smiled at Alfie, knowing it really was the truth.

  ‘So there it is, Alfie, that’s what happened. Afterwards I had to get rid of the body. I wrapped her up and took her to Epping Forest where I buried her. Vaughn must’ve followed me – there’s no way the police would’ve found where she was otherwise.’

  Alfie sat there in shocked silence. There was something in his gut that made him think Franny was telling the truth, but then she’d fooled him before. He didn’t say anything; he just let her continue to talk.

  ‘The fact is Vaughn knew it was an accident, but he’s given a statement saying he saw me push her, and it’s backed up by Shannon. I’m not going to let him get away with it. I’m not going to rot in here for something I didn’t do … Look, because of the situation I’m in, the people who run the trust fund that my father set up for me have agreed to release some money. You know, so I can pay for my legal team. It should come through in a day or so. I’ll help you pay off Huang.’


  ‘Well that’s what you want isn’t it? You want to stay alive.’

  Alfie glanced around at the prison officers, and seeing they were calling time, he spoke quickly. ‘You would do that?’

  ‘Of course I would … for a price.’

  Alfie’s expression hardened. ‘There’s always something in it for you, isn’t there?’

  ‘It doesn’t mean I don’t care about you, but I’m not going to pay off your debt and be left in this place to rot. You’d do the same in my position.’

  ‘Go on then, Fran, tell me what price I have to pay this time,’ Alfie said, as he stood up to go.

  Franny, standing up herself, smiled. ‘It’s simple really. Two simple things. I want you to destroy Vaughn and bring down Balantyne with him.’


  Two days later on Saturday afternoon, Charlie cackled as he hobbled along the busy streets of Soho. He smiled to himself at the plan he had up his sleeve. He was going to have some fun with Shannon. Just seeing her last week and how comfortable she’d got in Vaughn’s flat, living the life of Riley, had made him think that she needed to be brought down a peg or two. Oh yes, he was going to bring down little Miss Hoity-Toity, all right, because if she thought that it was anywhere near okay to get up and go and live with Vaughn after everything he’d done for her, well he was going to make that selfish bitch think again …

  Walking down the hallway of Vaughn’s flat, Shannon hummed to herself happily. Vaughn was out with Mia, so it was nice just to be able to relax. Even though she’d moved in a while ago, each and every time she came into the plush apartment, she felt like the luckiest girl in the world, because finally she had somewhere that she could call home.

  She’d never felt so safe in her entire life and now she couldn’t imagine herself ever living anywhere else. But as Shannon opened her bedroom door, her whole body froze and she stared in horror, her blood running cold. There, lying completely naked on her bed, was Uncle Charlie.

  She could hardly get out her words. ‘What … what …’

  Charlie grinned as he whispered, ‘Surprise!’

  Distraught, Shannon continued to stumble over her words. ‘No. No, no. You were meant to have gone and not come back. Why … What …’ She trailed off again.

  ‘Spit it out, darlin’, I ain’t got all day. What am I doing here? Is that what you were going to say, Shan?’

  Still in shock, Shannon began to tremble as she nodded her head. ‘How … how?’

  ‘I’m happy to tell you everything, but if I were you I’d shut that door – unless of course you want Vaughn to see me when he comes in.’

  Quickly getting herself together, Shannon hurriedly closed the bedroom door, locking it from the inside.

  She turned back to her uncle, her eyes full of fear. ‘How did you get in?’

  ‘Well if you will leave your house keys lying around, you’re asking for someone to nick them, ain’t you?’

  Shannon stared at Charlie, suddenly remembering how she’d spent last night searching for her keys, only to end up using the spare set that Vaughn left in the desk bureau drawer. ‘That was you? You took them?’

  ‘I just said, didn’t I? Now come on over here, and give me a kiss.’

  A mixture of anger and worry rushed through Shannon. ‘Vaughn could’ve been in. Did you think about that? What would’ve happened if he’d seen you?’

  Charlie sniffed. ‘If you must know I watched and waited to make sure he’d gone out. I was careful. I did you a favour, Shan.’

  ‘You call that a favour?’

  ‘I do actually. I could’ve just waltzed in here and not given a shit if Vaughnie was here or not, and I would’ve said it was you who gave me the keys. Next time maybe I’ll do that.’

  Shaking her head furiously, Shannon started to cry. ‘There ain’t going to be a next time. I want my keys back.’

  ‘Not a chance.’

  ‘Please … please, just give me them.’

  Charlie glared at his niece. ‘Oh it’s please now, is it?’

  Feeling desperate, Shannon said, ‘Why are you doing this to me?’

  ‘Because you owe me. I deserve to be looked after, Shan. I did everything for you and you just pick up and take off. So, then I thought if Shannon won’t come to the mountain, the mountain shall come and see Shannon. And now I’ve got your keys, I can come anytime … Oh, and don’t think about asking Vaughnie to change the locks because all I’ll do is knock on the door and tell him what’s been happening.’

  ‘I told you he won’t believe you.’

  Charlie said nastily, ‘And I’ve told you, if you want to risk it, then go ahead: change those locks and let’s see what he says.’

  ‘I hate you! I hate you!’

  ‘Oh just stop the tears, will you? You know I can’t stand you crying, gives me a fucking headache. Anyway, you ain’t got that much to cry about, cos I’m a big ole softy really. I got a heart, you know, and I can see how much you want them keys back. So you can have them back, but you have to earn them.’

  Eagerly Shannon said, ‘How? What do I have to do?’

  ‘Well, I ain’t completely decided yet, but how about you start with giving me a long massage. Just the way I like it.’

  Shannon shuddered as she stared at her uncle’s bloated belly, falling to his side in waves of fat, his belly button filled with a mass of hair. His thighs were squashed together and a layer of sweat sat between them. His penis was retracted to the point where it reminded Shannon of a chestnut mushroom.

  Her eyes filled with tears again. ‘Please don’t make me do this.’

  Charlie smirked. ‘Do what? All I’m doing is looking for a bit of TLC from my niece. It’s about time, don’t you think? You’ve been neglecting me for all these months. I’d be stupid not to get what’s mine. After all, I’ve been the one who’s put a roof over your head all these years so now it’s time for you to put one over mine. I can use this as my second home with added extras.’

  Tears began to roll down her cheeks. ‘I ain’t for sale and this ain’t my house.’

  Propping himself up on his elbow, Charlie stared at Shannon. ‘No, but I know when we’re on to a good thing. Look about you, Shan, this flat is like a palace and all paid for by that
mug. We can milk Vaughn for all he’s got. Think about it. If we play this right, he will never know that I’m here. Ever. This could last forever.’

  She shook her head furiously. ‘You said I could have me keys back.’

  ‘I did, didn’t I? But maybe, maybe I was a little bit hasty. I mean, I like it here. This place has got everything I need. It’s got you, it’s got all the creature comforts, like this iPad …’

  Shannon interrupted. ‘My iPad! Mine! The one that Vaughn bought me!’

  ‘Calm down and stop splitting hairs. Your iPad then. Jesus, I never knew you were a grabby mare. You should be ashamed of yourself, Shan, I brought you up to share things.’

  Shannon shook her head. Her voice was full of dismay. ‘No, you brought me up to lie on me back and think of England whilst you took all the money. I never saw a penny of the money I earned.’

  ‘I gave you food, I gave you drugs, I gave you work and I gave you a bed. You didn’t need money in your pocket. Think of the Queen – she doesn’t go around with a wad of notes and she seems happy enough. I bet she doesn’t go around complaining.’

  ‘Can you hear what you’re saying? It’s crazy. Uncle Charlie, you need to get out of here.’

  Charlie’s tone held a nasty threat. ‘I’ll go in my own time and don’t try anything smart, otherwise I’ll have to bring a close to your cosy world. I can’t have you living here whilst I fend for meself. It’s a harsh world out there on your own you know. I need to know I’ve got somewhere to come to for a little bit of love.’

  Shaking and feeling sick, Shannon said, ‘You make yourself sound like you’re some vulnerable old man when all you are is a dirty parasite.’

  Charlie chuckled again. ‘Using big words aren’t we, Shan? Do you even know what that means? If I were you I’d come down from that high fucking horse you’re on because if you don’t, you could have a nasty fall.’

  ‘And what if he hears you?’

  Charlie gave her a hard stare. ‘He won’t. As long as you keep your voice down and stop the hysterics. I had a little wander round when I came in. This apartment is hardly small is it? How many bedrooms has it got? Four? Five?’

  Miserably Shannon muttered, ‘Six. It’s got six.’

  ‘Exactly, it’s hardly your regular council flat is it? And you could park three double-deckers along that hallway, plus you’ve got that top floor. Proper posh place, ain’t it? Vaughnie’s done well. Seems like a life of crime certainly pays. No wonder you want to keep your feet under the table. It’s got it all. Solid marble floors, thick walls, high ceilings, two floors … and now it’s got me! It’s perfect, cos no one’s going to hear anyone creeping about, so there’s no need to worry on that account, Shan.’ Seeing the look of distress on his niece’s face, Charlie stopped and laughed.

  ‘This is funny to you, isn’t it?’

  He winked. ‘I can’t deny, I am having somewhat of a good time … Now hurry up and come on over here and start my massage. I ain’t looking to freeze me nuts off.’

  Still trembling and with her face pale and drawn, Shannon her heart full of sadness said, ‘I … I can’t. I can’t.’

  ‘I think you can. Or do I need to start … YELLING UNTIL VAUGHN COMES HOME!’

  Shannon darted across to her uncle. She dived on the bed, slamming her hands over his mouth. Her eyes were wide with fear as she whispered, ‘Please, don’t. Don’t shout! Don’t shout! Promise me you won’t shout. I’ll do what you say. I’ll do anything but just don’t spoil it for me. If he was to come home and hear you, it’d be over. It’d all be over.’ And with that Shannon took away her hands from Charlie’s mouth and began to weep into her uncle’s chest.

  With a smirk he smoothed down her mass of red hair, stroking it gently, which sent a chill down Shannon’s body.

  ‘That’s it, Shan, you let it all out, darlin’. Uncle Charlie’s here. I’ll make it all better like I always have. There’s no need to cry, and once you’ve calmed down, how about giving me that massage? It’ll be a nice distraction from all them tears.’

  Before Shannon could reply, she heard the front door open and Vaughn’s footsteps come down the hallway. Her heart raced and she gazed up at her uncle in horror as she whispered, ‘Don’t say a word, just don’t say a word.’

  Charlie smiled and then whispered back just as quietly, ‘Oh don’t worry, I won’t … as long as you do exactly as I say.’


  In the day room across the hallway, Vaughn was exhausted, having spent the afternoon in the park with Mia who’d done nothing but cry. He started to pour himself a large drink, hoping that she’d sleep for the next few hours, but a sudden knocking on the front door had him jumping up and running down the long cream and gold painted hallway, frantically praying the noise wouldn’t disturb her.

  The knocking got louder. Vaughn grumbled to himself that the front porter, who was new to the job, kept letting people come into the block of flats without buzzing up first. He hissed out his words. ‘All right, all right, I’m coming, for fuck’s sake.’

  In annoyance he swung open the door and standing there was Alfie, who stared at him with a look that Vaughn couldn’t quite interpret. ‘Everything all right, Alf?’

  Alfie nodded slowly and when he spoke it was just as slow. ‘Oh I’m fine, I thought I’d pop in and see you. It’s been a while since I’ve been here. Mind if I come in?’

  Again, Vaughn looked at him oddly. ‘Yeah sure but keep it down. Mia’s just gone to sleep … Your face is looking a bit better by the way.’

  Alfie said nothing as he followed Vaughn into his front room, which was tastefully decorated with Ralph Lauren furniture and expensive ornaments.

  Still saying nothing, Alfie sat down and the two men stayed in silence until Vaughn, feeling the tension said, ‘Look, Alf, I know why you’re here.’

  ‘You do?’ Alfie was surprised. He had come here expecting to have to read between the lines, to grill Vaughn, to work out if Franny was telling the truth. Yet here he was, within minutes of arriving at the flat, with Vaughn ready to confess all about what he and Shannon had done.

  ‘Yeah. I can see it in your face, and I know this ain’t easy. It ain’t easy for you to come here and ask me, but I knew you’d come … eventually.’

  Alfie shook his head. ‘How?’

  Vaughn stood up, dropped some ice in a glass and made himself a drink before automatically pouring Alfie a glass of scotch. He passed it to him and gently said, ‘Because I know what you’re like, Alf, and it was only a matter of time before it ate away at you and you came to see me.’

  In that moment, Alfie was surprised at how calm he felt; on the way over, he’d had visions of beating Vaughn to within an inch of his life, of teaching him a lesson for grassing Franny out and going against everything they lived and died by. And although Franny had told him not to mention anything, to keep his mouth shut, he’d thought it was going to be hard because he wanted answers. Betrayal of any kind was hard, but from the ones closest to him, it was like a blade in his side.

  He had come ready for his temper to get the better of him, for his emotions to send him spiralling when he watched Vaughn look uncomfortable when he spoke about Balantyne, though he had also half-expected his anger to boil over when he realised that it was actually Franny who’d played him once again and there was no truth in the accusations.

  But it was clear that that wasn’t the case: Vaughn knew the game was up. His openness and the fact that he was willing to confess without a fight, for whatever reason, soothed the betrayal slightly, although Alfie had to admit to himself that he was more sad than angry. ‘I do want to know, and at the same time I don’t want to. Does that make sense? Because it’s going to change everything, ain’t it? Nothing’s going to be the same ever again.’

  Vaughn took a gulp from the crystal glass; he swilled the ice at the bottom, clinking the cubes together. ‘Yeah I know. Life ain’t going to be the same again … Look, shall we just get on with it then? Shall I go and
get her?’

  ‘Okay. After all I need to see her too. It’ll make it easier to sort this out sooner rather than later.’

  Vaughn nodded before walking out of the room, leaving Alfie to stare at the flames in the large imitation fire on the wall and wait for the showdown.

  ‘Here she is … Come on, Alf, say hello to her.’ Vaughn stood in the doorway holding Mia in his arms.

  Alfie blinked, then stared at Vaughn then Mia then back to Vaughn. ‘What the fuck are you playing at?’

  Vaughn tilted his head. ‘What are you on about?’

  Alfie’s hand shook as he pointed at Mia, seeing not only Bree in her but also himself. ‘Why have you brought her?’

  Vaughn’s puzzlement was shown in his face and voice. ‘You said you wanted to see her.’

  ‘I thought … I thought you were talking about Shannon.’

  ‘Shannon? Why would you want me to go and get Shannon, Alf?’

  ‘Well when you started saying about everything’s going to change I just thought … I just thought …’

  ‘You thought what? Go on, Alfie, what did you think?’

  Alfie stared at Vaughn, suddenly wanting to play his cards close to his chest. ‘Nothing, nothing. Just forget about it … I guess maybe I thought it would be nice to all have a sit-down chat.’

  Vaughn shook his head as he placed Mia’s dummy back into her mouth. ‘A sit-down chat? Are you having a laugh? Only a few days ago you’re snorting coke up your nose that hard I’m thinking you’re going to hoover up the bleeding curtains … No, you’re hiding something, Alf. I just know it.’

  Turning back around, Alfie snapped, ‘Well you were the one who said everything was going to change. So what the fuck were you talking about?’

  ‘About the fact that you were going to embrace becoming a dad because it was eating you up knowing that you didn’t have a relationship with your daughter.’

  Angrily, Alfie jumped up. ‘You can’t just leave it can you? You got to keep pushing it.’

  Vaughn’s stare hardened as he jogged Mia gently in his arms. ‘Well if you weren’t talking about Mia, what were you talking about? Come on, and don’t treat me like a mug either. I know you’ve got something else on your mind.’


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