The Reaping (The Moondreamer Chronicles Book 2)

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The Reaping (The Moondreamer Chronicles Book 2) Page 9

by Tamara Mataya

  The only parts of my body I can feel are the ones he's touching, bringing to life.

  If he wasn't holding me up, I'd happily fall to the ground, bones turned to warm jelly. I press closer against him, savoring him burning against me.

  He pulls back. “I love you so much. Before you, I couldn’t see a future that wasn’t bleak and solitary. Tipper helped me survive but you gave me something to live for.” He pulls me into a tight embrace, and I lay my head on his chest to hear his heartbeat thundering, matched beat for beat by my own.

  I smile and squeeze him a little tighter. “I love you.” And when we get back to the hotel room, I’m going to show him exactly how much.

  SOMETHING’S ON MY MIND the next afternoon. “Unless Mare’s actively trying to piss me off, I don’t understand why she wants you as part of the deal.” I finish my coffee. “She knows everything about The Resistance—there’s no way she doesn’t know about you and me.” We're killing time in the hotel room until we meet the Vamps again.

  Draven looks uncomfortable. “This is what Ashria wanted me to do. For the cause.”

  “Sleep with Mare?”

  He nods as my eyes throb from the sudden increase in my blood pressure. “Why? Why would she suggest that?”

  “Mare and I, we...” He rubs his knuckles against his lower lip. “We sort of have a history.”

  I feel like the floor's been ripped from beneath my feet, but I haven't plummeted yet. “You what?” My voice is dangerously soft.


  “You let me go there with you and sit there across from her without telling me you two were together?” Disbelief kicks me in the chest. I’m such a dumb-ass. No wonder she was so bitchy to me and sweet to Draven—I’m her replacement and she wants him back. He's given her the upper hand on a platter, and all along I was the only one who didn’t know.

  William’s kindness was more likely pity.

  “Syxx, no, we were never together like that, though she wanted to be. It was years ago that we met, and I thought she’d have forgotten about me by now.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. No one could forget about you,” I say sullenly. Despite my annoyance, facts are facts. Draven is amazing. He gets attention no matter where we go, and he can’t help that he’s half-Incubus. Intellectually, it’s a given that he's going to continue to get attention. Emotionally, I don't think I'll ever like it, but I trust him. My anger rises again when I remember a certain conversation I overheard. “And Ashria wanted you to sleep with Mare.”

  “Ashria said if the Vamps refuse our deal, then this could be the last chance to get them on our side. For me to get to Mare and do...everything I persuade her.”

  “She's not the sole leader. Her and William co-lead.”

  “I know, but she's definitely headstrong. Mare mentioned to Ashria about wanting to ‘share my heat.’”

  Eight crescent-shaped points of pain dig into my palms. Draven is warmer than the average person—sometimes it feels like he's burning me in the best way possible. How unbelievably delicious would that feel to a cold vampire? Feeling the luscious heat thrusting deep inside her—

  Draven sits next to me on the bed and takes my hand. “I can see why Ashria suggested it to me despite the fact it’s impossible. There’s no way I could even force myself to do it. Maybe before you it would have been an option, but I'm yours now.”

  The sincerity in his eyes warms my heart. “And I'm yours. We'll figure something out.” I squeeze his hand. “You aren't sleeping with Mare. Ever.”

  His shoulders drop, releasing the tension he’s held since Ashria asked him to do this without stopping to think about how it would affect him.

  Part of what disgusted me so much about The Sowing was that the men were treated as sperm donors—they didn't get to decide who they slept with. They were used just as badly as the women were, regardless of whether or not they had partners back home. Well, no one is ever going to be treated like that on my watch. Especially not my pair-bonded mate.

  Ashria was trying to prevent a war. While her request turns my stomach, no real harm has been done.

  I’ll keep telling myself that until it sinks in and the murderous thoughts I have toward her fade. The ends do not always justify the means. “We'll figure something else out, Draven. No matter what else it takes, you will never have to be with anyone for any reason other than because you choose to be. Even if it’s not me.”

  He surprises me by yanking me into his arms, making me straddle him while he wraps his arms around me and sighs, burying his face in my hair. “I choose you because I love you. Forever.”

  He frowns in surprise when I pull his shirt off but smiles when I take mine off as well.

  I stroke his scalp and trail my other hand down to undo his jeans and stroke something else. His eyes flare brightly as he goes rigid in my hand.

  I nibble my way down his neck. “The thing is,” I say between kisses, “I am yours. And that means you’re mine. We both know that, and I trust you completely, with my heart and my life.” I nip his collarbone, aching for him to be inside me. “But I want that bitch to know it.” I stand and remove the rest of my clothes, shivering when he does the same. “I want her to know that we belong together. I want her to know that we belong to each other.”

  He lets me push him backwards on the bed and climb on top, dragging myself up his body so my skin brushes against his, maximizing contact. Even from the bottom, his hands claim every inch of my skin that they touch, undoing me more with every caress until the heat of our desire for each other burns everything else to ashes.

  I bend and lick my initials on his chest then position myself at the perfect angle, slicking his head with my desire.

  He groans when I impale myself on him, slowly, drawing it out for us both before smiling. “I want that bitch to smell me all over your skin when she imagines sinking her teeth into what’s mine.”

  He smiles.

  I drag my fingernails down his abs. “And if she touches you again, I’ll kill her.”

  His hips go wild.

  So do mine.


  We meet William an hour after sunset, and he shows us to the same room we were in last night. Mare is already on one of the couches, wearing a black dress and a haughty expression.

  Our cheeks barely hit the chairs before she speaks. “What is your decision?”

  “It's impossible. Syxx and I have pair-bonded. There's no way I can be with another woman, as tempting as the offer is.”

  Draven had told me he was going to add that last bit to flatter her ego, which would have been fine except now she’s smirking at me victoriously. Or she is until she sniffs in Draven’s direction and scowls in mine.

  That’s right, bitch. Eau du Syxx. The only scent my mate wears.

  Not available in stores.

  William frowns. “That poses a bit of a problem.”

  Like they didn’t already know that we’re mates. “How so? You can't expect us to comply with a demand of that nature.”

  “It's symbolic. Of course, Mare's idea was not one I necessarily agreed with. It is apparent you two are together.”

  Interesting that he’s throwing her under the bus. “So what can we do then?”

  “You will let William taste you.” Mare’s smile shows more teeth than I’m comfortable with seeing.

  “Taste me?” Ew. Oh, Vampire. Which means he’s not going to lick my hand, he’s going to—

  “Out of the question.” Draven doesn’t try to hide his disgust. “No one is feeding from Syxx.”

  Mare sniffs affectedly. “If you won't be with me, then William will drink from the Moondreamer. It would be a tiny amount, more symbolic to seal the deal than anything else. It's the only way.”

  I swallow. “Then William will drink from me.”

  Draven bristles at my side. “No, he won't.”

  I turn to William. “Give us a moment.”

  “Of course.”

  I cl
oak Draven and me in a spell so our voices can't be heard. “Draven—”

  “Syxx, you are not doing this.”

  “He won't take much.”

  “That's not the point. You're selling part of yourself to someone.”

  I bite my lip. “It's not black market organ dealings. It's a bit of blood.”

  “I hate the thought of him sucking on you.”

  “It's not sexual.”

  “Maybe not for you.” His jaw clenches so hard I worry for his teeth.

  “Is it sexual for them when they feed?”

  “Not exactly, but he's still using you and getting a way better bargain.”

  “And we're using him for information and for protection. He's our safety net, Draven. We can't afford to lose him. The Vampires are his, and if we fail to stop the Fae High Council members, the Vampires might be all that saves the humans. It's sheer numbers at this point. Vamps need the humans alive. The Fae army doesn't. I'm trying to save both of our races.”

  “If he feeds from you, he’ll be able to track you. He’ll know where you are.”

  The thought of Vampire GPS on me sends a zing of fear up my spine. That is a higher price than I’d anticipated. “Could a spell counteract it? Could Ashria weave a glamour to hide me? Will it last forever?”

  “It depends how much blood he takes. A small amount shouldn’t do any harm, but there’s always the chance it goes wrong. You’re not only a human. There’s no telling what your Fae blood will do—at the least, make him drunk on you.”

  “And at the most?”

  “You might transfer some of your powers to him. It sometimes happens with other Fae.”

  “Is it permanent? Would I lose my powers?”


  I relax a bit. “The risks are minimal then. Maybe he’ll be able to track me. From the sound of it, they’ve already been able to do that. It’s a chance we have to take.”

  “I know.” He sighs and pulls me close. “It doesn't mean I'm going to like it.”

  “It's still miles better than you sleeping with Mare.”

  “I think they're equally horrifying options.”

  The seriousness with which he says this makes me laugh. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, I remove my shield. “We're ready.”

  Mare inspects her nails as though bored. “What is your decision?”

  “I'll do it,” I say, delighted by the snap of her head coming up and the surprise in her eyes.

  “Excellent.” William smiles. “Let's get started.”

  “Now?” I’m a little startled by the haste.

  “No time like the present.” William rubs his hands together. “This might be easier if your mate isn't in the room. It can be hard to watch and not interfere.”

  Draven stands taller. “I'm not going anywhere.”

  “You're only taking a small amount of blood from me, right?”


  “And no harm will come to her.” Draven’s face is stony.

  “So fierce,” Mare says admiringly. “She is safe.”

  “Alright then.” I gather my courage. “Let's get this over with.”

  We stand, and William glides over beside me. Mare slides the coffee table aside to give us more room.

  “Draven, can you give us some space, please?”

  He does what William asks but looks unhappy about it. He's too busy staring William down to notice my reassuring smile.

  William’s pupils are so dilated with bloodlust they look black, but his touch is impossibly gentle as he gathers me in his cold arms. I shiver. Used to Draven's heat, this chill is unfamiliar and unpleasant. William’s hands tremble as they brush my hair away from my neck. He inhales deeply, face nearly touching me. He pulls back, the restraint made more impressive by the hunger in his eyes.

  “I can glamour you so you don't feel it,” he offers.

  “Glamours don't really work on me anymore.” Not since my training with Ashria. And I'd rather keep a clear head around Mare.

  “Of course not. I shall be as gentle as possible.” He pulls me close again, nestles me against him, gentle hand guiding my head to rest on the place where his shoulder meets his chest. He has no scent at all. I can't help but compare him to Draven's spicy darkness—my favorite smell in the world, unlike anything else.

  The closer William’s mouth comes to my neck, the faster my heart races.

  While I'd rather do this than have Draven sleep with another woman, it doesn't make it feel any less wrong. A person, a Vampire, is about to feed on me.

  My mind rebels at the thought of being a snack.

  Powers swirl around, my energy gathering like it wants me to end this, but I force myself to relax and allow it to happen instead. We made a deal. Too much is riding on this to go back now.

  I still close my eyes so I can’t see his bite coming, indulging myself with that much cowardice.

  Cool lips brush against my throat, over the pulsing artery in my neck as he smells my skin again. His grip loosens as the hunger makes him weak, then his arms tighten savagely around me. I force myself to breathe when his cool tongue laps at my neck.

  Even though it’s not sexual, my stomach goes queasy until my neck goes numb—the anaesthetic in his saliva ensuring the bite isn’t too painful. Knowing he wasn’t just licking my skin for kicks helps relax me. He didn’t have to give me that kindness.

  His sigh turns to a gasp as his teeth pierce my skin and painlessly enter my artery. There’s a pressure when he begins gently suckling at the wound, his mouth firmly clamped to my neck so not a drop is spilled. I think. I can’t really feel much.

  I relax a little. This is bearable.

  I don’t know if Vampires need to breathe, but the air rushing from his nose in gasps smells coppery, metallic. The scent of my blood blows from him into my lungs and ‘bearable’ slides a little further out of reach.

  His tongue slowly spirals and digs into my neck, drawing out more blood. He softly moans and crushes me closer to his chest, repositioning me so we're pressed up against each other. His coldness seeps through my clothes, tainting my now-crawling skin.

  I'm not comfortable with this on a few levels.

  Feeding isn't supposed to be sexual, but the erotic sounds he's making, and the way his hands caress me, contradict that. I long to find Draven—seeing him would give me the strength to make this easier, but I'm afraid of what he'd see in my eyes and how he’d react. I can't have him attacking William and ruining things because I couldn't handle what I was supposed to.

  It will be over soon.

  My arms are feeling heavy, so I let them hang and do their own thing.

  It’s going to be over soon.

  William's embrace begins to verge on pain, but it's alright because I feel so relaxed and loose. Loosey Goosey. William should start a relaxation spa and do this for a living. I can’t even feel the tension in my back anymore.

  I stifle a giggle.

  Am I drunk?

  I can’t even feel my back anymore.

  Or my legs. The sudden leaded spinning that claims my body draws me to the ground like gravity’s decided I need to be one with the floor. I sag, joints useless. William's arms tighten around me.

  We crash to the floor.

  But I'm already gone.

  FLASHES OF LIGHT HURT my mind. Or is it the blackness that's pulsing? Sounds roar through me, echoing in my bones, ringing inside my ears.

  I'm falling. Images thump through the darkness in time to an erratic beat—my heartbeat?

  That can't be good.

  A boy, who looks like he could be William's son, sits on an appaloosa horse on a hill with grass so green it burns my eyes. He looks peaceful and I know that the horse’s name is Storm and he was mine and a gift from someone who mattered—the last tangible thing I had of him.


  The same boy bound in chains, bruised and dirty on a stone floor, unable to make a sound without tasting blood because his throat is raw from screaming.
Forced to watch as creatures, Vampires, suck the life-blood from his horse as it screams—terrified wails of an animal dying.


  He's running across a field toward the sun, toward freedom.

  Bright sun turns dark red, and the air starts to bleed like there are invisible walls the same shade as the landscape.

  It's too thick, I can't breathe.

  There’s a woman. Someone who needs me.

  Someone I must kill.

  Something is choking me. My body’s so heavy. So deliciously heavy. Relaxed. Darkness pours into me. Darkness violently shakes me, touches my face with surprising warmth like it knows and loves me.

  I could marry a darkness like that.

  “Syxx, please baby, open your eyes. Open your eyes!”

  I knew a voice like that once.

  “Wake up.”


  My eyelids are pried apart. I'm barely able to hold them open on my own. A familiar face swims into view—my favorite face. I want to ask why he looks so serious. My lips don’t work and I'm falling again.

  How can I be falling when I'm already on the floor?

  And what is choking me?

  I weakly claw at my throat, trying to free myself from the annoying pressure that’s making it hard to breathe.

  “Syxx, stop. I'm trying to stop the bleeding.” Draven’s voice trembles like a tiny earthquake.

  The bleeding?

  “If you'd allow me,” William pleads.

  “You've done enough.” Draven's voice is colder than the marble floor.

  “I could stop it immediately if she’d take some of my blood.” William voice is somewhere over there to my right and closer than before.

  “Over my dead body.” A wave of something flashes above my body and there’s a crash to my left. “Come near her again, and I will kill you myself.”

  I’ve never heard such anger in Draven’s voice. He sounds kind of dangerous. Wait.

  “Bleeding?” My voice is...not right. I try again. “I'm bleeding?”

  “Don’t try to talk. You’re bleeding from where he bit you.”


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