To Catch A Butterfly You Need A Net
Page 20
“We want to ask you something and I want you to give me an honest answer. You can say no.”
He looked at me but did not say anything.
“Is something wrong, David?” I asked.
All of a sudden, I felt cold. Every instinct in my body told me that something was not right. Why did he really come here? “I know that look. You didn’t come to have another holiday, did you?” Kevin asked.
“You know me well, don’t you?” He looked at Kevin. His voice sounded different when he spoke again.
“Before you both say anything else, hear me out.” There was silence. I breathed faster, ignoring the whistling kettle on the stove. I reached for Jules’ hand.
Jules broke the silence.
“I should have known. Since I saw you at the airport, I knew something was wrong. I have known you long enough, Woods. What is it?”
I had not seen Jules so serious for a long time. It scared me. We waited for David to answer.
“You are right, Kevin. I have bad news, and believe me I would have liked to be the last one to tell you.”
The kettle kept whistling the noise turned into a high-pitched, dreadful sound. Everything around me was turning dark. I wanted to get up and turn it off but my body froze to the spot. Why did Jules not do something? Jules, please turn that dreadful sound off!
David Woods looked at Kevin and said, “The Say has broken out of prison.”
At the same moment my water broke.