The Fiddler's Heart

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The Fiddler's Heart Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He lifted her up and carried her over to the bench they passed. He sat down with her on his lap and his brothers gathered around. Staring into her gorgeous, glistening green eyes he gave a soft smile.

  “I know that you’re scared. Maybe thinking more about how men our age, our sizes and capabilities could potentially hurt you.” She tightened up.

  “Never,” Track said.

  “Uh-uh,” Gordon said.

  Century sat down next to Sodo and he caressed her thigh. She glanced at him but then back at Sodo.

  “With time, and reassurance from all of us as we spend time together you’ll learn to trust us, and to confide and believe in us and what we have to offer. I know we’re older, and that you could get any man you choose, even ones closer to your own age, but with the years we have on you comes experience and wisdom. At this point in our lives we know what we want, or at least what seems to produce a more positive and happier outcome. We know we’re tired of games, of not having a more stable lifestyle and environment. We never really thought about having a woman of our own in a way that meant complete commitment, a future, maybe a family, and establishing roots. But it’s like you come into our lives, and we can’t stop thinking about you.”

  “Because I was a victim in a case?”

  “No, because you’re a gorgeous, sexy, classy, talented young woman, who has scars just as we do, and has been hurt like we have, but you’re fighting through to go on living. What made this different was that it feels like more than just chemistry,” he said and looked over her breasts and then her lips.

  “With it came an attraction, a connection and one we all felt for you. It isn’t minor, it’s strong, deep, and we’re compelled to know where you are who you’re with and that you’re safe and can handle protecting yourself so you never feel scared or feel pain, God forbid, again. Darlin’, God knows I don’t how to explain it, I just know being with you, around you, having you between my brothers and I feels right. Do you feel it too or are we way off on this?” he asked.

  She looked at him with tears in her eyes and he feared she would say she felt nothing, or not the same things they did. “I feel it too, it just scares me because of Zane.”

  “What scares you most?” Century asked her.

  “Your sizes and capabilities,” she said and took Century’s hand that was on her thigh and she placed her small, delicate hand into his. A tear fell from her eyes as she looked up and shrugged. “I compare you to Zane, each of you, in how you speak, give orders and commands, take over like telling me about my schedule, about eating and training and going over things.”

  “Maybe I want to go over things so I can hold you in my arms, feel you close and ensure that you can handle any confrontation if my brothers and I aren’t there to protect you,” Track said to her.


  “I admit it. I want to feel your body in my arms, want to hug you and hold you close,” he said to her.

  “I want that too. We all do,” Gordon said and smiled.

  Century brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “You should feel safe, not on guard with us,” he said to her.

  “I can try,” she said and Sodo released a sigh of relief.

  “I think spending time together, getting used to our touches, to our ways will help, and in return you can help us to understand what makes you feel overwhelmed, intimidated, and eventually ready for more,” he said to her and licked his lower lip.

  “Sound like a plan?” Gordon asked. She nodded.

  “Seal it with a kiss?” Century asked and winked. She blushed and brought his hand that held her hand, to her lips and kissed his knuckles. His brother looked a little disappointed, but then she brought her hand to his cheek and leaned up to kiss his lips. Sodo smiled. When she released Century he stroked her jaw and then Sodo cupped her cheeks and he lifted up to meet his lips with hers. When she let go, Track stepped closer and cupped her cheeks, lowered down to kiss her as Sodo remained holding her on his lap. Then Gordon took his place. He gripped her chin and stared down into her eyes.

  “You will always be safe and protected in our arms,” he told her then leaned down to kiss her softly.

  Chapter 3

  “Well what do you know, the crazy fuck came through,” Adrian Colomos said to Arthur Fiore, his main guy. Arthur smirked and shook his head.

  “I for one didn’t think Zane had it in him, but you were right. Boger was skimming off the top, not Zane and Clifton. Well Zane is definitely the mastermind in the whole operation he has running.”

  “Yeah it seems that way. I can’t believe he got the drugs, the producers, the distributors, the fucking transports, everything all organized and tied up in a nice red bow for me.”

  “Only one problem.”

  “What’s that?”

  “The feds and the police that have been looking for him.”

  “On a bullshit crime. Even if he were caught a good lawyer can get him off or with minimum time like a few months. He would be sitting pretty when he got out.”

  “I don’t think Zane is going to go for that. He’s got too many special fetishes he likes, and of course the chick he was screwing for a few years.”

  “Something we can use if need be, however, the man did pull all of this off. I guess we can help him evade capture. Get in touch with Myers. Tell him we’re pleased, and that I’ll make the families aware of his offer and apologies for stepping on any toes. We can accept his sixty-forty cut too.”

  “I’ll take care of it, and what about Boger Slay? How do you want to handle him?” Arthur asked.

  “We won’t need to do anything. Once I make the call, he’ll know that Zane is off limits and in our good graces. Boger is going to lose big in this situation. Zane came through which makes me wonder what exactly Boger has been doing all this time and how much money he’s been making and keeping out of the hands of us, the family.”

  “It does open a can of worms now doesn’t it?” Arthur asked with a smirk.

  “I know you never liked Boger, but his family is part of the operations.”

  “There are good people in the Slay organization. Perhaps they won’t be too pleased with him themselves and the rest of us won’t need to worry about him ever again.”

  “Let’s hope not. I can’t stand to waste time with crap like that. Now, let’s get ready to make some serious money with Zane.”

  * * * *

  “It’s chatter, Vander, but when Zane, Clifton, and Boger Slay popped up, it perked our attention. We know that situation you were investigating along with Sodo and his team. The feds aren’t giving up on finding Zane, but they aren’t exactly ready to arrest Boger. They want more, and it seems like something is going on. The other blip we got came out of Budapest, and two guys, Flip and Carlos, who worked for Zane were identified from another undercover military investigation into a drug syndicate from there to the US. Definitely leads all to believe that Zane and this crew of shit are working an angle.”

  “This is a crock of shit. The fucking audacity of this dick. To think he can continue to operate when he has feds and cops looking for him?” Vander said and he had a hand on his hip as he looked out the home office window. Angelina and Francesca were outside with some of their friends enjoying the pool. He knew that Sodo and the guys were taking a liking to Francesca and really becoming protective of her. When they found out about this current information and the possibility that Zane was developing some kind of drug cartel with terrorists and Mafiosos, they were going to lose their shit. He was pretty pissed off and concerned himself.

  “Seems to me Zane is pretty narcissistic and believes he’s above the law. If we follow this investigation from our perspective and leads we’ve uncovered, I’m leaning toward thinking that Zane sold out Boger Slay to get in the good graces of the mafia crime bosses. You know they had put out a hit on him?”

  “He’s alive, and if this chatter isn’t an indicator that he’s now in the good graces of not only the mafia but als
o some big shots in Budapest that maybe the real target the feds have their eyes on. You know how this goes? They use whomever they want as bait for the big fish.”

  “Yeah, and we know how that sometimes turns out. Soldiers going in to clean up the mess.”

  “Well let’s hope it isn’t something that big. This guy Zane sure does have a set of balls on him. Have you spoken to the commander, and what is his take?”

  “Says to sit tight and wait. He knows Zane is a threat to Francesca, especially with all that shit that was found in the estate in the bedroom. How is she holding up?” Merdoff asked.

  “She’s getting better each day. She’s working and training now.”

  “With that sexy bad ass woman of yours?” Merdoff asked and Vander chuckled. “Yes, and Sodo and his team.”


  “Yeah, they’ve taking a special liking to her and watch over her.”

  “Holy crap, talk about robbing the cradle.”

  Vander laughed. “I’m not going to say a word. We’re in the same boat with Angelina.”

  “Lucky bastards you guys are, but do you really think the Buristoff men are good for Francesca, considering the abuse she sustained, and knowing about Track’s piss-poor attitude, the PTSD, and well hell, Gordon can be a prick? Now come to think of it, Sodo and Century aren’t really very patient or smile much.” Vander laughed.

  “I’ll be sure to them you said that.”

  “Go ahead. I’m still waiting for a rematch from Century on the mats.”

  Vander chuckled then looked out at Francesca, the only one wearing a cover-up and keeping her arms wrapped around her as if she was cold.

  “I’m going to share this information with Sodo and the team. Be sure to keep me abreast of any updates and changes.”

  “You got it, man, and we’ll be by next weekend to meet up for the event at Mulligan’s. Maybe between now and then we can gather some good news for you.”

  “Sounds great. Thanks for the call and update.” Vander ended the call and exhaled. Then he called Sodo.

  * * * *

  The small barbecue just kept getting bigger as more of their friends arrived and with food and drinks. Francesca felt a bit self-conscious as she kept the cover-up on despite the hot summer day. Everyone for the most part were gathered in the pool, by the outside bar and cabana and in the front living room and kitchen that led to the pool.

  “Come in the water, Frankie, it’s beautiful and refreshing,” her sister told her. Angelina was sporting a sexy purple bikini, and even Liz, May, Bella, and Cassy had great bodies. Even though Francesca had been steadily attending the training sessions with Angelina, and even worked on moves with Sodo, Track, Gordon, and Century, she wasn’t as muscular and well built. At least she didn’t think she was. But it was very hot and her face felt flush as she stood up and tried not to focus on anyone looking at her. As she faced the lounge chair and began to pull off the cover-up, she sensed someone behind her and then a hand on her hip as she folded the cover-up. She turned and looked way up into Sodo’s deep green eyes. He wore no shirt, just suit trunks. He was covered in tattoos, intricate ones, colorful ones all cascading along ridges and dips of muscles upon muscles. The scruff along his cheeks made him look so fierce and untamed, but it was the way his eyes roamed over her breasts that truly did her in and almost made her drool. Holy God he was gorgeous.

  “We’ll go in together,” he said, those eyes so telling, and she knew he was being possessive and protective. He approached earlier and asked her to go in but she declined. Him and his brothers knew how self-conscious she was about her body, about being so thin, and they were in tune to her emotions and fears, and they hadn’t pushed her to be more intimate the last two weeks at all. Although she was enjoying their kisses, their hands upon her, and even more so now as she walked with him to the pool steps to join the others. She didn’t even care if the pool was cold or not, right now with his hand on her hip and nearly to her ass, she felt faint.

  May whistled. “Holy God, Francesca, you look incredible, and that’s just two weeks of training with Angelina.” Francesca felt her cheeks heat. She held onto the railing and tried to pretend that Sodo’s hold on her didn’t affect her, but one look at her sister’s smug expression and Angelina knew Francesca was overwhelmed with desire.

  “I agree a hundred percent. You better hold on tight, Sodo. Francesca is Warriorville’s most talked about bachelorette,” Cassy said and Angelina chuckled.

  “I heard the same thing,” Angelina said and they talked about the gossip in town but Francesca slid deeper into the water with Sodo close by. When she went to swim a little he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her away from the girls and toward the deeper end of the pool.

  * * * *

  Sodo was in no mood for gossip. Him and his brothers would like nothing more than to just spend time with her alone, and especially with the latest information and her ex’s connection to some bad people. As he held her close, he admired her beauty, and of course her body she wanted to hide. She was still a bit thin, her ribs showing, but her breasts were large, her ass small and round, and the style bikini was modest, not skimpy. It was black, and the top similar to a bra but more coverage. She held onto his shoulders and he pulled her deeper so she couldn’t stand.

  “Sodo?” she questioned him and he realized he had a scowl on his face despite the desire in his heart and his body. He lifted her under her ass, the move covered by the water, and she wrapped her legs around his waist then took a deep breath. She more than likely felt his thick cock.

  “It feels good in here. You could have gotten overheated, sitting out in the sun for so long,” he said to her and he realized how forceful his tone was and he hadn’t meant to sound that way. She went to slightly push off of him as she looked around them. He didn’t give a shit who was looking. This was another example of her youth, her fears combined.

  “Look at me, sweetie,” he said to her and she did, immediately.

  “I want you close to me. Did you miss me?” he asked her and rubbed her back as he moved around in the water.


  “I want to spend some more time with you and go over some of those self-defense moves you’re learning. How about I meet you at the studio and we head back to our house and the workout room we have and go over some things?” he asked as caressed the drips of water from her temple and cheekbone.

  “You don’t have to do that. I—”

  “I want to, and my brothers do as well. It’s important that you learn. That you can defend yourself especially with all these men talking about you in town.”

  “No one is talking about me.”

  “Your friends just said they heard the gossip.”

  “Gossip, and men talk all the time. Don’t you and your brothers check out the single women?” she asked, eyes squinted at him. He shook his head.

  “Not us, and not since meeting you,” he told her and gazed over her breasts then back to her lips.

  “Sodo I…I don’t know what you expect from me. What it is that you want from me?” she said to him, surprising him.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You asked me to be honest and I’m trying. All this, it’s so hard for me. So different,” she said, looking around them.

  “A party with friends? Swimming in a pool talking?”

  “Well, yes it is.” She gulped and then squeezed his shoulders and ran her delicate palms up and down then as she worried her bottom lip. He didn’t interrupt or push for anything. She was thinking he could tell, and trying to process her thoughts.

  She was so damn light in his arms, he felt like if he hugged her tight enough, he could crush her when all he wanted to do was just be close and inhale her scent, possess her.

  “For three years I was forced to do whatever Zane wanted me to do.”

  “Don’t, sweetie,” he said and caressed her ass and eased her a little higher against him. She tightened her thighs.

  “I want you to understand me, of what I went through. I had no say in anything. Zane made decisions for me, he spoke for me, he never let me mingle or talk with other people, never mind men. At any of the pool parties or house parties he had, I was forbidden to go into the pool without him. I didn’t even get to engage in many conversations once Angelina left.”

  “Well it isn’t like that now. You can do as you please, say what you want. Talk to whomever you want to. Is that what you want to do right now? Go over to your friends or some of the other guys?” he asked.

  “No,” she said and smiled. “You make me feel safe. You make me feel normal and like none of the past things even exist or matter.”

  “They don’t matter, and especially if they make you sad, or think you aren’t beautiful or perfect. You’re the most beautiful woman here,” he told her and her eyes filled up with tears and she pressed her lips to his and then hugged him. He chuckled and squeezed her against his chest. They remained like that way for a few seconds, and when she pulled back, she smiled at him. He cupped her cheek.

  “Say yes to tomorrow, because you want to, and because you truly do feel safe with us.”

  “Yes,” she said and then they heard the music get louder and people were cheering. They turned to look and Shane was doing some kind of sexy dance with Bella.

  * * * *

  Angelina handed Frankie a glass of red wine. “So when are the Buristoffs going to make it official?” she asked.

  “Make what official?”

  “Their claim to you as their woman.” Frankie’s mouth gaped open and Angelina chuckled. “They are so into you and you’re into them. I think it’s great.”

  “I don’t know if it’s great,” Frankie said and Angelina popped a piece of cheese into her mouth. “What do you mean?”

  Francesca looked around them and Angelina was concerned. She leaned closer.


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