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Marcus (Signature Sweethearts Book 6)

Page 2

by Kelsie Rae

  “Promise?” she repeats, her voice dripping with concern.


  I can hear her sigh of relief through the speaker. “Good. Speaking of which, let’s get back to the reason I called, shall we?”

  I groan. With the mood I’m in, Marcus is not a safe topic. “Fiiiine.” I drag out the word.

  Sophie giggles. “I know! But I need your help. Please? Pretty please? Pretty pretty please? With sugar on top?”

  I snort in response. “Fine. What do you need?”

  “I need you to let him come stay with you for a while.”

  My jaw hits the floor. “A while? What’s a while? And why? He doesn’t want to see me. He wants to see you! He wants to stay with you and your cute new boyfriend!”

  “Trust me,” Sophie starts. “Two alpha males under one roof would be a disaster. I don’t care if Nathan is trying to impress Marcus. It would not be pretty. Hell, I’m pretty sure Marcus is still convinced that I miraculously conceived these buns in my oven all on my own and that I’m still blessedly a virgin.” I snort as she continues. “Plus, I figure he can help you pay rent until the lease is up and you find a new place. See? It’s a win-win!”

  I nearly choke on the bite of pizza I just put in my mouth by the time she finishes talking. “I’m long is he planning on staying? He’s never helped with rent when he came to visit before. Why start now?”


  That’s all I’m given for what feels like ten minutes until she miraculously finds her voice. “Umm….”

  Scratch that. She still hasn’t found it.

  “Go on…” I push.

  “Marcus may or may not be moving to New York to be closer to me and the babies, but it’s not that big of a deal because we love Marcus, and he’s going to be a great uncle, and we miss having him around, right?”

  Groaning, I shove my fingers into my long dark hair and push it out of my face.

  “I thought we left California to get away from him….”

  She scoffs. “No, you left California to get away from him, and only because he’s a dumbass.”

  “No…” I argue. “We both left California, because he was too damn bossy and controlling, remember?”

  After a beat of silence, she finally agrees. “Fiiine. You may have a valid point. But it’s only because he loves us, Noogie.”

  “He loves you, Tink. He puts up with me.”

  She growls low in her throat to voice her frustration. “You know what? I’m not having this conversation with you right now.”

  I roll my eyes before shoving another bite of cold pizza into my mouth. “Fine by me. Was there a point to you ruining my day with your brother’s relocation?”

  “Well…” she starts. “He asked if he could stay at the apartment until he found a place, and I kind of, sort of, told him yes.”

  “Sophie!” I screech through my mouthful of food.

  “I know! I’m sorry! I panicked! It’ll be fine, though. Plus, like I said, he can help with rent, and we both know you need the cash, since you’ve refused any of my money ever since I moved in with Nathan.”

  I don’t utter a word, choosing to search for the corkscrew. I need a glass of wine if I have any hopes of getting through the rest of this conversation. Hell, I need the whole bottle.

  Slamming a drawer shut in the center island, I ask, “Did you steal the corkscrew when you moved?”


  “Corkscrew. I need one. Where is it?”

  She hums low in her throat. “Uh…I dunno? Why do you need one? You’re not a wine drinker….”

  “Well, it seems your brother is already pushing me into alcoholism. Bravo, Marcus,” I mumble under my breath before finding it in the cupboard next to a can of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup.

  “Success!” I shout my victory, which causes Sophie to giggle before clapping through the cell phone, the sound echoing into my ear.

  “Fine. I’ll leave you to your wine…thanks for letting him come stay with you though, Nat. Seriously. I owe you.”

  “I still haven’t agreed,” I grudgingly mutter before pulling a bottle of wine from the fridge and opening it.

  “But you love me. And you love him. Which means you’re going to a be a champ and put your big girl panties on for a little while. Plus, I think it’ll be really good for you guys.”

  I scoff as I find a wine glass and begin pouring the sweet, red elixir into the tall-stemmed glass. “Good for us? How?”

  “Well, let’s be honest. I’ve been dying to lock you two in a room for years. Now, I finally get my wish. You two will either combust in lust or finally fizzle out. But you’ll stop being in limbo, which is what you’ve needed for years.”

  Placing the glass to my lips, I take a few deep swallows before setting it down and wiping the excess liquid away from my mouth with the back of my hand.

  Yup. I’m a real lady.

  “I hate you a little bit.”

  She laughs playfully, bringing a grudging smile to my lips too. “Love you too, Noogie. I’ll see you tomorrow!”

  Shaking my head, I return her sentiments. “See ya tomorrow.”

  And with that, I finish off the bottle.

  Chapter Three


  Pretty sure that if I were pacing on carpet instead of laminate floors, there would be some major wear and tear going on.

  The entire day, I've been sitting on pins and needles as the clock slowly ticked by until I could finally call it a day and head home.

  Unfortunately for me, the new venue of home, instead of Get Baked, has done little to calm my nerves.

  Sophie told me she had to run a couple of errands but would head over as soon as she was finished, with plenty of time to spare before her brother gets here.

  I look at the clock on my phone for the hundredth time, cursing Sophie under my breath, when the damn thing vibrates in my hand.

  Sophie's name appears on the screen, and somehow I know I'm going to want to strangle her.

  Sophie: Don't hate me.

  Me: Too late.

  Sophie: Oh come on! Is he even there yet? I promise I'm hurrying! Nathan and I just got a little distracted and lost track of time. I'm on my way!

  Groaning, I type my response.

  Me: So help me, Sophie. If you're not here by the time he shows up….

  Knock. Knock.


  I'm going to kill her!

  My breathing is shallow as I wipe my sweaty hands against my jeans before bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet for a few seconds in hopes of psyching myself up for this.

  I've always hated the way he makes me feel.

  Like I'm crawling out of my own skin. Like I can't get close enough, yet want to run in the other direction at the same time.

  It's been this way for as long as I can remember, but he's totally oblivious to the whole thing, which makes the entire situation even more frustrating.

  I wish I could just call him out on it. But I can't.

  I shake my head before plastering a fake smile on my face. Heading toward the door, I push all my thoughts and feelings into a little box inside my heart labeled: M.

  Nope. His box doesn’t even deserve the rest of the letters to write his whole damn name. Just M. See? I’m determined to give him as little of my heart and mental capacity as possible. If only I were strong enough to get rid of the last letter too, but I can’t seem to do it, no matter how hard I try.

  As I grasp the handle, I close my eyes and slowly count to ten.

  By the time I reach seven, I nearly jump out of my skin when an onslaught of banging erupts from the other side.

  "Coming!" I yell, louder than necessary.

  "Any day now!" he shouts back.

  The sound of his voice also does funny things to me. Rolling over me like hot honey, causing a slight burn that I want to pull away from, only for it to be soothing and sweet the next minute.

  Damn him.

; Shaking my head, I twist the handle and pull the door open.

  I quirk my brow before folding my arms over my chest and leaning against the jamb. "Patience is a virtue, Marcus. Maybe you should try it sometime."

  "Why hello to you too, Noogie. Are you going to invite me in?"

  "I haven't decided yet."

  My comment causes a deep laugh to escape him. "Well, at least you're being honest. Where's my sister?"

  I shrug my shoulder. The motion causes my oversized sweatshirt to slide down my shoulder, revealing a few inches of skin.

  His gaze zeroes in on the exposed flesh, burning me for a solid one-Mississippi before he glances past me like I'm no more than a fly in his soup.

  "Cover up, Noog. No one needs to see that." And with that, he takes a step toward me, making me take a step back and giving him the space to enter. It's like some sick kind of dance that neither of us can control.

  "Don't be an ass," I admonish him.

  "I'm not. Just being honest."

  "It's a freaking shoulder, Marcus. I'm pretty sure you have them too." My voice is thick with sarcasm, though it doesn't stop me from checking out his ripped muscles through his damn jacket.

  Seems he's been working out lately.


  I take a second to really look at him, taking note of all the subtle changes that have happened since I last saw him. It's only been a couple months since he crashed Indie's wedding in the Maldives to rescue his baby sister from the big bad wolf––aka Nathan––after she found out she was pregnant. But the entire event was such a blur that I feel like it doesn't really count.

  And if that event doesn't count, then the last time I saw him would probably be during the championships of Gateway Guardians, a video game that Marcus gets paid to play professionally.

  Yes. You heard that right. Marcus gets paid to play video games.

  Cue eye roll.

  Tilting my head to the side, I notice that his man bun is missing and his hair is now closely cropped to his head on the sides, leaving it a little longer on the top. I'd like to say it makes him uglier, but I'd only be lying to myself.


  "Why'd you cut your hair?" I ask before mentally slapping my forehead.

  He smirks cockily at me. "Noticed, huh?"

  I roll my eyes. "It's hard not to when I'm used to a giant man bun being tossed in my face every time I see you."

  He shrugs, mirroring my motion from only a moment before, then sets his duffle bag on the floor behind the couch.

  Sophie and I moved into this apartment about six months ago, and it's been amazing. The location isn't fantastic, and the furniture is all second-hand, but it's New York City, for crying out loud!

  I couldn't have been happier when the manager placed the brass keys in my hand after I signed the lease.

  The lease that would feel a heck of a lot like a ball and chain only a few months later, when my best friend, and co-leaser, decided to get knocked up on a one-night stand.

  At least everything worked out for them. Now, I just need it to work out for me.

  I release a soft sigh of defeat when Marcus's shoe squeaks against the hardwood floor, grabbing my attention.

  "So where's my sister?" he asks again. I'm not exactly surprised by the abrupt subject change. It's what he does.

  "Late." There's no need for further explanation. The girl is always late.

  He nods his head knowingly before heading to the fridge like he owns the place and peeking inside.

  "Where are your groceries?" he asks when he comes up empty.

  I shrug, causing my sweatshirt to slide down all over again. The moment feels like a terrible rendition of the same scenario only a few minutes before. Hastily, I push the fabric up when I see him looking at me with fire in his eyes as he stares a hole in my previously exposed shoulder.

  "I've been eating out lately," I defend.

  It's only a partial lie. I have been eating out lately. When I have time to eat at all. And when I can afford it.

  Okay, maybe I haven’t been eating as much as usual.

  His eyes narrow as he scans me from head to toe. "Well, you obviously aren't eating enough."

  My jaw drops. "I'm sorry...what was that?"

  He lifts his chin in my direction before continuing. "You've lost weight since the last time I saw you. Don't tell me you're trying a new diet or some bullshit. I swear—"

  I stomp closer before lifting my finger and poking him in the chest. "Say one more word, and I’ll neuter you, Marcus. I can take care of myself. And who the hell do you think you are? If I want to try a new diet, then I'm going to try a new freaking diet."

  He tilts his head to the side, assessing me for a split second before scoffing. "See? This is why I knew it was a bad idea for you guys to move here. My sister ends up pregnant, and her friend is withering away from some fad diet. You're curvy, Natalie. Get over it. Not everyone is meant to be a stick."

  I lift my hand to slap him right in his stupidly attractive face when the hinges squeak on my front door.

  Quickly, I drop my arm and jump away from Marcus like he has cooties.

  "Hi, sorry I'm late—"

  "Took you long enough," Marcus interrupts, focusing on his little sister.

  My hackles rise at his tone. It makes me feel like that same damn fly in his soup all over again.

  Sophie has the decency to look contrite as she rushes over and pulls him into a sisterly hug.

  "I know! I'm sorry, Marcus! I lost track of time, but I'm glad Noogie was able to keep you company!"

  When she says my name, Marcus looks over her shoulder, his gaze pinning me in place. I pull my lips into my mouth to chew on them. My heart skips a beat when our eyes connect. The same familiar color that always pulls me in is holding me hostage in my own damn kitchen.

  Pulling away, she grabs his attention all over again, giving me a chance to breathe.

  "So, how was your flight?"

  He shrugs. "Good. Starving, though. You guys don't have any food in this place. Come on, Tink. You need to make sure the babies are getting enough food."

  After pursing her lips, she argues, "The babies are getting plenty, trust me. Nathan has been feeding me constantly. Pretty sure he follows me around with a Snickers in his pants."

  I snort before covering my mouth when they both turn toward me.

  “Not like that…” she squeals before mirroring my actions and covering her face. Her cheeks turn the color of cherries as she mutters, “Actually, I guess it is kinda like that.”

  Marcus grits his teeth but chooses to ignore her not-so-subtle innuendo. "So, you've been going out then? 'Cause there isn't any food in your apartment, that's for sure."

  Grimacing, Sophie looks toward me with guilt oozing from her pores. "About that…."

  Marcus tilts his head to the side before folding his arms across his broad chest. "Sophie…."

  "Yes?" she answers while batting her eyelashes innocently.

  "What do you mean, ‘about that?’" His tone is sharp, leaving no room for argument, though I have no doubt that Sophie will try to weasel her way out of telling him, regardless.


  Called it.

  He turns to me. “Care to fill me in?”

  “Umm….” My gaze bounces between Sophie and Marcus, silently begging Sophie to speak up so that I don’t have to.

  “Fiiiine,” she drags out the word. “I might be living with Nathan. Oops.”

  Marcus’s face turns red with anger. “Oops? That’s all you have to say?”

  “Well, I mean—”

  He cuts her off. “So when I texted and asked if I could stay with you until I found my own place, and you said yes, did you mean with your boyfriend or….” His frustration is potent, making everyone in the room feel as though we’re drowning in it.

  Sophie grimaces before covering her face with her hands and yelling, “Pregnancy! I’m pulling the pregnancy card. You can’t get mad at me, becaus
e I’m pregnant, and that’s final.”

  Marcus scoffs while a loud laugh escapes me, simultaneously. His eyes narrow at my interruption.

  “This is funny to you?” he growls.

  I shrug as my lips tilt up on one side. “What’s funny is that she’s been using the pregnancy card,” I lift my fingers up to form air quotes, “multiple times a day, lately. This morning, she insisted she get the last cronut, because she’s pregnant.”

  “Hey! Pregnancy cravings are a real thing!” Sophie defends.

  Rolling my eyes, I turn to her. “And I believe you, but I also believe it was awfully convenient that it happened to hit when Rhett came into Get Baked, begging for his sugar fix.”

  Rhett is Indie’s new husband, and Indie is Sophie’s––and my––best friend, who also happens to own Get Baked.

  She grins deviously, revealing that it was definitely not a coincidence.

  “That’s just cruel,” I add.

  “Fiiine. I’ll stop using it frivolously, but I’m still adamant about its use for this particular circumstance.” She turns back to her brother. “Marcus. I was so excited for you to move to New York that I may have stretched the truth so that you’d still come. I’m sorry that I misled you, but I do have a solution, if you’ll hear me out.”

  Marcus grunts before folding his arms over his broad chest. Again. I swear he does it on purpose so that I get distracted by the way his shirt stretches across his muscles. He used to remind me of a ripped surfer boy when he sported the man-bun, but now he’s pretty much a suave Charlie Hunnam.

  It’s not a good look for my brittle heart.

  “I’m waiting,” he grumbles.

  “Well, Natalie here,” she motions to me, “is in dire need of a roommate until the lease is up, and she’s been refusing to let me cover my half of the rent, insisting I need to save for when the babies come, which is ridiculous because Nathan is rolling in the dough, but that’s beside the point. My point is….” She pauses for effect. “You should come stay with her. You can stay in my old room. Plus, you’ll be super close to me and the babies, and you can take your time finding an apartment without stepping on anyone’s toes. See? Win-win!”


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