Ivar's Escape (Assassins of Gravas Book 2)

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Ivar's Escape (Assassins of Gravas Book 2) Page 8

by N. J. Walters

  It was nothing more than a pretty dream. One she’d indulged too much.

  But this was an opportunity to discover what lovemaking was all about, to do it with a man of her choosing away from the prying eyes of her family.

  “Your past is lost to you. You might have someone special in your life.” He didn’t have a wife. That much was certain. But maybe there was someone his family didn’t know about. After all, as a long-range scout, he was away from his home more than he was there.

  “There’s no one.” He nibbled on her ear, sending ribbons of desire through her.

  “You can’t know that.” And it would kill her if she did this only to discover he had a woman he cared for or loved. Delphi would become nothing more than a regret in his memories. “I won’t take advantage of you.”

  It took everything in her to push him away. He eased over onto his side, looking worried instead of exasperated or angry.

  She couldn’t figure him out. Ivar was unlike any man she’d ever met.

  He brushed a springy curl away from her face. “I would never force or coerce you, but I can tell you that there is no other woman in my heart.”

  “You can’t know that.” And it was pathetic how much she wanted to believe.

  “I don’t know specifics about my past, but there’s a certainty that I have never found a woman I could trust enough to commit to.”

  Delphi ignored the shaft of pain that pierced her. “You don’t trust me,” she reminded him. The truth stung. She could be an adult about the situation. This was about making a physical connection, not a lasting emotional one.

  He huffed out a breath and rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. “You have an answer for everything.”

  Sitting up, she wrapped her arms around her legs. “It’s the truth. You said so yourself.” To her disgust and mortification, her eyes filled with moisture. She blinked back the tears before any could fall. She was tougher than that.

  Yet a part of her yearned for his trust, ached to be able to give it in return. She’d been alone for so long. Yes, she had her siblings, but Zaxe and Sass were different from her, more able to compartmentalize their lives.

  She’d been the one to hold out hope, to fantasize about a better day. Now that it had arrived, she wanted to grab on to life with both hands and savor it, making up for all the years she’d spent in virtual captivity, her every action controlled by another.

  Ivar scooted over until he was beside her and stroked his thumb down her cheek. She closed her eyes, savoring the gentle touch. There’d been so few of them in her life.

  “I know you’ve given your word to the Gravasians. I respect you for that.”

  It was something, but she wanted more than respect. That was nothing more than a cold lump in her belly.

  He captured one of her curls and tugged, elongating the lock and then releasing it so it sprang back. “Your hair is like you, strong and soft at the same time.”

  His accurate assessment made her bristle, shoulders tightening and fists clenching. “I’m not soft.” She’d never been allowed.

  “Not outwardly. You’re the bravest woman I’ve ever met.” Pleasure bloomed in her chest. “The most reckless, too.” Her pleasure flipped to dissatisfaction.

  “That recklessness saved your sorry ass,” she reminded him.

  “It did. And I’m grateful for that. But you never should have been at risk. The Gravasians should never have asked that of you.”

  “I volunteered.”

  He tilted his head to one side, studying her intently. Only her rigid training kept her from squirming. “Reckless and brave.” Ivar leaned inward. “And so very beautiful. Your skin is softer than the finest Darkata silk.” He feathered his fingers over her cheek, across her jaw, and down her neck. “Your hair has a life of its own. It makes a man wonder what it would feel like stroking over his skin.”

  He was seducing her with nothing more than words. Ivar’s family had mentioned he was a master of language, had a way with people. They let their guard down around him, talked to him. It was a talent. One that allowed him to travel to various planets and outposts and gather information.

  She’d never expected to succumb to it, but it was getting harder to resist.

  One of her curls eagerly wound around his finger when he stroked it. Her body was betraying her. She wanted him, even though it wasn’t smart.

  Their time together was short. Once help arrived, they’d part ways. She and Zaxe would forge a new life. But that no longer held the appeal it once had. And that was all Ivar’s fault.

  “The color of your skin is unique—dark and rich in tone. In all my travels, I’ve never met another woman like you.”

  “Not that you remember.” It was as much a reminder to her and it was to him. It would be easy to get lost in the compliments dripping from his silver tongue. “Even if we had sex, I’d still give you to the Gravasians.” Why was she antagonizing him? Why didn’t she simply tell him the truth?

  Because she wanted him to like her for her. To want her even if she was going to give him over to people he thought were his foes.

  And that made absolutely no sense. Ivar confused her, made her want to pull him closer even as she wanted to push him away.

  “I know.” His fingers stroked down the center of her chest. Beneath her vest, her breasts swelled, the peaks hardening. “It doesn’t seem to matter. I still want you.”

  “You’d want any woman. You’re grateful to me for rescuing you. Add that with how long you’ve been imprisoned, of course you want sex.”

  The sound he made was somewhere between a huff of exasperation and a laugh. “You’re a difficult woman to understand, Delphi, but I’ve always loved puzzles. And it wouldn’t be sex. That’s cheap and easy and can be found almost anywhere.” He touched her chin, lifting it until she was staring into his golden eyes. “While I’m grateful, I wouldn’t want to sleep with any other woman.”

  “So you say.” She couldn’t allow herself to believe him.

  “So I know.” His certainty made her waver. “And I don’t want sex. I want to strip off your clothes and stroke every inch of your skin. I want to learn the shape of your breasts, to taste the essence between your legs.”

  Her core clenched and her breasts ached. She bit her lip to keep from screaming, “Yes!” Instead, all she managed was a hoarse, “Ivar.”

  His big body shuddered. “I love it when you say my name. My name. You gave that to me.”

  “It’s only gratitude you feel.”

  “It’s not, but there’s only one way to prove it.” He gently eased her arms from around her legs and angled his head toward the blanket. “Let me touch you. You can stop at any time.”

  That made her laugh, the sound desperate and filled with suppressed longing. “I’m not sure I can.”

  He sucked in a breath and nodded. “And I wouldn’t want to. But I will. All you have to do is say the word.”

  This was crazy. There was no way she should do this. This was likely nothing more than a ploy to get her weapons from her.

  He could have already taken them. She likely wouldn’t have noticed. That was how distracted she was.

  Furious with herself and with him, she yanked her daggers from their sheath and tossed them aside. If he wanted them, he’d have to go get them. That would give her time to access the garrote bracelet on her wrist.

  She wasn’t helpless or unarmed.

  Stretching out on the blanket, she stared up at the ceiling. “Fine.”


  Not exactly the most gracious acceptance, but he understood her more than she thought. She wasn’t used to being vulnerable.

  For a second, he’d wondered if he’d pushed her too far, if she was going to end his torment once and for all and slam the blades home.

  She’d tossed them away.

  For her, it was a huge step.

  Go slowly.

  Beneath her bravado, Delphi was skittish as a virgin. That gave him pause be
fore he shook his head. Impossible. She was a vibrant, independent, desirable woman in her mid-twenties or so. She’d likely had many lovers.

  A low growl rose from his chest, spilling out before he could stop it.

  “What?” she asked.

  He shook his head and shoved the possessive feelings aside to deal with later. Best he get on with things before she changed her mind. Ignoring the nagging ache in his ribs and the way his bruises throbbed, he undid the fastenings of her vest and peeled back the sides.

  He cursed the lack of light. Oh, there was enough for him to see her, just not in the way he wanted. I’ll make love to her someday on a soft bed with the rays of the sun illuminating her beauty. An image of a room popped into his head and disappeared. It was large and ornate and the bed was more than big enough for the two of them to pass many enjoyable hours.

  She deserved more than the hard ground and a scratchy blanket, the moist air from the hot springs, the earthy scent of the cave. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was a far way from flowers and comfort. Some day he’d find a way to give her everything she deserved.

  For now, the cave floor would have to do.

  She sucked in a breath when he cupped her breasts in his hands, measuring the slight weight. They weren’t large, but they responded to his touch, her nipples tightening into stiff nubs.

  Mouth watering, he lowered his head and dragged his tongue over one. She gave a sharp cry, her back arching up. His dick, which had already been hard, throbbed worse than his ribs. But this pain was pleasurable and there would be an end to it soon.

  Coming up on his knees beside her, he leaned over and sucked the pert tip into his mouth. Her fingers tangled in his short hair, holding him to her. Satisfaction rolled through him.

  As much as he wanted to take his time, he wouldn’t last if he did. Fast this first time to take the edge off. Slow the second and third.

  He licked a path to her other breast and gave it the same loving care with his tongue and lips, paying attention to each little intake of breath, learning what she liked and didn’t.

  Her skin was incredibly smooth, but this was no pampered lady. Muscles rippled beneath her stomach as he kissed his way down her torso, pausing when he reached the barrier of her pants.

  Heart pounding, blood pumping, he raised his head. “Yes or no?” It seemed an eternity before she gave a short nod.

  The fastener gave easily beneath his nimble fingers. He pushed both her pants and underwear down her lithe legs, needing her naked. The fabric got caught on her boots. He swore several times as he removed them.

  He almost swallowed his tongue. She was still wearing her top with it spread open. Lying almost naked before him, she was like some pagan sacrifice or offering. Her appearance was deceiving. She was slender, seemingly fragile. A woman to be sheltered and protected. In truth, she was a goddess, capable of smiting her enemies.

  If she ever gave her heart, the man who had it would treasure it until his dying breath and beyond.

  He wanted to be that man.

  “Take off your shirt.” It was a demand. One he was eager to comply with. Taking his ribs into account, he carefully removed the garment and tossed it aside.

  He was breathing harder than he’d like and sucked in a few deep ones to gain control. Her skin glistened from the heat of the day. The sweet scent of her essence teased his nostrils, calling him as if she were a siren from ancient lore, luring him to his death.

  What a way to go.

  He sprawled between her legs, making a place for himself, using his shoulders to push her thighs apart. The short black curls on her mound were damp when he nuzzled them.

  She pulled her legs up and back slightly, silently offering him more.

  Mouth watering, he licked the lush, supple folds of her sex, getting his first taste of her. Sweet and spicy and addictive. He dragged his tongue over her, gathering as much of her essence as he could. Something inside him settled and clicked into place.

  This was his woman.

  He knew all the arguments against it. She’d rescued him. They didn’t really know each other. Not to mention he had no personal memories, and she was planning to turn him over to the Gravasians. All valid concerns, yet they all paled beneath the emotional storm streaking through him.

  Just as he knew that honor was everything to him, he understood this woman was meant to be his, to walk hand-in-hand with for the rest of his days.

  If he was going to make that happen, he’d have to be sneaky about it. He’d deal with one problem at a time until nothing stood between them.

  He’d pleasure her so well she wouldn’t regret giving herself to him. Not an arduous task at all. His memories were limited, but this would be the best one, even after he got the rest back.

  When he flicked his tongue over the nub at the apex of her sex, her entire body jerked, and she released a low moan that had his balls trying to climb into his body. Chills raced down his back.

  “More,” she commanded. No shrinking flower, his woman knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to ask for it.

  A niggling sense of dissatisfaction poked at him. How many other men had she ordered to please her? He ruthlessly shoved it aside. He’d be the last. That was all that mattered.

  He captured her clit between his lips and sucked. Her hips came up off the floor. “Yes,” she cried. Determined to push her over the edge, he eased one finger inside her slick sheath. The damp heat of her core closed around him. She was tight, a sign she hadn’t had many lovers.

  Ivar pushed his finger deep and then eased it back. Her cry of distress, the way she tilted her hips, trying to keep him inside, made him feel about ten feet tall.

  She was so close, her body taut, ripe, and ready for her release. He sucked on her clit and drove his finger deep. Her hands gripped his shoulders, digging in. Her cry of release was music to his ears. As her inner muscles clamped down on his finger, soaking it, he greedily licked and sucked the proof of her orgasm, reveling in the knowledge he’d been the one to give it to her.

  When she fell back onto the ground, her arm thrown over her face, her chest rising and falling, skin gleaming, he rose up enough to open his pants. His cock jumped forward, eager and more than ready. He’d likely come on the first stroke, and not only because it had been so long.

  He wanted this woman too much.

  He positioned the head of his cock against her opening, dampening it before pushing inward. She was impossibly tight. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he struggled to take it slowly. Not easy with her sheath gripping him, pulsing around his shaft.

  She stiffened, automatically squeezing his dick. “Fuck.” He drove deep, burying himself in one long stroke. Her cry pierced his haze of pleasure. It had been one of pain.

  Her tightness, her open and natural response to his touch, the slight surprise when she’d come. It all came into sharp focus and shocked him to his core.

  “You’re a virgin.”

  Chapter Nine

  Her entire body had been humming with the most amazing pleasure before pain had followed. She’d expected it to hurt. While she’d never had sex before, she’d been around enough people who had, many of them doing it right in front of her. The sleazy bars and dives she’d trekked through on her missions had given her quite an education.

  This was different.

  They were joined as intimately as two people could be. His cock pulsed deep in her core and it answered, squeezing in return. It was too much, yet not enough.

  The shock etched on Ivar’s face made her want to laugh and cry at the same time. “I was. Now I’m not.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “It’s not something I bring up in casual conversation.” And why wasn’t he just getting on with it? He hadn’t come. At least she didn’t think so. He was still hard and hot and throbbing. The pain had receded. And in truth, it had been more shock than true pain.

  “You should have.” He pulled out and sat back against the wall, face burie
d in his hands.

  Disappointment descended with a crash. Well, what had she expected? Wine and flowers? Good wine was hideously expensive and flowers even more so, unless you lived on an agra-planet.

  She refused to feel shame. Her virginity was gone. And really, it was no big deal. “It won’t be a problem with my next lover.” To the fiery pits with him if he wanted to act like the injured party. She yanked her top together, but before she could fasten it, she found herself flat on her back once again. No lover-like look in his eyes this time. No, it was all fire and fury.

  Fine, she wasn’t relaxed and mellow anymore, so why should he be?

  “You want to let me up right now.” It was the one and only warning she’d give him.

  “You listen and listen well. There will be no more lovers.”

  “Really? You think you’ve got a say about that? You’re nothing to me.” Or he would be. She’d dump his ass back with his family and be done with him. Opening herself to someone had given her nothing but pain.

  The pleasure he’d give her wasn’t enough to offset the disappointment.

  The gold in his eyes darkened. “You gave yourself to me. Only me.”

  “That was a mistake. And don’t pat yourself on the back. I really hadn’t had the opportunity until now.” Not quite true, but he didn’t know that.

  She could easily get away from him. A quick knee to the balls would leave him writhing in pain. So why was she still here?

  He growled. He actually growled. “You’re my woman. Mine.”

  “I don’t think so. I belong to myself.”

  Ivar reared back and dragged his hands through his hair. “You’re the most maddening woman I’ve ever met.”

  “I’m likely the only woman you remember meeting,” she shot back, ignoring the crushing sensation in her chest. She snagged the second blanket and yanked it over her as she sat up. “It’s likely proximity. And let’s face it. You’ve been locked up quite a while. It’s only natural to want to have sex.”


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