Katrina's Sight

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Katrina's Sight Page 5

by Marie Higgins

  She quickly shook the forewarning away. Now that she knew the man would try to steal a kiss, she would do her best to fight it.

  “Forgive me for causing you distress just now,” she said. More than anything, she didn’t want him to think she had no common sense. For once in her life, she wanted a man to take notice of her intellect and not her appearance. “I...um, I assure you I was in control and wasn’t going to fall.”

  She met his gaze over her shoulder. He stood so close his rugged jaw nearly touched her forehead. She could lean in and rub her forehead across his day’s stubble if she let herself.

  Slowly, she moved her focus to his lips. At first they were straight and hard, but the longer she stared, they softened and soon parted. When she met his eyes again, their color wasn’t dark with anger as it had been before. Instead, he wore a simple expression of kindness and concern.

  Kindness? No, she must be mistaken.

  Yet she knew he was kind because he’d shown her by allowing her to purchase clothes at Consuelo’s earlier this morning.

  He wouldn’t try to kiss her now, would he? She pushed the silly thought away. Of course not. It wasn’t dark.

  Mr. Knightly pulled away, taking two steps back. Once again, anger lines appeared on his handsome face. “Just make certain you don’t get too close and fall overboard. I can promise the crocodiles will get to you quicker than I will.”

  She nodded. “I’ll remember your warning.” Swallowing hard, she leaned against the railing and looked in the direction they sailed. “How much farther do we go before traveling on foot?”

  “We’ll sail through the afternoon, and by early evening we’ll be to the point where we can walk.”

  “All right.”

  This time, it was a movement across the river that caught her attention. Three more crocodiles slid on their bellies from the riverbank into the water.

  “Look.” Mr. Knightly pointed, moving nearer to her, his arm outstretched toward the reptiles. “They will follow us for a little while before becoming distracted and giving up.”

  “Why do they want to follow?”

  He looked at her with an eyebrow arched. “Because sometimes things fall off the barge, and they want to make certain they are there to see if it’s edible.”

  “Oh.” A shiver coursed through her and she tightened her hands on the railing.

  After a few minutes passed without any more words between them, Katrina became more and more aware of how close he stood. Why hadn’t he moved yet? He’d had plenty of opportunities.

  The moisture on her neck grew, whether from the horrid heat or the man’s nearness, she couldn’t decide. She swiped her hand along her neck, tilting her head back and closing her eyes as she opened the shirt at her throat just enough to allow a little air to venture inside and refresh her, if only slightly. When she blinked her eyes open, Felix’s attention was on her throat. His gaze darkened, but not from anger. A different emotion flashed in his eyes this time. Her heart beat faster from his intense stare.

  She licked her dry lips. “This heat is wicked.”

  He blinked a few times before meeting her gaze. “Get used to it. The humidity is only going to get worse the farther into the jungle we go. Not only that, there won’t be much of a breeze because the large trees will block the air’s circulation.”

  She nodded. “I understand.” She moved her hand across her neck again, not being able to look at anything else but Felix. There was something between them, and she wished it would disappear. The only thing she wanted to concentrate on was the upcoming meeting with her father...and getting the money he’d promised...and hoping he didn’t get hit with any darts or that his house didn’t catch on fire.

  Felix Knightly was too distracting, and she couldn’t have it. He was just like most of the men she met at the tavern. Although, he really wasn’t. He was much better than those drunkards. He was in a class all by himself.

  Nevertheless, the daydreams she had of marriage and family would never be probable with a man like Mr. Knightly—the rogue! She had decided years ago she would not become like the immoral women she had grown up around. Instead, she would save herself for her husband. Mr. Knightly acted like most of the men she’d met at the tavern. They were definitely not looking for marriage.

  Katrina cleared her throat and turned away from him. A rush of air blew from his mouth in a relieved sigh. Why had he acted this way? The man was certainly a curious person.

  “My father’s attorney, Mr. Jamison, mentioned you were an associate of my father’s. Is that correct?” She rotated her head to glance his way again.

  “I met him once a few years back in Rio de Janeiro.”

  “Would you tell me what he looks like?”

  Confusion glinted in his eyes. “You have never met your own father?”

  “Never.” She shrugged nonchalantly.

  “Hmm, I see.” He released a heavy sigh and nodded. “Well, your father has wavy brown hair like yours, and he’s probably just as tall. I remember him being a confident man—much like his daughter, I’m certain. I’ll recognize him when I see him again, but I don’t exactly know where his rubber tree plantation is located.”

  “So how will you know which way to go?”

  “My man, Manuel, knows the way.”

  She placed her hand on his arm. “Then we won’t become lost?”

  He glanced at her hand as if her palm burned him, so she quickly removed it. He looked back upon the river, his jaw tight and his gaze narrowed.

  Katrina folded her hands together, reminding herself he didn’t like her touch. It would be hard to keep from making any physical contact with him since she’d always been an affectionate person. Obviously, Mr. Knightly was exactly the opposite, and she didn’t want to upset him anymore than she already had.

  “Miss Landon, I know how stubborn you can be, but you must trust me on this trip.” His face turned toward her again. “You must do as I say instead of what you think you should do.”

  She scowled. Once again, he was stirring her temper. Why did he always have to tell her this...and why did she rise to the challenge? “What are you talking about, Mr. Knightly? Have I not been following orders like an obedient dog as you so eloquently phrased it yesterday?”

  He shook his head. “You have, but only if I threaten you. I don’t want to argue about this. You must do what I tell you or this trip will be very long and tedious for both of us.”

  She blew out an exasperated breath. “I cannot understand why you think I’m such a wayward child. I assure you, I will do as you have asked.”

  “Splendid.” He leaned his face closer.

  She had the urge to pull away but kept from doing so, only to see how close he’d get. His hot breath blew across her face, yet she still didn’t want to withdraw. Once more, the smell of peppermint filled her head.

  “There are ten men who will be accompanying you into the jungle.” His voice lowered. “You must not make a spectacle of yourself. Understood?”

  “A spectacle? Tell me, how have I done that?”

  “Listen to me and quit interrupting.” He shook his head. “You are a very lovely young woman, and I don’t want them to get the wrong impression. You are not to bat your eyes or pout your lips. You are not to touch any of them even casually as you just touched me. Do you understand?”

  Her heartbeat knocked against her ribs in a different rhythm. He’d been irritating her since they met, but this...this request only made her want to deny him and make him more upset. Just the thought of going against his demand made her breathless. Perhaps touching him on purpose was not the right thing to do, mainly for her state of mind.

  Taking a deep breath, she calmed her rising ire and nodded. “Have you included yourself in those ten men?”


  “So that means you don’t want me touching you?” She arched an eyebrow.

  “Correct again.”

  “I suppose I can refrain. However, what happens if I tripped
into you? Would you get upset that I used your body to catch my fall?”

  “Miss Landon...” he warned, narrowing his gaze on her.

  “And what if,” she continued quickly, ignoring his caveat, “I accidentally sprained my ankle? Would you not allow me to put my arm around your waist as you helped me walk?”

  His attention bounced between her lips and eyes, finally resting on her mouth. A grin tugged at the corner of his lips. “Miss Landon, I see what you’re doing.”

  “You do?” She shrugged. “Tell me, what am I doing?”

  He shook his head. “You are trying to find ways around my request so you don’t have to follow instructions, but just as I have told you, I don’t want you touching me or any of my men. If you are in danger, then of course we will have to assist you in some way. But know this...I will not tolerate your flirtations.”

  Chuckling, she folded her arms across her bosom. “You are certainly full of yourself, Mr. Knightly, especially if you think I’m flirting with you.”

  It was his turn to fold his arms. “You think I cannot tell when a woman is flirting?”

  “Oh, I’m sure you can tell, but why would you think that I would flirt with you—or any of your men?”

  “Miss Landon, you are a tease. I know women like yourself, and no matter how hard you try, you cannot fool me.”

  “Who says I’m trying to fool you?” She grinned.

  A deep chuckle rattled in his chest, sending tingles shooting through her. She didn’t know why she would react to his voice like that, but she wasn’t certain she liked the disturbing flutters inside her body.

  Then again, maybe she liked them too much.

  “Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy a lady’s flirtation, but not when I’m trying to protect her from my men.”

  No longer did he control the conversation. She did, and she enjoyed the power it brought. She couldn’t help it. She just had to continue. Bantering back and forth with him was extremely amusing. She also took pleasure in making him uncomfortable. “I didn’t know you were hired to protect me, too. How thoughtful.”

  His smile widened and his eyes twinkled. Apparently, he enjoyed the joking as well. Heat spiraled through her that had nothing to do with the afternoon temperature.

  “Miss Landon—Katrina, you’re playing with fire.”

  “I...” She swallowed hard, not realizing her throat had suddenly dried. “I didn’t know I was playing, Felix.” If he could use her name, she could certainly use his.

  Slowly, he nodded, his gaze fastened to her mouth again. “Oh, yes. You are most certainly playing a dangerous game.”

  Images of him and the dark skinned woman from this morning floated through her head, followed by her premonition of him trying to kiss her. What would it be like to have his mouth moving against hers? His lips looked so very soft. The wild way he’d kissed the other woman made Katrina wonder what sensations would run through her if a man ever showed her that kind of affection.

  Good grief! She was losing control over her thoughts again. How did that happen?

  Suddenly, the barge jerked as if something had hit it. Unbalanced, she grasped for the railing, but her hand slipped, making her stumble. As quick as lightning, his arms circled around her waist, holding her up. She snapped her gaze to his. His eyes widened, and then their color darkened. His chest rose and fell with quick breaths, just as hers was doing. Oh dear! He’d been correct. This was not a game, so then why did he hold her so protectively?

  “Wh—what was that?” she asked in a whisper, only because the shock of everything had tightened her throat.

  “I’m not sure.” His gaze shifted to the water and he sighed. “It’s the crocodiles.”

  She peeked down. “Why are they knocking into the barge?”

  “Because they are hungry.” He met her gaze again and grinned. “Like I’d mentioned before, they will follow us to see if we drop anything.”

  “Um, yes, you did say that.” She licked her dry lips.

  Not knowing where she found the strength, she stepped away, breaking the spell that had somehow come over both of them. He straightened and raked his fingers through his dark, thick hair while she collected her wits—since she had somehow lost them while bantering with him moments ago.

  “As I just showed you,” he said, “the only time I will be in physical contact with you is when I need to protect you.” He cleared his throat and folded his arms, glowering at her sharply. “But you are not allowed to lay a hand on me or the other men. Is that clear?”


  His gaze moved around the deck, not really resting anywhere. “Why don’t you see to preparing our lunch with the cook?” He nodded toward the burly man standing by some large crates. “That’s Manuel. I’m certain he and his wife will appreciate the help.”

  Felix dismissed her and walked away. He now acted like their brief encounter a moment ago hadn’t even affected him. She took a deep, cleansing breath. Well, two could play that game. From now on, she would act like nothing he did affected her.

  If only she could convince her body to play along.


  Felix had to admit that Miss Landon helped his dear friends, Manuel and Suzette, more than he had expected. Of course, he wouldn’t admit that to Miss Landon’s face. However, it seemed Manuel enjoyed the company of such a lovely lady, and that worried Felix. He didn’t need Suzette getting upset the way jealous wives could.

  Two hours had passed since they’d eaten, and although Felix didn’t want to, he kept his eyes on the spoiled rich girl. She meandered around the vessel and talked to the other men. Irritation built inside him. Hadn’t he warned her not to try charming his crew? He really didn’t want to talk to her about this subject again, but he would. At least she wasn’t touching them.

  And speaking of touching... Inwardly, he groaned. It was pure foolishness on his part for preaching to her about no physical contact only to have him grab her the way he had when the crocs had bumped into the barge. Of all things, he hated feeling foolish in front of women. For some reason, he was feeling this way around Miss Landon more than he wanted.

  As Felix strolled closer, he overheard bits and pieces of the conversation between her and the others. From what he could tell, they were warming up to her quickly. He gnashed his teeth. Of course they were enjoying her company. She was very lovely and extremely charming. He was certain there was a school for wealthy girls to attend that taught them how to woo a man.

  Even though he knew what kind of woman she was, it had been hard to resist her a little while ago when they talked against the railing. The way her lips moved as her voice stroked each word, and her green eyes softened as she looked at him made emotions inside of him come alive. When she’d swept the moisture off her neck and throat, he’d found it too alluring. Had she known this, which was why she’d done it? He cursed himself for making her wear men’s clothes, especially when they molded to her body so perfectly.

  Then when he had caught her from falling, it was quite a struggle not to taste her lips and get a sample of what kind of passion she held, but he was relieved he didn’t give into temptation. Being so near was such sweet torture, and he didn’t dare experience it again.

  It had been five years since he’d learned his lesson about rich women, and he’d made it a rule not to court any of them ever again. They were too fake and cared very little for anyone but themselves. Knowing he’d return to England and meet plenty of that type of woman made him physically ill. If only he could encounter a sweet, kind-hearted, and loving woman. But he feared he wouldn’t find her amongst those being put on display during the London Season. The perfect woman for him was out there somewhere, and he wouldn’t wed until he was truly in love.

  A group of his men helped pack the supplies for the trek ahead of them, a task that assisted in taking Felix’s mind off the very alluring woman in their midst—except for when her laughter floated through the air. Every time he heard the angelic sound, he swung his head in
her direction, wondering what had caused her to laugh.

  As the day wore on, a few of his men napped on the vessel, which was what he should do as well. Yet he dared not close his eyes for fear his lonely mind would take over and create images of the very beautiful woman he didn’t want there. Instead, he needed to keep busy.

  Katrina sat next to a tall crate that blocked her from the sun. A sketchpad lay on her bent knees as she drew. Eyes focused on her hand, she worked her bottom lip with her teeth. Every once in a while, she lifted her gaze and looked across the river before returning to her drawing.

  Curiosity got the better of him, and pulled him away from his packing to walk toward her. On his way, he picked up a bottle of quinine, which was necessary for their trip. It was a treatment for malaria and could also be used as to relax the muscles. He neared, waiting for her to raise her head and meet his stare. She didn’t. So engrossed in her drawing, she obviously didn’t hear him even when he stopped at her side. He dropped his gaze to her sketch. Surprise washed over him. She’d drawn the river and trees so perfectly he thought he could jump right into the illustration.

  He cleared his throat. Startled, she jerked her head up. When their gazes met, her eyes widened and she pulled the sketchpad to her chest.

  “Mr. Knightly. Forgive me for not realizing you were there.”

  “No need to apologize.” He pointed to the pad in her hand. “I think your drawing is very good.”

  She shrugged as pink colored her cheeks. “I love drawing scenery. The river is so beautiful. So serene. I wanted to capture it on paper.”

  “Will you show me more of your work?” He crouched to her level.

  She nodded and placed the pad of paper on her lap. He didn’t want to take his focus off her flushed face, but he did to peek at her sketches as she slowly flipped each page. Shocked, he blinked in awe. Her drawings weren’t just passively good; they were nearly perfect.


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