The Units

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The Units Page 22

by Jamie Mackay


  Tatum slowly opened one eye and looked at the clock beside her bed. Ten o'clock! She hadn't slept till ten in a very long time. I forgot how much drinking too much hurts, she thought as she slowly rolled over and waited for her stomach to settle. She lied still for a moment while she woke up completely and got herself orientated then slowly got up and headed for the shower. The shower felt wonderful and made her feel slightly better. She knew her stomachache would likely resolve itself after some coffee and something to eat, but she was pretty sure the headache was there to stay.

  Tatum got dressed into some sweat clothes she reserved especially for days like today and then brushed her teeth and hair. She looked in the mirror. Today was not a day when make-up was going to do much to improve the look of her swollen eyes and greenish tinge, so, for the first day in her new town, she left her face bare.

  "Rough night?" Milligan asked as soon as he took one look at Tatum's hung-over face.

  "Yeah, red wine till nearly 2," replied Tatum, "Always seem to forget how much it hurts the next morning?"

  "Out with Jake? I didn't see you at all yesterday. I was hoping everything was okay."

  "Actually, everything was great. I spent the day with a girlfriend I've met through yoga. Her name is Sam. Sam Hensen, used to be Brighton I think. Pretty, with brown curly hair and freckles" Milligan nodded indicating his familiarity. "We went for breakfast after class yesterday. Went to 'Johnny's'. Great bacon, but coffee just doesn't compare," Tatum said with a smirk. "During breakfast she invited me for dinner at her new restaurant and to go out for drinks with her and some of her friends last night."

  "That's nice. You were feeling a little lonely for female friendship, hey? I guess I just can't measure up," Milligan said teasingly.

  "Nah, you're terrific. But, you're right. I was looking forward to some girl time."

  "I haven't seen Sam's new place. I suspect it's not really meant for an old fella like me. What's it like?"

  "Oh, it's beautiful. Perfect. She's outdone herself. It'll just take time and then she won't know what to do with all the people. Actually, it seemed pretty busy last night now that I think about it. The food is awesome."

  "Is she open till 2?” Milligan questioned.

  "No. We went to a pub called 'Rusty's' around ten. That's where we went with Sam's friends Nicole and Janet and where I drank enough to look like this."

  "Ahh," said Milligan in his most fatherly tone, "another cup of coffee?"

  Tatum sat for more than an hour with Milligan, not because she really needed the four cups of coffee she consumed, but because she knew she would accomplish little to nothing regardless, so she might as well visit. Milligan didn't seem to mind. Slowly she got up from her usual seat and climbed the stairs up to her apartment. She turned on the television, intent to busy herself with mindless activities to simply make the day pass, until she noticed the light blinking on her phone. She had a message. It was her mom in Chicago and the message said, "Tatey, it's mom. Can you call me as soon as you get this? Love you." Tatum heard the distinct sound of urgency in her mother's voice. Swallowing the sickness she felt in her throat, she called back.

  "Hi Mom. It's me. What's up?" Tatum said into the phone.

  "Oh honey. It's so good to hear your voice," said Sophia O'Neill. "How are things there?"

  "Okay," said Tatum, "But mom, what's wrong?" she could hear sadness on the other end of the line.

  "It's Michael. He had a seizure. I told you that in my text, right?"

  "Yah," said Tatum wishing she'd get to the point.

  "Well, they did some tests," Sophia paused, "they've found a tumor." Tatum's already upset stomach felt like it was going to hurl.


  "In his head. Left frontal lobe they say. Might be some of the reason for his recently escalating behaviour."

  "Cancer?" Tatum asked.

  "Don't know yet. Won't know till they biopsy and apparently there's risks to that."

  "What kind of risks?"

  "Well, apparently, if they open him up to biopsy it can actually make the cancer spread. I'm not sure. I try my best to understand, but you know I work in a restaurant, medicine is far from my specialty."

  "I'll come right away," Tatum said definitively.

  "No honey, don't. There's nothing you can do here. We will let you know if you need to come." Sophia was always the sensible, level-headed one in the family. Tatum's dad was the dreamer.

  "Okay mom. But I will be there on the red-eye at a moment's notice. You make sure you let me know."

  "I will sweetie. Just take care of yourself, okay? I love you."

  "I love you too. Please tell Michael I love him too."

  "I will."

  "Bye mom."

  "Bye sweetie."


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