Winter Tails: A Limited Edition Winter Shifters Collection

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Winter Tails: A Limited Edition Winter Shifters Collection Page 38

by Fox, Piper

  In a heartbeat, Hasan shifted into his wolf form. Then he was gone.

  Leaping quickly, wolf-Hasan landed on the injured wolf’s back, teeth flashing. The enormous fangs sank into the furry neck, not hard enough to snap the neck, but enough that Drew’s wolf form went limp.

  The motionless body slipped to the ground, and wolf-Hasan growled loudly.

  She’d gotten his meaning immediately. Time to get Drew out of there. Hasan only needed to hold the attackers off until she could get her friend back to safety.

  Without waiting for her to reply, Hasan turned and raced down the hall in the opposite direction. Some of the wolves were hot on their heels as they raced toward a glass window with a tiny balcony. Behind them, the sound of the wolves drowned out anything else, and belatedly she realized that there was no point in being quiet any more.

  With a grunt, she hoisted the limp body into her arms and began to move. ‘Your heavy ass,’ she thought at him. Even with her demon strength, Drew’s wolf form seemed to weigh a ton.

  Once they were at the window, she put her partner down. Then, with one fist, she smashed through the thick glass. The entire pane shattered, dropping away suddenly, leaving a raw opening. Lifting Drew again, she began the awkward task of pushing him through first. Without hesitation, she pulled herself through the opening next, ignoring the slight sting as the remaining glass fragments cut her hand.

  The bitter chill of the outside air cut into her skin, sending an instant shiver through her body. Moonlight sliced across the field, giving an eerie feel to what could have been beautiful.

  Outside the castle, the snow had piled into heavy drifts and was falling heavily. With a quick swear, she tightened her arms around the wolf. The tingle of the dark magic rolled over her and her wings sprang free. She wasn’t worried about Hasan; she’d already seen that he could take care of himself.

  Leaping into the air, she flew them away.

  * * *

  Her wings couldn’t take anymore, and they plummeted from the sky. Slamming into the dark service area behind the big hotel, Kimone gritted her teeth as pain shot through her body. She and Drew crashed into hard asphalt, made worse by the slick ice coating the paving.

  It took her several tries to get over to where Drew had landed, and even then, she could only drag him along the icy ground towards the back of the hotel.

  Dragging the injured wolf into the dark loading area, she bared her teeth at the worker that had hurried over. “No questions,” she snarled through gritted teeth, her fire magic tingling at her fingertips.

  “Uh, look lady, this aint a public-,” the lanky worker broke off as her gaze lifted to lock eyes with him. Knowing that the poor guy was looking into a nightmarish sight: someone he thought was a woman covered in blood and with nightmarish demon eyes.

  Fumbling in her pocket, she found a hundred-dollar bill. “Here,” she muttered, “we need a room. Now. No questions, no gossip.”

  The guy began to protest, but froze once again as a low growl started from the wolf’s throat. Her head snapping down to stare at it, her heart leaped at the knowledge that he was still alive.

  “Hurry up,” she snapped, eyes on the worker once more. “take us through the service entrance.”

  As freaked out as he looked, the worker made good on the request and led them to a room, shakily holding out a plastic key to her.

  She yanked it from his trembling fingers and then snapped. “Do not DISTURB.”

  Satisfied as she watched him all but run away down the corridor, she waited until he was out of sight to slide the key into the electronic lock.

  Hard tremors wracked her body as she struggled to warm herself.

  It was all she could do to drag Drew’s body just inside the hotel door, leaving it wedged open a crack, and then collapse into the plush carpet herself. The heat in the room was off, undoubtedly waiting for an actual guest. All she needed was to get up and turn it off.

  But she couldn’t even push herself up to do so.

  Shivering uncontrollably, she lay next to Drew’s still form, unable to get warm even with the slight warmth of the room. Her vision was fading in and out, and she knew that unconsciousness was coming next.

  ‘Where are you?’ she heard the faint whisper in her head.

  She couldn’t seem to stop shivering enough to form a straight thought for Hasan. It was all she could do to transmit, ‘Cold.’

  His resulting words sounds urgent and concerned. ‘Babe, tell me where you are.’

  ‘210,’ she managed. Then a stroke of genius hit her, as her gaze felt on the brass plaque mounted on the nearby wall. Through the faint slits of her eyes, she focused as hard as she could and emptied her mind. Letting herself revel in the bond of Hasan’s mark, she pushed her gaze over to him, letting him see the hotel name in full.

  It was only enough to show him a few seconds of it, but it had been enough. The connection broke, and she wiggled back a little until she was touching the warm fur behind her. Drew’s body heat added a little warmth, but not enough, and she still slipped into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 7

  She found herself in bed when she awoke.

  Sleek skin slid along hers, alerting her that she wasn’t alone in bed. There was no mistaking the cool touch that she’d already associated with Hasan.

  Then she was completely certain as his gentle lips nuzzled her neck. For a second, she leaned into his kiss, bowled over by the myriad of emotions she felt at realizing that she was still alive.

  “Why am I in here?” she said, voice lower and sleepier than she’d intended. The question was meant to be assertive, but instead it had come out on the seductive side.

  “You needed heat to survive,” he whispered. “I warmed you up.”

  The implications of his words hung between them, but all she whispered back was, “And Drew?’

  “Still sleeping.”

  Her lips touched his hesitantly, then stronger. He kissed her back once and then pulled away. She felt the mattress shift as he rose from the bed and moved away. “Guess you’re healed now. Might as well head outside.”

  Loneliness hit her instantly and she pouted. “No, you don’t,” she said. “Can’t just walk away in the middle of a conversation. Back in bed now.”

  His low chuckle came through the darkness. It reminded her of the hoarse, powerful moan of a male bear. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded, before remembering that he couldn’t see her. Then she said, “Yes.”

  There was silence, and then she felt Hasan brush her neck. “I’m here,” his low voice as his lips brushed her ear. Somehow, he had managed to join her on the bed again without making a sound.

  She opened her lips and the next thing she knew, his were there too. And her words were cut off as Hasan suddenly pressed his body against hers and melded their lips together. And they were kissing.

  His lips found the soft spot on the back of her neck, the same spot that he had massaged before. Like a delicious treat, that’s how he tasted and she was ravenous. Hasan let his lips trail across her collarbone, and his fingers led the way, sliding over the neckline of her Tee. The quick breaths she drew in matched his own.

  ‘How was it possible, but she seemed to be in love? Could that happen? So quickly?’ she wondered. And then thinking was the last thing on his mind as she twined her arms around his neck. She hadn’t loved anyone in her life; she liked lots, but never loved.

  And she had been wrong. He was smooth, yes. Calm, hell no. Maybe she could change that smooth to sultry. The instant Hasan’s hands began caressing her, their bodies collided as if they knew one another. Hips to grinding hips, mouth to hot mouth, all thoughts of the impending disaster had gone the way of her worries.

  Pulling away, maybe to steady himself against the rush of emotion, he just stared at her. Ripping away the hated clothing that had kept them modest while on land, Hasan studied her for a moment. She wondered if he didn’t realize that he was licking his lips. Then he swallowe
d, hard, and smiled.

  “Kimone,” he whispered, voice hoarse, “do you feel that? This, us?” No further explanation was necessary.

  “Yes.” Her answer seemed to satisfy him, and they both drifted into a soothing sleep.

  * * *

  The next time she awoke, she was alone.

  Rising from the bed, she found her clothes scattered where they’d been tossed the night before. Dressing hastily, she exited the bedroom and found both Drew and Hasan seated at the table having breakfast. Her eyes flickered quickly to the living room, where she saw not only Drew’s beddings on the couch, but a second set on the carpet nearby, complete with sheets and a pillow.

  ‘He slept out here,’ she realized, not sure how she felt about Hasan still keeping their secret from Drew. Things had changed between them.

  But she shoved her thoughts away and glanced back at the table. The first thing she spotted was the matching onyx bands around both men’s wrists. Drew, to his credit, looked fully in control.

  “We need to challenge the SX on their turf,” he said, and Hasan nodded.


  Looking from one man to the other, she crossed her arms. “How about you two start by telling me how you both ended up as shifters, tangled up with the most dangerous Pack out there? That’s where I want to start.” Her eyes slid to Drew. “And why didn’t you tell me before?”

  He shrugged, his dark eyes intense. “Because we left the Pack, so it didn’t matter. And also because Pack rules don’t end when you leave the Pack, they govern for life.”

  “But how did you become shifters? And then demons, working for Tevit?” There was just too much going on.

  “Because we belonged to Shax before Tevit became our master. We ended up with Tevit after he and Shax traded a few slaves. Us and a few other guys were in that trade.” Hasan nodded.

  Drew caught her eye. “Remember how I told you the SX want to be wolves so bad?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, Shax actually changed most of his slaves so that we all actually are wolves part of the time. Winter wolves that can withstand the cold of Shax’s world, and that can manipulate light weather, like snow flurries. The thing is, with this blizzard that’s going down outside now, whichever shifter started it, obviously can’t call it off now. This weather is too strong now for a winter wolf to pull back. For weather this out of control, Shax will have to get involved.”

  Hasan scowled. “That’s why we’re going there to confront him and his team today.”

  Drew placed the soda on the table. Slouching back into the plush cushions, he looked completely at home, amidst the cold. Then he shook his head at her words. “Won’t end there,” he stated.

  Carefully avoiding Hasan’s gaze, she shrugged. “Then what do you suggest?”

  “They’re going to want a fight to the death,” he said calmly. “That’s just the way Pack rules work.”

  “Yeah, well, we’re not doing that.” She shook her head. “Hell no.”

  The two men looked at each other, unspoken words passing between them.

  “We’ll see what happens,” Drew said finally.

  “All right, we all need turn in for a nap. We’ve been all going on empty since this thing started, and battling the SX won’t be easy. Let’s take two hours to sleep and then we’ll head out.”

  “All right.” The guys bumped fists, and then Drew turned and bumped her fist. Their eyes met, and she nodded once.

  Together they had been through many adventures, some dangerous, but this was the first time that she felt as if they might not make it back.

  Raising her brows and nodding again, she stated, “Let’s do this.”

  Moving back to his makeshift bed on the couch, Drew flopped down. Trying her hardest not to look at Hasan, she headed for the bedroom, wondering where her lover was going to sleep. Finally unable to resist, she tossed a glance over her shoulder.

  Hasan was bending over the rumpled sheets and pillow on the ground, spreading them out to sleep. It didn’t even seem as if spending the night with she had crossed his mind.

  With a stifled sigh, she closed the bedroom door behind herself and peeled off the sticky shirt. A hot shower would help to take her mind off the situation, but it wasn’t what she really wanted.

  “At least the bed is comfy,” she murmured, stepping out of the pants. She took one step toward the bed, and then jumped as the bedroom door and Hasan slid into the room quickly.

  His gaze flickered over her scantily clad body appreciatively. “Waiting for me?” he asked, voice low and seductive.

  Over the sudden racing of her heart, she whispered, “I thought you were sleeping. What are you doing here?” Dropping her voice on the last question, she raised her brows at him. Then she gestured hastily to the door which he’d left open.

  One rough nudge from Hasan closed the door immediately.

  The instant the door closed, Hasan pulled her roughly against himself. “I can’t sleep until I get what I want, and I’m not waiting any longer,” he muttered, lips already buried in her neck.

  “Shhh,” she murmured, acutely aware of Drew on the other side of the door.

  “Well since I can’t have it tonight, then I have to take it now,” he murmured back.

  Just those words from him snapped her resolve, willpower, her very being. Tugging him forward slowly, she back toward the bed. When the backs of her knees touched the heavenly soft comforter, she let her hands slide from his. Easing herself down to the bed, she scooted back along the mattress.

  “Come,” was all she said.

  In a flash, Hasan was on the bed, spreading his length over hers, body pressing her back into the plush sheets. His hands explored her body, palms heating her skin wherever they passed. Gasping at his intensity, she let her fingers roam all on their own, getting between them and unbuckling his pants.

  The jeans irritated her, and hastily, she shoved them down over his lips. ‘Much better,’ she thought before the feel of his mouth on her neck scattered her thoughts. Turning her head to find his lips, she shivered with a cascade of emotions firing through her.

  Finally, he kissed her, sweet and slow.

  An eternity seemed to pass as they lay entwined, stroking, caressing, kissing….and then stopped abruptly as he rolled over, pulling her on top. Straddling him suddenly, she looked down at the man below her.

  “Take it off.”

  His shirt was gone in a second, and then his hands continued their fervent exploration of her body. Pulling her down onto his chest, Hasan took her mouth again, lips meeting like long-lost lovers.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered against her lips. Before she could ask ‘for what’ or even process the feel of his hands gripped her underwear, he had ripped her thin panty off. Heat flushed her at that simple intimate act, and the urge to touch him grew until she was hallway out of her mind with lust.

  “Hasan,” she moaned just as he shifted and entered her.

  “Yes, Kimone?” he muttered, voice breathless and distracted as he thrust into her.

  But she had no answer for him, as waves of passion drove all intelligible thoughts from her mind.

  Chapter 8

  Collapsing against her, Hasan buried his face in her neck and whispered, “Maybe we can get some sleep now?”

  “Maybe,” she whispered back. Her lips curved into a smile at him.

  The bedroom door flung open suddenly.

  They both leapt up to find Drew standing in the doorway staring at them.

  “What the fuck?” he asked. His eyes flickered to her, and remained there, seeking an answer.

  Heart sinking, she bit her lip. This was the worst betrayal that she could have done. When they’d made the rule about not dating each other’s friends, this was the type of situation that they’d wanted to avoid.

  Slowly turning so that he could face Drew fully, Hasan kept his voice low as he spoke. “It’s no problem, friend.” Yet even as he spoke, she could feel the energy begin
to swell from his body as if he was preparing to fight.

  Drew seemed to notice it as well. His eyes took on the iridescent gleam of his animal.

  ‘Shit,’ she thought. A fight between the guys was the last thing they needed right now. Hastily pushing the covers off, she stood up quickly, fully aware that she was completely awake. Modesty was the last thing on her mind.

  “Drew,” she said, keeping her tone balanced and even, taking care not to escalate the situation further, “it is what it is.”

  Glare sliding from one to the other, Drew faced them, not even trying to conceal his anger. Then he turned and walked out without a word.

  As he left, the tension in the air subsided as she released the tense breath she’d been keeping. But the problem was only on hold until they walked into the living area where Drew would be waiting.

  Shaking her head, she berated herself for letting lust cloud her judgment. “This is bad,” she murmured, bending to scoop her clothes from the ground.

  “Is it?” Hasan asked from behind her. Just the sound of his voice made her turn to look at him, and as she did, he held something out to her.

  It was the tiny scrap of ripped underwear. Her heart gave one quick thud. Taking the scrap of fabric, she held his gaze. It was a subtle reminder of the passion that they’d shared; passion that they tried to fight but couldn’t escape.

  “It is what it is.” Hasan’s words echoed those she’d said to Drew moments earlier.

  He was right. They couldn’t hide what they had any longer. With a little nod, she slipped her clothes on quickly, watching as Hasan did the same.

  Then with careless abandon, she moved to him, lifted her head, and caught his lips in a slow, careful kiss. “Guess we won’t get that nap after all.”

  “Guess not,” he murmured.

  Then she pulled away from him. The familiar calm expression slid over Hasan’s face, and he left the room, heading to the living area. Without a word, she followed, bracing for the confrontation.


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