Winter Tails: A Limited Edition Winter Shifters Collection

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Winter Tails: A Limited Edition Winter Shifters Collection Page 47

by Fox, Piper

  That gossamer fiber wavered before it dissolved into a million pieces. Such utter, heartbreaking quiet followed. What happened to cause whatever that was?

  Meanwhile, sounds from the pack tore apart her concentration. Their impatience thickened the air.

  “Miller, two minutes,” the Alpha snapped from behind her. “Gonna be a late one, like your mother?”

  Mother? What did Sanders know about her mom? Wolf, you better show!

  A wet snout sank between the material of her hoodie and skin. Connor’s wolf nuzzled her neck before Sanders kneed him out of the way. “Brand clan take him outside. Celebrate.”

  She began to beg her animal again, but cold, defiant black and silver eyes appeared. The orbs wavered like a mirage. “Show, for what?”

  Was that her wolf speaking? Leigh shook her head.

  “Stay here? For what?” Wolf growled. Her anger caused Leigh to physically quake. “A mundane life with Mason? Derek forcing himself on you whenever he wants?”

  Her brusque tone should have offended Leigh. It didn’t. A tear scurried down her face. Somewhere inside, a token of peace flickered. Her wolf spoke the truth.

  When Leigh scented Derek beside her, she lost all focus. A buzzer sounded.

  Gruff fingers seized the sides of her head and dragged her onto her feet. “I expected more from you,” Sanders barked. His nostrils flared while his spittle soared, some hit her hair and jaw. “Worthless piece of dung! We break with you.”

  After his declaration, he punched her in the stomach. Pain exploded around her mid-section like fireworks. Those confining hands kept her upright. If the Alpha stood before her, who—Derek, of course. Through her painful haze she recognized the now familiar scents of his excitement…and arousal.

  Derek wormed one set of fingers through her hair, forcing her head to turn towards him. His smile vicious.

  “Pack, go rejoice with Mr. Brand. Enjoy this night.” Sanders waved his other sons to leave.

  The members retreated.

  When the barn doors shut, the Alpha threw her onto the stage floor. Leigh landed on her side; her breath momentarily trapped in her chest. Her wolf stirred and reassured her, “Remain calm.”

  Leigh exhaled and moved into a kneeling position.

  Sanders positioned himself, his shadow darkened everything around her. His brown eyes glared. “I was so close to choosing Jordan Draven as my mate. Did your mother tell you that?”

  Leigh didn’t dare move but Derek yanked her hair. “Answer him, bitch.”

  “No, sir.” She hated how her voice shook.

  Sanders clenched her chin with his beefy grip, forcing her attention. “You strongly resemble her. I told Jordan I’d take over the pack, mate with her. With her pretty features and my strength, our pups would be gorgeous. A new line.” His jaw tight, he stared into the distance.

  Could he be caught in the past? she wondered.

  Derek discretely cleared his throat.

  His dad returned with a jolt which vibrated through her when he released his hold. “Long day. Anyway, she declined. That’s when I smelled the stench of that loner, Luz Miller, on her. What a weird one. Always reading and drawing, like you. He’d already claimed her.”

  For the first time, Leigh heard weakness in Sanders’s admission. He had loved her mom.

  Talking about stench, Derek’s strengthened. “Father, let me handle this.”

  Sanders scrubbed his face. When he looked at his son, Leigh already forgotten, only the Alpha existed. In a clear, loud voice, he stated, “Leigh Miller is no longer a member of the Redwood Grove pack. I hereby dismiss her. Status, lone wolf.”

  Leigh stiffened at those words, their connotation, just as Derek seized her forearms.

  Making his exit, Sanders never turned back. His departing words before the door shut chilled her. “Son, you have one hour. Then toss her into the ocean. If anyone asks, we’ll say she tried to get away. You had no choice.”

  Derek pressed himself against her, letting her know how much he relished his father’s command. “Let’s have some fun on your last night alive.”

  Javier, four years later

  The second the song ended Javier Cordova burst into action. First, he unwrapped his dance partner’s death grip from his shoulder and waist, bid her a hasty goodbye, and fled. His aim to put plenty of space between her overwhelming perfume and his nose. As he retreated his eyes still watered.

  What was up with Artemis Barron anyway? She constantly pressed her ample cleavage against his chest while they swayed to the beat. He feared her boobs would break free of the tiny straps of material restraining them. One day home after having been away at college for the last four years and forced to deal with that. No thanks.

  Javier never thought about the daughter of the Jersey City pack’s Alpha. He’d certainly never declared any intention for her.

  He didn’t even like the chick. She was a Barron. That family was a prime example for what ailed some of their contemporary wealthy packs. The Barrons hailed from new money, most of it illegal, until her father supposedly cleaned up their business holdings. Their direct descendants had no pureblood—they’d been Changed—but most of their marriages were to someone who was. That helped them assimilate faster into the important circles.

  Sounded like a Hollywood movie script.

  Artemis’ cackle of a laugh assailed his ears. Some of the younger male pack members were asking her to dance. She was practically a stranger. As an Upstate New York pack, who had invited her to a party held in his honor, anyway, and why?

  The pace for his hasty escape died as he faced the crowd of other dancers. Javier didn’t notice how close to the front they had moved. Now there was no way he could simply run out. Besides, etiquette and rules must be obeyed. How could he ever forget what had been drilled into him growing up?

  The couples who’d already danced waited for the next number. Those newly partnered quickly mingled together after claiming their space on the floor. All awaited the orchestra’s new song.

  Why not hire a DJ? Mom must’ve been inspired by some historical romance. Or maybe she saw pictures from some competing pack mother’s Pinterest board? When would his mother realize those women acted out of jealousy? She married the Alpha. Dad was King and she his Queen.

  Cannot get any more powerful than that.

  Murmurs began. The word spread. Eyes focused on the second-born Cordova son. As Javier made visual contact with every single person, he first had to recall who they were and their pack status before he offered the proper greeting.

  “Welcome home, Javier!” A shop owner said.

  A mail carrier bowed. “Good to see you.”

  “Congratulations, young man,” the secretary from the gym squeaked.

  A bunch of librarians commented, “Our Alpha’s son is so handsome.”

  Good thing Javier’s wolf paid attention whenever he came home on break. He helped as Javier moved amongst his members.

  Soon he entered the next section of bystanders—groups or individuals either waiting to get asked or simply there to observe. There he repeated the process.

  Finally, by the time a new song began, he cleared the doorway of Ballroom One. Javier stretched to relieve the tightness in his neck. He smiled, nodded, and shook enough hands to last him until the next family event.

  Hopefully, he would be able to make an excuse not to attend that. But as a Cordova he knew full well that wish would never be granted.

  His parents were old school. Celebrations were planned and held for everything.

  He bypassed Ballroom Two where wisps of a string quartet’s piece floated out through the crack between the closed doors. He spotted older pack members, and those who sought quieter spots. Luckily, he didn’t have to welcome them. Yet. Once the meal was served, the attention would again rivet in his direction.

  Once he entered the long hall, he rolled up the sleeves of the white designer dress shirt Mom had left for him on his bed, along with a dark gray suit. H
er taste ideal, he could still dress himself and rebelled by leaving the jacket hanging in his closet. His eyes cleared and other scents overtook her offending fragrance.

  Javier bypassed batches of colorful balloons in every corner. The walls held banners which declared, “Congratulations, Graduate!” And then there were the various Christmas decorations all over. He figured by graduating a semester early he’d bypass a huge summer party complete with boats and fireworks on the lake. He should have known better.

  The Cordova’s did everything big.

  He walked by the main dining room, gazed in, and cringed. Staff were busy setting up. C’mon, Mom, ice statues in winter? Huge, outrageous bouquets? Thematically decorated Christmas trees in every corner?

  Javier preferred parties where he could let loose, shoot a couple of games of pool, down some drinks, and check out the pretty ladies. No fancy décor. Someone’s playlist fed through a Bluetooth speaker sufficed. There had been plenty of those on and off campus that he had enjoyed.

  At least at those social gatherings, Javier forgot who he was for a certain length of time. To the humans at his school, the Cordova name meant nothing. No one tried to become his friend to ask for a favor or borrow money later. No girl led him on so she could have her family try to force him into a quick mating months later.

  Tonight? Whatever this turned out to be, he considered it all a ruse.

  “Hey, Jay!” A male voice called out, stopping him in his tracks.

  By the time he turned, a huge grin plastered on his face, his older brother had already enveloped him in their arms. Javier breathed in the grass and what he imagined bottled sunshine to smell like and hugged Oliver back.

  “I heard you were back. Sorry I couldn’t make your ceremony or welcome you home.” Oliver released him, immediately his features wrinkled. “Wow, that perfume reeks.”

  “Hey, Ollie. Good to see you.” Javier sniffed around. “Artemis made me open the dance floor with her. Whose idea was it to invite her? Jersey City is quite a trip from here.”

  A weird look overcame Oliver’s features before he ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m fairly sure our sister told her about tonight. Vivienne has been hanging out with the Barron Princess, especially after Artemis opened a nightclub in the city. She calls herself an aspiring businesswoman. So, how are you?”

  Javier felt the awkward shift and noted the flash of the haunted look in Ollie’s usually clear brown eyes. Had his brother dated Artemis or something? He’d grill Vivi when he could. “I heard you were helping out at Uncle Hector’s bar and working on plans for some new building project.” Javier stood back and stared. “Dude, you’re looking, um…older.”

  Oliver laughed and his serious countenance came alive. “I am close to thirty.”

  They appraised one another, basking in the other’s reaction when they made a face.

  Javier noted the birth of crow’s feet in the corners of his sibling’s eyes. His shoulder-length hair now fell right above his shirt. Gone were the chocolate covered waves girls used to love to play with. His mustache and other facial hair had been shaved. “So clean cut?”

  Ollie’s perusal seemed shorter. “What? Are you going to tell me I look like Dad? Ask me if I found anyone to mate? I know it’s time for me to settle.”

  With a chuckle, Javier leaned back against a wall, careful not to disturb the hanging garland. “Nah, but since you said it, you do resemble the old man a lot. And like him, you also look dog tired. Working too much?”

  With a sigh, Ollie mimicked his brother’s stance on the opposite décor free wall. “With Uncle’s illness worsening, I volunteered to manage his bar at night. During the day I have my new project. Doesn’t leave much time to date or socialize. Which is good….”

  His brother seemed uncomfortable. Javier changed the subject. “Will you tell me about your project? I have a business degree, in case you need assistance.”

  Ollie bolted over to pat the top of his head. “My little brother. All grown up, wants to take his rightful place in the pack. From the way our community center is packed, me thinks our father has something planned for tonight. Keep your eyes and ears open.”

  Wow, old times. Javier nodded. “I already planned on doing that, bro.”

  “Good.” Oliver moved away, already back to his usual self. “Well, I delivered the ice statues. Company truck broke down. I’m going to the bar. Saturday’s the busiest night.”

  “What? You’re leaving me here? With all of them?” Javier whined playfully.

  Ollie nodded. “Dad’s more flexible when it comes to me. Being the Alpha’s successor comes with some perks. Enjoy, little bro. Stop by afterwards if you want. First round is on the house. Later.”

  He watched Oliver walk towards the kitchen. Before Javier turned away, his brother yelled back, “Don’t forget to wash up, Jay. You stink of perfume.”

  This time he lifted the front of his shirt and sniffed. There it was. A patch of that offensive scent where Artemis had rested her, um, assets. After a quick glance to see if anyone, especially Artemis, followed—nope, coast clear—Javier jogged the rest of the way to the restrooms.

  This side housed the employee restrooms, a couple of offices, and a break room. He entered the men’s room, aware that three stalls were occupied and another male washed his hands in one of the sinks.

  Javier rushed over and turned on the faucet. After a fast dunk and jab at the soap dispenser, he lathered his fingers and wrists, avoiding the watch his late grandfather gifted him for graduating high school. Then he worked his way up to his elbows. The odor of perfume remained. He scrubber harder, used more soap.

  “Hey, Javier! Welcome back, dude.” Mateo smiled at his friend’s reflection in the wall mirror. His eyes widened and nostrils scrunched. “Whoa, that’s some powerful cologne.”

  Javier burst out laughing.

  “I thought I smelled you,” Willie exclaimed, coming out from a stall. He made a beeline for the farthest sink. “Who marked you with that fake ass scent?”

  Javier dried his hands. He remembered these guys from senior year gym class. They were related, inseparable, and able to lighten any moment with their quips.

  Someone else snorted. A toilet flushed. “That chick was all up in poor Javier’s space.”

  Parker, another cousin, joined them. “The Barron princess got some bod. Of course, money attracts money. She wouldn’t give us guys the time of day.”

  “Yeah.” Mateo couldn’t hold back his guffaw. “We’re only good enough to fix her Caddie or BMW, but not ask her to dance.”

  The last stall emptied. Manny joined their group after a quick wash and dry. “Whatcha talking about? We’re working, helping out my Abuela.” The other quieted down. “I’ll admit, I almost dropped a tray of champagne flutes. Artie’s tight designer dress looked like it was poured over her skin.” His hands drew an hourglass in the air.

  Someone made kissing sounds. The others chuckled.

  Parker leaned against the sink. “I wouldn’t mind getting some of that. Imagine resting your head on those pillows?”

  Suddenly Javier became aware of his expensive casual wear and leather shoes and they wore uniforms with logos of the pack catering company. With a true smile, he shook each of their hands. “It’s good to see you guys. Now that I’m back I’ll stop by the garage, see what everyone’s up to.”

  Each young man smiled. Manny slid his hands inside his pants pockets. “I gotta ask. Are the rumors true? About tonight? About why the entire pack was summoned?”

  Javier tensed. The full parking lot. The elaborate designs. The guards stationed around the property. To the human eye, this was a graduation celebration.

  But it wasn’t. How typical.

  Parker dipped his head. “Apologies, Javier. With you being away you might not be in the loop about things.”

  After releasing a sigh, Javier said, “What have you heard?”

  * * *

  Six minutes later, they emptied out of the restro
om. Javier took the same route Ollie had and went outside through the kitchen door. Chilly mid-December air settled around him, stirring up the wolf inside.

  So much swirled around his head. What the guys revealed. His own suspicions. Artemis’ behavior made sense.

  The real reason everyone had assembled here tonight was as he suspected. Pack business. Everything revolved around the Hollow Ridge Bay Pack. His father and Alpha, Luis, planned to make an announcement.

  Pack business trumped everything else, even family functions.

  The oldest shifter family in the state and on the East Coast, they were revered and feared by many. His tip-lipped father hadn’t revealed anything to him.

  After Javier was able to go away to college, after graduating he now had figure out his path. He could choose a career outside of the pack, but his father would also select a role inside the pack. It could be a seat on the Council, a role as spokesperson, anything the Alpha decided. This was life as a Cordova.

  Dad couldn’t even leave pack business to attend his graduation.

  “My sister said the Barron chick was at that club last weekend telling everyone her parents would be making her engagement announcement soon.”

  Manny’s words made Javier’s teeth clench. Tonight wasn’t a celebration, it was an ambush.

  This was his life.

  There were other lesser packs in New York State. At least three, and he knew from attending regional events over the years that there were at least seven females around or close to his age. The packs also had a special intranet they used for sharing information. When bored, he’d check out the forums.

  No way would he consider Barron a prospect.

  Javier kept close to the building as he hurried towards the lot. Too bad his father didn’t get to truly know his three sons or three daughters. The Alpha could announce an engagement. Only one half of the couple would be present.

  Family or not, taking a mate would be his decision and his alone.


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