Winter Tails: A Limited Edition Winter Shifters Collection

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Winter Tails: A Limited Edition Winter Shifters Collection Page 53

by Fox, Piper

  Jared comes walking toward me with a silly grin on his face. I love the way he looks at me.

  “He will hook the car up, and you will ride with him to your home.”

  I smile and nod.

  He gets in his squad car and drives it closer to the lodge. With his car out of the way, I can see my car, and it is awful. Sheer panic skitters through my chest. It’s unbelievable that I had gotten out of that car with only a scratch on my forehead. The headlight is busted out. The entire front side is twisted like a pretzel. Shivering, I stare at the tire that will roll off any minute. It’s like a car that been in a tragic accident.

  There was a large dent in the rear passenger side of Jared’s squad car. His car is not as damaged.

  The tow driver hooks my blue Ford, Sandy, up to his truck. I’m hoping Sandy doesn’t fall apart before we make it home.

  Jared gets out of his car carrying a bag. He gives the bag to me. “Here is a first aid kit. It has wound care supplies in there. Change your bandage daily or more often. There’s Neosporin in the bag; put it on your abrasion every day.” An intense stare graces his face.

  “I will, I promise.”

  I walk over to the tow truck with Jared walking alongside me. Sensing he doesn’t want me to leave. Neither do I. I didn’t want the night to end, but it did. We both must return to reality, our own lives.

  I stop in front of the tow truck on the passenger side and glare into Jared’s green eyes. They are green now. I shake my head. They definitely switch colors. “Text me when you get home to let me know that you are safe.” He leans in close and kisses me on my cheek. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Warmth scatters throughout my chest. Desire burned a hot spot in my mind until his smile cooled my thoughts.

  “I’m sorry about your squad car,” I say, grimacing.

  He put his index finger up to his lips. “Shh, shh. It’s okay,” Jared says.

  He hugs me one last time.

  I step up into the truck and stare out the window. He puts his hand up to his ear like it's a phone. I nod my head and wave. As we leave, my smile turns into a frown. I have just left my love or my fantasy.

  “Are you okay?” the driver says.

  Glaring at him, his long beard nearly sits on his abdomen.

  “I’m fine.” I grab the seat belt and click it. Sitting in the truck was one bumpy ride. Every pot hole we ride over makes the car bounce. The truck reeks of salami.

  “The sheriff…is that your boyfriend?” He grabs a mug from the cup holder and guzzles down the drink. He needs to mind his own business. I have to ride in this funky-ass truck. For an hour to the city, even.

  “No, he is not my boyfriend,” I say, rolling my eyes.

  “Are you single?” He says then puts a piece of gum in his mouth and chews like a cow. I know this motherfucker is not trying to flirt with me.

  I glare over at him, the daylight highlighting the wrinkles in his face and the gray hair. He has to be at least fifty.

  “Yes, why?”

  I pull my phone out to text Lisa. She will never believe the night I had. But right now I want her to know I’m in a tow truck with an old creepy dude. Just in case something happens.

  “I live in the city too. Occasionally I go out for dinner.” His voice is deep and rusty like a smoker.

  I stop him right in his tracks. I was still high from last night. Otherwise I would have already told him off in a nice nasty way.

  “I’m not interested in a man or a date. I just want to get home to my cat.” I tap Lisa’s name on my phone. There’s four missed texts from her yesterday and one this morning.

  He puts one hand up and has one on the steering wheel. “I’m sorry ma’am, didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “I'm not offended, I’m just happily single and want to stay that way. Thank you,” I explain with wide eyes. The nerve of this fool. Trying to talk to clients. This is a business transaction; he better be lucky that I will not call the towing company and let them know that he flirts with the customers.

  Reading Lisa’s texts, it’s obvious she’s definitely worried. I text her back: Okay on my way home will call you as soon as I get there.

  The driver constantly smacks, and it's annoying. The sooner I get home, the better for the both of us. I am seconds away from exploding.

  The snow is so thick he has to drive slower and cautiously. It reminds me that I should drive more carefully too. I wouldn’t have a gash on my forehead. I wouldn’t have this crunched-up car riding on the back of this tow truck.

  But had I not needed pictures, in a snowstorm up a mountain, I would have never slammed into the side of Jared’s squad car. Even if I never see him again, my life is forever changed. There is love in the world. The vision of Jared's smile, his touch, brings an immediate grin back to my face. I’d never laughed so much in my life. I was alive for one night and now it’s back to my cave.

  The tow truck comes to a halt right outside my apartment. I reach in my purse to grab my credit card.

  “How much is the tow?”

  “Two hundred and seventy-five dollars.”

  I grimace before handing my credit card to him. I didn't get the pictures, which will make my funds pretty tight this month. But I need my car.

  “What’s that for?”

  “The payment.” I look around.

  “The sheriff already covered the payment.”

  I exhale and slip my card back into my purse. Could he get any better?

  I hop out the truck. While the driver unhooks my car, I grab the mail out of the box.

  I am happy to be home. As I put the key into the hole, the loud echoes of Ginger meowing are apparent. I get in door and she rubs all over my feet.

  “Hey, Ginger.”

  The intense stench of kitty litter reeks throughout my apartment. I hold my breath and let up the window and spray air freshener.

  “Whew, Ginger, you stink.”

  I flick the light on and flip through the mail. Bills. Bills. More bills, and a letter from Carl. My old address is on the letter. I know this asshole was not released from jail that fast.


  Five days have gone by and it was torture not seeing Kaitlyn. I stare at the computer, unable to concentrate on a report I needed to put in. A report on a drunk driver I had to arrest on his fifth DUI.

  The office is quiet and dull, one prisoner locked up in the cell awaiting the police to come and transport him. I feel as gray as the walls I sit amongst. Bella keeps calling, but I’m not interested in talking to her. I can’t get Kaitlyn’s scent out of my nose. The image of her face lingers, and everywhere I turn I can see her.

  I walk on the white-tiled floor toward the kitchen area.

  “Hey, can I get some water? I’m awful thirsty,” they long-haired drunk asks. The scent of alcohol was strong; he didn’t need a breathalyzer. He’s twenty-four, but has bags under his eyes and even some gray hairs in his beard. I don’t know his story—maybe he had a hard life. That’s still no excuse to drink and drive. I clocked him at seventy-five in a forty-mile-per-hour zone.

  I grab two bottles of water and take one over to the prisoner in the cell.

  “Thanks, Sheriff.”

  The bell rings, announcing that someone entered the station. The scent of expensive floral perfume floats in and I sigh. Shit, I can't get a break. I already know who entered the station. I trot back to the front where Bella stands at the desk. This is just like her to show up at my job when I don’t respond to her. She doesn’t look the same. I thought she was gorgeous before, and now she is just average.

  “Can I help you?” I say. If I wanted to talk to Bella, I would have answered her dozens of texts and constant phone calls.

  Her contorted frown and tense posture is not a friendly sign. She looks like she could blow any minute.

  “What the hell do you mean can you help me? I wouldn’t have to resort to coming up here if you would answer the damn phone.” Her face is red and she is moving her hands while she

  “Can you stay calm? This is my job. You want to talk, let’s go in the office.” She follows behind me, every step louder and louder. She’s acting like a kid who just lost her bike.

  I try to ignore her but she flops down in a seat next to my desk, shooting a mean stare at me. I stand by the door in case I have to make a run for it. She won’t like what I have to say. However, she has to know.

  “Why haven’t you called me?” She twists her body in the chair in my direction.

  I want to say it but I don’t want to hurt her feelings. I look in her brown eyes and my tongue’s stuck.

  With a huff, Bella says, “You don’t have to say anything. I heard an outsider visited you at the lodge. A female.” She arches her thin eyebrows toward me. A flash of “you’re busted” graces her face as she folds her arms and rests them on her chest.

  How the hell did she know? This town is too small. Word has always spread quick around this town. Full of nosy, gossiping housewives. I feel I deserve to be happy. I deserve Kaitlyn, and I want her bad.

  The room feels steaming hot as I wipe the sweat from my forehead. She slides out the chair and trots toward me. We are within inches of each other. I tremble and glance toward the window. We had always had sexual chemistry, and I don’t want her getting me excited. She leans in and sniffs my shirt. She bends over and sniffs my legs and comes close to my penis.

  “I can smell her all over you, and she is human,” she growls.

  She’s flaming mad. Rightfully so. But she will go on with life. Find the right person for her.

  “What’s your explanation?” She takes a step and stares at my lips and throws her hands on her hips.

  It’s this spitfire attitude Bella has that drives people away. I can’t deny it was one thing that attracted me to her. When we were in high school it was cute. But now it’s childish. I want a woman. Someone easy to talk to. Someone who cares about me, my hard day at work. My crazy childhood, and my love of hunting guns.

  The only person Bella values is herself.

  “Bella, it’s none of your business who I spend my time with. We are not mates.”

  “Oh, we’re not? We sure as hell have been mating.” Her face flushes and now she is pointing her index finger in my face. Her voice is raised.

  “You wanted sex too.”

  I don't want it to seem as if I was just using Bella for sex. A lot of times Bella initiated sex.

  “Yeah, I did.” She turns and her hands ball into fists. “I hate the sight of your face.”

  “Maybe we need to take a break.” I take a hard swallow as the heaviness in my chest returns.

  She turns back. She doesn’t flinch or say anything for five seconds. I’m in suspense wondering what the next insult that will coming flying out her mouth will be.

  Her eyes fill with tears. “This is how you’re gonna play me? Let go of this stupid fling you are having.”

  A pain in the pit of my stomach boils. I hate to see the tears in Bella’s eyes and to know that I was the cause.

  “I’m not having a fling.” When you love someone, it can't be casual sex. Bella was a long fling, if she wants the truth.

  Wrinkles appear across her face like cracking ice. “Before you say one more word. If you don’t come to your senses, I will tell the elders. Stop seeing her or I will file a complaint with the elders,” she snaps.

  I was trying to stay calm and ask her to leave, but since she wants to go there, so will I.

  “We will never be permanent mates. I don’t care if you take it up with the elders. The leader of my life is me. I can do whatever the hell I want,” I respond while pointing at my chest.

  Threatening to out me to the elders won’t force me to be with her. So what if Kaitlyn is a human? It won’t stop me from seeing her anymore.

  Quickly I grab the knob and Bella grabs my arm. I snatch it away from her and continue walking out the door.

  She continues babbling that this isn’t over.

  I dial Lance’s number. “Can you come to the station?”

  “I’m pulling up right now, what’s wrong?” Lance prods.

  “I need you to take over by yourself today.”

  “No problem.”

  Lance is the one person I can count on no matter what. I’m going to see Kaitlyn. I can’t get her off my mind and why do I need to? I’m in love with her. We’ve been talking for the last five days. But I need to taste her, hold her.

  I swerve off in my squad car, going a little faster than needed. My phone pings over and over. I glance at the number. It’s Bella texting me back to back. I search for Kaitlyn’s number. I have nothing else for Bella.


  “Are you sleeping?” Just hearing her voice makes butterflies flutter in my stomach.

  “I was just taking a nap.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m up now, what’s wrong? You sound angry.”

  “Just excited. I'm on my way to your house, is that okay?”

  “Of course, but I thought you had to work today.”

  “I can’t get you off mind. I'm two miles from your house.”


  I spring to my feet and race to the bathroom and grab candles. My reflection in the mirror is a hot mess. I have to get some makeup on. And run a brush through my hair. My love is on his way. I can hardly contain my excitement.

  Excited is an understatement. I can already imagine his hands all over me. It’s been five days since I laid my eyes on him, touched his smooth skin, looked into his green eyes. I know I’m technically still married. But how can this be wrong? It feels so damn right.

  Scanning my empty apartment, I wonder if it’s wise to have company. I have a bedroom set and that’s all we need for what I have in mind. The aroma of cherry blossom is flowing through the house. The room is dimly lit with a slight flicker from the candles.

  I snatch the scarf I wrapped around my head off. Then I rush to apply an insignificant amount of makeup to my naked face. For a minute self-doubt creeps in. Does he really care for me? Will this turn out like my shit show of a marriage? Will he turn into an asshole who thinks I’m property?

  His essence is so sweet, his soul so gentle. He won’t hurt me. Never did I imagine the crash could lead to this. Me finding the love of my life. I will swallow the pain of my past and take a chance.

  I peek through the curtains looking for Jared. He said he was moments away. Every time a car comes down the street, I get excited, and it’s not Jared. I race back to my room to call Jared. Where is he?

  I text Jared. Where are you?

  He texted back, Outside.

  I race back to the window and see Jared’s black squad car, minus the dent. Across the street, Sandy is parked, still smashed. My heart races and my hands become moist. I race to the front door as Jared steps on the porch.

  I extend my arms out to give him a hug. He plants a kiss right on my mouth. I don’t want to take it slow anymore; I’ve been dreaming about this moment.

  We stand in the doorway kissing for an eternity. His mouth tastes sweet like candy. The hum of our bodies touching makes me wet. I can’t take my hands off him. I slip my hands underneath his leather jacket, assisting him in taking his coat off. Walking back into the house, I never take my eyes off him. He closes the door behind us, his lips still on mine. We walk to the living room and I let go of his mouth.

  “How are you?”

  “I’m fine now that I see you.”

  I smile at him, my gaze sweeping his body, holding back my desire to lick my lips. It’s been months since I had sex with anyone so I wanted to take it easy on him. But the bulge in his pants didn’t get the memo.

  He brushes the hair out of my face. I blush at his caring gesture. He just gets me. He glares around my apartment.

  “I don’t have much, but it’s mine. I answer to no one.”

  He stares at me. “I don’t care what you have or what you don’t. Just looking at you I’m in heaven right n

  Ginger meows from the kitchen.

  “Oh, I can’t wait to meet the cat you had to run home to.”

  I bust out in a laugh. “Come on, Ginger’s in the kitchen.” He follows me to the kitchen where Ginger lies on the floor. At the sight of Jared, Ginger runs under the table.

  “Come on out, Ginger. He won’t hurt you.”

  Ginger doesn’t move; she’s terrified of strangers. Especially tall ones.

  “Would you like something to drink? I have some wine.”

  “Sure, I’ll take some wine.”

  I grab a bottle of Chardonnay from the cabinet and pop it open. I also grab some strawberries and whip cream from the refrigerator.

  We get to my bedroom and I flip on the radio. He takes off his shirt, his chiseled muscles glistening. The thoughts that run through my head are wild; I just want to lick the sweat off him.

  He gives me a stare, and I get lost in his gaze. My panties are so wet they could slide off my thighs. He kisses me and my body erupts.

  “We can wait,” he explains.

  Hell no, I need this. “No, I’m ready.” I take off my nightgown and I don’t have a bra. Wearing nothing but red lace panties, I lean back on the bed. I’ve never been comfortable naked around anyone. I’ve always been ashamed of my body. The small mole on my left breast. My oversized navel, the slight dents in my thighs.

  He blushes at the sight of me. Suddenly, I’m comfortable and free.

  He kisses my forehead then licks my face. My heart races, my face warms, my body on fire. Give me more.

  He licks my ear and pushes me flat on the bed, belly down. The hairs on the back of my neck stand.

  My body is craving sex. Have I ever made love?

  He smacks my ass and then turns me over. Now I’m lying flat on my back. He pours wine on my breasts and licks it off.

  We won’t need any lube. I’m already soaked. Shit, this feels good.

  He came equipped. He grabs handcuffs out of his coat pocket and handcuffs me to the headboard. Now I’m flaming hot with desire. The heat from his body, the bulge in his pants…I’m never letting him go. He sucks my nipples while playing with my pussy.


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