Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2)

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Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2) Page 10

by Raven Moon

  My blood boiled, anger swelled in my gut, I let it all out, “I knew that truth, but I ignored the signs. Eve warned me years ago, but I vowed to keep all the secrets, so did Trevor. I knew the risks were high. But we aren’t the only ones to blame. Your precious son Reed had a hand in this too. On the night of his death would come; he could’ve altered Fate. The beasts attacked hard. They struck Sage first. Then Rainelle. Reed knew they injured Rainelle. Reed watched as their blood mingled. She should have died that night. It should have killed her, but it brought forth her powers quicker and stronger.” I said.

  “Why didn’t you tell me when you came back?” Her pulse slammed in her neck.

  “Shame.” Lowering my head. I took a deep breath then continued, “Then there is the vampire, Trevor, what a mess he has caused. He should have never marked her. Playing Fate for a fool. Now insanity with the never-ending thirst of blood has gripped her. If we don’t help, she’ll never reach her full potential or learn how to control her blood lust.

  loose dirt and pebbles rustled behind me. Fear gripped my heart. I jumped and spun around; Rainelle collapsed in my arms. Her pulse weak, the scent of wolf twitched my nostrils.

  I landed in front of Eve, “She is out cold; I need to hide her.” Eve stiffened at my voice.

  “What happened?” Eve looked from me to Patricia.

  “I don’t know. Heal your granddaughter dammit!” I said with a stentorian voice. Eve glowered. I returned the glare. She tightened the gap between us then slapped the wolf right out of me. Heat rose from my chest a low growl reverberated from deep in my throat.

  “Do not bark orders at me, young man.” She snapped with a frosty glare. I placed Rainelle on the ground. Eve kneeled beside her. She spoke tenderly in her ear. Rainelle’s mouth twisted. The smell of rotting flesh put my wolf on heightened alert. I crept toward the dark corridor.

  “Lucian, where are you going?” Eve called out to me, but the smell grew stronger.

  “I need your help. I can try to summon the witch energy, but the need to shift has her in its grip.”

  “Something is coming. I can’t protect you or anyone if I don’t stand guard.”

  “Stay in the shadows then, she will need you soon.” She turned back to Samuel and Rainelle. I summoned my wolf, we hid in the shadows watching, waiting for our hunt and kill. I watched from a distance as Eve bewitched Rainelle. My ears perked up when she summoned her energy. Energy flickered brightly around them.

  “Power of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies, come to us who call you near, come to us and settle here.

  Blood to blood, I summon thee, blood to blood return to me.

  I call to you Rainelle, return to me.”

  The threat I felt vanished down the dark path. I ran back to Eve.

  “I don’t know if the spell worked until she awakens. It occurred to me that her need to shift is powerful. I need to save her; I cannot lose her.” Eve’s voice filled with sadness.

  “We will,” I promised then positioned myself on a rock giving me more leverage to watch over them. Eve rocked slowly back and forth with Rainelle in her arms. She cast Prayers to the Gods. My ears filled with hope. I watched Eve gently stroke strands of her scarlet hair and wished it I was the one. Mist filtered around me; a silhouette of a woman formed.

  “I’m sorry Lucian. I am to blame too, and now I’ve put you in the middle. If I had been truthful with Elle, she could have protected herself.” Sadness dulled Patricia’s eyes; her silent sobs shook her shoulders. She gazed down at me with tear-stained cheeks, then reached in her pocket pulling out an amulet.

  “Here, this will help.” My eyes grew wide at her touch.

  “How is this possible?”

  “I’ve used all my power to give this to you. Take care of Rainelle and Eve, Lucian, please. And Samuel, please save him.” She cried. Her image faded. I looked over the amulet. My first thought about it was it’s a family heirloom. I rushed back to Eve and handed it to her. She peered up at me.

  “Patricia gave this to me. Said it would help.” Her pulse beat fast in her neck with apprehension. Her hand shook as she took it. She placed it on Rainelle over her heart.

  “Lucian, you will need to repeat after me. If we are going to free her from the creature that is holding her captive, we need to subdue it. I have only seen this done once. Either this will save her, or it will kill her, pray that her powers will come together and save her.” Eve warned.

  Rage and sadness filled my heart, “Eve, I can’t lose her. I vow to you; the werewolves, the Black Cloak society and whoever else I see fit, will pay for their part in this. She is my mate. I don’t care what Fate has planned.” My voice cut like a double-edged sword.

  “I must cast protection around us. Evil dwells in the shadows. Repeat after me, and we must say it three times.” She spoke with kind eyes. I nodded in agreement.

  “In the shadows, evils hide, ready to draw us from the light’s side, but with your help, I shall be strong and banish all that do us wrong. Send them away, send them astray, never again to pass our way.”

  I repeated after her, word for word. The heaviness lifted. Shadows fled. The music of flutes relaxed me. The slight sound of a drum beats in chord with the soft flute melody.

  “Where is that music coming from?” I asked.

  “What you hear is the memory of the Cherokee Indians that are trapped in the crystals and limestone. On the night of a full moon, you can hear them play. Moon Wolf, my great-grandfather, has watched over Rainelle since she was just dust in the Stars. The flute you hear playing now, he played for me as a child. Moon Wolf is awakening the spirits to protect and heal his great-great-granddaughter. He has been trying to heal the mark that Trevor put on her and heal her blood. The beast that she loathes the most is the one that is trying to break free, and her wolf is trying to kill her.”

  “So, Trevor is responsible for her being in this state. I will kill that blood-sucking son of a bitch. How the hell are we going to subdue her wolf?”

  “Rainelle Fate is with Trevor. But the stars have written her Destiny. She knows her heart belongs to someone else. Right now, it is important to subdue her creatures from shifting until she is ready to accept that she is a shifter of many species. Everything is just happening to fast. We must save her from herself.” I avoided Eve’s gaze. My ears didn’t want to believe what she revealed.

  “How can Fate hold her to a life of immortality? That night, the Stars aligned for us. It is our Destiny, but she threw that away, she betrayed me.”

  “Lucian, she didn’t betray you. She pined over you for a year. She loved you, more than you will ever understand. If you walk away now, it would surely kill her. Your destiny is meant to stand by her, no matter what obstacles cross your paths. Can you promise me that you can do what needs to done?” Her words left me speechless. But right or wrong, I love Rainelle, always have, but Eve and Patricia put an end years ago sending me away. No matter what life has dealt either us, we found our way back to each other. I can’t fight for her.

  “Yes, Eve. I promise.” I declared.

  As I peered down at Rainelle’s beautiful flaming red hair, I noticed a strand of platinum. Would this be the color of her Wolf if she shifted? Would she be able to change into full form? She’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.

  “You need to hold her tight against you and no matter, do not let go. Hold her tight our life depends on it; her life depends on it.” Eve expressed. I braced myself. I secured my grip tightly and pinned her against my chest then wrapped my legs around her waist and lock my feet together. The large boulder gave me leverage as I pressed my back against it the best I could. The sharp edges jabbed my spine.

  “By the Spirits, Earth, Air, Water and Fire, free Rainelle from Wolf’s desire. By the Spirits, Earth, Air, Water and Fire, keep all creatures at bay. By the Spirits, Earth, Air, Water and Fire, let all the evil expire.”

  Rainelle bucked in my grip. A howl escaped from deep
in her throat. As she squirmed to free, I tightened my hold. Her eyes flew open. The wolf in me met a glow of the fire in the night forest as she peered up at me with eyes of jade. She bucked harder against me, the more she shifted, my grasp tightened. She cried out in pain. Was I holding her too tight?

  ‘No, you are not holding her too tight. If you loosen the grip, she will break free.’

  “Lucian, please. You are hurting me. If you love me, you will let me go. I promise I’m all right. Let me go, Please.” She persuaded; a low growl vibrated as she bared her teeth.

  The woman I held was not Rainelle. My teeth gritted as I clenched my jaw locking the grasp of my hands.

  I listened to Eve chant in Latin. She taught me enough to know she called forth the Elders of the Cherokee Tribe and her Ancestral to come as one and assist.

  Whispering chatter hummed around us. The air turned cold as a winter chill. Shadowy apparitions danced amid the dim light. Eve done it, she called them all. Her voice grew louder, Rainelle twisted.

  ‘Settle my dear child. For I am here. Come to me my child so I can set you free.’

  A booming voice manifested. I searched the darkness. Chills shuttered my weary bones cooling the heat that ached my muscles. Rainelle calmed. A figure wore a headpiece of a wolf’s head, and body that draped over his back stepped into the circle. Colorful lines painted his cheeks. A buckskin loincloth hung around his mid-section.

  Was this Moon Wolf? I kept my clutch taunt. I stared in awe. Rainelle battered her lashes. A single tear stained her cheek with a rose.

  “It is done, Lucian. She will sleep for hours regaining her strength. But I must warn you, you will never be safe. The beasts found her, and she killed Jeb. She maimed and caused Nathan’s death, but now Klyde wants her head. Apollyon wants her soul. Moon Wolf added a strong protection spell on each of you.” Eve’s voice trailed off, “The cave is not safe. We must get her back to the cabin. My coven charmed it with a potent protection spell. It will hinder anything evil that wants to do harm.”

  The sound of my heartbeat drummed in my ears, “How do you expect us to get out Eve? I can’t carry both Rainelle and Samuel.”

  “No Lucian, you can’t, but I can carry Rainelle.”

  “Well then what are we waiting on?” I stood to throw Samuel over my shoulder and headed toward the passage.

  “Where are you going?” she catechized.

  “I’m leaving, are you coming?” She smiled and lifted her granddaughter holding her like a baby. I let Eve walk ahead down the corridor into a room that I’ve never seen.

  “What is this place?” I asked. The room had a homey feel.

  “This is the vampires’ lair or used to be. You and Rainelle will be safe in here. I’m taking Samuel to Trevor and Patricia.”

  “How are you going to do that? You can’t lift him.”

  She turned with hands on her hips, the corner of her mouth lifted, “Did you forget?” Was all she said as she took Samuel folding his limp body around her neck and positioned him on her shoulders.

  “What am I supposed to tell her? That you took off with the man, she loves and left her in hell? How do you think she will take that?” I said staring in her eyes.

  “Hopefully, she won’t remember anything. If she does, take it in strides, but don’t lie to her. I must get this boy some help, or he is dead. We already lost Sage, if we lose Samuel, she will never forgive any of us. It is going to bad enough when she learns we lost Sage. She blames herself already.” Eve left in a flash.

  “Fucking great, just fucking great. Thanks, Eve!” I growled my voice traveled the darkness.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I woke in the arms of Lucian with no memory. Drums played a beat in my head that brought nausea with it. I leaned over his legs and heaved as pain throttled my body. My stomach emptied yellowish bile. I couldn’t remember the last time I ate food. I felt a warm hand glide on my shoulder that pulled away from my face.

  “Drink this. It will soothe your stomach.” Lucian handed me a tin cup; I didn’t question what was in it. I drank down the liquid letting it cool the burn of acid and soothe the dryness in my mouth.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. You’ll feel better soon.” He said.

  “What is it?”

  “Ginger tea.” I nodded and scanned the room.

  “Where did it come from?”

  “I was here in this room.” I turned away and scanned the room, “I’ve been here with Trevor.”


  “It was months ago, but I remember the layout and everything in here. It is the vampire lair. It was his master’s hidden crypt under Mount Le Conte.”

  “Can you stand? I have a warm fire going.” Lucian offered his hand. I hesitated then placed my hand in his. My knees buckled under my weight. When I fell against Lucian’s broad chest, my hand rested on his heart, it beat rapidly. Our eyes locked, his heart rhythm quickened. My stomach rumbled with hunger breaking our connection.

  “What happened? Where is Samuel? How did you get here?” I hugged myself.

  “You don’t remember anything?” He helped me to a chair.

  “What the hell is going on? The last thing I remember is Sage and Samuel.” I whispered. My body felt like it had collided with a semi-truck and I lost. The fire warmed my body. The heat felt good against my cold skin. The flickering of the flames reflected off Lucian smooth chest. He wrapped his arms around me as I rocked side to side. His chin rested on the top of my head.

  “Why are you avoiding my questions?” He handed me another cup of tea. I felt less nauseated after the second cup. A sharp stabbing pain riddled my temple, a flash of a diabolical entity reared its ugliness in the back of my mind sending a crippling fear to my core.

  “Holyfuckingshitballs!” My body stiffened.

  “What’s wrong?” Lucian looked me over. A hint of concern showed on his face. I just stared blankly at him. How am I to explain what I envisioned if I didn’t understand it myself? I considered his regard. My body shook violently as I tried to push the hideous creature from my thoughts. He grabbed me holding me close.

  “Tell me what is wrong so I can help you.”

  “It’s nothing. I’m just, just….” I didn’t know how to tell him.

  “I’m right here Rainelle, nothing is going to hurt you, I swear.”

  “ I envisioned a creature that had many protruding mouths with endless rows of teeth. It looked human enough but then turned into a hideous beast. No hair, just wrinkly leathery gray skin. Sunken eyes sat deep in hollowed sockets between a long pointy snout. I watched it devour my soul. Lapping up the essence of my being, my magick.” I shook my head fiercely. My skin crawled at the rehash of the image. Suddenly an uneasiness swept over me.

  ‘You are not safe in this area. Gather your belongings and leave. I will light the path for you. Look for the blue-green essence in the cave and follow it. Do it now.’

  “That voice … I know it … but where is it coming from?” I questioned. Lucian looked around promptly. I searched around the room, “Who is invading my head?” Lucian’s head turned, “What are you rambling on about?”

  “Lucian, we need to leave. I don’t know where we are, but we need to go. Where is Samuel?”

  “We are safe. Eve has Samuel. And you said you remembered where we were. Did you forget?”

  A breath caught in my throat, “Oui!” What the fuck! Oh, please don’t let me start my period, please not now.

  Lucian leaned down rubbing my neck and back, “Are you okay?” I tried to speak between each gut-wrenching stab, “I will be. I think Aunt Flo is coming for a visit.” I quickly spat. Just as I turned away, another cramp took me to my knees. I’ve never hurt this bad before, “MY. GOD. I’M. DYING!”

  “You are not okay!” He said. I grabbed hold of his thigh; his breath quivered. I pulled my body straight slamming my fist in his gut. Lucian buckled; his breath escaped him. His face reddened. He stoo
d ramrod straight.

  Anger crashed in him. His fists doubled, “Dammit RAINELLE! That fucking hurt!” His jaw tightened. A part of me wanted to laugh my ass off, but the other part wanted to take him in my arms and coddle him.

  “I’m sorry, Lucian. I don’t know what came over me.” I cringed inwardly.

  His expression dulled as he spoke, “Well you need to figure that out.” He sneered and walked away. A slight smile crept across my face knowing I took a six-foot-plus man down to his knees.

  Another pain hit me fast and hard sending me against the wall. After it subsided, I noticed old remnants of clay pots and cups.

  “Where did these come from?” I turned to Lucian; he was nowhere in sight. My legs gave way. I grabbed at my stomach as I laid in the fetal position. Pain sheeted through me with a terrible intensity.

  The notes of flutes played in the distance. The pain eased in my gut. The harmonized tune called me. The drums, rattles, and flutes brought visions of the Cherokee Indians. Are they down here? Images flashed across in my mind-paralyzing me in their grip. My voice closed off rendering my scream when my arm burned unexpectedly.

  I watched helplessly as my flesh bubbled. Little blisters formed on my forearm showing the outline of a hand. A blood-curdling shriek escaped my lungs. Lucian appeared instantly. An invisible force hurled Lucian into the wall. His bones snapped. In horror I watched blood trace the outline of his body.

  “Rivers shall flow, be pure and crystalline, but red rivers must not, they must be trapped inside this being this river so red, must be stopped with a golden net, stop the now stop this bleed.”

  Lucian laid motionless. I quickly noticed his arm twisted; his elbow turned 360 degrees from where it should be. At a closer glance, bone protruded from his forearm, “Fuck this isn’t good.” Queasiness crashed over me. Projectile bile covered the wall, looking like some from the Exorcist. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, I crawled back over to Lucian.

  ‘Rainelle, I’m here to guide you. Listen carefully, my dear child. Find the leather satchel with candles in it. Place the candles around Lucian. Let your intuition lead the way.’


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