Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2)

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Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2) Page 12

by Raven Moon

  “Now where?”

  “Travel for about a mile then we will come to more tunnels, take the one leading East. Once we find the waterfall and the grotto, we are to hide the canoe and take off on foot.” I told him. He kept his eyes forward and paddled at an even pace. His biceps grew with each stroke tightening shirt as they formed a mountain of muscle. He continued onward taking the route Moon Wolf instructed. If it wasn’t for Moon Wolf. I, we would be dead.

  Chapter Twenty

  The sound of rushing water crashing against rocks thundered my ears, “We’re about to hit some rapids up ahead, Moon Wolf left this fucking area out.”

  The whitewater rushed the waterway, “Hold on!” I squalled over the churning water. We hit the first swell. The canoe turned sideways missing a boulder. We caught another spindrift, and the canoe took on water.

  “Did I take the wrong way? Did he tell me the wrong? Help me, Goddess, help us!” I questioned aloud. Lucian stuck the oar against a large rock pushing us away barely missing another enormous boulder. I took in a deep breath and relaxed letting my fear dissipate. I placed my hands on each side of the canoe, my fingers dragged the rippling water.

  “I demand the rapids calm by the power of water, I command thee.”

  The water stilled, “Damn woman! You could’ve taken a safer way. Are you trying to kill yourself and me?” Lucian hollered over his shoulder.

  “Don’t talk down to me Lucian. I’m doing what I was told to do, and I’m doing the best I can.”

  “Well, I’m not the one with magick, witchcraft or that mojo voodoo shit you have.” His eyes narrowed.

  “Just fucking stop!” I yelled. Lucian rolled his eyes as he added force with each stroke of the oar, “Look I don’t want to fight with you. We are both exhausted. I want out of here just as badly as you Lucian. If you’ve forgotten, we had to take this way because your pack leader is following me,” I exhaled, “I didn’t know that we’d hit rapids. It must be a sign we are close to an opening. We need to find the waterfall.” Lucian kept his eyes forward and paddled. Loud noises pounded in my ears.

  “Finally, the waterfall,” I screamed in excitement. A rainbow arched as the mist hit below. Lucian drifted along the bank and jumped into the waist-high water.

  “Come on.” He chattered. His body shivered.

  “No way in hell am I getting in the frigid water.”

  “It’s not that cold. Jump in. You could use a bath.” He guffawed. I couldn’t argue with that, but why was he shivering?

  “Why are you shivering if it’s not cold?” I felt the coolness lifting from the mist. A quiver pricked my skin.

  “You can warm it up.” He dipped under the water. I looked over the side scanning for him as he shot up flipping me and the canoe over. I crashed under the water. I broke the surface like a bobbing apple. Immediately the river like that of bathwater.

  Lucian grabbed me from below pulling me under. He rushed us up out of the water. I pushed on his shoulders forcing him under. He broke the surface taking in a deep breath then bobbed like a floater. Lucian stiffened; horror held in his eyes. Then, I felt it, something swam between my legs bumping my feet.

  “WHAT. THE. FUCK!” The once crystal-clear water, sediment lifted from below turning it murky. I quickly swam to the bank of the canal. Lucian grabbed my shirt pulling me into the grotto.

  “Whatever that damn thing was, it was humongous. I’m not going after that fucking canoe.” He gasped shoving the hair away from his face.

  “I don’t see my life ending by getting ate by an unknown water serpent.” I said wringing the water from my hair, “Does the water have healing properties?”

  “Your Grandmother once told me that the river held magical properties to those gifted.” He cast a veiled glance my way as he spoke.

  I crinkled my nose, “Well, I’m gifted.” I gave him a whimsical look.

  Lucian climbed up on a platform, “Why do you ask? I’m still not going out there.” He said letting his expression soften. Toddling over to him I rested my arms between his defined legs. My face softened as I stared at him.

  His lips pursed, “No, Rainelle. I’m doing it. I’m not going back out there to be some fish’s dinner. Do you hate me that much that you want me dead?” I rested my chin on my hands and looked up to his sullen face and busted out laughing.

  “Lucian, I’m sorry for being a twat. I’m so exhausted, and I just want to go home. I miss my family. I want to see my family.” I said my chin trembled. Lucian slid off the ledge taking me into his warm embrace.

  His breaths become uneven, his body trembled as I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head against his chest. He lifted my chin, our eyes locked, fire swirled in his honey eyes.

  “Rainelle there is nothing more than I want then you in my arms. I’ve longed for your touch for so long, craved your sweet scent. I’ve missed that smile that only you can give.” A sudden look of hurt passed across his face, “I know you love Samuel, but will you give me a chance and go away with me. Leave Tennessee, even just for a weekend. Just you and me, just for a little while to recoup. I will make sure everyone remains safe while we are gone.” He said moving a piece of hair behind my ear.

  I hugged his neck then backed away, “That sounds great and all, but I can’t Lucian. We can’t redo the past. You had your chance now it is Samuel’s; he is my present. But I don’t know who holds the future.” I whispered tearfully.

  He broke away, hurt clouded his face. I turned away, and he lifted me onto the ledge. He cradled my face in his hands, “Give me a chance to be your future.” His brightened. His mouth covered mine with a passionate kiss.

  He broke the hold, “Maybe I can prove to you that I am the best choice for you.” He whispered against my mouth then vanished behind the waterfall.

  My thoughts jumbled with confusion. My heart held so much hurt. I should be with Samuel, but instead, I nearly killed him, and Sage. Eve took it in her own dead cold hands to take Samuel and leave me here with Lucian. Was this her plan all along? Is it her ply to get Lucian and me together by using werewolves as a scapegoat? “Please tell me what Fates destiny has in store for me. Haven’t I BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH?” I bellowed to the Heavens.

  Lucian swam under the waterfall holding a giant fish.

  “Dinner is served.” He grinned.

  “What in the tarnation’s is the monster? Look at the fucking teeth on that son of a bitch, OH. MY. GOD. It looks prehistoric.”

  “I think it is a hybrid of a Wolf fish and Gar, I doubt they live in caves, but anything is possible. Whatever it is, it is dinner now.” Lucian stated, “Can you start a fire, or do you want Sushi? I prefer my fish to be cooked.” He cackled. He found a sharp piece of flint rock and started gutting the thing.

  My head turned in disgust, “Yes. I think I can summon fire. But we have a slight problem. We have no wood or was you planning on cooking that thing on me?” I said jokingly.

  “There is driftwood in the far corner. All the rains over the past months have brought all the garbage into the underwater river system.” I pulled myself up over the rock wall and stepped sharp rocks that blocked the wood I needed. I maneuvered the rocks carrying wood. My ankle twisted the wood fell onto the rocks, “Holy hell!” I screamed.

  Lucian jumped the ledge, “What happened?”

  “I just twisted my ankle. I’m alright.” He kneeled next to me examining my ankle. My foot throbbed with each beat of my heart.

  I winced at his touch, “I think it’s just a bad sprang. Wrap your arms around my neck, I’ll carry you. You can rest.” Kissing my forehead, he lifted me into his arms. My head rested in the crook of his neck. I watched as he fetched the wood.

  I yawned with half-lidded eyes, “I’m tired.” I laid back on the flat surface. Lucian placed his shirt under my head, “I love you Rainelle.” He breathed in my ear.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The smell of fresh fish cooking woke me. My stomach viciously w
ith hunger. I stretched tight muscles as I yawed. Still feeling sleepy, my eyes closed stealing a few moments longer of sleep.

  ‘Little witch, it is time. Time for you to die. Be ready, ready for your doom. You killed my brother and maimed my other. For that I shall kill you, your precious can’t save you, I’m coming after you, coming quick. Heed my little warning witch. I will enjoy the torture I plan on inflicting. You will scream for mercy, for forgiveness, for death.’

  I lurched upward in a cold sweat, clawing at my throat trying to breathe. My thoughts jumbled with confusion. I rolled to my side. Lucian yanked my arm milliseconds before sank in the water. I moved to face him. My eyes grew wide when his face came in focus. I scooted against his hard body wrapping my arms around his neck and locking my fingers tight. My body trembled in fear; tears streamed down my face.

  Lucian wrapped his arms around me tight, “You’re safe.” He whispered in my ear with reassurance, but that didn’t stop my sobs from soiling his neck. I turned away. He turned me to face him once again.

  Moving strands of hair, he searched my eyes, “What’s wrong? Looks like you have seen a ghost.” Lucian asked. I shied away.

  “What’s wrong Rainelle?” He asked again leaning forward wiping a tear away.

  I met his stare with quivering lips, “Lucian, the werebeasts are close. Klyde invaded my dreams. The look in his eyes …” I looked away, “His eyes, his eyes shone pure hatred for me. They revealed the sadistic evilness in his soul. Blood covered his head to toe, but I don’t know whose blood. He wants me dead, that is no secret, but the way he spoke, he is hunting me like prey. He’s out for more than revenge. There’s something different about him, about his pack. They are stronger, more powerful.” Lucian held my hands trying to ease my fear bubbling to the surface.

  “Look at me Rainelle, I will protect you. Eve and your Mother made me promise with my own life. I’m not going to let them kill you.”

  “They are closer than they should be,” I said.

  “Then you need to gather your energy, strength. You need to eat.”

  “Eat what Lucian?”

  “The fish, I cooked it, and it tastes fine. It will give your body the nutrients it lacks. After you eat, I think it is best that we meditate and prepare for the fight of our lives. It isn’t going to be a fair fight, and it’s not going to be easy. We have no weapons, except your magick and my wolf strength. You may even shift. You’ll need to anchor yourself and call that black magick deep in your soul.” Lucian spoke matter of fact.

  Lucian handed me a piece of fish. I blocked the fishy smell out and bit into the chunk of white flesh. Either it was that good, or I was that hungry because I pigged out on the flaky meat. After I ate, I drank from the Spring pool made by the waterfall. Lucian disappeared under the thunderous falls again. I must have blocked out the sounds. Suddenly, my senses become sensitive to my surroundings.

  Pinching the bridge of my nose, my eyes squinted tight. Nausea forced its way up. My body buckled under the excruciating pain in my head followed by a pulsating thumping in my ears as it strummed throughout my body. Putting my head between my knees, closing off all thoughts and hindering all sounds around me. I tried to slow my labored breaths when I heard a low growl coming from the distance. My senses went on heightened alert. Raising up focusing on the shadows, I found a heat signature, my animal clawed at my insides wanting out. She paced back and forth behind an iron fence licking her lips, her growl rumbled my soul. I caught the outline of a heated figure swiftly approaching me. The grunts turned into rumbles the closer it got. The air became pungent. Electricity buzzed around me. Something was coming, but I didn’t know what.

  Lucian touched my shoulder, I twisted swiping out at his face with razor-sharp claws.

  He jumped backward under the water. His face came in focus under a cloudy haze, “Whoa Nelly! It’s me Rainelle.” He called out.

  “I’m so sorry Lucian.”

  He lifted his head toward the other side of the waterfall, “Do you smell that? I think we need to go now!” He whispered. I didn’t argue as I stepped backward. I wasn’t ready for a fight, not right now. I needed my weapons and that I didn’t have. Yes, I could use my magick, but I know this beast won’t fight fair and I’m sure there is more than one.

  Moon Wolf appeared down a tunnel I didn’t notice, he waved me on. I grabbed Lucian’s hand, “This way,” I said over my shoulder pointing to a small opening, “It’s a tight fit, but I think we can make it.”

  Sizing up the opening, “No way in hell am I going to fit. There has to be another way out.” He said shaking his head. Scanning the small room, Moon Wolf appeared in front of a slightly larger tunnel.

  “What about that way?” I asked with questioning eyes.

  Lucian glanced over his shoulder at something I didn’t see, “It will have to work. Let’s go.” Taking my hand, he led the way. The muffled sounds of growls reverberated all around us. The beasts weren’t in this passage.

  “Moon Wolf, I call to you, hear my cries.”

  We came to an opening, air rushed out in bursts. Moon Wolf avoided my calls, but I didn’t know why.

  “Lucian, we need to go this way.” Taking a left into a new tunnel, I followed the air flow. It grew brisker when we entered a larger opening that went to a sheer drop-off. Fuck, fuck and triple fuck!

  “Now what? We can’t just jump over this fucking opening. The rock face is too far away. There are no ledges to climb down onto, it is a sheer drop to the bottom. I don’t see any other way.” I huffed in annoyance, “Dammit to fucking hell!”

  Lucian scouted the surroundings. He tugged at my arm, “This way.” I followed him into a channel that led us to a large opening. My eyes widened by the beauty of the opal draperies that surrounded every inch of the cavern and large quartz pillars. “OH.MY.FUCKING.BEAUTIFUL!” I said twirling around. Lucian looked intently around the room.

  “Lucian, this is just mystical and oh so striking. Look at the rainbow within the opal. I have never seen anything so, so magnificent.” I said in awe of my surrounding. The gleam of the rainbow shined within the opal formations that hung down like drapes lining the walls. Massive quartz crystal spheres lined the floors, sticking up in spikes.

  “Be careful where you step,” Lucian warned, his voice carried. On slip and I would have crystal up my ass, and I didn’t want that. As I take baby steps, I place my hands on the pillars to steady myself. I knew that touching the Crystals with my oily hands would damage and kill them, but I had no choice. Lucian stopped in front of me, I wobbled almost falling.

  “Take your shirt off.” A smile creased his face.

  “UHM why?” I asked returning the smile.

  “I can rip it in pieces to wrap around our hands.” Good point. I slipped it over my head and handed it to him. His eyes grazed over my bare flesh.

  “You can stop ogling now. Rip the damn shirt.” A teasing smile crossed his face as he ripped the shirt with ease.

  “Take these.” He said handing me to pieces. I wrapped them around my hands, and he tied the fabric tight.

  His warm fingers stroked my cheek, “You are still as beautiful as you were at fifteen Rainelle.” he said, a thoughtful frown drawing his eyebrows together.

  I gave a warm smile, “Thank you, Lucian.” As we walked along, taking each step with caution. The heat in the room rose. The humidity made it hard to breathe. My lungs felt like they were on fire with each inhale.

  “Why…is…it…so…hot?” I said each word chink as the air filled my lungs in a hot burn.

  Lucian handed me another piece of fabric, “Place this over your mouth and nose.” I tied it tightly around my face. Moisture left my eyes leaving them dry and irritated.

  Lucian placed his finger up to his covered mouth. Each step felt like tiny needles pricking my flesh repeatedly in the same spot. The material of my clothes irritated my entire body.

  ‘I can’t take this any longer Lucian. Please tell me you know the way out of this tortur
e chamber.’

  ‘Yes, just follow.’ He projected back. How I wish my life were different. If I’d only known then what I know now, I’d never returned to my hometown. Stumbling on the sharp shards sticking up under my feet, my hand landed on a point sending the tapered tip into my palm.

  “Motherfucker!” I screamed as the throbbing riddled my body in pain. Lucian turned to face me as plasma pulled along the side of crystalline mass where I collapsed.

  Extracting the piece out my hand, I inspected the deepness of the puncture. The hole closed before my eyes leaving dried blood streaking down my fingers. Energy surged my veins. I lifted in the air, floating along the trail of the wind. My eyes widened at my newfound gift, levitation. Lucian’s mouth gaped.

  I beamed with laughter, “Pick your jaw up off the ground and let’s go.” Smiling at him as I glided in front of him leaving him standing there bewildered.

  “Well come on. We are halfway, try to keep my pace.” I said turning around examining the route to take.

  I came to a small round opening just large enough to do a belly crawl. Leaning over I peek in the darkness. I planned my course. Not knowing if Lucian would fit, I scurried along as the air turned thick around me.

  “Can you make it?” I yelled back down the small hole but didn’t get a response from him. Just as I went back, Lucian emerged. Sweat beading off his hair running down his slender nose drenching the rag wrapped around his face. A cool breeze hit me sending chills along my skin.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah. It was a tight space.” He tittered. Beaming at him I gave him my hand to help him stand. Bringing me into a hug, he kissed me. My body reacting to his touch, I gave into his touch. He could have done anything, and I wouldn’t have cared in the least. He pulled away gently lifting my chin studying my face.

  “I’m not letting you go ever again Rainelle,” He said, kissing me hard. His hand roamed on my ass squeezing it tight. Standing on my toes letting my body fall into his warm embrace a growl echoed from the burrow we just surfaced out of.


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