Killer Rayne

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Killer Rayne Page 9

by Alanna J Faison

  This all started as a quest for justice, but it became a battle for freedom. I have to be more than I am in order to do what needs to be done. I have to believe it unwaveringly.

  “Okay,” I say growing excited. “We will figure this all out one step at a time. From here on out, this is a new world and we will provide the framework based on our success or failure. I assure you, we won’t fail,” I say with more resolve than I’ve felt in a very long time.

  “Now, that’s what I like to hear,” Jaxson smiles.


  Last, we talk about our ambush driving to meet with Selene, the two lieutenants that are incredibly dangerous, and Selene’s fight. The two lieutenants are going to be a problem.

  “Namen is commanding a great demon following, even among high level demons. This does not bode well for us and it will be even worse if we don’t get that gate closed,” Zara begins. “He has promised the demons something big if they’re fighting on his behalf. Chaos, fear, anger; remember that some demons feed off of these. They will only get more powerful in a battle. We have to stop many of them before it gets that far.”

  “I’m wondering if he’s conducting experiments on awakeneds as well,” Phillip says. “You said one of the men you fought was almost like a wolf-vampire hybrid. It has to be DNA manipulation. He’s taking the best traits of both and using them. Remember that you said that Namen wants to see if he can turn humans into awakeneds, well, it stands to reason that he’d also want his own kind to become stronger.”

  “You’re right. I mean isn’t that what he’s supposedly been doing for hundreds of years, making deals, learning how to increase his own power by stealing souls and other witch’s magic. He’s commanding demons and now some weaker vampires. If I was a turned vamp and I knew that someone like Zara existed, I’d want more power too,” I admit.

  Jaxson looks at me questioningly. He has no idea what she’s really capable of. Hell, even his entire pack could be considered monsters among monsters. If I were weak, I definitely would want a power boost. Namen is offering them that and more. I get it, I really do, but the repercussions would be dire.

  Selene steps in by saying, “We need to make a move now. The gate is the first thing. Zara and I can go while the rest of you strategize about what to do next. Our power will be enough. We need solid plans that take into account each of our strengths.”

  “A firm timeline of events is going to keep us on track as well. There will definitely be things that we can’t foresee, but you’re right, we need to stay in front of Namen’s plans as much as possible. I’m also going with you to shut this gate down. I’m the fastest wolf here. I can patrol for threats while you do what needs to be done. I may even be able to sniff out any other demons in the area,” Christopher contributes.

  “Done,” Jaxson says, leaving no room for argument and making us all remember that he is the alpha and this is his territory. “Rayne, you will get some sleep first. No more than a couple hours. It will give us time to call a few more members to keep them on the streets in threes, getting information. We’ll have the beginnings of a plan by then.”

  “I think that it’s time that you checked on Damien too,” Selene suggests.

  I nod in agreement. “When I wake up, I’ll call.” I yawn. I didn’t realize how tired I still am. My body still needs a little more healing. I can now feel that my chakra levels are low. I go back upstairs for a nap with no argument.


  I dream that I go back to my house where this all started. I am standing in a pile of rubble that no one has felt the need to clean. Police tape still hangs around the perimeter in some places. I pick up various items out of the charred ruins. All are unrecognizable. I keep wandering until I notice something shimmering in the sunlight.

  Near a wall that is still halfway standing is something sticking out of the trash. I reach down and pull it out of the ruins. It was my mother’s. An expensive diamond hair comb that she said was given to her by her mother on her wedding day. I study it. Miraculously, it’s still intact. The diamonds are shaped like flowers hanging off of a vine. I touch it for a few more seconds before I put it in the pocket of my black harem pants. The next thing I do is reach out to the sky as if I can reach my family in the afterlife, and then the world disappears.

  I open my eyes from the dream and look around. I’m taken aback by the fact that not only am I standing, but I’m definitely not where I was when I went to sleep. This is the living room to my house. The one I share with Selene thanks to Damien, my father’s best friend and the man who is like a big brother to me. I step over the broken pieces of furniture, and then without thinking, touch my pocket. Something inside pokes my leg. I pull it out and find the comb from my dream in my hand.

  “The hell is going on here?” I ask aloud to no one in particular. I’m definitely freaked out by this and I put the comb on the coffee table as I look around at the destroyed window where Selene knocked the demon through. Katsu is strapped to my back and I pull her from her sheath as I take a few more steps around the house, exploring with my eyes as well as my awakened powers. There’s no one here but me.

  I try to place what happened, but nothing is coming to mind. Was I really dreaming at all? Was this Namen’s doing or my own? Either answer right now is not that comforting. The fact that I traveled to my family’s home while I was sleep says a lot about my mental state no matter how much I try to deny it. I’m still hurting. I’m still allowing that pain to rule me.

  Suddenly, I hear movement outside. I reach out with my power and feel for intent, and then I open the bond with Zara. She and Selene are still at the gate, but the task seems to be nearly finished. In the distance I can see Christopher’s wolf through Zara’s eyes. She’s on alert at my alarm and also confused by my location. I give her a mental nod that I’m calm and okay, but to stay aware. When I catch a glimpse through the window at the bodies moving closer and surrounding the house, I laugh out loud.

  I have half a notion to try to escape and see how far I get. Even if I have to shed a little blood to do so, it might be just the release I need. It was probably the accident in Zara’s car that caused them to track me. My damn phone was left there, I forgot. In the back of my mind, I can hear them calling my name, yelling that they know I’m in here and that I have one minute to give myself up before they come in.

  I’ve had plenty of visions of how I’d go out, but getting arrested isn’t what I had in mind. I question Zara mentally, wondering if it’s worth trying to get away. She firmly tells me no. When Selene finishes, she fills her in. I can feel Selene’s fear for me through Zara.

  Selene says to leave Katsu there, put the sword in the bathroom under the rug and do what they ask. Do not fight back. I’ll find you a lawyer to get you out, today. Don’t say anything, Rayne. There will probably be media everywhere. Keep your head down and stay silent.

  I close the bond and do as I’m told. One last glance into the bathroom mirror into dead eyes. I drop the sheath on the hallway floor.

  “Last chance Rayne Whitmore! Come out with your hands up.”

  I step closer to the door and turn the nob slowly. The sunlight hits my eyes causing me to tear up, just as red dots paint my chest and my face. I lift my hands slowly as the click of weapons fill my ears.

  “Come forward. Now, on your knees!” a man orders.

  I comply as I’m forced to the ground on my stomach and cuffed.

  “You’re under arrest for the murders of Elizabeth Whitmore, Jason Whitmore, Jasmine Whitmore, Raymond Jones, Stephanie Hall…

  Incredible. Claiming I’m responsible for it all, that I killed my family.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The back of the police car feels like hard plastic. The cuffs rub against my wrist bone with every bump. I lean forward slightly for comfort when the female officer in the passenger seat turns to look at me. I look out the window instead, not willing to play this game.

  “Look Graves, she knows that she’s not gett
ing out of this one. How could a girl like her plot to kill her entire family? You have to be some kind of sadistic bitch,” the female officer commentates to her partner. I roll my eyes and continue to look out the window.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll get a confession out of her. Soon, the whole world will know the story of Rayne Whitmore, the rich brat that didn’t get her way. What happened girl, did daddy not buy you a Ferrari for your birthday, or was it a beach house? Maybe your mother made you wash your own dishes,” the man named Graves says.

  They both laugh. When I don’t respond, Graves slams on his breaks really hard causing me to slam my face against the Plexiglas partition separating us. I force down a growl and let them play their game.

  “Rich uppity bitch. You thought that with money you’d never be found, well, that’s the mistake that people like you make. You shouldn’t have come back you idiot. Let’s see how far money gets you in prison while you’re in a dark corner getting taken by a gang that likes pretty girls like you,” the female officer is trying her best to scare me. As if I’d have any problems getting attacked in prison. As if it’d ever get that far.

  Finally, we reach the headquarters and as Zara predicted, there’s media everywhere. Camera lights flash all over the car, reporters with microphones are speaking quickly as they motion their camera people to zoom in. Two officers from another car clear a path as my two wonderful escorts pull me out the car and usher me through my walk of shame. I try to keep my head down as a flurry of questions comes my way.

  “Rayne Whitmore,”

  “Rayne, you’re accused of murdering your family,”

  “Where have you been all this time?”

  “Do you have any comment on-,”

  “Rayne, Rayne, can you tell m-,”

  “Rayne, it’s been two yea-,”


  “Rayne Whitmore,”

  We continue to push through the crowd when thankfully the doors to the precinct open and I’m met with a less hectic atmosphere. With a jerk, I’m pulled into processing. It’s going to be a long day.


  Finally, I’m put in an interrogation room where I’m re-read my Miranda rights. I sit there listening to the buzz of the light above me, gaze fixed on the crack in the wall across from me, barely listening to what the detective is saying. Once the detective finishes, I say, “Lawyer.”

  The big man with salt and pepper hair and a creepy old school porn mustache looks me over and grins. He leans in close enough for me to smell his cheap cologne and his breath that smells like old soup and horse shit. If I had some breath mints, I’d pop them in his foul mouth. I cough at the combination and lean away. He motions for someone to come in the room. They peek their head in the door and he gives them a nod. A few seconds later, there’s a knock on the window that’s probably in confirmation to whatever it is that he asked for.

  “Now,” his gruff voice starts. He sounds like a two pack a day smoker. “The camera’s off. Let’s cut to the chase, we know you didn’t kill them, but see, the world doesn’t know that. Our job is to make a statement if you will. Nothing is out of Namen’s reach. You see, when the smoke clears, I know what side I’m going to be on and it’s never the losing side. I have enough evidence to put you away long enough where you won’t be able to make any moves against him. You don’t have the resources to take him on. Now, the entire world knows that you’re still alive. The media will be hounding you for months.”

  I think about his words and scrunch my lips to the side. He’s right. The media will be watching me now dammit. Will my friends be able to be seen with me? It’ll cause too much speculation and attention. To keep my anger in check, I tap my fingers in a slow rhythm.

  Namen, this is a bitch move.

  “Why are you even talking?” I ask annoyed. The all white room is annoying. These cuffs are annoying. The hard metal chair is hurting my ass. His breath is hurting my nose. I tilt my head to the side, giving the detective an amused look, then I continue tapping on the brown, rickety table.

  He reaches over the table and slaps me hard before grapping my cheeks with his big hand. I barely feel the slap, but his hands on me really piss me off. That’s how you get pimples, from people who touch your face with dirty ass hands. He doesn’t even turn around when the door opens.

  “Get your filthy hands off of my client now and uncuff her,” my lawyer demands. I feel his power heat up the room and command both of our attention.

  The detective releases his grip quickly and he gives me an angry look. I can tell that he’s not too happy that he gave in to his demands so quickly. I give him a smirk of satisfaction as he unlocks my oh-so-fashionable iron bracelets.

  My lawyer is clad in a dark gray suit with a navy tie. His head is bald but it fits him perfectly. With a clean shaven goatee, he reminds me of Jason Statham. His dark, pupil-less eyes let me know that he’s half demon. He lets his dark eyes return to normal then winks at me. Zara sent me a half demon lawyer with the power of persuasion. Brilliant.

  “I’ll take this seat now so that I can consult with my client. Thank you, you may leave,” he tells the detective, dismissing him promptly. The detective gets out of his seat and walks to the door, slamming it like a kid having a tantrum.

  “Now,” he begins, shaking my hand. “My name is Pierce Brooks and I am now and henceforth your lawyer. Zara Drake has paid me handsomely to represent you whenever you need representation. She told me to do whatever it takes to get you out of here today. Zara was very adamant about that. So, in order for me to do my job, you have to tell me everything. Do not leave out a single detail.

  “Okay, well, here goes.” I spend the next hour telling Pierce everything that’s come to pass. He asks questions here and there as the story goes on, but for the most part remains silent and is actually not surprised by anything. He takes some notes. When I finish, his hand is rubbing his chin hair.

  “This is going to be a fun case. I can get you out of here today definitely on some procedural grounds, but moving forward will be a challenge, especially if the police in charge are working with Namen Young. I will definitely work to get the case dropped immediately. Hold tight while I get your paperwork for your release.”

  I do my best to wait patiently when I feel Zara pulling at our mind-link. I open up to her and a flood of emotions hit me.

  You’re all over the news. They’re nicknaming you Killer Rayne. There’s speculation about you murdering your family, why you did it, who you paid. It’s on every channel, Zara tells me grimly.

  What the hell am I going to do? These bastards are on Namen’s payroll. He did this, I growl.

  We’ll figure it out, don’t worry. You may have to change your hairstyle and appearance some, maybe invest in a good wig. We can do that. Put a glamour on you or something. Namen’s trying to take you out of the game. We won’t let him, Zara promises.

  Okay, Pierce is getting my paperwork done now. I’ll be out soon, I tell her.

  Good, good. Selene contacted Damien. He’s on his way to get you.

  No! He’s not supposed to be anywhere near this. They’ll come after him. Tell him no, I demand.

  Believe me, Selene tried. She knew that he had a right to know before the news broke, and then he insisted that he do what he could. He refused to let anyone stop him. I know this is not ideal Rayne, but Damien is a grown ass man and we can’t make choices about his life for him. Men are prideful beings and he’s not going to let you take away his honor as a man and as his duty to your father. Accept it for what it is.

  She’s right and it pisses me off to admit it. Before she closes the bond, I say, Zara, I don’t know how I got to the house. I was dreaming and then I wasn’t. Maybe I was never dreaming in the first place. I ended up at my family’s home, and then I went to mine. Please tell me that you have an idea as to what the hell is going on.

  As of now, I really don’t know. I have an idea, but I’m not ready to share it. I need to check a few things first, but we
’ll figure it out. We’ll figure it all out. After we get you to my grandmother’s, you can summon the immortals and get Namen out of your head okay.

  Okay. Tell Selene that I love her and not to worry.

  Will do.

  Ten more minutes pass as I sit alone in this room with my negative thoughts to keep me company. Finally, the detective and Pierce walk in, looks of anger and satisfaction paint their faces, respectively.

  “You’re free to go, Whitmore,” the detective tells me.

  “So soon? Just when I was enjoying the feng shui of this place,” I say sarcastically as I try to keep my anger in check. This guy pisses me off. To scare him, I release a little bit of my power into the room, just enough so that he can feel the chill creep up his spine as he locks eyes with me.

  I’ve been through more than I’ve ever imagined I could survive. But, this thing is far from over. Namen has decided to change the whole game. The lawyer leads me out of the interrogation room just as the detective grabs my arm.

  I glance at the tall man that interrogated me and despite my anger; I still manage a little smirk at the fact that I’m obviously a true threat to him now.

  Namen, you bastard, you played your hand perfectly.

  “Namen says to tell you smile for the cameras,” the detective whispers smugly. I pull my arm away and tilt my head toward him in defiance.

  “You know, I’m going to make sure that you’re the first human that I kill,” I warn.

  “There are too many witnesses now. You won’t be able to make a move now that the whole world is looking at you. You think you have friends. This police force belongs to Namen Young.”

  I brush up against the detective and lift my head so that my lip is touching his ear. I’m close enough that I can smell his cheap cologne mingling with his sweat. He fears me and I like it. “Well then,” I whisper softly, “I guess I’ll have to kill you all.”


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