Killer Rayne

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Killer Rayne Page 23

by Alanna J Faison

  “Whatever you decide,” she tells me shivering as I pull my shirt back over my head.

  “I love you so damn much,” I say to her as I dive in between her legs, tongue darting out to press against her wetness. The heat she’s giving off makes me moan into her.

  I grip her thighs and pull her into me. With a final look into her shimmering emerald eyes, I dive in, tongue exploring, fingers piercing. I wish that she could enter my mind so that she could see just how much I feel connected to her right now.

  “Oh God, Rayne,” she cries as her head falls back against the bed. Out of the corner of my eye, her hand claws at the sheets as the other one locks into my hair. “I love you too,” she says, barely above a whisper.

  Chapter Thirty Three

  Jaxson gives us both a knowing smile as he waves us over to their seats. “You’re late.” He states the obvious as we were supposed to be here an hour ago. “Everyone thought they’d have to pay for their own drinks.”

  “I’m here, I’m here, buy the bar if you want,” I say as I wave at the group.

  Selene looks embarrassed as she holds my hand. Everyone knows why we’re late. They just don’t know that we spent a good ten extra minutes holding each other because we both felt the same sort of clarity about us. I almost didn’t leave at all.

  Your aura is glowing. It matches Selene’s, Zara tells me through our bond. She holds up a tray of shots as she comes from the bar. Everyone grabs one and we all clink glasses.

  It’s glowing? Weird.

  “We’re really sorry,” Selene apologizes, playing in her hair nervously.

  “You don’t have to apologize to us. It seems like it was worth it,” Jun says.

  “Yeah, I’ll get over it. Your human and his girlfriend are ordering food for everyone. Pull up a seat guys,” Jaxson says.

  Selene and I grab seats and I look around the bar. It has two small bar areas on opposite sides of the room and a small dance floor in between. There’s even a DJ here at this time of day which is pretty surprising. Then again, the place has a nice crowd. It’s pretty clean with good lighting and the chairs spin so that you can get in and out of your seat easily. They’re comfortable and I relax as I take in the atmosphere. A waiter comes over shortly to check on us and take more drink orders.

  It seems that they’ve already been putting a few away, but werewolf metabolism will make it a long while before they are drunk. Lucky people. I give the man my card and tell him to bring three bottles of their choice to the table. He nods and asks around. After they agree on three, he leaves, returning shortly with bottles and chasers. Now, the party begins.

  “To day drinking,” I toast after everyone gets a drink and Damien returns. I side hug Tamara and D kisses me on my cheek.

  Selene laughs as they return my toast. “To day drinking. Saύde.”

  Soon, six large pizzas arrive at our table and everyone cheers. I pour up some more before grabbing a slice. There’s a nice beat pumping through the speakers and I find myself rocking to it. Rebecca looks over at me, laughs and shakes her head. She looks prettier when she’s relaxed. It seems like most of the tension that everyone had been feeling has been temporarily erased. That makes me happier and I grab another slice of cheesy goodness.

  Soon, Jaxson and his boys are telling stories from their college days playing football and keeping their strength in check. They had to take a lot of hits for the sake of maintaining a sense of non-superhumaness. Their words not mine. Jake tells us about a hazing incident where all the towels in the locker room got pissed on by the veteran players. He could smell it and slipped out before all the others got slapped with pissy towels.

  Now that’s nasty. Men can be so gross sometimes.

  Keeping the college stories going, Tamara tells a story about how she snuck into the men’s locker room to get back at a coach that tried to hit on her at a party. She inserted a virus on his computer that played animal porn every time he clicked on something. Then, she left chicken feathers all around his office. It made the local paper in her town.

  We all crack up at that one and I begin to really feel the buzz of the bottled elixir hit my system. “Zara,” I say, turning to her. “Give me a song. I need some music to dance to.”

  “Uh, let me think. There’s a song called I Don’t Mind you might like. Or, Post To Be. You know what; I’ll give him a few. Let’s go to the booth.”

  She pulls me up and I pull Selene up. “Come on guys, we have to dance,” I say excitedly.

  “Uh, I don’t dance,” Jaxson says. Figures.

  “Well, I’m coming,” says D. He grabs Tamara who finishes her fruity drink and sets it down.

  “I have got to see you twerk,” Jun tells me, hopping up and taking my arm from Zara.

  “What about the rest of you?” I ask.

  They all look at each other and then to Jaxson as if asking for permission.

  “Oh, come on,” Tamara demands.

  “Fine,” Ethan sighs and gets up.

  “Turn up!” I yell.

  Another group of people respond to my call with hoots and cheers. I blow them a kiss. Selene rolls her eyes and bumps me. The DJ looks at Zara and then the rest of our group and nods. He fades his current song out and begins to play something I’ve never heard with a smooth beat. I put my hands in the air and sway to the center of the dance floor.

  I absolutely love to dance and I show it with every step. They all watch me for a few moments before joining me on the floor. Soon, the crowd gets bigger and I spin through the mass of bodies thoroughly enjoying myself. The beat fills me in a way that’s almost rejuvenating and I laugh in delight as Selene slides behind me so that I can grind against her front. We put on a show for a while as a few songs switch. After a while, the dance floor thins back out and we head back to our table.

  “Okay, wow. That was way too much fun. I really like hanging around with you,” Tamara says. She’s tipsy; I can tell by the way she falls back into the chair.

  Rebecca, Jaxson, and Jake slam down two more shots after one another and I motion the waiter to bring more bottles. “We have to make this a regular thing,” I say in agreement.

  “I’ll come, but you guys are going to make me into an alcoholic,” D says, taking the last slice of pizza.

  “You can handle one more, Damien. Don’t be a quitter,” Zara teases. Her poofy ponytail makes her look innocent despite the mischievous grin that she’s sporting.

  “Fine,” he snaps. Picking up a shot glass and accepting her challenge. She raises an eyebrow in interest. “Let’s do this, vampire.”

  “Oh, I want in on this,” says Rebecca. Then, she looks at me. “Come on, Ms. Enforcer. Slam one with me.”

  “Fine. I’m down. But, now, every time one of us drinks the other has to.” I glare at her, raising the stakes.

  Jun laughs and grabs a shot glass of her own. “Oh, Ethan,” she sings. “You want in?” She chooses him as her mate for this drinking game.

  “Why the hell not,” he says, shrugging.

  I look over to Selene, but she raises her hands in defeat. “Hell to the no. I still have the metabolism of a human. I’m not trying to die from alcohol poisoning. No thank you.”

  “Pussy.” I hear someone whisper and then we all snicker.

  In revenge, Selene busts one of the shot glasses with her magic. We all jump back and she laughs. “Pussy who?”

  “Okay, I’m in. Jake, are you going to let your alpha down?” Jaxson asks, sliding an extra shot glass his way.

  “No sir,” Jakes replies saluting. “Ready when you are.”

  I glare at Rebecca and she growls at me in response. Her straight dark hair falls over her eyes. “That sword hurt like a bitch,” she tells me, referring to when I ran her through with Katsu.

  “Well, you started it. I’m glad I didn’t kill you. You’re pretty fun to play with.”

  “Get used to it. I don’t plan on going anywhere for a while,” she warns.

  “Good to know. Now,” I st
art, raising my glass once more. “To us.”

  “To us.”

  The slam of shot glasses hitting the table echoes in my ears.


  “I told you to slow down, but nope, you have to be super stubborn. Now look at you,” Selene chastises through the bathroom door.

  I ignore her nagging as I hurl my guts out. Rebecca definitely won, the smug freaking werewolf. I can’t out drink a werewolf. I get it. Now, I’m paying the price and I do not need Selene’s ass thinking it’s just so funny.

  “You know Selene, we might have to pump her stomach if this continues. I think she did it to get out of seeing Zahira. Maybe I should compel her to think that she’s not sick.” Zara makes her way to the door too.

  “Go away!”

  “Not on your life. You’re not going to live this down,” Zara says loudly. She and Selene laugh through the door.

  “Rayne, let me rub your back,” Selene says condescendingly.

  “You two are ruthless,” I mutter in between coughs. My poor stomach.

  “Well, I’m going to help Selene with a few things while you stick your head in the toilet,” Zara reveals.

  “Call me if you need me,” Selene says.

  “Uh huh.” This time, I almost miss the toilet.

  After I clean myself up, I begin to feel slightly better once a lot of that alcohol is out of my system. It’s about time for me to meet with Zara’s vampire queen. The plan is for her to try to assist Selene with releasing Namen’s hold on my mind. Since Diana isn’t responding to my call, it’s going to take some compulsion with her magic to do so. Since it would probably be better if a healer assisted Selene because their magic is better tailored for this type of thing, it may not work.

  Selene and Zara are both waiting at the front door for me. Selene nods and laughs at my face as I roll my eyes at her and the short vampire. I walk to Zara’s new car, a white Ford Fusion. I know that she’s still pissed about her Challenger, but I have a feeling that that wasn’t the first time she’s had a car totaled.

  I stand by the back seat, allowing Selene, the turncoat, to ride up front so that they can continue to make fun of me in peace. Zara unlocks the car and we all get in. She makes a show of buckling up, just for me before starting the car.

  “Baby, are you still pouting?” Selene asks, turning to face me.

  “No. I’m fine now. I’m not trippin.”

  “Are you really okay?” Selene asks, as we pull off.

  “I really am. Thanks,” I say honestly.

  “That’s good baby, because you’ve got to know your limits. That was not sexy.”

  “Ugh. I know Selene.”

  She smiles at me. “Zara brought you a barf bag.”

  Zara laughs, speeding up and weaving through traffic. “It’s in the seat pocket. You know, just in case.”

  “I can’t believe that you’re getting so much pleasure from my pain. You guys ain’t shit.” I turn to look out the window, irritated at how they’re double teaming me. They can bond all they want, but not over my post drinking issues.

  “Aw, Rayne. I love you. Don’t be like that.”

  “I know stuff about you too, remember,” I warn. Not that I can come up with anything right now, but she doesn’t need to know that.

  “Like what?” Zara asks curious about what stories I could share about Selene.

  “Yes, please tell me what you could possibly have on me,” Selene says, testing my words.

  “Oh, just wait. When you least expect it, I’ll bring that time up,” I reply mysteriously.

  “You’re full of it, but I love you, so I’ll leave you alone,” Selene tells me.

  “You’d better.”

  “So, we’ve got an hour drive. You guys want to hear me sing?” Zara asks.

  “Sing? You? Sure, why not.”

  It turns out that the vampire has the voice of an angel. Well, you learn something new every day. Selene’s voice isn’t so bad either and they enjoy their duets throughout the ride. I just spend my time enjoying the view and clutching my seatbelt at her moronic driving. I have to mentally prepare myself to meet Zahira.

  Damn vampires.

  Chapter Thirty Four

  Zahira’s home is a white, contemporary style, Mediterranean home. Its smooth brick design with a paved driveway covers the ground all the way up to the door. Large windows add elegance but are so dark that you can’t peer inside. A rounded roof and columns add to the beauty of the home. The landscaping is well maintained. I can tell even from the dark. I just know that she has a large pool in the backyard. Very opulent is the entire set up. I’m impressed.

  “Well, here we are. This is where I spent a lot of my last thirty years. This is probably the best home I’ve ever had,” Zara tells us, turning off the car.

  “It’s very nice,” Selene says, looking on at the beautiful piece of architecture.

  “Thanks. Now, remember, my grandmother isn’t like me. She can and will be ruthless if you give her a reason to feel threatened. She’s very old and her sense of humanity doesn’t really exist that often. Still, she loves me and she’ll go above and beyond to make me happy. Just don’t let your guard down around her the way you do me,” Zara warns us before we step to the door.

  I pull at my black leather jacket as a sudden chill creeps over me. It takes a second for me to realize it’s the energy of a dozen vampires, mostly powerful, under the same roof. Selene notices it too and slides closer to me.

  “No one will touch you while I’m around. They wouldn’t dare piss me off,” Zara promises.

  “Good to know,” I say. I let go of my jacket. Then, I allow myself to calm down as the door is opened and we step inside.

  “Princess,” a male vampire bows low in deference to Zara. A group of other vampires line the hall, bowing with their arm across their chest.

  She touches the shoulder of the man who spoke and continues on. No one dare lift their head until she is completely past. The hallway is dark and whatever light there is, is extremely dim. It creates a vampire-like atmosphere that I already expected. I can sense more of the vampires in the house, but no others make their presence known. They seem to have removed themselves once Zara came into the house.

  We move so quickly through the house that I don’t get to check out all of the rooms, but I can tell that many of the things around are extremely old and very expensive. Zahira must be a collector. The open floor plan lends to the feel of vastness and gives you room to admire the art. If you had time to stop and look.

  We make our way around one corner and then another. There, we walk down another hallway where the temperature drops even more. I finally become aware of Zara’s grandmother as she touches my aura lightly with her own power. It’s not invading, simply curious and a look at Selene tells me that she’s doing the same with her. Inside the room that we’re heading into, I hear some type of classical music playing low.

  I step through a thick, gold trimmed door into darkness after Zara. The music stops. Vampire essence washes over me as it attempts to drown me, no longer just a slight touch on my aura. Zara’s grandmother is unquestionably powerful and old. Zara takes two steps forward and then crouches into a bow, one knee touching the ground, head down, and one hand touching the floor.

  Unsure, Selene and I stop in our tracks and wait.

  “My blade runs crimson, bleeding into the shadows,” a soft voice states. It is the source of power coursing through the house.

  “I am your blade, to yield as you see fit grandmother,” Zara responds softly.

  Her submission startles me. I would think that for someone as powerful as she, there would be a hint of animosity, but there is none. In fact, there is nothing. No joy, no anger. She is empty, like a weapon. A tool. Exactly what I never want to be. I guess after hundreds of years, you get used to it.

  Her grandmother is next to Zara in an instant. Both of us jump back, unprepared for the movement. She ignores us as she pulls Zara up into an embrace. That is
the only semblance of humanity inside of the older vampire. Her movements are inhuman, and her eyes burn an endless pool of blood.

  I don’t know what I expected, but she absolutely is not it. Her frame is only about an inch taller than Zara’s, but they could pass for sisters. Like Zara, she looks to be about twenty three years old with shoulder length dark hair and full lips. Her body is covered in shiny jewels, her feet bare, toes painted with white tips. She’s sporting a form fitting dress. She looks like an African queen of old, the ones that I read about when the motherland was in its glory days.

  Besides all that, she’s totally scary. I can’t pinpoint just what it is, but it’s unnerving and I know that my instincts were right to be wary in the first place. There’s a monster sleeping underneath this beautiful skin and nobody can convince me otherwise. I don’t want to stay here longer than necessary.

  I swallow hard, forcing my heart beat to remain even. She catches it anyway since vampires are in tune with heartbeats, and smirks like a hungry crocodile.

  “I’ve never understood why my grandchild prefers the company of humans so much, but at least they always make things much more interesting,” she says, attention on me.

  “Grandmother, this is Selene Marquez. She is the high priestess that I was telling you about.”

  “Oh, so you are the daughter of Luiz Marquez.”

  “You know my father?” Selene asks, surprised and uncomfortable.

  “When you were young, he tried to move in on vampire territory in that area, Manaus, I believe is where you’re from. He thought with the coming of age of the high priestess that he’d be strong enough to push us out. The nine has been keeping an eye on him ever since.” Zahira studies Selene carefully and then dismisses her as if she can’t believe that her father thought she’d be a threat to the vampires in that region.

  “I’m surprised that you remember,” Selene responds.


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