Crimson Warrior

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Crimson Warrior Page 6

by Amanda McLaren

  “Well, everybody needs a break. Just think of this like a break before a huge battle.” Sanquility reassured me.

  Her lips met mine, filling me a surprising jolt of lust. I felt Vortix tug away as I pulled her closer, wrapping completely around her as our legs tangled together. The black wolf moaned softly into my mouth.

  Damn you’re hot.

  //I missed you. //

  “I was kind of busy trying not to die.”

  //As was I; I still missed you. //

  “EEEWWWW!!!!” Vortix squealed as he stumbled away from the bed. “That’s nasty! Couldn’t you warn me first?!”

  We started laughing too hard to continue the kiss as Vortix ran out calling that he’d fetch Callie. Then San started to feed me, which I tried to let be romantic, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that it was because I couldn’t feed myself.

  “Then let me show you how.” Sanquility told me gently. She set the food in my lap, took my hand and placed it on the fork and then helped me put it in my mouth. She did this only a couple times before I felt the distance. It was clumsy, but I fed myself. “See? You can adapt.” San assured confidently.

  I feel like a child.

  Callie came in as I finished my meal. “So the trainer’s excited about teaching you to train your exotic dog from the Outlands. He misses working with you, and says you’re a damn good pupil.”

  “He’ll have to get used to me being blind.”

  “Not really. He works with the blind all the time.” Callie came and gave me a hug and kiss in front of San, who I was surprised once again didn’t mind at all. “San and I are here for you, baby. We’ll help you with this.”

  “Will you two help me to the bathroom?”

  “No problem.” Callie said enthusiastically.

  “Hey Callie, are there any old books in the village? Maybe about magic or Mystics, or things written in a different language?”

  “The elders keep books like that, but they lend Vortix a few because of his gifts in magic. They said they think he may have Mystic blood in him. You’ll have to ask him to let you borrow them if you need them.”

  “Why do you want to read?” I demanded with a frown.

  “Because if your son is a Mystic, I may have just solved the problem with you using magic.”

  “I’m not a mage,”

  “Mystics have magic more powerful than mages, and it may even pose a solution to your blindness.”


  “If I read, I’ll know.”

  “Can’t you just find a faster way?”

  Sanquility snorted at my reaction. “If I could, do you think I’d be reading?”

  “…You like reading my journals.”

  “I read your journals because you were being stubborn and not letting me do my job.”

  “I wanted you to fuck up so you wouldn’t get my soul.”

  “Well you can keep your soul, but I need to read so you can. So I’ll be back. You two have some fun while I’m gone.”

  The idea of actually feeling Callie’s hands again sprung fire through me. I gave a rogue smile. “Why don’t you join us, then go study?”

  “I wish I could, my love, but we can always have a three-way after I find answers.”

  “Suite yourself.” Callie took the plate and put it off to the side before helping me up. I heard San and Al’re following behind me to the bathroom. My soul-bound gave me another hot, loving kiss before turning to leave.

  “Don’t leave the village without telling me.”

  “Of course not. I’m just finding Vortix and reading some books. I’ll be back in.”

  “You better be!” I snapped, trying not to feel so worried.

  “Don’t worry, Xia, you won’t be left alone.” Callie assured me.

  I’m so useless I can’t even find my way around!

  “You’re not useless. You’ll adapt and adjust, especially after Al’re learns to guide you.” Sanquility told me. “I love you and won’t be long.”

  “I love you too.”

  I heard her leave the house as Callie opened the bathroom door and started a bath. She began to strip me.

  “Can you show me how to do it blind instead, Callie? Just so I know?”

  “No problem.”

  She guided my hands and even showed me how to fold things so I knew what they were.

  “Now, when we go back to the room count the paces. Until Al’re is trained, you’ll need to memorize how many steps to the table, bathroom and kitchen. Some of the people in the village who are blind don’t like relying on a dog or are allergic to them, so they do it that way.”

  “Okay.” I mumbled. “I hope Al’re really takes to the training. I kind of need him to find my way outside.”

  “Very true. Until then, I’m sure Sanquility and I can help.”

  She helped me into the tub before climbing in herself. I felt a grin as I let my hands re-explore her body. Even blind, as I found her curves my mind developed an image of what she looked like from memory, quickly spreading fire through me. She giggled, removing my hands to begin washing me. She avoided my private places at first, driving me insane.

  “You’re a tease.” I reached for her boob, but my hand was knocked away.

  “I’ve not given you a bath in years. You can deal with it.” Callie’s voice was husky, though, and I knew she was teasing me to get me hot.

  Finally, after she was sure every other part of my body was thoroughly clean, she began to slowly scrub the more intimate parts of me. I pressed her closer, burning with desire.

  “Common, Callie,”

  Her lips met mine at last. I heard a splash as the rag hit the water, and her hands were all over me. She pressed her fingers deep inside my hungry pussy, making me scream my pleasure. After all these years, she still knew exactly where and how to touch, but took it slow, building me almost to an orgasm and letting the feeling taper off a little twice before getting me off.

  “FUCK!! OH YESSS! CALLIE!” I bit into her shoulder hard, making her moan loudly.

  There was a knock on the door. “Are you alright, mom?” Vortix asked, making us freeze and unsure who he was talking to. “Mom?” Now he sounded scared.

  “We’re fine.” Callie stated as normally as she could. “I’m just giving Xia a bath.”

  “Then why did she swear and scream for you?”

  “Vortix, leave them alone. They’re busy.” Sanquility stated firmly. “You said you’d get those books for me.”

  “Xia screamed for mom, but mom is in there. Will you check on them?”

  “I can smell them and feel Xia; they’re just fine, so go get those books for me.”

  “…Fine, but they’re really hard to understand.”

  “Maybe I can teach you what I know when I understand them.”

  I heard him walking off, then San sigh with relief.

  “That was a close one!”

  ~I think he thinks you hurt Callie. ~

  “Oh, she’s definitely going to come out with new marks by the time I’m done with her.”

  ~I know I always do! ~

  Sanquility’s footsteps trailed away, and I turned my attention to Callie. “I’m getting you back for teasing me, bitch.” I stated as if I were angry, grabbing hold of her hair to drag her to me. She gave a quiet moan as our lips pressed together desperately. Just as I put my hand on her neck, the door opened.

  “I knew it! Stop hurting mom!” Vortix screamed, rushing towards us and making Callie shriek with shock.

  There was a snarl of fury, and Vortix shouted in pain. I heard Al’re ripping his pants.


  “Good boy, Al’re! Release!” I commanded instantly.

  The dog released the boy, but stood between us growling softly.

  Vortix was crying, crushing my heart. Callie and I got out of the tub, toweled off and threw on our clothes as quickly as we could. As she took Vortix into the other room I praised Al’re and fumbled out of the bathroom, frustrated and

  “She had her hand on your neck, mom! That isn’t okay!”

  “You should know not to rush into the room with a war dog behind a door, Vortix! This injury is your own stupidity!”

  “She was hurting you!”

  “No she wasn’t, and I wasn’t hurting her. We were having sex.”

  “Sex involves choking?”

  “Sometimes.” Now Callie sounded so beyond embarrassed I decided to distract them, and walked right into chair on purpose. “Xia, oh, baby I’m sorry.” She came right over to guide me around the chair to help me sit in it. “Stay there while I get the gauze, honey. And Vortix, don’t you dare move!”

  “Yes mother…”

  I felt him glaring at me.

  “Stop glaring at me, Vortix. Callie and I were enjoying ourselves.”

  ~…Into a part of the mind hidden from the Mystic for self-protection…~


  ~Hmm? ~

  “What did that mean?”

  ~Oh, sorry Kari. I’m reading. I didn’t mean to send you that. I was just thinking of you, and it happened. ~

  I pulled the link even further back, almost making me sick to my stomach. I knew in the back of my mind it was at the strength it’d started at originally, but refused to ponder the idea too long.

  There was a knock on the door just as Callie came into the room. I got up and stumbled over to it, tripping over Al’re, to the poor dog’s confusion.

  “Hello?” I asked as I answered it, knowing only that there was still somebody there.

  “I have a message for a Sanquility. Is she here?” A man asked.

  “I can give it to her.” I offered my hand and waited. It was a couple seconds before it was placed in my hands. “Thanks. Who’s it from?”

  “The Temple in Taiyuan. The new high priestess Fay sent it. She said in contains information about the retired Templar, Xia the Crimson Blade.”

  “So about me?” I asked in surprise, looking down towards where I knew the letter would be.

  “You’re Xia the Crimson Blade? Amazing!” The courier’s entire tone changed, and he radiated excitement. “But you don’t look old enough to retire…”

  “I can’t fight blind.” I stated angrily, ready to slam the door shut.

  Silence. “Oh. I-I didn’t realize, miss. I’m sorry.”

  “The scars didn’t give it away?”

  “You’re well-known for your battle scars, so I never thought about it. Especially after the rumors that you were partnered with an Azhi.”

  “Not even Wolf Azhi can heal wounds that have already closed. Look, how much do I owe you?”

  “Nothing at all. The Temple paid me.” I slammed the door on the ass’s face.

  “Xia, who is it?” Callie demanded from where she was wrapping Vortix’s wound.

  “Just a courier. He has a letter for San from Fay.”

  I pressed into Al’re’s mind, as much as it hurt, and sent the image of him taking the letter to Sanquility. He took the note carefully and headed right for the Azhi.

  “Now stay off that ankle, Vortix. He got you pretty good.”

  “Maybe if Xia didn’t choke you, I wouldn’t have gotten bit.”

  “No. If you’d listened to Sanquility and left us alone you wouldn’t have gotten bit. We haven’t had sex in years, and now you interrupt us.”

  “I thought sex was a good thing,”

  “It is.”

  “Choking isn’t.”

  “It is for us.”

  Sanquility came downstairs, looking grave. “Xia, I need a study break to think. Let’s go see the dog trainer, then go practice mounting a gryphon with you blind.”

  Jumping up in thorough excitement, I let her drag me outside. Al’re gave a bark and hurried to follow us. Once outside, Sanquility did slow down to actually help me walk, doing it carefully without making it too obvious she was practically babying me.

  “So did you find a way to mend my sight?”

  “I have to think before I say anything.” She replied uneasily. “Let’s train the dog.”

  When we got to the animal trainer, he shook my hand enthusiastically. “Good to have a proper pupil again, Xia.”

  “This is Sanquility, my wife.”

  “Welcome.” He stated uneasily. “Didn’t you want to marry Callie, Xia?”

  “The marriage wasn’t intended. I meant to kill her, and instead we merged souls. Sanquility informed me we’re mates.”

  “Which makes you her wife, yes. Well…legally, you can still marry Callie…”

  I hesitated. “I would love to marry her, but it isn’t safe.”

  “You’re no longer a Templar, correct?”

  “But I was and things still seem to be after me.”

  “Callie can fight.”

  “I’ll consider it.” I stated dryly. “I just want to protect the people I love.”

  “My, my, they’re bigger than I thought they were! And so beautiful!”

  For a moment, I was confused. Then it occurred to me that Al’re had sat next to me; he scratched, hitting my leg with his paw. Reaching over, I patted his head. It occurred to me that he was full-grown, reaching my hip at his shoulder.

  “Boy do they grow fast…” I heaved a sigh. “He’s a brilliant dog. Al’re,”

  I signaled him to lie down and stay there.


  “He’s also an excellent war dog – I actually had to teach him when not to attack and taught him a release command.”

  “Then I’m sure he’ll be a great seeing-eye dog.” The man said smoothly.

  As we began training, Anshumali hung back and watched with semi-interest, so I left her to her thoughts.


  Watching Kariken train Al’re made Anshumali’s heart flutter. Kariken was the most adaptive, skilled woman she’d ever met; she could be the Crimson Blade, a Templar – or a lover, mother and animal trainer. But would she ever be satisfied staying here, training animals as a blind woman, and never again truly being able to fight?

  It isn’t my right to choose her destiny, but what if I killed her? What if I drove her insane? It’s never been removed this late in a Mystic’s life that I know of, and to be honest, it could be something different; I could be wrong. So could Fay.

  Why would Fay send me a letter like that? Kariken has a chance at a long life of happiness with a family.

  “Xia.” She called from her watching place. The blind warrior looked toward her voice. “I wanna talk to you privately. Are you almost done?”

  “I’m done. Al’re’s getting bored and so am I.”

  The trainer laughed. “Well go on, then. Put some of the training to use and keep working on what I showed you.”

  “No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She shook his hand before following Anshumali back toward the house.

  This time, the black wolf didn’t completely guide the warrior; Al’re was walking close enough to her to guide her by little touches – from as subtle as light touches to as drastic as tripping her. The dog was taking showing her around very seriously, even as Al’re followed her as he knew he should.

  “He’s doing a good job for what he knows.” Kariken stated happily.

  “He’s pretty smart for a dog. Kind of like how you’re brilliant for a human.”

  “Uh…thanks.” She cleared her throat. “So what is it we need to talk about? Have you already changed your mind?”

  “Changed my mind about what, Kari- I mean, Xia?”

  She looked down, biting her lip. “About staying with a blind, retired warrior.”

  “You may not be a Templar anymore, but…there’s a possibility that you could get a different kind of sight back. It won’t be the same, and neither of us are ready for what’s to come, but…there’s a barrier around your mind, Xia. It’s a shroud that’s been hidden from you. I’m studying how to break that barrier. You’ll still not be able to see anything non-living or dead, but that’s what Al’re’s training wi
ll be for. And you’ll still need to learn a new way to fight.”

  “…So not yet, but I’ll have my sight back?”

  “Not precisely, but you’ll be better off than you are now. It’ll be an entirely new way of seeing things – and will take time to adjust to. In the meantime, we’ll be getting Fay settled into a temple here.”

  “Before I can protect her?” Kariken asked with a tight frown and furrowed bro.

  “Sybel and Ryeger will be here as her guards, and there will be an entire militia willing to protect her.”

  “I want to protect her.” Kariken snapped in frustration. “Why can’t you do it now?”

  “Because, Kariken, if I don’t know exactly what I’m doing I could drive you insane or kill you. If I’m wrong, whatever waits behind that shroud could do something even worse. Just let me study, and get prepared while I’m learning.”

  “…I just want my life back, Sanquility.” She replied very quietly.

  “I can’t give you that. But I can give you a new one. Without Temple rules, it could be a better one. Sometimes, the best things in life you have to wait for."

  Like meeting her.

  The thought came out of nowhere, sending alarm through the Black Wolf. She froze, stunned with herself as she realized how much the bond was affecting their hearts.

  "San? What's wrong?"

  Instead of saying anything, she drew Kariken close to give her a deep, passionate kiss full of her love. Their tongues intertwined; Kariken slipped a hand to her lover's ass for a nice, hard squeeze. When she finally pulled away, Anshumali felt heady.

  "Gods you're a good kisser." She whispered to the human warrior. "Let's hurry back home, hmm? I've studied enough for another hour or so."

  Kariken gave a lop-sided sexy smile, her blind eyes shining with lust. "Callie's joining us."

  "I have no problem with that at all." Anshumali purred out, honestly itching to feel the beautiful woman's body.

  It's been since Cinder that I felt another woman's touch. This is going to be a whole lot of fun.

  Kariken led the way inside to immediately approach Callie, wrap her arms around the woman standing over the counter chopping vegetables and began to give butterfly kisses down her neck. Callie gave a nervous laugh, glancing over at Anshumali.

  “I’m cooking, Xia.”


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