by Brett Weiss
Two original super-hero titles for the NES: Batman, which is complement to the exemplary
based on the 1989 Tim Burton film, and Captain America and
the Avengers, which is not based on the 1991 Data East arcade gameplay. Also released for the
Game Boy.
Batman Returns
venture of Link, but is set in ancient Greece.
Players guide Orpheus on a mythological quest
Side-Scrolling Combat, 1 player. 1993.
to rescue his beloved Helene, whose soul has
been stolen by Hades. Armed with a club and
The NES take on Tim Burton’s Batman
the ability to acquire a sword, a staff (unleashes
Returns (1992) is a brawler in the mold of
the fire of Prometheus), a crystal ball, a harp
games like Double Dragon and Streets of Rage, (enables players to fly on the wings of Pegasus),
but is much more redundant. Players control
the sandals of Hermes (for jumping higher),
the Dark Knight Detective as he punches and
and other weapons, Orpheus must battle his
kicks his way through six stages (including
way through labyrinthine woods, ruins, vil-
Gotham Plaza and Arctic World) of sword
lages, valleys, mountains, swamps, and caves.
swallowers, clowns, skull riders, and other en-
Each of the game’s eight levels is home to a gift-
emies, including Catwoman and Penguin (who
bearing god or goddess, such as Zeus or Athena.
starred in the film). Like the SNES version of
Enemies in this challenging, lavishly illustrated
the game, this one lets players commandeer the
game include cyclopean beasts, centaurs, mino-
Batmobile, which shoots discs and bullets. As
taurs, serpents, rock giants, and other fantasti-
in Final Fight, one of the more powerful com-
cal creatures. Includes battery backup.
bat moves (in this case a spinning cape attack)
takes health away from the player, leading to
inevitable frustration. Also released for the
Genesis, Game Gear, Atari Lynx, and Sega CD.
scape. Board Game, 1 player. 1993.
Battle Chess
Although it lacks a two-player mode, Bat-
tleship for the NES is a nice take on Milton ware. Board Game, 1 or 2 players (simultane-Bradley’s classic board game, in which gamers
ous). 1990.
take turns bombing the other player’s ships. As
Based on the 1988 computer game, Battle
with the board game, players have numerous
Chess for the NES is a playable chess simulator standard missiles, but the video game adds a
(the computer A.I. is certainly formidable), but
limited supply of 10 different special weapons
the animations move much slower than their
(warheads, torpedoes, depth charges, and the
PC counterparts, making the battle scenarios
like), each of which covers more ground than
a chore to watch. Luckily, there is a standard
a standard missile (which hits just one square
2D mode of play with ordinary chess pieces and
on the 12x8 grid). In addition, the NES car-
no animations. In 3D mode (pseudo-3D, ac-
tridge includes a new type of ship: a frigate.
tually), the chess pieces appear primarily in
The game is over when the player (or the com-
human form (the knight has no horse, for ex-
puter) has lost all of his or her ships, or when
ample) and come to life when moved. During
the player has progressed through 40 battles.
a capture, the scene switches to a computer-
Battleship does lack certain features found in directed battle set against a castle background.
Super Battleship (SNES, Genesis), such as the Features include: take back (undo your last
ability to repair ships and advance the fleet.
move); replay (replay your last move); suggest
Also released for the Game Boy, Game Boy
move (get hints from the computer); and five
Color, Game Gear, Philips CD-i, and PlaySta-
difficulty levels. Also released for the 3DO.
The Battle of Olympus
PUBLISHER: Broderbund. DEVELOPER: Infinity.
PUBLISHER: Absolute Entertainment. DEVEL-
Third-Person Action Role-Playing Game, 1
OPER: Absolute Entertainment. First-Person
player. 1990.
Tank Shooter, 1 player. 1990.
Sporting a side-view perspective, The Bat-
Designed by Garry Kitchen (of Activision
tle of Olympus plays a lot like Zelda II: The Ad-fame), Battletank expands upon the inside-the-
tank perspective of such classics as Battlezone
PUBLISHER: Tradewest. DEVELOPER: Rare. Side-
and Robot Tank. The tank players commandeer
Scrolling Combat, 1 or 2 players (simultane-
can steer right and left, speed up and slow
ous). 1993.
down, reverse direction, raise and lower cannon
A worthy sequel to Battletoads, Battle-
and weapon sight, and fire 150mm shells, wire-
toads/Double Dragon is a dream team matchup
guided shells (which lock onto fast-moving en-
of Zitz, Rash, and Pimple (the Battletoads) with
emies at long range), smoke screens, and 50
twins Billy and Jimmy Lee (the Double Drag-
caliber machine guns. The game has 10 mis-
ons). The gameplay and humor evoke Battle-
sions (taking place through mountains, deserts,
toads (as opposed to Double Dragon), with our icy fields, and other areas), each involving such
heroes battling bad guys (the combined armies
maneuvers as avoiding mines, shooting enemy
of the Dark Queen and the Shadow Boss) across
tanks and helicopters, and destroying enemy
the top of the massive Colossus space ship, in
strongholds (including a train yard, a refinery,
the bowels of said ship, and atop a missile
and a nuclear power plant). Players will also
headed straight for Earth. Each character can
visit NATO headquarters (for repairs, refuel-
pull off a variety of punches, kicks, throws, and
ing, and rearming), study a satellite radar map,
other fighting maneuvers, and busting up an
and monitor the tank’s readouts, which include
enemy walker lets players use that walker’s leg
damage warning lights, short range radar, com-
as a weapon. There’s also a speeder bike to ride
pass, number of enemies remaining, and more.
and a turbo rope for swinging across or down
Followed by: Super Battletank (Game Boy,
chasms. Obstacles to avoid include sparkbolts,
Game Gear), Super Battletank 2 (SNES), and
electro barriers, mines, homing missiles, ma-
Super Battletank: War in the Gulf (Genesis,
chine guns, astro boulders, and more. The abil-
ity for the Toads and D
ragons to hit each other
can be turned off or on, the latter inducing
chuckle-worthy competition. Also released for
PUBLISHER: Tradewest. DEVELOPER: Rare. Side-
the Genesis, SNES, and Game Boy.
Scrolling Combat, 1 or 2 players (simultane-
ous). 1991.
Bee 52
The titular toads in this nicely designed,
PUBLISHER: Camerica. DEVELOPER: Codemas-
graphically rich game must punch, slam, and
ters Software. Side-Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2
kick their way through a bevy of rodents,
players (alternating). 1992.
ravens, pigs, mutants, innovative bosses, and
other baddies, jumping over or otherwise
In Bee 52, players maneuver the titular bee
avoiding chasms, whirlpools, logs, mines, mis-
as it collects nectar to keep Really Nice Honey
siles, meteorites, and other obstacles along the
from going out of business. After visiting three
way. The variety-filled, super challenging ac-
flowers, the bee must return to the hive, where
tion incorporates ropes (for rappelling),
the nectar turns into honey and goes into a pot,
weaponry, humorous animations, and much
thus completing one of 24 stages. Slugs, grass-
more. There are even vehicles to ride, includ-
hoppers, grubs, and other enemies make Bee
ing a speed bike, a jet turbo, and a space board.
52’s job a challenge, but the brave bee can fend
Gamers can play as one of three oversized, an-
them off with a stinger and a spit attack and
thropomorphic toads: Zitz, Rash, or Pimple.
can pick up such weapons as bombs, rapid re-
Battletoads spawned a number of sequels, in-
load, a junior bee, and a super sting. Beautiful
cluding Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (SNES),
outdoor environments and unusual gameplay
Battletoads in Ragnarok’s World (Game Boy),
make Bee 52 a keeper. Unlicensed.
and a 1994 arcade game. Also released for the
Genesis, Game Boy, and Game Gear.
Battletoads/Double Dragon — The Ulti-
Scrolling Platform/Overhead View Action, 1
mate Team
player. 1991.
A misstep by the usually reliable Rare
excitement of three stories from the Old Testa-
(though a poor game by LJN is certainly no rar-
ment.” These include: Noah’s Ark (carry ani-
ity), Beetlejuice is loosely based on Tim Burton’s mals to the boat); Baby Moses (keep the little
1988 feature film, but looks more like the ani-
prophet from harm); and David and Goliath
mated series (1989–1991). Players guide “the
(gather sheep and battle a giant). Each segment
ghost with the most” as he runs, jumps, and
plays like a (very) poor man’s Super Mario Bros.
stomps his way through The Village, Storm
2. Gameplay consists of running, jumping,
Drains, The Maitlands’ House (which includes
climbing, delivering items, picking up and
basement, kitchen, living rooms, attic, and
throwing objects, and avoiding scorpions,
model graveyard), The Attic, and Afterlife Wait-
lions, and other enemies. Bible verses appear
ing Room. By stomping on beetles, collecting
throughout each game. Unlicensed.
poison bottles, and destroying ghosts, whirling
skulls, and other enemies, Beetlejuice can collect
Bible Buffet
“help vouchers” for use in purchasing “scares,”
such as Medusa heads for freezing floating skulls,
dom Tree. Board Game/Maze Shooter, 1–4
a Birdman for jumping high, and umbrella
players (simultaneous). 1993.
heads for defeating the octopus. Fans of the film
may want this cartridge, but blind jumps, lousy
Packaged with a rather sizable trivia book,
controls, commonplace enemies that are im-
Bible Buffet is a video board game in which each pervious to certain attacks, and other exam-player spins a spinner, moves around a map
ples of poor programming will alienate most
screen, and, depending on the square landed
gamers. Also released for the Game Boy.
upon, spins again, answers three questions
(from the aforementioned book), moves ahead
Best of the Best Championship Karate
or back extra spaces, or enters a brief overhead
PUBLISHER: Electro Brain. DEVELOPER: Loriciel.
view maze/action scene. The latter has players
Fighting, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous). 1992.
using spoons, knives, forks, and preservatives to
Loosely based on the 1989 feature film
battle and collect various foods. The objective
(which was simply called Best of the Best), Best in this game is to finish first, collect the most
of the Best Championship Karate features 32 dif-food, and/or correctly answer the most ques-
ferent types of hits and kicks, eight of which
tions. Unlicensed.
the character the player creates or selects will
have at his command. The action moves slowly,
but is strategic in nature as a mix of moves
works better than mere button-mashing. In ad-
ware. Monster Truck Racing, 1 or 2 players
dition, striking good blows depends on a num-
(simultaneous). 1990.
ber of factors, including the power of the blow,
the proximity of the fighters, and the part of
Bigfoot is a cross-country tour from L.A.
the body that was hit. Fighters are ranked ac-
to New York, viewed from a top-down perspec-
cording to strength, reflexes, and resistance and
tive. Players drive their monster truck up the
can improve these stats by training. The odd
screen, jumping (ala Bump ’n’ Jump), crushing color scheme consists of blue lighting, purple
other vehicles, avoiding water slicks, grinding
onlookers, and a green ring. The SNES and
through mud hills, collecting cash (for purchas-
Genesis versions of the game add a referee and
ing tires, a bigger engine, transmission work,
crowd noise.
and an upgraded suspension), and grabbing
power-ups (including a circular saw, shields,
Bible Adventures
and nitro boosts). At stops along the route, the
action switches to a thumb-numbing side-view
Dreams. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1990.
event: Car Crush, Mud Race, Hill Climb, Trac-
The first religion-themed console game,
tor Pull, Car Crush Drag Race, or Oyster Bay
Bible Adventures lets players “experience the Championship Drag Race.
Bignose Freaks Out
version was advertised, but not released. Fol-
lowed by: Bignose Freaks Out (N
ES). Unli-
Software. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 play-
ers (simultaneous). 1992.
The sequel to Bignose the Caveman, Big-
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Video Game Ad-
nose Freaks Out is a faster game than its pro-venture
genitor, thanks to a new mode of transporta-
tion: a wheel board, which speeds Bignose
Games. Overhead View Action/Adventure, 1
player. 1991.
through each level like a Sonic the Hedgehog
wannabe (by way of BC’s Quest for Tires for the An extension of the movie Bill & Ted’s Ex-ColecoVision). On a mission to recover stolen
cellent Adventure (1989), this game lets players bones scattered throughout five prehistoric lev-control Bill or Ted (depending on the level) as
els filled with hills, trees, caves, slopes, chasms,
they travel back in time to rescue Cleopatra, Al
and platforms, Bignose must use his trusty club
Capone, Elvis, Sitting Bull, and 12 other his-
and rocks to battle dinosaurs and other ene-
torical figures. Friends throughout the game
mies, some of which pop up unexpectedly,
provide clues and items while foes (including
leading to cheap hits. Level warps, boss battles,
“crazy jailer dudes”) can be distracted or elim-
and hidden areas and treasures complement
inated with such items as text books, dynamite,
the action nicely. Unlicensed.
pudding, and cassette tapes. Worlds to explore
include Medieval, Western, Colonial, Medieval
Bignose Freaks Out (Aladdin Version)
2, Modern, and Ancient. The action is viewed
from an isometric perspective, helping make
Software. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 play-
the characters somewhat difficult to control.
ers (simultaneous). 1993.
Bill and Ted are also featured in Bill & Ted’s The Aladdin rendition of Bignose Freaks
Excellent Adventure (Atari Lynx) and Bill & Out looks and plays like the standard version, Ted’s Excellent Game Boy Adventure (Game
but was produced in a compact cartridge for-
mat. Requires the Aladdin Deck Enhancer. Un-
Bill Elliot’s NASCAR Challenge
PUBLISHER: Konami. DEVELOPER: Distinctive
Bignose the Caveman
Software. Stock Car Racing, 1 player. 1991.
PUBLISHER: Camerica. DEVELOPER: Codemas-
Viewed from inside the cockpit of the car
ters. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 players
(the bottom 2/5 of the screen shows the steer-
(alternating). 1991.