Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988) Page 32

by Brett Weiss

  ments found in the 1987 computer classic are

  tank-like robot body part over simple brown

  missing, such as a nude statue and suggestive

  pathways and solid green grass, shooting at

  text, but the game remains an engrossing and

  more than 30 different types of mechanical en-

  challenging adventure. Includes battery backup.

  emies and dodging their fire. As play pro-

  gresses, MagMax (who began as the aforemen-


  tioned body part) can add to his form, ultimately

  PUBLISHER: Taxan. DEVELOPER: Namco. Side-

  becoming a full-sized robot. He can also ma-

  Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1989.

  neuver underground, where he will fly. Areas to

  battle through include: Forest, Desert, Sea, and

  The console exclusive sequel to Namco’s

  Automated City. The transformative nature of

  Mappy (arcade, 1983), Mappy-Land has similar the titular robot sets the game apart, at least

  gameplay (run across platforms, bounce on

  to some degree, from the plethora of NES shoot-

  trampolines, grab items, avoid enemies), but


  expands upon the concept with climbable lad-

  ders and vines, an actual jump button, and

  Major League Baseball

  eight themed levels: Railroad Town, Western


  World, Tropical World, Jungle World, Pirates

  Sports/Baseball, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous).

  World, Ghost Town, Seventh Avenue, and


  Muky Town. The game also adds a variety of



  relatively ineffectual (and oftentimes indirect)

  dodge, and a POW button for knocking over

  weaponry, including fish, bowling balls, punch-

  all the creatures at once. Although simplistic

  ing bags, and fireworks. Visually, Mappy-Land

  in design, Mario Bros. is a blast to play, espe-falls flat, but Mappy fans should enjoy the

  cially with a second gamer joining in as Luigi.

  game’s distinctively bouncy challenges.

  Players can team up or, for huge laughs and a

  better time, compete against one another. Also

  Marble Madness

  released for the Atari 2600 and Atari 7800. Fol-

  PUBLISHER: Milton Bradley. DEVELOPER: Rare.

  lowed by: Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES), Super Maze, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous). 1989.

  Mario World (SNES), and other sequels and


  Like the Genesis port, Marble Madness for

  the NES offers two controller options (hori-

  Mario Is Missing!

  zontal and diagonal), compensating, at least in

  PUBLISHER: Mindscape. DEVELOPER: Radical

  part, for the lack of trackball control. One or

  Entertainment. Educational/Geography/Side-

  two players race a marble through six short,

  Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1993.

  timed, Escher-esque mazes, using gentle, pre-

  cise, balanced touches of the control pad to

  A lesser entry in the Mario franchise,

  keep the ball from falling into a chasm or off

  Mario is Missing! puts players in the role of the side of the pathway. Marble munchers,

  Luigi, who must rescue his brother from

  steelies, vacuums, acid slime, and other obsta-

  Bowser and his Koopa buddies. This is done by

  cles impede the marble’s progress, but players

  exploring 14 cities, jumping on Koopas to re-

  can get bonus points for finding short cuts and

  trieve stolen items, and answering questions

  battling certain enemies. The pseudo-3D look

  pertaining to Tokyo, London, Cairo, and other

  of Atari’s 1984 coin-op classic remains largely

  locales. Trivia examples include: “How tall is

  intact. Also released for the Game Boy, Game

  the Empire State Building?” and “Where is the

  Boy Color, Game Boy Advance (via Marble

  Sistine Chapel located?” To help Luigi, he can

  Madness/Klax), and Game Gear. Followed by:

  use such tools as a computer, a map, a globe

  Marble Madness 2: Marble Man

  (arcade, 1992).

  Mario Bros.


  OPER: Nintendo. Non-Scrolling

  Platform, 1 or 2 players (simulta-

  neous). 1986.

  An excellent port of Nin-

  tendo’s 1983 arcade classic (which

  featured the debut of Mario’s

  brother, Luigi), Mario Bros. is a

  much different game than the

  more elaborate, more famous

  Super Mario Bros. Players guide

  the titular Italian plumber as he

  runs across water pipe platforms

  and jumps under those platforms

  in order to knock over turtles,

  crabs, fighter flies, and freezies.

  Though the coin-op classics Mappy, Dig Dug, and Centipede

  Once knocked over, the creatures

  weren’t released for the NES, their sequels, Mappy-Land, Dig

  can be kicked off the screen. There

  Dug II, and Millipede, did appear on the 8-bit console. The

  are also coins to grab, fireballs to

  Mafat Conspiracy is the sequel to Golgo 13.



  (for riding Yoshi), and a question mark (for

  blocks that release historical facts (which

  asking people questions). The educational

  should be read and memorized) when bopped.

  value is marginal, and the action is limited in

  Though nothing special, the NES version of the

  nature (Yoshi can’t use his tongue, for example).

  game, which includes a Yoshi-gets-kidnapped

  The Super NES version of Mario is Missing! ,

  subplot, is actually preferable to the Super NES

  which includes 15 cities, is more colorful and

  rendition, which is plagued by dull sequences

  has richer graphics.

  in which Mario must surf across the ocean and

  collect mushrooms.

  Mario’s Time Machine

  PUBLISHER: The Software Toolworks. DEVEL-

  Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu

  OPER: Radical Entertainment. Educational/


  History/Non-Scrolling Platform/Side-

  Van. Platform Shooter, 1 or 2 players (simulta-

  Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1994.

  neous). 1989.

  In this sequel to Mario is Missing! , Bowser

  In the oddly titled Master Chu and the

  has stolen historical artifacts and placed them

  Drunkard Hu, the legendary Siamese-Twin

  in his museum. Each of the seven rooms in the

  Shiva (a.k.a. the God of destruction) has cursed

  museum is a drastically simplified rendition of

  the village with evil spirits, meaning numer-

  the non-scrolling platform game Mario Bros.

  ous enemies abound in the palaces and tem-

  In each room, Mario must knock over three

  ples, including serpents, tarantulas, jaws of

  Koopa Troops (by head-bopping them from

  steel, great balls of fire, vampire bats, fire

  below) and kick them off the screen. This pro-

  demons, and flowers of destruction. Ch
u and

  duces an artifact, which must be taken via time

  Hu, the latter of whom becoming a drunk after

  machine to the correct place within the correct

  repeated failures to drive out Shiva’s evil forces,

  time period (there are 14 periods in all, ranging

  must thwart this onslaught by running, jump-

  from prehistoric times up to 1989). Each pe-

  ing, and shooting (fireballs) their way through

  riod is a short, side-scrolling level containing I-

  10 hostile worlds. Collecting var-

  ious items (symbols of harmony,

  scrolls, amulets, keys, and the

  like) lets players battle bosses, be-

  come temporarily invulnerable,

  double or triple their firepower,

  unlock secret passages, and more.

  The baby blue cartridge screams

  Color Dreams, as does the poorly

  programmed game, which is

  plagued by shoddy collision de-

  tection, cheap looking graphics,

  and repetitious music. Unlicensed.

  Maxi 15

  PUBLISHER: American Video Enter-

  tainment. DEVELOPER: Various.

  Multi-Game Compilation, 1 or 2

  players (simultaneous). 1992.

  Maxi 15 contains 13 previ-

  ously released games: Chiller,

  Deathbots, Double Strike, Dudes

  Two of the best, most accurate arcade ports in the NES library: with Attitude, F-15 City War, Krazy

  Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong 3.

  Kreatures, Menace Beach, Puzzle,



  Pyramid, Shock Wave, Solitaire, Tiles of Fate, sor around the screen (or aiming with the Nin-and Venice Beach Volleyball. In addition, the tendo Zapper), shooting at robots, rebel sol-cartridge contains two previously unreleased

  diers, helicopters, frogmen, gunboats, destroy-

  games: Rad Racket — Deluxe Tennis II and

  ers, attack dogs, and other enemies. There are

  Stakk’m. The tennis game features six playable no innocents, meaning players should feel free

  characters, three court surfaces (hard, grass,

  to fire away at anything that moves. The action

  and clay), singles and doubles action, and a tra-

  scrolls automatically left and right through a

  ditional elevated viewpoint from behind the

  variety of areas, including forests, airfields, seas, court. Stakk’m is a Tetris-inspired game in caves, and a train. Shooting boxes replenishes

  which numbered blocks fall one at a time from

  ammo and health. When it gets dark, shooting

  the top of the screen, with players making them

  flares lights up the night. Similar to: Operation disappear by placing them in vertical, horizon-Wolf (arcade, NES).

  tal, and diagonal rows. For a row to disappear,

  it must consist of similar or consecutive num-

  Mega Man

  bers. Treasure blocks, which act as wild cards,


  can be helpful while death blocks simply get in

  Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1987.

  the way. Unlicensed.

  The first game in a popular series that

  would spawn five NES sequels, plus games for

  M.C. Kids

  the SNES, PlayStation, and other systems, Mega

  PUBLISHER: Virgin Interactive. DEVELOPER:

  Man puts players in the title role of a small, hu-Virgin Interactive. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1

  manoid robot (created by Dr. Wright) clad in

  or 2 players (simultaneous). 1992.

  a round helmet and blue costume. Mega Man’s

  M.C. Kids is a surprisingly fun, surpris-

  job is to run, jump, shoot (left and right only),

  ingly challenging game that is much more than

  and climb his way through six obstacle-filled

  a commercial for the McDonalds restaurant

  levels, each ending in a robot-gone-bad boss:

  chain. Mick and Mack must make their way

  Cutman, Gutsman, Iceman, Bombman, Fire-

  through McDonaldland, picking up and

  man, or Elecman. After defeating a boss, Mega

  throwing blocks at rabbits, beavers, birds, and

  Man will acquire that character’s weaponry,

  other creatures, making sure to collect a

  such as fireballs or boomerangs. After beating

  specific number of cards (some of which are

  the first six levels, Mega Man must enter the

  hard to find) in each stage. Gathering 100

  last stage to face Dr. Wily, who is responsible

  golden arches initiates a bonus game, and there

  for reprogramming the aforementioned robots

  are a variety of activities throughout, including

  to become evil. The game scrolls vertically as

  crossing icy bridges, bouncing on spring-

  well as horizontally, and Mega Man poses a for-boards, throwing snow at enemies, riding a

  midable challenge (thanks in part to disappear-

  boat, floating on clouds, and more. Super

  ing platforms and tough-to-dodge projectiles),

  Mario Bros. fans should enjoy the game, though but the health meter is long, and continues are

  Mick and Mack (who also starred in Mick &

  unlimited. Selectable levels and weapons, sharp

  Mack as the Global Gladiators for the Genesis) (if somewhat simplistic) visuals, and com-cannot jump on enemies.

  pelling gameplay make Mega Man an all-time


  Mechanized Attack


  Mega Man 2

  Shooter, 1 player. 1990.


  Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1989.

  Based on SNK’s 1988 arcade game, which

  boasted a pair of replica machine guns and

  Arguably the best game in the series, Mega

  two-player simultaneous action, Mechanized

  Man 2 improves upon the already winning for-

  Attack has gamers, armed with an assault gun, mula established by the original game. Im-a rocket launcher, and grenades, guiding a cur-

  provements include: crisper controls; superior



  sounds; Genesis-quality graphics; two difficulty

  Man 3, there are eight new robot masters to

  levels; a password feature for saving progress;

  battle: Pharoah Man, Toad Man, Bright Man,

  a nifty introductory sequence; larger, more de-

  Dive Man, Ring Man, Drill Man, Dust Man,

  tailed enemies (with such names as Atomic

  and Skull Man, each of whom, when defeated,

  Chicken, Robo-Rabbit, and Lantern Fish); and

  releases a selectable weapon for Mega Man to

  larger, more imaginative level designs. There

  take, such as a rain flush, a dust crusher, a skull

  are eight bosses (as opposed to six in the orig-

  barrier, or a dive torpedo. Rush returns from

  inal Mega Man), each created by (instead of

  Mega Man 3, offering Mega Man the same

  just reprogrammed by) Dr. Wily: HeatMan,

  helpful tools: a springboard, a submarine, and

  AirMan, WoodMan, BubbleMan, QuickMan,

  a jet. New to the series is Flip-Top, Dr. Light’s

  FishMan, MetalMan, and CrashMan. Once

  cybernetic assistant who appears from time to

  again, by defeating a boss, players will gain a

  time offering power-ups. Also new
is a mega

  new weapon, such as the ability to freeze ene-

  buster weapon (which is basically the standard

  mies or throw tornadoes, metal blades, or bub-

  weapon charged up), a balloon adaptor (for

  bles. In addition, Dr. Light (formerly Dr.

  creating small floating platforms), and a wire

  Wright) is on hand to provide three transporta-

  adaptor (for pulling up on a wire to ledges and

  tion items: a levitation platform, a jet sled, and


  an elevator. Scoring has been removed, but this

  is no great loss.

  Mega Man 5


  Mega Man 3

  Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1992.


  By the time Mega Man 5 was released,

  Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1990.

  most NES aficionados were firmly entrenched

  Sticking closely to the format of Mega

  in the Mega Man formula: run; jump (on plat-

  Man 2 (which, in terms of basic gameplay, was forms, some moving, some disappearing);

  very similar to the original Mega Man), Mega slide; climb up and down ladders; shoot (left

  Man 3 features eight new bosses (Magnet Man, and right) enemy robots; dodge obstacles

  Snake Man, Needle Man, Hard Man, Top Man,

  (lasers, fire, enemy projectiles, and the like);

  Gemini Man, Spark Man, and Shadow Man),

  and grab tanks to replenish energy. Bosses in

  each thematically fitting of the level they are in.

  MM5 include: Charge Man, Napalm Man,

  As in the first Mega Man, battling the robots in Gyro Man, Stone Man, Crystal Man, Wave

  the correct order (stages are selectable) is im-

  Man, Star Man, and Gravity Man, each with a

  portant for acquiring the weapons (lasers, nee-

  different selectable weapon to take and use.

  dles, magnet missiles, and the like) needed for

  Flip-Top and Rush make return engagements,

  the next battle. New to the series is Mega Man’s

  but this time Rush can only turn into a spring-

  helpful dog, Rush, who, when his weapons box

  board and a jet. The mega buster weapon re-

  appears, can be turned into one of the follow-

  turns from Mega Man 4, but it can now be used ing machines: a springboard for high jumps, a

  to blast through walls to find hidden power-

  submarine to keep Mega Man alive underwa-

  ups and secret passages. In addition, Mega Man

  ter, or a jet for flying. In addition, Mega Man

  can ride a super arrow to scale high walls, and

  can now pull off a sliding maneuver.


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