Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988) Page 38

by Brett Weiss

  Based on Oliver Stone’s 1986 war movie,

  which won the Oscar for best picture, Platoon

  Pipe Dream

  for the NES has players guiding an American

  PUBLISHER: Bullet-Proof Software. DEVELOPER:

  soldier through the heart of a confusing, dead

  Distinctive Software. Action Puzzle, 1 or 2

  end-laden, Vietnamese jungle, dodging air

  players (alternating). 1990.

  strikes, booby traps, and other obstacles while

  A nice port of the addictively challenging

  shooting (with an M-16 rife) and bombing

  computer game (1989), Pipe Dream has play-

  (with grenades) guerillas and snipers. Innocent



  villagers should not be killed or it will lower

  Area, Guerilla Attack in the Jungle, and De-

  the player’s morale—six dead innocents equals

  struction of Communications Headquarters),

  game over. The Jungle & Village stage features

  punching and kicking (including jump kicks)

  a side-view perspective while Tunnel System

  commandoes, frogmen, bike soldiers, green

  and The Bunker have players guiding a

  berets, and other enemies along the way. By en-

  crosshair targeting sight. The final stage, 3-D

  tering huts and vehicles or defeating certain

  Jungle, shows the soldier from behind. In ad-

  bad guys, Bart can obtain grenades, brass

  dition to shooting and getting shot (cheap hits

  knuckles, a bullet-proof vest, a combat knife,

  are plentiful), players will search for such help-

  and a machine gun.

  ful items as a torch, a map, flares, a compass,

  and medical supplies.

  Power Blade

  PUBLISHER: Taito. DEVELOPER: Taito. Platform


  Shooter, 1 player. 1991.

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  Thanks to the all-powerful Master Com-

  Climbing, 1 or 2 players (alternating). 1986.

  puter, Earth of 2191 has become a veritable

  Despite missing a few relatively minor

  utopia. Unfortunately, alien terrorists attack,

  flourishes, Popeye for the NES is an excellent taking the computer off-line. It is up to the

  port of Nintendo’s own 1982 coin-op classic.

  player, as Nova (the computer’s chief security

  Players guide the beloved Sailor Man as he

  officer), to restore systems control. To achieve

  walks across floors, climbs ladders and stairs,

  his objective, Nova, who looks like the Termi-

  and catches floating objects (hearts, musical

  nator, must run, jump (on platforms and over

  notes, or letters spelling out HELP) tossed

  gaps and other obstacles), climb, and fire a

  down by Olive Oyl. While Popeye gathers ob-

  boomerang-like weapon through six sectors,

  jects, he must avoid Bernard the vulture, the

  destroying such enemies as ghosts, soldiers,

  Seahag’s bouncing skulls, and a bottle-throw-

  bats, and spaceships. The boomerang can be

  ing Brutus in hot pursuit. Popeye can punch

  powered up considerably, and Nova can also

  the skulls and bottles, and, after eating a can

  hurl grenades and don a metal, shield-like suit.

  of spinach (one per screen), he can punch Bru-

  In each of the game’s six selectable sectors (each

  tus and the vulture. The aforementioned ab-

  of which are timed), Nova must find the agent

  sences in the NES port include: the “Popeye!!

  assigned to that sector. Completing all six sec-

  Catch” text and Popeye holding out a flower at

  tors grants Nova entrance to the control center.

  the beginning of the game; the celebratory

  Mega Man fans should enjoy this high quality giant Popeye face that appears after the third


  screen; Wimpy eating hamburgers during the

  second screen; and various other nitpicks. A

  Power Blade 2

  must-own for Donkey Kong fans. Also released PUBLISHER: Taito. DEVELOPER: Taito. Platform

  for the Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Intellivision, and

  Shooter, 1 player. 1992.


  As in the original Power Blade, Special

  Agent Nova wields a formidable, upgradeable,

  P.O.W.: Prisoners of War

  boomerang-like blade. However, Nova has


  learned a few new tricks, including the ability

  Scrolling Combat, 1 player. 1989.

  to slide under low obstacles and enemy fire (ala

  Other than missing the two-player simul-

  Mega Man 3). In addition, each of the game’s

  taneous mode found in the arcade original

  four selectable stages contains a special power

  (SNK, 1988), P.O.W. for the NES plays pretty suit: the Newt Suit allows Nova to cling to and

  well. As special forces agent Bart, gamers must

  move along walls and ceilings; the Wet Suit lets

  walk (somewhat slowly) and climb their way

  him move quickly under water; the Rocket Suit

  through four nicely illustrated levels (Escape

  enables him to fly; and the Patriot Suit has twin

  from Prison Camp, Attacking the Industrial

  orbs that circle around Nova’s body and absorb



  enemy fire. While Nova is wearing one of the

  based action has players orbiting planets, de-

  suits, the weapon becomes the Power Blade,

  stroying outposts, freeing aliens, and more.

  which is more powerful than the boomerang-

  Somewhat similar to: Star Control (Genesis).

  like blade, but doesn’t return. Enemies to de-


  stroy include wall cannons, robots, fish, slime

  monsters, caterpillars, and more.


  PUBLISHER: Activision. DEVELOPER: Pack-In

  Power Punch II

  Video. Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1989.

  PUBLISHER: American Softworks. DEVELOPER:

  Disappointingly mediocre, Predator puts

  Beam Software. Sports/Boxing, 1 player. 1992.

  gamers in the role of Dutch Schaefer, the char-

  Power Punch II was originally intended to

  acter played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the

  be a follow-up to Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! , but 1987 sci-fi/action flick. Dutch begins with

  Tyson’s legal difficulties (i.e. the trial for the

  nothing but his fists, but can pick up a machine

  rape of Desiree Washington) during the pro-

  gun, a laser rifle, and grenades as he runs,

  duction of the game caused Nintendo to back

  jumps across chasms, avoids rolling boulders,

  out of the project and Beam Software to change

  and otherwise makes his way through a scor-

  the principal boxer’s name to Mark “Tough

  pion- and guerilla-infested South American

  Guy” Tyler (his appearance was altered as well).

  jungle. He can also acquire different types of

  Gameplay evokes Punch-Out!! to some degree

  bullets, including boomerang, continuous,

  (the view is behind the player’s fighter), but a

  shotgun, and reaction. Depending on which
  variety of features were added, including: cut

  caves players enter, the action consists of 20–30

  scenes; a side-view training mode (which takes

  levels, with Predator himself showing up in-

  place on an intergalactic transport shuttle); and


  12 alien opponents, including 9763 Borg, Hel-

  met Skull, Grathnox 4 (who’s a tank from the

  Prince of Persia

  waist down), and “Fighting” Fly-Mo (who’s a

  PUBLISHER: Virgin. DEVELOPER: Movietime.

  flying saucer from the waist down). Despite

  Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1992.

  these additions, Punch-Out!! is a far superior A scaled down port of Jordan Mechner’s

  game. Power Punch II was initially produced

  popular computer game (which Broderbund

  under the working title of “Mike Tyson’s In-

  released in 1989), Prince of Persia puts players tergalactic Power Punch.”

  in the role of a young adventurer who has been

  thrown into a dungeon by the evil and traitor-

  P’radikus Conflict

  ous Jaffar, Grand Vizier to the Sultan of Persia.

  PUBLISHER: Color Dreams. Color Dreams.

  The nicely animated hero has escaped his cell,

  Overhead View Free-Roaming Shooter, 1

  but he must brave 12 levels of the obstacle-filled

  player. 1990.

  (spikes, chasms, slicers, poisonous potions,

  The space vessel in P’radikus Conflict ro-

  moving platforms, multi-story falls) dungeon

  tates and thrusts like the ship in Asteroids, but to rescue the proverbial princess, and he’s only

  the screen scrolls in all directions, making the

  got an hour in which to do it. Gameplay con-

  game more like Bosconian or Sinistar. Unlike sists of the following: running from room to

  the comparative arcade classics, however,

  room; executing tricky jumps; climbing up and

  P’radikus Conflict has slow, unresponsive con-down ledges; sword-fighting against dungeon

  trols, is far too easy (thanks to dumb enemies

  guards; stepping on pressure plates to open exit

  that fire slow projectiles), and is a bit more

  doors and open and close gates; and more.

  complex. While blasting ships out of the sky,

  When players go from one room to the next,

  P’radikus pilots will earn credits to purchase the screen briefly goes black, and the player

  fuel, armor, shields, warp drive, and such

  suddenly appears in the next room. However,

  weapons as shock waves, mines, missiles, atomic

  unlike other versions, the NES game scrolls just

  cannons, and clocking devices. The mission-

  a little to the right and left. Also released for



  the Genesis, SNES, and numerous other sys-

  the latter of which consists of hooking, trip-


  ping, elbowing, and charging. The SNES ver-

  sion has a Season mode and better graphics and

  Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom

  sound effects, but both lack crowd noise.

  PUBLISHER: Hudson Soft. DEVELOPER: Hudson

  Soft. First-Person Graphic Adventure, 1

  Pro Wrestling

  player. 1991.

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  Sports/Wrestling, 1 or 2 players (simultane-

  Princess Tomato has been kidnapped by

  ous). 1987.

  the evil Minister Pumpkin, and it is up to Sir

  Cucumber, a Knight of the Realm, to rescue

  Pro Wrestling offers enjoyably simple game-

  her, restore King Broccoli to the throne, and

  play and nice visual detail, including a referee,

  bring peace to the formerly blissful Salad King-

  a cameraman, and an animated crowd. There

  dom. The fanciful setting of the game will ap-

  are six selectable wrestlers (including a judo

  peal to younger, Veggie Tales-era gamers while expert and a football star), each capable of such

  the old-school formula (read text, click on

  outrageous wrestling techniques as The Ama-

  commands to interact with surroundings, view

  zon’s piranha bite, Fighter Hyabusa’s back

  static imagery) will resonate with those who

  brain kick, and Kin Corn Karn’s Mongolian

  recall the early days of personal computer ad-

  chop. Players engage in a series of five-minute

  venture games. There are 14 commands from

  matches, culminating in a fight against the

  which to choose: move, look, check, talk, take,

  mysterious Great Puma, a.k.a. “the perfect

  use, give, buy, hit, fight, praise, dump, item,

  wrestler.” Throws, top-of the-ring jumps, and

  and Percy. Battles take the form of “finger

  fighting outside the ring are all part of the fun.

  wars,” which are basically games of rock-paper-

  Simultaneous action offers two-out-of three

  scissors. The trial-and-error gameplay of

  fall matches with no time limit.

  Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom can get tedious, but the unusual (for this genre), semi-Punch-Out!!

  charming theme does set it apart from the

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  proverbial pack.

  Sports/Boxing, 1 player. 1992.

  Punch-Out!! is the same game as Mike

  Pro Sport Hockey

  Tyson’s Punch-Out!! , but a character named Mr.


  Dream replaces the troublemaking Tyson (now

  Sports/Hockey, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous).

  a convicted felon), whose contract with Nin-


  tendo had mercifully expired. Followed by:

  Viewed from an overhead perspective (the

  Super Punch-Out!! (SNES).

  hockey rink scrolls vertically), Pro Sport Hockey lets gamers select from 24 teams comprised of

  The Punisher


  288 NHLPA players, each rated according to


  Third-Person Shooter, 1 player. 1991.

  speed, shot speed, quickness, defense, and

  power. There are three modes of arcade-like

  In The Punisher, players maneuver Marvel

  play: Super Cup (a seven-game series), Exhi-

  Comics’ skull-chested vigilante (who is viewed

  bition, and Training. On offense, players can

  from behind) left and right along the bottom of

  aim the puck, but if the goal is in sight, the puck

  an automatically scrolling playfield (which

  will automatically travel toward the goal no

  moves left to right), aiming a cursor around

  matter what direction the player is facing.

  the screen while shooting at thugs, hoods,

  Holding the button down creates a more pow-

  felons, and other targets, including background

  erful shot. On defense, players can check, stick

  objects and such comic book criminals as Hit-

  check, and select auto or manual goalie con-

  man (who flies around in a helicopter) and the

  trol. Several features can be turned on or off,

  Kingpin (who must be defeated in hand-to-

  including offsides, overtime, icing, and penalties,

  hand combat). The Punis
her is armed with an



  automatic machine pistol and grenades and can

  five times) or challenge the computer to a game

  pick up an automatic assault rife, a rocket

  of rock-paper-scissors. The latter subtracts 60

  launcher, and a Kevlar vest. The action takes

  seconds, but lets winners exchange any two

  place in the streets of New York City, and Pun-

  pieces on the board. Unlicensed.

  isher can take alternate routes by entering the

  subway, manholes, and doorways. The Pun-


  isher and the cursor move in unison, making

  PUBLISHER: Taito. DEVELOPER: Taito. Action

  for an awkward control scheme, but holding in

  Puzzle, 1 player. 1990.

  the A button while pressing the control pad

  A solid adaptation of Taito’s 1989 arcade

  does give the cursor independent movement.

  game (which was a possible inspiration for

  Tetris Attack), Puzznic has players guiding a Puss N Boots: Pero’s Great Adventure

  cursor around the screen, using said cursor to

  PUBLISHER: Electro Brain. DEVELOPER: Shouei

  move blocks of varying colors and designs

  System. Platform Shooter/Side-Scrolling

  (such as diamonds, spheres, pyramids, and

  Shooter, 1 player. 1990.

  plusses). Blocks are moved horizontally, but go

  Sent back through time and across the

  downward when positioned above an empty

  world by Count Gruemon, Pero (a.k.a. Puss N

  space. Elevators make blocks go up. The objec-

  Boots), who committed the Cat Kingdom

  tive is to clear the screen by getting matching

  crime of befriending a mouse, must locate and

  blocks to touch. The cartridge also contains

  defeat Grueman and the mad Dr. Gari-gari and

  Gravnic, in which players move all the shapes si-use their time machine to get home. Much of

  multaneously by shifting their gravity. Also re-

  the game plays like a traditional platformer,

  leased for the PlayStation.

  with Pero running, jumping, and battling

  (with a pistol, bombs, and a boomerang) his


  way through The [Old] West, London, and

  PUBLISHER: American Video Entertainment.

  New York. However, four of the game’s seven

  DEVELOPER: Thin Chen Enterprise. Action

  stages (The Ocean, Arabia, Space Wars, and

  Puzzle, 1 player. 1990.

  Liberty) put Pero at the helm of a vehicle, such

  In Pyramid, players must rotate and

  as a submarine, a car, an airplane, or a hot air

  strategically fit together stones that fall down


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