by Brett Weiss
dition of a two-player mode. Players, viewing
shooting a “microgun” at blue-masked mon-
the action from behind the car, can enter Grand
sters, snail creatures, flea beasts, and other quirky
creatures. When shot, the baddies turn small
System is an admirable port of Romstar’s 1987
and innocuous, enabling Teddy Boy to elimi-
arcade semi-classic, which borrowed from such
nate them with a simple touch. If Teddy Boy
overhead run-and-gun games as Commando
waits too long to touch a downed enemy, it will
and Ikari Warriors. Players, as the titular sol-turn into an eyeball bug that will eat up time left
dier, must rescue five fellow warriors from six
on the clock. If Teddy Boy stays on a platform
different time periods: Primitive, Ancient Rome,
too long, it will disappear. Shooting dice can
Medieval Japan, World War II, Future World,
uncover such bonus point items as cigarettes
and Gylend’s World (home of an evil space
(!), beer (!), sneakers, and toy bears. Filled with
tyrant who turned the aforementioned war-
fun and challenge, Teddy Boy is a nice port of riors into energy balls). Players are armed with
Sega’s Teddy Boy Blues arcade game (1985).
shoulder-mounted cannons and can pick up
Fans of Joust and Bubble Bobble will surely such dropped weapons as tri-shot guns, mis-enjoy it.
siles, and energy guns for use in blowing away
dinosaurs, cavemen, tanks, ninjas, and various
Thunder Blade
other enemies (including huge bosses). Tele-
Publisher: Sega. Developer: Sega. Vertical
porters allow players to travel between eras,
Scrolling Shooter/Third-Person Shooter, 1
giving the game some degree of non-linearism.
player. 1988.
Time Soldiers is most enjoyable (not to men-
tion easier to beat) when played with a friend.
In Thunder Blade, players pilot the titular
helicopter through four areas (Urban Combat,
Mountain/Desert, River Delta, and Refinery),
Publisher: Sega. Developer: Sega. Side-
firing a chain cannon (which releases a steady
Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 players (alternating).
stream of bullets) and air-to-ground missiles
at attack helicopters, jet fighters, torpedo cruis-
ers, tiger tanks, large fortresses, and other en-
Set after the Nuclear War of solar year
emies, most of which move in redundant,
2,000, when people had emerged from their un-
unimaginative patterns. There are 12 levels in
derground shelters, TransBot has players try-all, alternating between overhead view action
ing to thwart an uprising by Dalaus, an artificial
and the less typical behind-the-helicopter
intelligence computer trying to create a dicta-
viewpoint. At the end of each cleared stage,
torial empire. To destroy the fighter planes, ro-
players earn bonus points based on number of
bots, mechanical debris, and other enemies
enemies destroyed. Unfortunately, there are no
(which move in increasingly crowded waves),
power-ups to speak of, and the air-to-ground
players must pilot the CA-214, which is a com-
missiles can only be fired one at a time, making
bat astro-plane capable of the following weapons
the game harder than it should be. Unlike the
upgrades: standard beams, diffusion beams,
much more dynamic arcade classic (Sega,
sword, cannon, two-direction fire (forward and
1987), which was available in both a sit-down
behind), and power-up attack, the latter of which
cabinet and a vibrating joystick model, players
powers up the current weapon. In addition, the
cannot move the helicopter upward and down-
astro-plane can turn into a hover mech. Power-
ward during the overhead view stages. Fol-
up capsules are exposed by shooting cargo
lowed by: Super Thunder Blade (Genesis).
transports that move along the ground. The ac-
tion borders on redundant, but certain enemies
Time Soldiers
are especially vulnerable to specific weapons,
infusing some strategy into the mix. The game
Publisher: Sega. Developer: Sega. Vertical
Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 players (simultane-
has no ending, making high scores the ultimate
ous). 1989.
Despite the expected setbacks, such as
slower gameplay, flickering, and somewhat less
Publisher: Sega. Developer: Sega. Side-
detailed graphics, Time Soldiers for the Master Scrolling Combat, 1 player. 1989.
An extremely monotonous and limited
in the role of Sheriff of the Western Territories.
(the titular hero can’t jump-kick or move up
As the screen scrolls to the right, players must
or down) side-scroller, Vigilante has players shoot thieves, gunslingers, and other bad guys
walking from left to right, punching and kick-
while avoiding killing ladies, unarmed civil-
ing bad guys. The Rogues in question (known
ians, and other innocents. Some areas show the
as Skinheads in Irem’s 1988 arcade original) run
sheriff (viewed from behind) maneuvering
up to Vigilante, one after another, grabbing
along the bottom of the screen while others
him by the throat if players aren’t quick enough
portray him riding a horse. Levels include:
to execute a punch or a kick. Getting grabbed
Tombstone, The Desert, Mary’s Saloon, The
drains Vigilante’s health (a frustrating feature),
Outland, Ricky’s Hotel, Nugget Town, and The
but he can shake off the bad guys with a quick
Final Showdown, the latter of which finds play-
side-to-side wiggle. Vigilante, who can pick up
ers firing at the Big Boss while avoiding TNT
nunchucks for a longer reach, must battle his
being thrown. There are challenge scenes as
way through five short levels (City Streets,
well, in which gamers shoot at bottles and
Junkyard, Bridge, Downtown, and Construc-
coins. Each time the sheriff ’s gun fires, the
tion Sites), with the ultimate goal of rescuing his
screen blinks white, causing undue annoyance.
girlfriend, Maria (known as Madonna in the
arcade game). Nicely detailed background visu-
Where in the World Is Carmen
als can’t save this mediocre port of a lame arcade
game. Stick with Double Dragon.
Publisher: Parker Brothers. Developer: Parker
Brothers. Educational/Geography/First-Per-
Walter Payton Football
son Graphic Adventure, 1 player. 1989.
Publisher: Sega. Developer: Sega. Sports/Foot-
Packaged with a Detective’s Almanac,
ball, 1 or 2 players (alternating). 1989.
which is a key to success in the game, Where in
Named after the legendary Chicago Bears
the World Is Carmen Sandiego? for the SMS is running back, Walter Payton Football is a
based on the 1986 Broderbund computer semi-
playable, but flawed game. The overhead view
classic, which began on the Commodore 64 and
is less than desirable, players cannot switch
spawned a PBS game show. Players travel
control between defenders, fum-
bling is nonexistent, there’s tons
of flickering, and the sounds are
hideous. On a more positive note,
a variety of plays are available,
there are 28 teams from which to
choose, and a password-backed
Season mode will keep gamers
busy for a good long while. Al-
though superior to previous Mas-
ter System titles Great Football and
Sports Pad Football, Walter Payton
Football will never be confused
with Tecmo Bowl for the NES.
Publisher: Sega. Developer: San-
ritsu Denki. Light Gun Shooter, 1
player. 1989.
Designed for use with Sega’s
A poor man’s Double Dragon, Vigilante is a standard beat-’em-Light Phaser, Wanted puts players
up, the type of which was extremely popular during the 1980s.
around the world to collect the clues and war-
game in the Wonder Boy series). Armed with a rants necessary to capture and arrest Carmen
short sword (a departure from the original
Sandiego and her henchmen, who have stolen
game), the boy hero must battle his way
90 national treasures and stolen off to 30 differ-
through 12 labyrinthine levels, including The
ent foreign cities. The top half of the screen
Coastal Town of Baraboro, The Mam Desert,
shows the various buildings and cities, along
and Pororo Islands. The game is infused with
with action-oriented character chases (unlike
RPG elements (also a departure from the orig-
Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? for the
inal game), including: magic spells (wind,
NES, this game has portions in which players
lightning, and the like); alternate pathways
duck bad guys’ knives and bullets). The bot-
(though the game is still level-based and largely
tom half of the screen shows character por-
linear); and hidden gold (which players can use
traits, point-and-click menus, and geographi-
to purchase shields, armor, boots, and other
cal and historical info. Also released for the
helpful items). The action is timed, meaning
SNES and Genesis.
there’s not always time to explore each level in
its entirety. The graphics are colorful, but the
Wonder Boy
theme is darker than in the first game, as the
Publisher: Sega. Developer: Sega. Side-
box implies: “No more cute dolls, fruit or milk.
Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1987.
Now it’s swords, armor, shields, labyrinths and
fire breathing dragons.” Based on the arcade
Before Sonic the Hedgehog, Wonder Boy
game: Wonder Boy: Monster Land (Sega, 1987).
(along with Alex Kidd) was the closest thing Sega
had to a company mascot. In this first game in the
series (which is a fantastic port of Sega’s 1986 ar-
Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap
cade game), players guide a young, blonde, pre-
Publisher: Sega. Developer: Sega. Side-
historic looking hero through forests, oceans,
Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1989.
clouds, hills, icy caverns, and other areas, throw-
A huge, colorful, cartoon-like game, Won-
ing hatchets at such enemies as bats, frogs, coy-
der Boy III has a sword-swinging Tom-Tom
otes, snakes, spiders, octopi, and snails. Tom-
trying to save Monster Land from Meka Dragon,
Tom (as the titular boy is called) runs quickly,
a feat that involves getting turned into various
and he can jump over obstacles (including fire
creatures, each with different powers: Lizard-
and rolling stones) and on top of moving plat-
man (blows flames); Mouse-man (enters small
forms. He can also break open eggs to reveal
areas); Piranha-man (swims); Lion-man (car-
helpful items, such as a guardian angle and a
ries a large sword); and Hawk-man (flies). Each
skateboard, the latter of which speeds up Tom-
creature is rated according to attack points, de-
Tom and lets him take one extra hit. Grabbing
fense points, and charm points. In his various
food, such as milk and fruit, keeps Tom-Tom’s
guises, Tom-Tom (a.k.a. Wonder Boy) will
energy meter/timer charged. A classic, brightly
travel through jungles, deserts, the sea, castles,
colored, left-to-right side-scroller (with no
and underground areas, jumping on platforms,
backtracking), Wonder Boy is extremely similar using magic, entering doors, battling creatures
to Adventure Island (NES), which, thanks to an (Cyclops, giant bats, skeletons, giant toads,
unusual licensing agreement, uses the same
faerie zombies, and the like), buying special
game engine, but alters various visual elements
items (including sabers, shields, armor, arrows,
(including the characters).
thunder, fireballs, boomerangs, keys, and med-
icine), and more. The ultimate goal in this fun,
Wonder Boy in Monster Land
password-backed adventure is to recover the
Publisher: Sega. Developer: Sega. Side-
salamander cross, which can return Tom-Tom
Scrolling Platform/Adventure, 1 player. 1988.
to his human form. Followed by: Monster Lair
An army of monsters has turned Wonder
(TurboGrafx-16 CD) and Wonder Boy in Mon-
Land into Monster Land, prompting Tom-
ster World (Genesis).
Tom to the rescue once again (this is the second
World Grand Prix
of a behind-the-ship viewpoint and some ex-
Publisher: Sega. Developer: Sega. Formula-1/
tremely nifty 3D effects (thanks to the SegaS-
Indy Racing, 1 player. 1986.
cope 3-D Glasses). As gamers fly their Zaxxon
Although it suffers from monotonous
vessel through outer space, shooting and avoid-
graphics (the cars all look similar, as do the
ing Vargan Death Fighters, the ships, stars,
barren roadsides), World Grand Prix is a nice enemy fire, and power-up capsules (for en-take on the Pole Position formula. Viewing the hanced speed, extra lives, increased fuel tank
action from behind their vehicle, players race
capacity, and stronger firepower) seem to pop
down 12 twisting, turning tracks, trying to pass
right out of the TV screen. Even more impres-
enough cars to extend the action beyond the
sive looking are the Death Star Trench-like Bat-
current lap. Placing high is a challenge (even
tle Fortress sequences, in which players fly be-
for ex
perienced drivers), but the two-speed
tween (and over) walls and through magnetic
(high and low) car handles well, making for a
barriers, shooting tanks, fuel tanks, and can-
streamlined contest. Unlike Pole Position, World non batteries while avoiding missiles. Three
Grand Prix lets players upgrade their cars and types of mother ship bosses round out the fun,
design their own tracks. Upgrades include ac-
finely programmed action. Followed by: Za-
celerator, engine, and handling.
xxon’s Motherbase 2000 (Sega 32X).
Y’s The Vanished Omens
Publisher: Sega. Developer: Sega. Third-Per-
Publisher: Sega. Developer: Sega. Platform
son Action Role-Playing Game, 1 player. 1988.
Shooter/Adventure, 1 player. 1987.
In Y’s The Vanished Omens, players guide
Zillion is a fairly complex adventure game
a swordsman named Aron through the caverns,
in which players, as Secret Agent J.J., must
towers, and towns of the Kingdom of Y’s,
infiltrate the underground labyrinth of the
searching for six magical books that hold the
Norsa Empire military base, save fellow agents
key to defeating Dark Dekt, an evil magician.
Apple and Champ (who become playable char-
As in many RPGs, gameplay consists of talk-
acters after being found), and destroy the main
ing to characters, gathering clues and treasures,
computer. Armed with an upgradeable Zillion
purchasing items (swords, keys, rings, shields,
Laser, J.J. will shoot bad guys, crawl and duck
armor, potion, and the like), and exploring vast
under enemy fire, ride elevators, climb stairs,
areas. However, the battle system in Y’s is un-jump on platforms, wear infrared goggles (for
usual. When an enemy appears, players should
seeing all sensors), and avoid force fields,
simply run Aron into the creature, as opposed
mines, laser turrets, and other obstacles. More
to pressing an attack button. Meters show the
importantly, J.J. must open capsules in each
current health of Aron and his foe, and killing
room by shooting them, revealing codes in the
monsters lets Aron level-up and become
process. After getting all the codes (writing the
stronger. Includes battery backup. Adapted
codes down is recommended), J.J. must enter
from the 1987 Japanese computer game, Ys I:
them into a computer terminal in order to
Ancient Ys Vanished. Followed by: Ys Book I & progress. Backtracking is sometimes required
II (TurboGrafx-16), Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (the gun must be powered up to destroy cer-