Tamsin's Conquest

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Tamsin's Conquest Page 7

by Mary Auclair

  Jareth got up, freeing her body. She couldn’t resist and so turned her head. She immediately wished she hadn’t. His face was dark with rage, his eyes narrowed into slits. His lips curled down in a scowl, tightened into a fine line, and his hands were closed in fists on each side of his massive body. Her gaze slid down to his massive erection, stretching the fabric of his silky pants. She stared and felt the color drain from her face at the thought that he would take her, here and there, with his massive cock, she unprepared. She knew it would be nothing like the whirlwind of pleasure from the previous night. No, this would tear, break the fragile tissue and hurt, deep inside.

  “On your feet.”

  Tamsin nodded, then scrambled to her feet, holding the remnants of her dress over her breast, covering her body as best as she could. Jareth opened his mouth to say something, then stopped. He sniffed the air, then a shadow passed over his eyes. When he looked down on her again, all traces of sexual desire were gone.

  “Shadow cat,” he said. “Let’s get out of here before he finds out I don’t have my sword.”

  Jareth grabbed her upper arm, and for once she didn’t fight back when he pulled her along toward the shore. The mention of the shadow cat, whatever that was, sobered her. She had been stupid not to think those woods, and the sea, were full of predators who would like nothing more than to sink their fangs into her defenseless flesh. The walk back to the shore, where Jareth’s transport hovered silently, was much shorter than she expected. She must have run in a circle when she tried to outrun him. What a stupid, stupid girl she was, she reflected.

  As soon as they reached the transport, Jareth lifted her, grabbing her waist between his large hands, and pushed her inside unceremoniously. She fell facefirst onto the large seat but nothing was wounded except her pride as she sat, covering herself with the scraps of her dress. A few seconds later, Jareth jumped inside the vehicle and the transport sped toward the castle.

  Tamsin risked a glance overboard and saw large snakelike figures move under the water’s surface. She shivered and quickly looked away, not wanting to think about the sea monsters again.

  “Those are sacando fish.” Jareth’s words cut the air like a whip. “They would have eaten you in only one bite.”

  “I’m sorry,” she muttered and she meant it. “I didn’t know.”

  She shot a glance in Jareth’s direction but he wasn’t paying any attention to her. He stared in front of him, his body tense and his face set in a rigid mask. He didn’t say a word either, not even when the transport halted over the landing strip. She gulped when he jumped out and walked around the ship to stop at her side. His gaze burned the skin of her cheeks as he glared at her, and she knew.

  Knew there was no escaping what came next.

  Chapter Seven

  Tamsin kept her gaze in front of her, ignoring Jareth as best as she could. She knew it was an empty hope to wish she would exasperate him enough so he send her back to Earth but the truth was she was frozen with fear. After a few long seconds, it became obvious he wasn’t going to leave and that he wasn’t going to be the first one to talk either. She had no idea how she wasn’t melting down on the seat under the searing heat of his anger. She could almost feel it hit her in scorching waves, traveling from his body through the air.

  Still, her stupid pride wouldn’t let her break first. He was the one who thought he could buy her, control her, brand her like livestock. She had every right to be fuming with anger too.

  “You’re as stubborn as a petulant child.” Jareth punctuated his words with a deep growl. “I wasn’t sure until this instant on how I was going to punish you but you leave me no choice. Not only did you run away from me but you endangered yourself in the most irresponsible way.”

  Before she could slip away, he reached inside the ship and grabbed her arm. He didn’t squeeze but he held her firmly enough that she understood there was no chance in hell she could get away. She hesitated a split second, then kept still as he lifted her and brought her down gently in front of him. As soon as her feet touched the ground, Jareth turned and walked toward the staircase, half dragging her behind him.

  “Stop! You’re hurting me.” It was technically true, even if it was her pride he was hurting and not her body. “What are you going to do to me?”

  He didn’t stop, didn’t turn and didn’t slow down. The hold on her arm was like iron. He just kept walking, until they were back inside the series of rooms where she was supposed to spend her Isolation. As soon as they got to the bedroom, she understood where he was pulling her to. Tamsin began to jerk and drag her feet, trying to pry his fingers open with her free hand, but it was no use. They stopped beside the bed, and Jareth turned to her, his face unrecognizable with fury. He grabbed both of her arms and his dark gaze bore into hers, as scorching as a hot poking iron. She was pinned under the intensity of his emotions, unable to summon the righteous indignation she’d felt just seconds before.

  “You are mine, Tamsin. You are my Ajena. You are my life.” Jareth roared the last word and his hand trembled under the intensity of his feelings. He lifted her wrist, forcing her to look at the beautiful markings covering her skin. “You are mine to protect, mine to command, mine to feed and mine to clothe. It is your duty to honor and obey me, give me the gift of your body when I claim it, and provide our union with progeny. This is what wearing my mark means.”

  “I’m sorry.” Tamsin was surprised to find it was true. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I can’t be a good Ajena to you. You should send me back.”

  “Send you back?” Jareth spat the words. “What part of you are mine don’t you understand? This union cannot be undone.” His voice grew louder until he was yelling in anger. He frowned so deeply his eyebrows met over his nose.

  Without another word, he grabbed the remainder of her dress and tore it from her hands. Tamsin cried out in surprise and stood completely naked in front of him. He glared down on her bared body, his chest heaving fast with emotion, and when she followed his stare, she was petrified to find her breasts plumped and her nipples erect, as they were in the height of arousal.

  Still holding her arms, Jareth sat down on the bed. He stared up while her breast swung an inch from his face.

  “Lie on your stomach across my lap,” he said in a calm, controlled voice. While it was reassuring that he was no longer yelling at her, she couldn’t help but shiver from the dangers hidden in his control. “You will receive ten blows on your rump for your offense.”

  “What?” She stared, open-mouthed. “You’re going to spank me?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. As you chose to act like a child, I will punish you like a child.” Jareth stared at her, a dangerous glint in his eyes. “You can choose to submit to me or I can spank you until my arm tires. I can assure you, you’ll get tired of it way before I do.”

  “I already said I was sorry.” Tamsin began pulling back but stopped when Jareth’s eyes narrowed to slits. “I won’t do anything like that again. I won’t run from you, I promise.”

  “I am pleased to hear it. Now show me you’ve accepted my authority and prepare to receive your punishment.” Jareth stared at her, his eyes like flames of fire encased in ice.

  Tamsin held Jareth’s gaze, letting the crude reality of his words fill her. He wanted to spank her, naked and bent over his knees, like a bratty child. There was a long moment where she held his stare, their two wills colliding in a contest of dominance. She tried to force acceptance down her throat. She knew she wouldn’t win a physical contest but she was unable to submit. She couldn’t do it.


  Jareth pinched his lips together, then, with a surprising speed, stood up from the bed and grabbed her arm. With one quick, efficient motion, he jerked her across his lap, her ass exposed in the air. Tamsin screamed and tried to pull away but he pinned her chest under one arm with her ass high up above his knee. Shame flamed on her cheeks at the idea of her being stretched and exposed on displa
y like that. She struggled some more but he held her too tightly and she couldn’t move an inch. She was utterly and completely under his control.

  “You will obey me.”

  The first blow bit into her skin and she yelped, in both surprise and anger.

  “You will submit to my will.”

  A second blow landed on her ass and this time her scream was more charged with pain than anger.

  “You will never run away from me again.”

  Four more blows slapped her twin cheeks in a rapid succession. All that time, Tamsin screamed and writhed like one possessed. She knew her fighting only ignited Jareth’s anger more but she couldn’t help the fury that burned inside her at this treatment.

  Jareth spanked her harder and she lost count of the times her ass met with his palm. She wriggled and squealed until her stomach found itself over the hard bump of his erection. Jareth continued to punish the abused globes of her ass, his blows harsh and stinging her bare skin. He didn’t show any sign that he was tiring and a fire spread across her ass where the skin was being tortured.

  After a few more angered slaps, however, his blows began to linger, his hand remaining on her burning skin for longer before lifting to strike again. He moved his hips, rubbing his hard cock against the supple skin of her stomach. Tamsin took a few seconds to realize what Jareth intended and when she did, a storm of conflicting emotions and sensation coursed through her body. The fire that spread on her ass seemed to reach all the way to her pussy, making her clit ache with heat, and she was mesmerized at the sudden desire that inflamed her flesh.

  Finally, Jareth landed a series of three resonating blows in the middle of her ass cheeks, so hard they made her grind her teeth together in pain, and left his hand there. His erection was full-on against her stomach, hot and hard as steel, and he panted as heavily as though he’d just run through the desert around New Montpelier. A familiar warmth spread between Tamsin’s thighs and she pushed against the flame that followed. Being so utterly defenseless had made her aware of her bare skin against his thighs, of her throbbing clit screaming for contact. She longed for more and her blood turned cold at the idea of Jareth finding out how much she longed for his cock to possess her.

  “Let me go, you…” she hesitated, “you animal! Don’t touch me.”

  Jareth didn’t answer and the hand dominating her ass slipped between her legs, brushing over her puckered hole to cup her pussy. Tamsin’s breath left her at the audacity of his touch. There was no way she was going to have sex with him now, no matter how much her body screamed for it. She stilled as he slid one long, thick finger inside her folds and she wanted to melt in shame at the wetness he found there. She was drenched with her readiness and her walls clenched convulsively in anticipation of his cock storming them. Jareth’s finger found her clit, budded with desire and arousal, and began teasing it in small, circular motions. Unable to restrain herself, she cried out, rocking her hips to increase her pleasure as he rubbed the over-sensitive flesh.

  “I’ll have your body as often as I want. You’re mine, Tamsin, all mine.”

  Jareth slid his thick finger inside her entrance. Shame washed through her as a lust-filled moan escaped her lips. His hand slid from her shoulder blades and landed on the nape of her neck, securing her firmly. His body shifted and she had the distinct feeling he was looking at the two folds of soft, hairless skin that glistened with her arousal. Two fingers now slid between the folds, spreading them open for his viewing. The painful burn on the skin of her ass was like the center of a storm, spreading a tornado of sensation from its center. She couldn’t say she was aroused by the rough treatment but to deny her body’s need was impossible.

  Jareth’s fingers moved, spreading the slick fluids, coating her folds in them. The slipperiness spread across her pussy, contrasting sharply with the tenderness of the skin on her ass. The pads of his fingers rubbed against her clit, again moving in a tight, focused circle, and a large thumb pushed inside her entrance, stretching her. She was unable to stifle her groan as the digit explored her, rubbing and tormenting, while his fingers teased her clit mercilessly. Her vaginal muscles clamped, trying to force Jareth’s thumb deeper inside her as pleasure started to build.

  Tamsin realized she was moving her hips, rocking and pushing against his fingers. The physical punishment had overloaded her senses and she knew she should be ashamed of herself but there was no use in trying—she was past that point. Her body was screaming for Jareth’s thick, hard cock to pound her, hard and fast.

  She screamed her protest when he retracted his touch. As if he knew, Jareth lifted her from his body and bent her over the side of the bed. He kept his hold on her neck, forcing her complete submission as he spread her legs open with his knees. Her clit throbbed so hard she was sure she would explode at his first touch.

  “Don’t move,” Jareth ordered in a gruff, husky voice that was so filled with arousal it almost had her screaming her climax then and there. “If you move, I’ll spank you again.”

  A large arm slid under her hips, lifting her ass from the bed. She was pulled back, her head pinned down on the bed until her throbbing, reddened ass stood high in the air. She was too stunned, and too aroused, to do or say anything. She knew she should be fighting for her dignity but her whole body was shivering from the need to feel Jareth’s rock-hard cock taking her, pounding her, filling her. She wiggled in frustration but he pushed her down on the mattress, forcing her still.

  Soon, a hard, heavy cock rested at her entrance, parting her wet folds. He slid the tip of his cock along her slit, nudging her ripened clit in a small, teasing motion, then withdrew along her furled petals to rest at the tip of her entrance, penetrating her oh-so slightly before returning to her clit. The teasing movement nearly drove her crazy and she stretched her arms in front of her, clutching the bedding so hard it hurt. She needed him inside so much she was ready to melt with desire. She tried to wriggle her hips against him, to force him inside, but his hold on her hips and neck was too strong. She was powerless, and nearly insane with need.

  “Say you’re mine,” Jareth growled, in a heavy voice, one filled with tension and heartfelt need. “Say you belong to me and that you’ll never leave me.”

  Two of his fingers slightly pinched her nub, tugging and squeezing in fast, successive motions, and a storm of pleasure shot in tiny electrical pulses from her oversensitive flesh. Her control scattered in the air as if she had imploded under the thunderstorm of sensation. She needed to come so hard she would do anything to get him to continue his touch.

  “I’m yours,” she whispered. “Please, Jareth, I’m all yours.”

  Jareth growled, the feral sound sending vibrations through her whole body. In one sudden motion, Jareth pushed his hips forward and his perfectly hard shaft impaled her until his balls swung and hit her throbbing clit. She screamed under the intense pleasure as his cock stretched her, hitting every one of her nerve endings. He didn’t give her time to recover from her shock. He pulled back from the clutch of her body, retreating completely, then pistoned inside her again, burying himself balls-deep. Tamsin screamed, her fists opening and closing in short bursts of convulsing ecstasy, her mind obliterated by the mounting power of her pleasure.

  He pounded her tender pussy with harsh, punishing strokes, ramming his cock in and out. Fiery heat radiated from her core and as Jareth’s balls smacked her swollen clit, faster and faster, pleasure built uncontrollably, taking her to new heights, Jareth plowing her, groaning and pushing ever deeper, as if he wanted to own every available inch of her body.

  The hand on her neck firmed and Jareth accelerated his rhythm. His cock engorged inside her, becoming thicker and longer, reaching places she didn’t even know existed. A throbbing vein pulsed on his rigid member and her pussy was stretched so tightly around it she could read his heartbeat. He took her so completely she wasn’t sure she was a person anymore, instead a being consumed by raw, physical pleasure.

  Her vaginal walls quivered a
nd clenched and Jareth growled. His pounding turned harsh as he fucked her, impaling her pussy mercilessly. Every inch of her was stretched around his punishing cock and still she could feel it swell inside her, preparing for his burning release. Finally, as if he knew what she needed to reach her climax, he tugged sharply at her clit with his fingertips, rubbing the ripe flesh at the same time.

  “Jareth! Jareth! Jarethjarethjareth…” Tamsin screamed his name as an explosion detonated inside her, sending waves of heat radiating from inside her core, her walls contracting in a release of spasmodic pleasure until his name melted into a wordless scream.


  Jareth howled her name, his mighty voice echoing against the high ceiling, the slight dome multiplying it tenfold. He pounded harder, his control lost in the fever of lust. Another stroke of his cock released more gushes of burning cum and her walls clenched around him, so deep she was sure his cock was thudding against her ovaries. His seed spilled inside her and her core squeezed his cock so hard she could feel every one of his spurts. It took a long time to empty his pleasure but Jareth finally stilled and withdrew. His hand released her neck and he fell onto the mattress beside her.

  Tamsin stayed as she was on the mattress, bent over, with her upper body buried in the cozy blankets and her knees resting on the soft rug. Her arms were stretched in front of her and a low pain in her hands made her realize she was clutching the covers so hard her knuckles were white. With a shaky breath, she forced her hands open.


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