Satan’s Fury MC - Memphis

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Satan’s Fury MC - Memphis Page 125

by Wilder, L.

  “Why would he do that?” Moose asked with surprise.

  “Seems he and his brother have had some issues with Lewis, and they want him gone…for good. So much so, they’re willing to help us out.”

  Blaze leaned forward as he asked, “Help us out how?”

  “He and his crew want to join up with us. Get rid of him before he winds up with more than the Red Knights on his side. I normally wouldn’t consider rushing into something like this, but I think he’s right. Lewis is a problem who needs to be dealt with immediately.”

  “And how are we going to do that?” Gunner asked.

  “Tyrone got word that Lewis has called a meet at Momma D’s at seven,” Gus answered. “We hit there and his place, and wipe him out once and for all.”

  As usual, T-Bone was the only one willing to ask the one question that was weighing on all of our minds. “You sure this Tyrone guy is someone we can trust?”

  “No way to know for certain. That’s why we aren’t using his help.” Gus ran his hand down his beard as he turned to Murphy. “We good on ammo?”

  “More than good.”

  Gus turned to Blaze as he asked, “You check with Mack and make sure the med packs are ready?”

  “Yeah, we’re good.”

  “Riggs, what’s the word on the security cameras at Lewis’s place?”

  “They’re up and rolling,” Riggs answered. “I’ve been keeping an eye on him all night.”

  “Good. I want to know every move this sonofabitch makes.”

  “You got it.”

  Gus’s voice was low and threatening as he looked out at us and said, “Tonight, Lewis and everyone tied to him goes down.”

  “Good riddance, motherfucker,” Blaze grumbled.

  “I want everything prepped and ready to roll before dark,” Gus ordered.

  “Understood,” we all replied.

  As soon as he gave the word, the brothers all stood and started to disperse. Gunner and I were just about to walk out of the room when Blaze came up behind us. “Have you two heard anything from the girls?”

  “No. Not since church started,” Gunner answered.

  Concern crossed Blaze’s face as he said, “I’ve been trying to reach Kenadee, but she hasn’t answered.”

  “What about Gauge?” Gunner asked.

  “Nothing. Same with Rip and Dane.”

  “Don’t panic just yet,” I told him. “Let’s go down and check your room. Maybe she’s in the shower or something.”

  Blaze nodded, then turned and rushed down the hall to his room. By the time we reached his door, I got an uneasy feeling when I saw there was no sign of Rip or Dane. We continued into Blaze’s room, and again, there was no sign of anyone. “Damn. Where the hell could she be?”

  “Maybe she got called into work,” Gunner suggested.

  “She would’ve messaged me.”

  Just when Blaze was about to lose it, Shadow and Riggs came walking up. “Everything okay?”

  “No. Everything is not okay,” Blaze barked. “I need to find Kenadee, and I need to find her right fucking now!”



  As soon as Caleb left the room, I got up and took a shower. I’d just gotten dressed and was getting ready to leave when I got a text from a number I didn’t recognize. I opened the message and was surprised to see that it was from Kenadee. She was letting me know that she and the other ol’ ladies had decided not to postpone their monthly get-together after all. Instead, they were just meeting in the clubhouse kitchen, and she wanted me to join them. While I’d enjoyed hanging out with the girls the night before, I was feeling a little hesitant about meeting up with them again, especially after the way I’d overstepped with Gus. After mulling it over for a few minutes, I decided it would be best for me to just lay low for a little while, so I grabbed my stuff and headed towards the door. Just as I stepped into the hall, I heard someone call out my name. “Darcy!”

  When I turned around, I found August walking in my direction. Unlike the night before, she was casually dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. “Hey, August. How’s it going?”

  “It’s going good, I guess. I really need a cup of coffee.”

  I chuckled as I replied, “You and me both.”

  “Did you get Kenadee’s message about breakfast?”

  “I did, but I should probably pass.”

  “Oh, please don’t. I’d really like you to come,” she pleaded. “Besides, you said yourself you could use some coffee.”

  “I did, but—”

  “It’s just breakfast, Darcy,” she interrupted. “It won’t take long.”

  I let out a defeated sigh as I nodded. “Okay, I’ll come, but let me throw this in my truck first.”

  “Great! I’ll walk with you.”

  She followed me down the hall and out into the parking lot. When we got to my truck, I unlocked my door and tossed my bag into the passenger seat. As I closed the door, I noticed that August was standing several feet away, staring at my truck in complete awe. “I love your truck.”

  “Thanks.” I locked the door and walked back towards her. “My grandfather gave it to me before he died, and I’ve been working on it ever since.”

  “Well, that does it. You’re officially the coolest woman I’ve ever met.”

  “Oh, please. I’m far from cool,” I argued.

  “What? You’re totally cool. Just look at you. Not only are you beautiful, but you’re also extremely talented,” she fussed. “I mean, seriously. From what I know, you’re the only woman who’s ever worked alongside the guys in the MC, and you’re doing an incredible job. I’d say that makes you very cool.”

  Just as I was about to respond, Kenadee and Alex came barreling out of the back door of the clubhouse with Gauge and Dane. Like August and me, both of the women were wearing their comfortable clothes—Kenadee had on a bright, hot pink t-shirt with loose-fit jeans, and Alex wore black leggings with an oversized rock band t-shirt. They were both talking a mile a minute, but stopped the minute she spotted August and me walking towards them. A bright smile crossed Kenadee’s face. “Hey there, ladies. Are y’all coming to breakfast?”

  “We’re headed that way now.”

  “Great! We’re going to make a quick run to get some more eggs and a gallon of milk. We’ll be right back.”

  “Okay. We’ll be waiting for ya.”

  They climbed into the SUV with Gauge, and seconds later they were pulling out of the parking lot. August and I were about to walk into the clubhouse when I happened to glance back to the road and noticed a familiar black Mercedes whipping out of the shadows. I stood there watching as it raced up behind Gauge’s SUV and started following them. There was something about the whole scene that gave me an uneasy feeling. I was trying to figure out why it bothered me when August called, “Hey…you coming?”

  “Yeah, I’m right behind ya.”

  I closed the door and followed her to the kitchen. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I caught the scent of bacon and sausage on the stove. When we walked in, Reece and Riley were busy cooking while they talked to an older woman I’d never met before. It was clear from the sounds of their voices and the smiles on their faces that they were having a great time. The second Reece spotted us, she smiled and said, “Yay! You guys made it.”

  “Of course we did.” August smiled. “We wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Darcy, have you met August’s mother, Samantha?”

  “No, not yet.” I walked over and shook her hand as I asked, “You and Gus are…”

  “Yes.” She smiled as she shook my hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot of good things about you.”

  “Thanks, and I’ve heard a lot of great things about you too.”

  “Why don’t you and August make yourselves some coffee? Kenadee and Alex went to get more eggs, but the pancakes should be ready in just a minute.”

  “Yeah, we just ran
into them a couple of minutes ago.” As I started towards the counter, I told her, “Coffee sounds great.”

  After August and I poured ourselves a cup, we checked to see if there was anything we could do to help, but from the looks of it, they had everything under control. As I looked down at all the food, I told them, “Wow, you guys have made quite a spread.”

  “We might’ve gotten a little carried away.” Riley laughed as she pulled out a second tray of biscuits. “I figure the guys can eat the leftovers.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure they won’t mind.” Unable to resist, I grabbed a piece of bacon off the tray and took a bite. “It all looks so good.”

  “You want to help get all this to the table?”


  I grabbed the platter of sausage and bacon, along with a tray of biscuits and carried them over to the table. August and Samantha brought over the pancakes and syrup while Reece and Riley grabbed the plates and silverware. When we had everything settled, we all sat down and just stared at the enormous amount of food. It wasn’t long before Reece turned to Samantha and asked, “How much longer do you think Kenadee and Alex will be?”

  “The store is just around the corner. I’d think they should be back any minute.”

  “Do you think they’d mind if we started without them?” Riley stared at the stack of pancakes as she continued, “I mean…it’s hot, and it smells so good.”

  “I’m sure they wouldn’t mind,” Samantha replied. “I say we just go for it and beg for forgiveness later.”

  “Sounds good enough to me.” Riley reached for a plate and added, “And if they get mad at us, we’ll just blame Samantha.”

  “Hey, now!” Samantha fussed.

  Riley put her arm around her as she smiled. “You know I’m just playing. We’d never throw you under the bus like that.”

  “Um-hmm,” Samantha scoffed. “Sure, you wouldn’t.”

  We all laughed as we each filled our plates. As we ate, the room was filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation, and I couldn’t remember when I’d enjoyed myself more. These women were nothing like the girls I’d grown up with. They weren’t judgmental or pretentious, and they treated one another with nothing but respect and kindness. Listening to them banter back and forth, I found myself wondering if I’d finally found a place where I wouldn’t have to constantly keep my guard up while watching out for who might put the knife in my back. While I was skeptical, something told me I could be myself with these women, and it was a good feeling—a very good feeling. I was about to go for another pancake when Reece leaned over to me and asked, “So, what’s the deal with you and Rider?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I saw the way he was looking at you last night.” She gave me a knowing look as she nudged me. “Pretty sure you were looking at him the same way.”

  “It’s kind of complicated.”

  “It always is,” she scoffed. “Rider is a good guy. The guys think a lot of him.”

  “Yeah, I think he’s pretty great too. Always have.”

  “So, you two didn’t just meet?”

  “No. Actually, we kind of grew up together. We were pretty close when we were little, but we kind of drifted apart.” I shrugged. “Like I said, it’s complicated.”

  “Sometimes, it’s us who make things complicated.” She finished off her coffee then added, “But I’m sure you two will figure it out.”

  “Maybe. I guess we will see.” I glanced over at the clock and was surprised that almost thirty minutes had passed since we’d started eating. Concerned, I looked over to Samantha and asked, “Shouldn’t Kenadee and Alex be back by now?”

  “You’re right.” Concerned, she reached into her pocket and took out her phone. “I better call and check on them.”

  We all watched in silence as she dialed the number and were startled when the sound of Kenadee’s ringtone rang behind us. I’d heard it ring several times while we were eating, but didn’t think much of it until now. There was no missing the concern in Riley’s voice as she said, “I’ll try to get Gauge.”

  All eyes were on Riley as she dialed his number and waited for him to answer. When he didn’t, she shook her head and asked, “Do you think something’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know,” Reece answered as she stood up from the table. “Either way, I think it’s time to let the guys know what’s going on.”

  With all of us following close behind, she darted out of the kitchen and down the hall. We didn’t get far before we ran into Blaze, Gunner, and Caleb. As soon as I saw their faces, I was hit with an uneasy feeling. I had no idea what was going on, but there was no doubt that it wasn’t good. Blaze’s tone was frantic as he asked, “Have you seen Kenadee?”

  “We were just about to ask you the same,” Riley answered. “She and Alex went with Gauge and Dane for a quick grocery run about thirty minutes ago. It shouldn’t have taken them more than ten or fifteen minutes to get there and back, but there’s been no sign of them. We tried calling them, but they didn’t answer their phones. We were hoping—”

  “Fuck,” Blaze roared.

  Caleb stepped forward and asked, “What about Alex? Have you tried reaching her?”

  “No,” Riley answered. “Let me try her now.”

  She dialed her number, and after several seconds, she said, “Alex…are you okay?” Only a few seconds passed before she started calling her name again, “Alex! Can you hear me? Are you okay?”

  Her eyes widened as she looked over to Blaze and said, “The line went dead.”


  “Do you have any idea which grocery store they were going to?” Caleb asked.

  “We thought the one around the corner, but I don’t know for sure,” Reece answered.

  Gunner turned to Blaze as he said, “We need to get Riggs. He can track their phones and figure out where the hell they are.”

  “I’ll get him while you two go find Gus. Tell him what’s going on, and I’ll let you know if Riggs is able to locate them.”

  “You got it.”

  When Blaze turned to leave, Caleb stepped over to me and said, “I’m sorry, but I need to—”

  “Go,” I interrupted. “Do what you gotta do.”

  “I’ll come find you when we get this thing sorted.”

  “Actually, I…uh…I think I’m going to head on home. We can just catch up later.”

  “No.” Worry crossed his eyes as he placed his hand on my arm. “You need to stay here until we know what the hell is going on.”


  “I don’t have time to explain, Darcy.” He let out a huff. “Hang out with the girls. Go back to my room. Whatever. Just stay put until I can get back to you.”

  I could tell from his expression there wasn’t any point in arguing, so I nodded. “Okay. I’ll stay.”

  He gave my arm a squeeze and seconds later, he was gone. I stood there for several moments with Reece and the others in a daze, then, without saying a word, we each made our way back to the kitchen. Everyone remained silent, each lost in her own world of thoughts while we started to clear the plates off the table and put them in the dishwasher. I had a million questions going through my head, but remembering what Caleb had told me about asking club-related questions, I decided to keep them to myself. It wasn’t easy, especially when I overheard Riley and Reece talking to one another as they finished putting the leftovers in the fridge.

  “Do you think this has anything to do with that guy who threatened Kenadee?” Riley asked with fear in her voice.

  “I don’t know, but from the way Blaze was freaking out, it makes me wonder.” Reece inched closer to Riley as she continued, “I probably shouldn’t say anything, but I overheard Riggs talking to Gunner the other day. I can’t remember exactly what was said, but I think the guy they’re worried about is the leader of some gang in town.”

  “Not that I’d know the difference, but do you have any idea which one?”

  She shrugged. “It was some
thing religious, like the Saints or the Disciples, but I can’t say for sure.”

  As soon as she mentioned the Disciples, my mind drifted back to the day KeShawn Lewis had come to see Maybell. I could still remember the bitterness in his voice when he talked about avenging his son’s murder. I had no doubt that he meant every word he’d said, and it chilled me right to the bone. I was going over our conversation in my head when I remembered he was driving a black Mercedes—just like the one I’d seen earlier in the morning when it appeared out of nowhere and started to follow Gauge’s SUV. I couldn’t imagine what Kenadee possibly had to do with his death, but there was no denying the fact that it was one hell of a coincidence. I wanted to ask them if I was right about my suspicions, but then I heard Riley say, “I know they’re just trying to protect us, but I wish they’d just tell us something.”

  “Something tells me that isn’t going to change any time soon.”

  When we finished cleaning up the last few dishes, Reece suggested that we all go down to the family room to wait on the guys. Everyone agreed, and it wasn’t long before I found myself in a room filled with oversized sofas and chairs, a flat-screen TV over the fireplace, and several pool tables. As we all sat down and tried to get comfortable, I couldn’t help but notice how much our little group’s mood had changed. Less than an hour before, we were all talking and laughing, having ourselves a great time, but now everyone was completely silent. The longer I sat there, thinking about KeShawn and his promise of revenge, the more anxious I became. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to tell someone about the previous conversation we’d had and that I’d also seen his car following Gauge earlier, but I was so worried that I might be crossing some imaginary line set by the brothers that I just sat there and quietly waited with the others, praying it wouldn’t be long before the guys returned with Kenadee and Alex.



  Tensions were high and only growing as we waited for Riggs to pinpoint Kenadee and Alex’s location. He was the club’s hacker and we all knew that he had the skillset to find them, but with each second that passed, Shadow and Blaze were growing more and more impatient. The two were practically breathing down his neck as they watched him hammer away at his keyboard, the tension radiating off of them as they tried their damnedest to keep it together. Thankfully, it didn’t take Riggs long to find their position. Once he confirmed that the cellphone was located at the nearby grocery store, we drove straight there in hopes of finding out what the fuck was going on.


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