Epic Zero: Tales of a Not-So-Super 6th Grader Books 1-3 (Epic Zero Box Set)

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Epic Zero: Tales of a Not-So-Super 6th Grader Books 1-3 (Epic Zero Box Set) Page 18

by R. L. Ullman

  It’s only a matter of time.

  I feel like puking.

  Suddenly, I’m absolutely exhausted. My eyes start drooping, and my limbs feel like lead—like I’m sinking into the bed. I know I need sleep, but I have way too much to figure out. I try to fight it, but I’m slipping—going down. What’s happening? Is this one of Order’s tricks?

  I need to stay awake.

  I … need … to …


  I’m sitting in a room under a blinding spotlight. I shield my eyes, when I notice the outline of someone sitting across from me—deep in the shadows.

  “Why are you fighting it,” comes a boy’s voice. It sounds somehow familiar.

  “What?” I say. “Who are you?”

  “Why fight it?” he repeats. “You know you want to be just like him.”

  “Like who?” I say. “What are you talking about?”

  The boy laughs. “C’mon,” he says. “Do I need to spell it out for you? Like Elliott 2—Elliott the king—the most powerful Meta on his planet.”

  “I don’t want to be like him,” I say.

  “Don’t you?” the boy says. “Isn’t it what you’ve always dreamed of? No one would be more powerful than you. You can make up all the rules—do whatever you want. You could make the world peaceful, or even rule it if you wanted. Who’d stop you?”

  “Who are you?” I ask. But, deep inside, I already know the answer.

  “Let’s not play games,” he says. “You need me. So, let me help you. I promise you won’t regret it. You’ll be thanking me later.”

  “I don’t want anything to do with you,” I say. “I want you out. Tell me how to get you out.”

  “You know I can’t do that,” he says. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but you’re the one. We’re a team—a partnership to the end. Soon, you’ll see. We’re meant to be together.”

  “Liar!” I yell, standing up from the chair.

  The boy laughs. “You’ll see,” he says. “You’ll see soon enough.”

  “Get out!” I yell. “Get out of—”



  I shoot up. I’m still in bed.

  But I’m not alone.

  “It is time,” Order says, seated on the bench.

  “I-it’s morning already?” I ask. “I feel like I haven’t slept at all.”

  “You slept,” he says. “And dreamt.”

  I run my fingers through my hair. “I guess I did. I just don’t know what it means.”

  “Do you know why I selected you?” Order asks.

  “Because you want to see a world die?” I say.

  “No, Elliott Harkness,” he says, staring at me, the stars in his eyes twinkling bright. “Because I want to win. Not just for today, not just for tomorrow, but for all of eternity.”

  “O-okay?” I say. What’s he’s getting at?

  He stands up, and folds his arms. “Can you imagine a universe where everything flourishes? Where there is no death, no destruction—where everything moves in perfectly predictable harmony, forever more.”

  For a second, I’m not following him. And then a lightbulb goes off.

  “Wait a minute,” I say. “Are you saying you want to get rid of Chaos? Like, lock him up or something.”

  “No,” he says, looking down at me. “I want to destroy him.”

  What? Destroy Chaos? How do you destroy Chaos?

  “B-but,” I stammer, “wouldn’t that throw everything, like, completely off balance. Don’t you need him to keep the universe stable? I mean, don’t we all kind of need him?”

  Order’s eyebrows furrow. “Do we? Did you enjoy watching Protaraan being destroyed? Did you hear the screams of a trillion creatures meeting their end? Do you think you will be able to save your planet? And even if you do, will your descendants be able to do the same when their time inevitably comes?

  There’s logic to what he’s saying. But something just doesn’t seem right.

  “I-I thought we were trying to stop Ravager?” I say. “I thought that’s what this whole thing’s about.”

  “That is what it has been about for millennia,” he says. “But this time it will be different. Because I found you.”

  “Me? Why me?” I ask, although I’m pretty sure I’m not going to like the answer.

  “While I possess great power,” he says, “I am also constrained by it. I have limitations. For example, I am unable to harm another cosmic being. It is written in the stars.”

  “So … what does that have to do with me?”

  “You are the Orb Master,” he says. “You are not a cosmic entity, yet you have a cosmic power growing inside of you. Thus, you are not constrained.”

  The words take a minute to sink in.

  “Wait,” I say, “so you’re saying you want me to use the Orb of Oblivion to take down Chaos?”

  Order smiles, his perfect teeth gleaming. “When the appropriate moment arises, you will act.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I say, “I won’t do it!”

  “Oh, Orb Master, you will,” he says. “You will because you will have no other choice.”

  I’m speechless. I … I don’t even know what to say.

  “Now rise, and prepare yourself for battle,” he says. “Put on your costume and join your teammates in the main chamber. The contest will start momentarily.”

  And then he snaps, and he’s gone.

  I grab my stomach.

  I need to get this stinking Orb out of my body.

  Before it’s too late.


  To say my head isn’t in the game is an understatement.

  Here we are, about to launch into the greatest battle in the history of mankind, and I can’t stop thinking about what Order said: “When the appropriate moment arises, you will act.”

  What the heck does that mean?

  Is he going to brainwash me into destroying Chaos? And, how exactly does one destroy Chaos anyway? I have a sneaking suspicion I’m going to find out, like it or not.

  I consider mentioning my secret mission to my teammates, but decide against it. With so much at stake, I don’t want anything distracting them from the task at hand. I mean, we have a whole planet to save! A planet with billions of people on it who are counting on us.

  Including my family.

  Looking at Grace 2, I can’t help but think of them. The fact that I’ll probably never see them again brings a tear to my eye, but I wipe it away. I need to be brave—that’s what my parents would want. I suddenly have an overwhelming urge to wrap my arms around Dog-Gone, and nuzzle into his furry face. But I’ll never get that chance again either.

  I wonder if there’s a Dog-Gone 2?

  We’re standing in the main chamber, waiting for Order to magically appear. Aries is jumping up and down, psyching himself up. Wind Walker is meditating peacefully in the corner. Grace 2 and I are just standing around, waiting for this nightmare to begin.

  “You ready to go?” Grace 2 asks.

  “As ready as I’m ever gonna be,” I answer.

  “You know,” Grace 2 says. “It didn’t really occur to me before, but whose Earth are we trying to save anyway?”

  That’s a great question! It hadn’t dawned on me that maybe the Earth we’re fighting for isn’t mine. Maybe it’s hers, or some other version. “Yeah, I hadn’t thought of that either.”

  Suddenly, I have a sliver of hope. Maybe my family will be spared after all! Then again, knowing my luck, what are the odds of that? But I guess I wouldn’t try any less if wasn’t my Earth anyway. When lives are at stake, heroes don’t mail it in.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she says, “because we’re gonna win anyway. Right?”

  “Yeah,” I say. “Right.”

  I’d love to be as optimistic as she is, but, truthfully, I’m not so sure.

  Our briefing on our opponents was like a “Who’s Who” of the galaxy’s most dangerous Meta 3 villains: there’s the Overlord
, an Energy Manipulator who can control gravity; Siphon, a Meta Manipulator who can absorb the powers of others; some Skelton Meta-Morph shape-shifter who I’m sure will be a load-and-a-half; and, maybe the scariest of them all, Mom 2—a Psychic.

  So, this isn’t going to be a walk in the park.

  Not by a long shot.

  Just then, Order appears with the artifact—the Building Block—in his hands.

  “Champions,” he begins. “The time has come. Once again, take note of the object you seek—the Building Block. It will be hidden somewhere on Arena World. As I have warned, some of you may not survive this ordeal, but I urge you to always remember what you are fighting for.” He snaps, and a hologram of Earth appears next to him.

  I study it closely. It sure looks like my Earth. All the continents are the same. The oceans look about right. I just can’t tell.

  “I will remind you of the rules one final time,” Order says. “If you recover the artifact first, you will preserve the lives of this world for another million years. If my brother, Chaos’ team wins, the planet will be destroyed, and his champions will each be given a new planet to rule. Aside from this, there are no other rules. Now it is time to go forth and compete.” He looks me in the eyes. “And to win.”

  Order snaps again, and we are suddenly encased in that strange orange energy that brought us all here in the first place.

  I catch Grace 2’s face, her eyes are wide.

  I turn back to Order, who’s smiling at me.

  And then, he’s gone.


  We materialize in a valley encircled by sweeping, ice-capped mountains. As we touch down, our feet sink ankle-deep into the snow-covered ground. It’s bitterly cold, and a sharp wind is whipping snowflakes sideways like sheets of rain.

  It’s a blizzard. Great.

  Order was right when he said the terrain will be a big factor. Within seconds, I feel like a popsicle, Grace wraps herself in her cape, shivering like crazy, Wind Walker grits his teeth, and Aries’ horns start collecting icicles.

  If we don’t get out of here fast, I don’t think we’ll make it to find the cube. But which way should we go? We’re surrounded by giant, craggy mountains.

  As if reading my mind, Grace 2 chatters, “A-allow m-me.” Then she takes off into the air.

  We watch her push upwards through the blustery sky, climbing higher and higher until we completely lose sight of her in the swirling wintery mix. She’s gone for a long time. Soon, Wind Walker and Aries start looking as worried as I feel. I’m about to suggest we somehow go after her, when she suddenly drops back in our midst.

  “What took you so long?” I ask.

  “You’re not going to believe it,” she says, “but, that way,” she points to the mountains in front of her, “is a city—like, a big honking city with buildings and streets and everything. And it’s raining!.” She turns the other direction, “and over there is a forest with trees, and vines, and it’s bright and sunny.”

  Wow! This world is crazy.

  “Well, I can’t imagine the Building Block is buried here,” Aries says, shuddering. “We’d die of hypothermia before we even found it. I say we hit those other areas.”

  “I agree,” Wind Walker says. “And if we split up, we can cover more ground.”

  Grace 2 and I exchange looks. Even though we barely know each other, there’s a familiarity between us that feels comforting. She nods.

  “Glory Girl and I will team up,” I say. “We’ll take the city.”

  “Very well,” Wind Walker says. “We will search the forest.” He steps forward and shakes our hands. “Good hunting my friends.”

  “Find that cube,” Aries says, flashing a grin. “Don’t let us find it first.”

  “You’re on,” I say.

  Then, we watch the heroes run the other away.

  Grace 2 reaches out her arms. “May I?”

  “You may,” I answer, turning around.

  Grace 2 puts her arms beneath my armpits, and locks her fingers across my chest. She gathers herself, and then we’re off—flying through the harsh climate.

  The change in weather is abrupt. One second, we’re being battered by fierce winds and driving snow, the next we’re being tickled by a warm, gentle mist. I’ve never seen anything like it. And it’s not just the weather.

  Over the mountains, just as Grace 2 said there would be, is a sprawling city—five times bigger than Keystone City and at least twice the size of Manhattan. Buildings of all shapes and sizes extend for miles, disappearing at the horizon. At first, it seems like your everyday run-of-the-mill city, but as we pull closer I pick up strange differences in architecture. Like, all the windows are circular instead of square, and the streets are curvy instead of straight.

  There must be thousands of buildings, streets, and alleyways down there. And, somewhere, possibly hidden in this vast urban jungle, is a silver cube smaller than a bread box.


  We land in the middle of a large intersection when I realize something I failed to notice before—there aren’t any cars. Or buses. Or … people.

  Where are all the people?

  “It’s like a ghost town,” Grace 2 says.

  “Somehow, that’s not reassuring,” I say. “Now how the heck are we supposed to find the Building Block? We can’t look in every single building. There’s got to be a better way.”

  “I’ve got an idea,” Grace 2 says, staring into space.

  “Great, lay it on me,” I say, relieved at least one of us is thinking clearly on how to start looking for this thing.

  “Well,” Grace 2 says, “maybe we ought to ask him?”

  Him? I spin around to see who she’s looking at.

  In the distance, there’s a large, green object hanging off the side of a building. At first, it looks like one of those creepy gargoyle statues, you know, the ones that serve as water spouts or something. And I was pretty good with that explanation … until it unfurls a pair of gigantic bat-like wings.

  And then I realize it isn’t a statue at all.

  We watch as the creature rises to full height, extending several stories taller than first appeared possible. It opens its red eyes, pounds it’s chest, and bellows something awful. Then, I realize I’ve had the misfortune of seeing this creature before.

  And this time, I might not be so lucky.

  “Run!” I yell, as it leaps from its perch.

  Grace 2 takes to the air, while I bolt through the front door of the nearest building I can reach. I cruise through the lobby, leap over a desk, and duck behind it, my heart pounding out of my chest.

  That’s no gargoyle!

  That’s a Skelton. And not just any old Skelton. That’s a Blood Bringer—the worst kind of Skelton.

  Blood Bringers are an elite killing force that can change into any form imaginable. And I’m pretty sure this one knows I’m the guy that blew up an entire squadron of his buddies, along with the Orb of Oblivion.

  Or, at least that’s what I thought I did. Because, apparently, the Orb isn’t so easy to get rid of.

  Suddenly, a small insect buzzes over the desk, and lands by my foot.

  What tripped me up last time was that the Blood Bringers were armored in Sheelds—those clam-like creatures whose skin is resistant to the Orb’s powers.

  The bug hops onto my foot and stares at me with its large, green eyes.

  Two thoughts come to mind. One, this entire planet is empty, except for us. And two, I’ve got a long, long history with green-eyed bugs.

  I stay as still as a log.

  And then I swat down with all my might!

  The bug darts safely out of harm’s way, and then transforms into the largest Skelton I’ve ever seen—a seven foot tall specimen of pure ugly. He stares me down with his piercing neon-green eyes and says, “You will have to excuse me, but I find it hard to believe you are the one responsible for the death of my brothers.”

  Here we go again.

  “Nevertheless, it
is my duty to avenge them. Perhaps I should introduce myself. I am the Destroyer of Worlds, the Harbinger of Death. I am the High Commander of the Blood Bringers. The new High Commander.”

  Of course he is.

  I quickly scan his body up and down, and realize I’m pretty much doomed. Just as I feared, he’s covered head-to-toe in leathery brown armor. I’d know that texture anywhere—it’s Sheeld—probably standard issue for them now. So even if I wanted to use the Orb of Oblivion—which I don’t—I couldn’t.

  But I still have my powers.

  “Sorry to disappoint,” I say, “but you won’t be avenging anybody today.” I concentrate hard, and bathe him with my negation powers.

  “Ridiculous child,” he says, advancing towards me. “Prepare to—” Then he stops, and realizes something’s wrong. He tries and tries, but can’t transform his body into anything. “What did you do?” he says.

  I cross my arms and smile. “So, tell me, what do you think of me now?”

  The High Commander lets out a deafening war cry, and lunges towards me. I dive out of the way as he crashes into the desk behind me, shattering it to pieces.

  Even though he’s powerless, he’s still capable of crushing me. I need to get out of here and find Grace 2! I need her help!

  As he rises, I hustle out of the building and back to the main street. Grace 2 spots me from up high, and floats down to meet me.

  “Where’d you go?” she says. “I’ve been looking all over for you!”

  “Fly in my soup,” I say. “Now let’s get out of here!”

  Suddenly, the entire façade of the building explodes outwards, blowing Grace 2 and me onto our backsides.

  When the dust clears, the High Commander stands before us. “No more games, child,” he says. “Now is the time for rev—Ahhhhhhh!”

  Suddenly, the High Commander drops to his knees, grabbing his head.

  “Get away from them!” comes a female voice.

  We turn to find a woman in black standing behind us.

  It’s Mom!

  “I brought them into this world,” she says, “and I’ll be the one to take them out.”


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