Epic Zero: Tales of a Not-So-Super 6th Grader Books 1-3 (Epic Zero Box Set)

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Epic Zero: Tales of a Not-So-Super 6th Grader Books 1-3 (Epic Zero Box Set) Page 21

by R. L. Ullman

  I feel a sharp pinch on my arm. He’s putting the syringe in! He’s going to kill me!

  “Drop the needle!” comes a familiar voice.

  I manage to open my eyes to find a woman’s dark, gloved hand wrapped around Leo’s wrist. And then, I watch—Mom?—sock the villain square across the jaw!

  And then I’m out.



  When I come to, I’m surrounded by concerned faces. The Zodiac are there, as are Grace 2, and Wind Walker. Gemini is squeezing my hand tightly.

  “He’s okay,” she says. “Thank the stars.”

  I’m still groggy. I try to sit up, but there’s something in the way. My left arm is in a cast!

  “Leo!” I say, “Leo’s—”

  “No longer a problem,” Grace 2 says. “Thanks to my mom.”

  Then I remember everything. At first, I thought just Leo and I were in the medi-wing. But Mom 2 was also there! She was on that table. She saved my life.

  Grace 2 steps aside, and her Mom is standing there, smiling. “I’m glad you’re okay, Elliott,” she says. “Despite everything I’ve done, you came back—you all came back—to rescue me. You reminded me of what it means to be a hero. And for that, I’ll never be able to thank you enough.” I watch as she reaches out for Grace 2’s hand.

  Grace 2 hesitates, and then takes it.

  “What about Leo?” I ask.

  “We tranquilized him, and locked him in the storage closet,” Scorpio says. “We’re going to swing by Alcan IV, the prison planet, and drop him off there. We had no idea he wasn’t who he said he was. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault,” I say, “I guess it’s been an adventure filled with surprises.”

  “Indeed,” Gemini says. And then she plants a kiss on my cheek.

  I turn beet red.

  “And they just keep on coming,” Grace 2 says.

  And we all laugh.


  Going home is bittersweet.

  For days it was all I could think about, but now that it’s finally here it’s hard to say goodbye.

  Grace 2 and Mom 2 leave first. Grace 2 and I hug for a long time, both of us with tears in our eyes. Even though we started off on the wrong foot, it’s amazing to think of how far we’ve come. I’m really going to miss her.

  Then, her Mom gives me a big hug. I thank her for saving my life, and she thanks me for saving hers—twice. I sure hope she lives up to her promises and becomes a hero again. She has lots of damage to undo on her world—especially with her daughter.

  I wave goodbye as they each take Wind Walker’s hand, and then disappear into his mystical vortex.

  Meeting these mirror versions made me realize how lucky I am to have parents who love me. As for my own Grace, I guess she’s not so bad. We love each other, even if we have a funny way of showing it.

  When Wind Walker returns, I know I’m next. The Zodiac surround me to say their goodbyes.

  “Epic Zero,” Scorpio says. “We couldn’t have done it without you. And we couldn’t imagine moving forward without making you an official member of our team.”

  “What?” I say. “Really?”

  “From this day forward, within our circle, you will be known as Serpentarius—the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac—unifier and healer of worlds.”

  And then Pisces steps forward and hands me something. It’s a badge—a symbol of a serpent!

  “That’s an official Zodiac communications link,” she says, hugging me. “If you ever need us, just push the button and we’ll be there.”

  I turn to the rest of the Zodiac. Taurus wraps me in a giant bear hug, and Sagittarius high-hoofs me. Then, Aries shakes my hand.

  “You know,” he says, “I really didn’t think you’d find the Building Block before me. But you sure proved me wrong.”

  “What can I say?” I answer. “Good things come in small packages.”

  He pats me on the shoulder and grins.

  And then I meet eyes with Gemini.

  She looks really sad. I don’t know what it is, but every time I’m around her I get a funny feeling in my stomach. “I’d love for you to visit my world sometime,” I say. “I know it’s not your home, but you might like it.”

  “I’d like that,” she says. “But first, I need to finish what I’ve started. But I’ll keep in touch. I promise” Then she gives me a peck on the cheek, and whispers, “See you soon, Elliott.”

  I feel my cheeks go flush as I join Wind Walker. He takes my hand, and summons one of his mystical voids. I scan the sad faces of the Zodiac one last time, and say, “Goodbye … team.”

  And then, they’re gone.

  Wind Walker leads me through his crazy, dark tunnel, and seconds later, we pop out the other side.

  We’re in my bedroom—on the Waystation!

  Wind Walker puts his hands on my shoulders, and says, “I am glad we are friends, and not foes. Be well, Epic Zero. If you ever need me, you only need to call.” And then he conjures up another void, steps inside, and is gone.

  I’m finally home. And it feels really weird. The last time I was here, Leo shot me, and that started this whole crazy adventure. I wonder if anyone’s around?

  I enter the hallway, and everything seems back to normal—there aren’t any alarms blaring or barricades in the way. As I make my way up the stairway my mind wanders to everything I’ve been through. There’s no more Orb. No more Order and Chaos. Who knows what the future holds?

  I enter the Galley where I find Mom, Grace, and Dog-Gone. Dog-Gone sees me first and charges me at full speed, bowling me over. I wrap my one good arm around his fuzzy neck and pull him close.

  “Elliott?” Mom says, running over. “Where have you been? We’ve been worried sick.”

  But I can’t answer under the barrage of face-licking.

  “The entire team is out looking for you,” Mom continues. “And what’s wrong with your arm? You’re in a cast.” Mom grabs me and pulls me close. It feels so good to hug her again.

  No sooner does she release me, than I’m wrapped up again—this time by Grace, who has a tear in her eye. “I’m glad you’re back, squirt,” she says. “Just don’t crease the cape.”

  “Elliott, what happened to you?” Mom asks.

  But all I can do is stare at them with tears streaming down my face. Normally, I’d be embarrassed, but right now I just don’t care. That’s my Mom with her brown hair, and my sister with her blond hair.

  I’m home.

  Grace hands me the end of her cape. “Fine,” she sighs, “wipe away.”

  I dab my eyes. “Boy, do I have a story for you guys. You’re never going to believe what happened.”

  “Can’t wait,” Grace says. “But do us a favor.”

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “This time, try not to leave out any of the critically important details,” she says with a wink.

  Mom calls the rest of the Freedom Force back to the Waystation, and it’s amazing to see them all again—especially Dad, who hugged me and wouldn’t let go.

  And then, over jelly doughnuts, I tell them everything.

  Well, everything except for Gemini, of course.

  I mean, I have to keep some things to myself.

  Epic Zero 3: Tales of a Super Lame Last Hope


  I’ve totally got this creep in the bag!

  The only thing standing between us is a lousy manhole cover, and once I crack this puppy open he’s all mine! I stick my fingers in the holes and yank, but the only cracking I hear comes from my back! I let go, and stretch my spine. Wow, that thing is heavier than Dog-Gone after a buffet lunch.

  I’m going to need leverage to lift this sucker up. Well, I guess the only good thing about standing in a disaster zone is there’s plenty of options. I grab a severed pipe, and shove it into the pick hole. Pushing down with all my might, the manhole pops open like a bottle cap. I drop the pipe, snatch the metal disc
with both hands, and roll it to the side.

  A rotten stench floods out of the opening straight into my nostrils. As tempting as it is to turn away, I can’t—not when there’s justice to be served! Pinching my nose, I crouch down at the edge, ready to drop into the dark abyss otherwise known as the Keystone City sewer system.

  All I need to do is jump.

  But … I can’t.

  And what’s worse, I know why.

  Maybe I should rewind. The trouble started an hour ago. I was hanging with my family on the Waystation, watching reruns of old sitcoms, when the Meta Monitor started blaring: “Alert! Alert! Alert! Meta 3 disturbance. Repeat: Meta 3 disturbance. Power signature identified as Alligazer! Meta 3 disturbance. Power signature identified as Alligazer!”

  Popcorn flew everywhere as we leapt into action. I can still hear Dad’s voice as we boarded the Freedom Flyer. “Remember, Freedom Force,” he warned. “Alligazer is big trouble.”

  Look, I’m not saying Dad’s wrong. I mean, I’d never faced Alligazer myself, but I knew all about him. After all, his ugly mug was posted at the top of our Meta Most Wanted List. With big, yellow eyes, and teeth sharper than ginsu knives, his was a face only a mother could love.

  But I’d probably go a step further than Dad. I’d say Alligazer is more than big trouble. In fact, I’d say he’s downright lethal.

  You see, once we reached the scene of the crime the only part of Keystone Savings Bank left standing was the vault. The rest of the building was gone, as in, completely obliterated. Alligazer had blown it to bits. But that wasn’t the worst part.

  Not by a long shot.

  Despite the massive damage, all these civilians were still hanging around. I couldn’t imagine why they didn’t run for their lives. So I went up to one guy to see what his problem was.

  And realized he was a statue.

  And it wasn’t just him. There were dozens more.

  All solid, stone statues.

  Petrified by Alligazer.

  There were police officers, bank tellers, customers. All innocent bystanders who got petrified—forever frozen in fright—never to move again!

  I was horrified. Immediately, I turned to TechnocRat. “We’ve got to save these people! We have to change them back to normal!”

  But he just shook his little head and said, “It’s not possible. Once they’ve turned to stone, their blood hardens and stops flowing. I’m afraid they’re gone.”

  I was so outraged—we all were—that I knew we had to catch Alligazer immediately, before he could do this to anyone else. But he was gone.

  Dad suggested we split into search teams to cover more ground. I partnered with Makeshift, but we couldn’t find Alligazer anywhere. I suggested Makeshift port to the top of a building to get a more panoramic view. I figured I’d be okay for a few seconds alone.

  And that’s when I spotted him—two yellow eyes, darting back and forth from beneath a truck. Then he emerged, big, green and muscular, dragging a long tail behind him. He was carrying a sack and scampered like lightning to the manhole. Then he lifted the cover like it was nothing, hopped inside, and closed it behind him.

  If I hadn’t see him, he would have gotten away with it. But that wasn’t going to happen on my watch.

  I briefly considered calling in the rest of the Freedom Force, but I figured I could handle it. I mean, I’m part of the team now and here was my chance to show them how much I’ve grown. If I could get close enough, I could simply negate his powers. Then, he wouldn’t be so dangerous. It all seemed pretty straightforward.

  So, why haven’t I jumped in to save the day?

  Images of those statues flash through my mind: a woman talking on a cell phone, a man looking up from his paper, a police officer heroically drawing her weapon. The only thing they had in common was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. That, and the sheer look of terror on their faces.

  I wonder if they felt their skin hardening? Their blood slowing? Their hearts stopping?

  Sweat trickles into my eyes, and I wipe it away. I’m totally freaked out. But if I don’t shake this now, Alligazer will escape. And then he’ll do it again.

  I’ve got a job to do—and thanks to Shadow Hawk and TechnocRat—now I’ve got the tools to do it. After my last adventure, I realized I needed more help in case I got in over my head—which seems to happen with more regularity than I care to admit.

  So they designed a utility belt just for me.

  Opening the front, left-side compartment, I pull out a mini-flashlight and clench it in my teeth. Then, I grab the rusty rails of the sewer ladder and begin my descent. Within seconds, I’m swallowed by darkness. Reaching the bottom, I jump off the last rung into ankle-deep, ice-cold sewer water.

  Freaking wonderful.

  The funky smell hits me hard, making my eyes water. I flick on the flashlight and shine it around. The sewer tunnel is damp and grey, with patches of dark moss growing all over. Large pipes run along the walls in each direction, covered by cobwebs. The water rushing over my feet is brown and sludgy.

  Well, this gets my vote as creepiest place ever.

  Unfortunately, there’s no sign of Alligazer. I’m kicking myself for waiting too long! I’ve got to catch him, but which way should I go?

  Just then, I hear squeaky noises to my right. Flashing my light, I catch a pair of gigantic rats running along a pipe attached to the wall. I’m guessing TechnocRat isn’t throwing a dinner party. But then I notice they’re carrying something in their mouths.

  It’s money!

  From the bank!

  Alligazer must have headed that way!

  I sprint ahead, but my sloshing feet echo noisily down the tunnel. Well, if he didn’t know I’m here, he certainly does now. I shine my flashlight around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the villain before he catches me.

  As I get sucked deeper and deeper into the bowels of the sewer, I start second guessing myself. I mean, maybe I shouldn’t be down here on my own. Maybe I should have called the rest of the Freedom Force. Maybe I’m—

  “Welcome,” comes a deep, slithery voice.

  —in serious trouble!

  That sounded like it came from in front of me! I aim my flashlight forward, but Alligazer’s not there.

  “You’re either really brave, or really stupid,” he says, this time from behind me. “These sewers are my home. You don’t stand a chance.”

  I spin around, but he’s not there either. He’s too fast!

  Suddenly, there’s a splash, and my flashlight is ripped clean out of my hand!

  “Now you’re really in the dark.” Alligazer says from yet another direction, his evil laugh reverberating through the sewer.

  It’s pitch black and I can’t see a thing. He’s probably standing right in front of me, watching me spin around like a blindfolded fool trying to bash a piñata. I know he can take me out if he wants to, but he’s not, which means he’s toying with me. He thinks I’m helpless.

  The thing is, I’m not.

  I dig into my utility belt and pull out a flare. I remove the cap and rub it against the rough surface of the stick. Suddenly, the sewer lights up like the Fourth of July. Now I know why Shadow Hawk never leaves home without one.

  I hold the burning flare away from my body and look around. Time to render him powerless. Now where’d he go?

  Just then, I hear a scratching noise over my head.

  No. Freaking. W—

  He lands on me hard—the force of his body pushing me under water. My nose scrapes the cement floor, and my mouth fills with sewage. I try getting up, but the floor’s so slick I lose my footing and re-submerge. Then, the current grabs me and I feel myself being pulled away.

  I reach out for something to stop my momentum, but the pressure is so strong I’m carried away! I find myself going under again and again. It’s hard to breathe! I flail my arms out, trying to hook onto something—anything. Finally, I grab a pipe dangling from the wall. My body slams hard into the cement surface and
I dig in my heels, catching them on a ridge. Steadying myself, I swing my leg over the pipe, hugging it with everything I’ve got.

  I’m gasping for air, lucky to be alive. Clearly, I’m miles from where I started. And there’s no sign of Alligazer. Then I realize the only reason I can see at all is because there’s another manhole right above my head—and it’s open—streaming in sunlight.

  Alligazer must have crawled along the ceiling and escaped! I didn’t know he could walk on walls. Time to update his Meta Profile. But I’ll have to do that later. Right now, I’ve got to get out of here.

  I reach into my utility belt and pull out a grappling gun. Then, I aim at the manhole, and fire. The claw shaped projectile latches onto the rim, stretching the cable taut. I release the trigger, and the cable retracts, pulling my sorry self out of the sewer and towards freedom.

  Reaching the surface, I roll back into civilization. I’m lying flat on my back—cold, wet, and reeking like a Porta Potty. I close my eyes and take in the fresh air.

  Well, that was an epic failure.

  “Ewww, gross!” a woman cries.

  Opening my eyes, I’m surrounded by video cameras.

  News cameras.


  “Is that a hero or villain?” some guy asks.

  “You know any heroes that smell like that?” another man answers.

  “Shut up and keep rolling,” a woman says. “Hey, kid, you responsible for all of this?”

  Wait. What?

  “Did you blow up the bank?”

  Are you kidding me?

  Suddenly, I’m bombarded with questions. I’ve got to get out of here, but I’m so wiped I can’t move.

  “Back off!” comes a familiar voice.

  Suddenly, the cameras part and Captain Justice strides through the crowd, his golden scales of justice a sight for sore eyes.

  “Please, back away,” he orders. “Give him space.”


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