Epic Zero: Tales of a Not-So-Super 6th Grader Books 1-3 (Epic Zero Box Set)

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Epic Zero: Tales of a Not-So-Super 6th Grader Books 1-3 (Epic Zero Box Set) Page 29

by R. L. Ullman

  “You can still rule,” the Orb says. “Just say the word.”

  “Here’s two words,” I say, “shut it.”

  “Suit yourself,” it says. “Hope you don’t barf.”

  CRACK! comes a sharp, bone-rattling noise, and suddenly, we’re bathed in light.

  “Yes!” TechnocRat 2 cries. “We’re through!”

  The Jump Ship skips along with reckless abandon. Every time we bump the ground it feels like a sucker punch to the gut. Arms and legs are flailing about everywhere. Finally, we break into a smooth roll, cruising along for what seems like miles before SMACKING into something solid that stops our momentum cold.

  I’m face down, my nose pressed into the bottom of the sphere. Propping myself on my elbows, I take in the scene around me. The Jump Ship looks like a hospital ward: Grace 2 has a bloody nose, Taser 2 is nursing his left arm, Ms. Understood 2 has a bruised eye, and Makeshift 2 is hugging TechnocRat 2 like he’s a teddy bear.

  “Is everyone okay?” TechnocRat 2 squeaks out.

  He’s answered with moans and groans.

  My neck is so sore it feels like I’ve got whiplash, but I don’t have time for pain. Right now, I just need to know if we made it back to my universe. There’s only one way to find out. I look around hopelessly for the door before I realize it’s spun to the top of the Jump Ship.

  “We need to make a plan,” I hear TechnocRat 2 say.

  A plan. Right, sounds good. I get up on my feet, and step on Makeshift 2’s back. “Hey!” he shouts, but I ignore him, and reach up for the latch.

  “Elliott, wait!” I hear Ms. Understood 2 say.

  The latch is outside my reach. I just need to stretch a little further ... a little more ...

  Got it!

  I pull down, and the door opens inwards. With considerable effort I swing up, grabbing the side of the opening, and haul myself up. When I’m halfway out of the Jump Ship, I balance myself, and take a look around.

  Hey, I know those buildings!

  That’s Main Street! There’s the ice cream shop! The police station! I’m back in Keystone City!

  My Keystone City!

  We did it! We really did—

  “Duck!” cries the Orb.

  Without thinking, I drop into the Jump Ship, just as something large WHOOSHES overhead!

  Luckily, the heroes catch me before I break my legs.

  “Elliott?” Grace 2 says. “You look as white as a ghost? What was it?”

  I’m not really sure.

  I need to get back up there.

  “Elliott?” she says.

  “Lift me up,” I say.

  This time, Makeshift 2 kneels down and I climb up onto his shoulders. He pushes me up and I wiggle my way out of the Jump Ship. I look into the sky.

  It’s filled with objects.

  Floating objects.

  They’re not clouds. Or airplanes. Or birds.

  They’re warships.

  Skelton warships.

  Hundreds of them.

  “Get out here now!” I order. “We’re under attack!”

  Grace 2 flies up and pulls me out of the Jump Ship. The other heroes scramble out and join us on the ground.

  “Holy guacamole!” Technocrat 2 says.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Grace 2 says.

  “There’s too many of them!” Taser 2 says.

  “We don’t have much time,” Ms. Understood 2 says. “We’ve need to get every civilian to safety. Quick, let’s assign roles.”

  The heroes converge, but I can’t seem to concentrate on anything they’re saying. My mind is completely somewhere else. I mean, what are all these Skelton warships doing here? The last time I saw the Skelton Emperor, Arena World was breaking into a billion pieces and I thought we had an understanding. I wanted nothing to do with him, and since I didn’t have the Orb of Oblivion, he had no use for me.

  He wouldn’t know I had another Orb, would he? It’s not possible. So, what’s his fleet doing here?

  “Elliott?” comes a female voice in my brain. “Is that you?”

  Spinning around, I find a colorful group of heroes heading our way. It’s the Freedom Force!

  My Freedom Force!

  They stop a few feet short of us, and stare at the strange crew around me.

  “Epic Zero,” Dad says, his fists clenched, “are you in danger?”

  “No, sir,” I say. “These are my friends. They’re the Freedom Force, but from a different universe.”

  “Say what?” Grace says. “What are you talking about?”

  “Look,” I say, “I know this is gonna sound weird, but our two universes are like, right on top of each other. In fact, they’re merging together and only one of them is going to survive because of a cosmic crisis called the Blur. But trust me, that’s not even our biggest problem right now. See, there’s this galactic monster on its way to eat our planet. And now, for some reason, we’re about to be invaded by Skelton. Are you guys following me?”

  “You mean, like, to the insane asylum?” Grace asks.

  “Absolutely fascinating,” TechnocRat says, rocketing over us in his jetpack to get a closer look at the Jump Ship. He turns to his gray double. “Unstable molecules?”

  “Yes,” TechnocRat 2 says excitedly. “I’ve been working with them for over a decade, but only in a laboratory setting. You wouldn’t believe how difficult it is to get unidentified—”

  “—atomic nuclei to cooperate?” TechnocRat finishes.

  “Great,” Grace says. “Now we’ve got techno-babble in stereo. Anyway, are these weirdos you’re with for real? And who in their right mind thought I’d look good as a brunette?”

  “Hey!” Grace 2 says. “You’re right, Elliott, she is rude!”

  “Rude?” Grace says. “I’ll show you rude!”

  “Isn’t that Taser?” Blue Bolt asks. “Isn’t he a villain?”

  “If you’re looking for villains,” Taser 2 says, pointing to Shadow Hawk, “Just look at him.”

  “You got a problem?” Shadow Hawk says menacingly.

  “Yeah,” Makeshift 2 says, stepping forward. “How’d you like a one-way ticket to Exile?”

  “Makeshift?” Captain Justice says. “You’re alive!”

  “Yeah,” Makeshift 2 says, powering up. “Which is more than I can say for you.”

  “Whoa! Whoa! Time out!” I say, stepping in between the teams. This isn’t exactly the reunion I was hoping for. They’re at each other’s throats! “Look, we’re all heroes here.”

  “Ell—I mean, Epic Zero,” Mom says firmly, “I’m sure your new friends are lovely people, but can you please tell me exactly where you’ve been? Clearly, disappearing for days on end without communication isn’t an issue for you, but for those of us responsible for your well-being it’s been a little nerve-wracking.”

  Oh, boy. I know that tone. “Didn’t you see my note?” I ask.

  “What note?” she asks, her arms crossed and foot tapping.

  “The note I left for you in … TechnocRat’s … incredibly messy laboratory. Right, sorry.”

  “We’ll finish this discussion later,” Dad says. “Now, about these friends of yours …”

  Okay, I’m in big trouble, but we’re all toast if I can’t stop them from being so distracted by each other that we fail to focus on what matters most.

  Distracted? Hang on. That’s it!

  O. M. G.

  I know what the Skelton are doing here!

  “You finally figured it out, huh, genius?” says the Orb.

  “Don’t start,” I respond.

  “We can take them,” it says. “You have all the power you need. It’s standing all around you.”

  “What? What does that mean?”

  Suddenly, there’s an intense blast of light, temporarily blinding us. Shielding my eyes, I look up.

  Hovering above us is the Herald!

  “Good day, heroes,” he says.

  “Um, is that the galactic monster you were telling us
about?” Grace asks.

  “No,” I say.

  “Then, who is he?”

  “I vote for bad news,” says Taser 2.

  “I am called the Herald,” he says. “So, we meet again, little hero.”

  Of course, more insults.

  “Wait,” Grace says. “You know that guy?”

  “Yep,” I say.

  “Is he a good guy?” she asks.

  “Nope,” I say.

  “Fabulous,” she says.

  “I told you I would return,” the Herald says.

  “And I see you brought friends,” I say.

  “Ah, yes,” he says, looking around. “When I required assistance to destroy Earth it did not take the Skelton long to sign up. In fact, they were quite motivated. I knew they would be.”

  “Why are they here?” I ask. “You didn’t need them when you helped Ravager destroy Protaraan.”

  “Protaraan did not have heroes,” he says. “I have found that heroes have a tendency to interfere where they do not belong.”

  “I thought so,” I say. “So the Skelton are here to distract us while you do your dirty work, huh? I guess you’re scared we’ll stop you.”

  “Oh, you will not stop me,” the Herald says. “I just prefer not to be slowed down.”

  I look him dead in the eyes. “We’ll do a lot more than slow you down.”

  “You amuse me, little hero,” he says. “But you cannot slow, what you cannot catch.”

  Then, he takes off in a flash, leaving a fiery trail behind him.

  “I’ll get him!” both Grace’s say simultaneously.

  But before they can move, there’s a THUNDERING noise from above.

  The Skelton warships are heading right for us!

  It’s begun.


  “Freedom Force—it’s Fight Time!”

  I watch Dad rally the troops as hundreds of Skelton warships race towards us. I wish I could stay and help, but I’ve got to stop the Herald. The only problem is how?

  He’s fast and already has a big head start. There’s no Freedom Ferry to jump into, and I certainly can’t fly.

  “Are you sure about that?” the Orb says.

  “I think I’d know if I could fly?” I answer.

  “That’s the old you talking,” it says. “Not the new you.”

  “What are you babbling about?”

  But there’s no time to figure that out, because the Skelton are on top of us. Master Mime encases us in a bubble of purple energy, blocking the barrage of laser fire, but his shield is taking a pounding. I can see Master Mime struggling to keep it intact. I’m not sure how long he’ll hold up. In fact, I’m not sure how we’re going to survive this!

  “We need to draw them away from the city!” Mom says. “Captain Justice, Master Mime, Blue Bolt, you provide cover. Everyone else follow me.”

  Suddenly, the two Grace’s grab my arms and lift me into the air. “Let’s go, Bro,” my sister says.

  “Wait!” I yell, “Put me down!” But they’re not listening. They’re carrying me away—in the opposite direction of the Herald!

  “Stop squirming and relax,” Grace 2 says. “We’ve got to get you safe, then we’ll deal with that fireball.”

  But they don’t understand. The Skelton aren’t the real danger here—it’s the Herald!

  I watch as Dad, Master Mime and Blue Bolt stand their ground against the advancing armada. Dad is grabbing anything he can get his hands on—abandoned cars, street poles, trash cans—and launching them into the heart of the Skelton formation. Blue Bolt is running in circles, kicking up tornadoes that catch Skelton warships and spin them back into space. Master Mime created a giant purple tennis racket and is backhanding warships left and right.

  But there’s just too many of them.

  Dozens are slipping through the cracks.

  They’ll be on us soon.

  “Now!” the Orb says.

  “Now what?”

  “Open your mind,” it says. “Use me.”


  “Last time you gave in to me,” it says. “But then you pulled back. Let me in. Let me in completely. It’s the only way.”

  Despite my objections, I feel myself being drawn to its power—it’s like an itch I need to scratch deep inside my brain. I feel it pulling me. Luring me in.

  I try to resist, but it’s so hard. Then, I realize the Orb has simply been biding its time, waiting patiently for the moment where I need it so desperately that I have no choice but to let it completely occupy every nook and cranny of my mind.

  I can’t let that happen.

  “You are strong,” it says. “Far stronger than the other child. But your time is running out.”

  The ships are closing in fast.

  “The Herald is already at work. This may be your final chance,” it says. “Open your mind. Let me in.”

  But I can’t.

  “Then you have lost,” it says. “You have lost everything.”

  The lead Skelton warship fires a blast near Makeshift 2. His scream pierces the air as he falls. He’s hurt, clutching his leg!

  Images of my Makeshift cross my mind. He’s dead now—a petrified statue—because of me. Because I failed to act when I needed to. I swore I wouldn’t let anyone get hurt because of me again.

  Captain Justice 2’s words echo in my mind: being a hero is about sacrifice, no matter how painful the consequences may be.

  I know what I’ve got to do.

  I close my eyes.

  “Give me the power,” I say. “All of it. Now.”

  “Yes!” the Orb exclaims.

  I relax my mind and feel a strange sensation running through my body. It’s like my cells are opening up—unlocking—filling with an incredible energy. Suddenly, I feel super-charged. Electric. Dominant.

  The only other time I felt like this was when I was inside the mind of … of … Meta-Taker!

  “Am … am I a Meta 4?”

  “You are all powerful,” the Orb says. “You can call it whatever you wish.”

  So, if I’m like Meta-Taker, then that means I can duplicate the powers of other Metas! Is that why he told me I could …

  Holy. Freaking. Cow!

  “How do I do it?” I ask quickly.

  “It’s simple. You just reach out and take it,” the Orb says.

  I close my eyes and push out with my mind. But instead of negating Grace 2’s powers, this time I copy it, reproduce it, and pull it back into my body.

  “Elliott, what are you doing?” Grace says. “Stop twisting, you’re going to—Elliott!”

  I break loose from their grip and start free falling.

  For a second, I’m terrified. Visions of splattering on the ground fill my brain. But then, I extend my arms and think ‘FLY.’

  And suddenly, I stop my descent.

  I’m … floating?

  I … I did it!

  “Hey,” Grace 2 says. “How’d you do that?”

  “Tell you later,” I say. Suddenly, I remember Meta-Taker’s profile. There was a part about him being able to duplicate the powers of more than one Meta of the same power type. “But right now I’m going to need your power too.” I reach out and copy Grace’s flying ability as well. I can feel their powers multiplying inside of me. “Look, I’ve got to stop the Herald. Do your best to get rid of these Skelton. And please, don’t get killed.”

  “Elliott,” Grace says, “Wait a—”

  But before she can finish, I’m gone.

  The wind snaps against my face as I fly through the sky under my own power. It kind of feels like swimming, where the water you displace weighs more than you do, keeping you afloat. But instead of water, I’m being buoyed by air molecules, and there’s no chlorine stinging my eyes.

  A few Skelton warships break formation and get on my tail, but with the flight powers of both Glory Girls, I’m way too fast for them. After a few seconds, they fall behind and give up. I’m guessing I’ve dropped comple
tely off their radars.

  I make my way back to Keystone City where there’s not a Skelton in sight. The combined powers of the Freedom Force did a great job pulling the shapeshifters away from the city, but there’s tons of damage. Unfortunately, I can’t clean it up now, because I’m here to pick up something else—the Herald’s fiery trail.

  Fortunately, it’s still blazing strong.

  I take off, following its path.

  “Wait, there are no Meta’s here,” the Orb says. “The city is vulnerable.”


  “So now is a good time to begin your reign,” it says. “To take command of your lowly subjects and rule.”

  “Yes, good point.”

  Wait a minute! What did I just say?

  Why would I think that? The Orb is messing with me. And besides, that’s crazy talk. I don’t want to rule anything! Right?

  “Stop it! Get out of my head!”

  “Remarkably, you are still holding back,” it says. “Trust me and let go.”

  I feel the Orb burrowing into my brain. Somehow, I’ve got to keep it in line. I can’t let it take me over. I’ve got a job to do.

  I’m over the west coast when I notice something disturbing—there’s a second blazing pathway. That can only mean one thing, the Herald’s made two rotations around Earth already!

  I vividly recall what I saw him do to Protaraan, circling the doomed planet over and over again until he left a signal in the form of a bright, fiery atom which was visible from any point in the universe.

  A signal for Ravager to come and feed.

  I switch to the new trail and kick into overdrive.

  I’m really motoring now when I notice a strangely familiar set of islands dotting the ocean below.

  And that’s when I see him, a bright fireball cruising through the sky.

  “Halt!” I yell.

  The Herald peers over his shoulder and smirks. Then he stops mid-flight, and I go shooting past. Not exactly the heroic entrance I was hoping for.

  “Little hero,” he says. “You are either brave, or a fool.”

  I manage to put on the brakes, and head back towards the villain. During our last encounter I didn’t have nearly enough power to take him down. But this time it’s going to be different. “This ends now,” I say.

  Just then, I notice something’s wrong. I’m sinking. Lowering in the sky.


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