Mister Protector : Mister Mountain Men, Book 2

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Mister Protector : Mister Mountain Men, Book 2 Page 3

by Lark Avery

  “You know how it is.” She batted her eyelashes at me. “Word gets around.”

  Who was her spy? Gary? Max? Someone I didn’t even suspect? But that could wait. Something more urgent needed dealing with.

  “I’m repaying the loan.” I shoved my fists deep in my jacket pockets. I wouldn’t ever hit a woman, but if that rule ever changed, Rika would be the first.

  “Dane, dear! That was a gift.” She wrapped her arms around herself. Maybe to keep her cold heart warm.

  I learned too late Rika’s gifts came with deadly strings attached.

  “All the same, I’d like to pay it back.” Our affair was brief and powerful. I’d say she was a cougar, but that wasn’t right. She was like a vampire even though I knew there was no such thing.

  “If you insist.” She held out her hands again.

  “I don’t have the money with me but I can bring it to you.” The last thing I wanted was for her to show up at Ash’s cabin.

  Her eyes narrowed under her hat’s brim. Her glance at the truck was curious. And calculating. “You’ve been a busy boy, Dane, for only just arriving back in town.”

  Trudy. She was talking about Trudy. I didn’t want this woman even to know Trudy existed, let alone link her to me.

  “What are you up to, Rika?”

  “You really have to ask?” She pouted. “I thought you’d be all caught up on the news. After all, your little girlfriend had an unfortunate accident.”

  “Leave Snow Ridge alone. No one will bother you.”

  “It’s not me I’m worried about.” She brushed the falling snow off one arm. “It’s Snow Ridge that I worry about.”

  A growl escaped me. “You can’t just threaten, maim, or kill whoever you want to.”

  “Of course, I can. I’m protecting what’s mine. Just like you.” She nodded pointedly toward the truck.

  Nothing with Rika was ever simple. I had to talk to Ash.

  I ran my hand through my hair, dislodging some snow. “There must be a way to solve this.”

  “There is. You and your brother stop trying to build up this town. I burned it down before. I’ll do it again. The traps are just a warning just like last time.” She cocked her head at me. “I’m curious. You hate Snow Ridge. I gave you the money to leave. Why rebuild? Is it because of her?”

  My gut twisted when I denied Trudy, but I feared what would happen if Rika knew she was important to me. “I’m just giving a friend a ride home from work.”

  “Interesting.” She tapped her gloved finger to her bright red lips. “I look forward to receiving your visit. You do still know where I live, right?”

  God, help me. I did.



  I was impatient on a good day. With Dane talking to some Yeti in the middle of the road during a snowstorm, I was freaking out. Who the hell was that? I’d never seen anything like it. I thought it was a woman, but she was wrapped head to toe in furs.

  Dane blocked my view when he spoke with her. My breath fogged up the windows, and I strained my ears but still couldn’t hear a thing they said. What I did know was that a crushing sense of doom was settling over me.

  Something was seriously wrong here.

  Their interaction was brief. Within minutes, Dane walked away, and the figure had disappeared back into the snow.

  “What was that about?” I asked when Dane climbed back in the truck. He got in, slammed the door, and sat without answering me. A shiver wracked his whole body, and his teeth chattered.

  “Hey, you all right?” I cranked the heat full blast, then scooted over to wrap my arms around him.

  He didn’t speak for several minutes. “Let’s go back to my place.”

  “Of course.” I slid over, giving him just enough room to drive but not wanting to be separated from him even by the length of the seat.

  We pulled into Ash’s cabin, where Dane was staying. Only then did he angle his head down. His lips were stiff with cold as he kissed me. I shivered, but not from the temperature.

  I pulled back, watching him closely. I’d been in love with him since seventh grade. Was this fling thing between us crazy? Yes and no. I loved being with him. Snow Ridge wasn’t great, but it was home for me. I belonged here, but Dane didn’t.

  I’d stopped wishing Dane would love Snow Ridge when I realized what attracted me to him was how unusual he was. That and his cock rocked my world.

  We hurried inside the cabin. Dane locked the door, which surprised me. That was usual for Snow Ridge. Visitors were rare when miles and miles separated us.

  Inside, Dane built up the fire. I poured us two glasses of wine.

  “Let’s talk after we eat,” he said.

  I was bursting with curiosity, but he looked deathly pale. Whatever happened out there had upset him badly. Dane was not an easy person to unsettle. I’d have to be patient.

  “Do you need some help?” I asked, leaning against the counter.

  “Come keep me company.” He pulled some steak from the fridge.

  Living in Snow Ridge, I wasn’t picky about food. Dane was a serious foodie, so I benefitted from his kitchen creativity. In a matter of minutes, delicious aromas had my stomach growling. The things he could do with a stick of butter was downright sinful.

  The fire crackled in Ash’s hewn-timber cabin, making a cozy feel. Dane’s housekeeping was tidy, unlike his twin’s piles of laundry and mail. I pulled out my updated building-code book and flipped it open while Dane cooked. It was difficult to concentrate.

  I was in a cabin shrouded by snow with an Alpha male, and I wasn’t wearing panties since he’d pocketed mine earlier in the day. The setup would generally be too good to waste, but whatever we had encountered on the road was a mood killer.

  “You need more protein; that’s why you’re tired all the time.” He handed me a small plate piled with cheese, crackers, and salami.

  “Is this real salami?” I sniffed it before popping a piece in my mouth. It smelled delicious. A girl could only eat so much venison.

  Dane’s weary smile tugged at my heart. “I brought some supplies with me. Eat.”

  My stomach growled again. This time loudly enough that both of us could hear it.

  His face looked strained, but there was a fierceness in his eyes. He wasn’t pleased about something, but he was struggling with what to do about it.

  “Feeling better?” he asked when I polished off the plate of snacks. His raised eyebrows made me blush.

  “I just ate that entire plate of food.” It was supposed to be classy appetizers, not an all-you-can-eat buffet. That was what I got for skipping lunch. “Stuff a cold, starve a fever, right?” My cheeks heated.

  Once Snow Ridge developed a sizable population, we’d have groceries flown in. Now, if it wasn’t wild game, our food was almost entirely from a box or can. It would be just one of the benefits of having a year-round community.

  “If you need stuffing, I’m your guy.” Dane winked at me. Good. He was coming back to himself. That made my heart beat a little faster.

  “Don’t try to use sex to distract me, Dane Barlow,” I said primly. “After dinner, we are totally discussing this evening’s mystery guest.”

  “We will, I promise.” Dane smoothed my hair aside and kissed my neck.

  Dinner was like something from a cooking show. Steak, potatoes covered with a tasty sauce and some green asparagus which I’d not had in years. My appetite was unaffected by the evening’s earlier drama, and I ate like a lumberjack. I finished off my wine, enjoying the pleasant buzz it gave me.

  “Now, tell me everything.” I pushed our empty plates aside. No more distractions. Anxiety and curiosity tumbled out of me.

  Dane took my hand. His fingers were still cold. “That woman wanted to give a message to Ash. She didn’t know he was gone.”

  Even though the cabin was warm, I felt chilled again.

  “She said if we don’t stop rebuilding Snow Ridge, she’ll make us leave. She’s been setting the traps.”

  Blood pounded in my ears. This fucking bitch had almost succeeded in killing me. She was still out there. Right, this minute, she could be setting more traps too.

  “She told you she’s setting the traps, and you didn’t arrest her? Let’s go get her now.” I no longer felt cold. I felt boiling hot. Something wasn’t right here.

  “Trudy.” Dane’s eyes slid away from mine. “You almost died. Your foot is still healing. Even I’m not sure how to stop her.”

  “But she needs to be stopped.”

  “I know. I’m the sheriff, remember? You’re not forming a lynch party. She’ll kill you before you even get near her.”

  “You’re defending her!”

  “I’m protecting you.”

  “She’s just one person. You seriously want to give in to her demands? Have us all pack up and leave Snow Ridge because she says so? Of course, you do. You’re leaving anyway. I can tell you one thing: Ash won’t stop. And neither will I.” I got up from the table. Going home sounded better now. I needed fresh air.

  Dane caught up with me. “Don’t be angry. We need to think. She’s dangerous. It’s not the first time she’s done this.”

  “Is she the same one who destroyed Snow Ridge fifteen years ago?” The thought of my immediate and extended family leaving here still gnawed at me.

  “I don’t know. Maybe. Look, it’s late. Stay tonight. I need to think about how to deal with this.” He pulled me into his arms.

  My cheek pressed against his chest. Underneath those chiseled pecs, his steady heartbeat calmed me. A weariness radiated from Dane that I had never experienced before. Being up here was difficult for him. Until his brother returned, he was stuck doing a job in a town he resented.

  I was wiped out too. Must’ve been all the drama. A good night’s sleep would only help. Now that we knew who was behind the traps, we’d form a plan together. Max and Gary would help. Well, Gary, for sure. Max might leave town rather than risk his well-being.

  While Dane cleared up the dishes, I headed for the bedroom. I snuggled under the down comforter, feeling the heaviness of my limbs on the bed. Tonight’s events ticked through my mind again.

  Something wasn’t right. I wished Dane had arrested her when he’d had the chance. Her sitting in the jail here would at least be a start. What was he hiding?

  I rolled onto my side. I pulled the billing code regulation book off the nightstand. It was heavy enough that I had to read it with one hand propped under my head. I stared at the page unseen, though. This sleuthing was tougher than I thought. In my mystery novels, the detectives find more clues.

  Dane slid into bed beside me.

  I continued reading in the glow of the small bedside light. “Goodnight,” I called over my shoulder.

  Dane rolled up behind me. In one smooth motion, his bare cock pressed my ass while his knee gently wedged itself between my legs. Of course, he was naked.

  Then again, so was I.

  His cock tapped my ass repeatedly.

  That was distracting. I read the same paragraph twice.

  “I should be learning this code stuff too. Read it aloud.” His breath feathered my neck. He’d propped himself on one elbow, ostensibly to read over my shoulder.

  I suspected he was staring at my breasts—a suspicion that was confirmed when one large hand stroked my nipple. For a small-breasted woman, I appreciated gravity’s assistance. He continued down the fuller underside while gently tugging on my nipple with his thumb and index finger. Deep inside me, a tension began that I didn’t want to stop.

  “I’m trying to read,” I murmured. “I’m used to computer code manuals, not building code.”

  “Please continue.” He kissed my bare shoulder.

  “You’re not helping,” I said, angling my neck, so he had more territory to cover.

  “But I am.” Dane raised his knee higher, widening my legs more. His hand dropped from my breast to help slide his cock between my thighs. I tried squeezing my legs together to capture his cock, but his wouldn’t budge.

  My hand left the codebook. I reached down to rub the head of his cock against my bare pussy. God, that felt good. His cock was hard, and his head was slightly sticky with pre-cum. I swallowed. I wanted what was coming to come next between us very badly.

  Dane gently took my hand from his cock, raising it to my mouth. I sucked my fingers, which were wet with his pre-cum. “Be a good girl and clean my cum off your fingers. Now keep reading, and I’ll touch you. Stop reading, we’re done.” He returned my hand to the book.

  “You’re kidding.” I stared over my shoulder at him. “Your cock is nestled against my cunt.”

  His grin was feral. “Try me.”



  I was never one to back down from a challenge. After all, I taught myself all about computer coding because no one else was around. I was stubborn like that. And I was used to being independent.

  With Dane beside me, though, life was more interesting. And if he was inside me, that was even better. I rolled over onto my back, shoving the codebook to the floor with a thud.

  I reached for Dane’s cock, looking up into his handsome face. “Now, where were we?”

  His eyes closed briefly, and he swallowed.

  Suddenly I didn’t feel the least bit tired. I stroked his cock, gradually increasing my pace.

  With one hand propping up his head, his free one explored the soft skin between my thighs. He teased my clit, and I adjusted my hips, trying to capture one of his probing fingers. He was teasing me, just skirting the edges of my pussy lips.

  “Would it kill you to finger me?” I grumbled, intensifying my strokes of his cock.

  Dane slid the tip of his finger inside my pussy. I arched my back up, trying to get more of his touch. I wanted him to stroke me there so badly I bit my lip.

  Fine. Two can play at this game.

  I released his cock and pushed him over onto his back. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. We both knew he was Dominant Dane. I loved his fucking Alpha male relentless desire.

  But I had a surprise for him.

  Pushing the bedcovers back so that the colder air skimmed my skin, I slid down the length of him, my tits grazing his chest hair. He groaned as my nipples grazed his belly, and then I settled my tits on either side of his cock.

  Rubbing my tits against his thighs with his cock tucked in the valley between them felt fantastic. My pussy startled to tingle. Glancing down more pre-cum beaded from the tip of his cock.

  I flicked my tongue out ever so lightly and licked his sweet saltiness away.

  “Fuck.” Dane breathed.

  Then I angled my chin down and gently placed my lips around the head of his cock. I sucked on just the tip till my mouth salivated to take more of him. I could feel my own wetness too. Dane excited me to a degree that frightened me.

  I advanced my lips, sliding down the length of him. The tip of his cock touched the back of my throat.

  “Sweet Jesus.” Dane’s hips came off the bed.

  I sucked him long and hard. The only sound in the room besides Dane’s moans was my sticky lips.

  Giving him this pleasure fueled my own excitement. I increased my pace by applying more pressure. I was intent on my task now. My nipples rubbing against his leg hair as I sucked him was making me close to coming. I had expected to get Dane off with my actions. I hadn’t expected that I’d be coming too.

  I was lost in the feel and taste of him. My body thrummed with desire.

  Suddenly I could feel my orgasm coming, and it was like a freight train barreling down at me. I was powerless to stop it, and more importantly, I didn’t want to. I was going to come sucking Dane off. I couldn’t think of anything more beautiful.

  “Fuck, Trudy!” Dane cried as he released his load down my throat. I swallowed his thick cream, gulping at my desire for him. When he was done, I licked his sticky head clean.

  He gazed down at me. His thumb tenderly stroked my lower lip. “You have an a
mazing mouth, you dirty girl.”

  I smiled smugly up at him, where I rested my head on his taunt belly. “I like sucking you off. Is that a problem, Sir?”

  “Not a problem at all. Now that I know how talented that mouth of yours is, I’ll have to put it to good use.”

  I fondled his balls. They were heavy and smooth. “Next time, I’ll suck these bad boys too.”

  “What am I going to do with you?” He pulled me higher up the bed so that now I lay with my chin propped up on his chest.

  He stroked my cheek now, but his thumb kept trailing back to my lower lip. I bit it lightly, pleased by his sharp intake of breath.

  “Rollover, dirty girl. I’m going to show you what happens when you suck me off like that.”

  I suppressed a cheer and rolled over onto my stomach. I folded my arms under my head, turning it to the side. It was just like getting a massage, an intimate massage.

  I was eager to find out what Dane had in store for me.

  Behind me, he spread my legs wide with his knees. “Your skin is so soft.” He kissed my lower back, then my ass. He spread my ass cheeks. Anxiety welled up—I wasn’t feeling that adventurous.

  “Someday soon, you’ll be begging me to take that sweet ass of yours.” He murmured.

  He kissed my back, alternating between light kisses and nips with his teeth. I loved his touch; I wanted him so badly. I should’ve just kept sucking. He would be the one begging me now.

  Dane slid one arm under my waist, and my ass lifted in the air. I started to raise my head.

  “Keep your head down.” His palm slapped my ass.

  I jerked back with shock. What the fuck? My ass cheek tingled. It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t what I was expecting. Dane was stroking his long fingers gently over where his palm had been. His touch was so light and gentle, I barely felt it. Strangely it just made me crave another slap.

  I wiggled my ass, and Dane’s palm came down again on the other cheek. This time I was ready, and the sting set all my nerves on fire. Dane’s gentle stroking after that was more torture than relief. I wanted to feel the fire again.


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