Dragon Xmas Miracle

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Dragon Xmas Miracle Page 3

by Maia Starr

  I watched as they talked, and it seemed the conversation was getting heated. The other man, whom I heard Kellan call Daryus, was flinging his arms back and forth pointing toward the house. He looked toward the house, and I quickly turned away from the window. They were fighting, and it was about me. I didn’t understand why I was the subject of their disagreement. I wished I could hear what they were saying but thought it better that I wasn’t hearing it. I turned back to the window to see Kellan’s friend headed off the porch. I put the curtain back in place and turned around. I pretended to read as Kellan came inside and slammed the door. I looked up from my book as Kellan stood in front of me his arms crossed in front of his chest.

  “I wish you hadn’t paraded yourself around the island today; now things are going to get even harder around here!” I was startled by his anger. I hadn’t been told that I couldn’t leave and his anger riled me. I stood and laid the book down on the table in front of the couch and walked to him. I stood toe to toe letting him know that I wasn’t afraid of him.

  “I don’t know what your problem is; I was never told I had to stay inside, and if that was the case, you should’ve made me aware of it from the start! If I had known that I was going to be held prisoner here, I’d have left the minute I woke up. I’ve been someone’s prisoner before; I am not doing it again!”

  I hadn’t realized how loud I had gotten until he backed away from me with a surprised look on his face. He held up his hands in surrender, and I stormed off to my bedroom and slammed the door. I grabbed my bag and began stuffing the little clothes I had inside it. Once I finished, I threw the door open and made my way down the hall. He looked at me with a look of confusion and shock as he noticed my bag.

  “Amelia, what are you doing? You can’t go out there! You can’t leave!” I whirled around to face him, as anger flashed in my eyes. How dare he think he could stop me!

  “I can, and I will! You can’t keep me here!” I tried to fight against him as he blocked me from the door. He grabbed my arms and pulled me to him.

  “Amelia, you can’t leave because it isn’t safe for you. Come and sit down and I’ll explain it to you. Please, don’t leave.” He released me and stepped back; I saw the sadness in his eyes. I decided to hear him out before deciding. I sat my bag by the door and walked with him to the couch.

  I sat beside him on the couch and waited for him to speak. I felt the nervous tension radiate from him, and I knew he didn’t want to say anything, but he seemed to really want me to stay. “Look, Amelia, I am not trying to keep you captive here, but I was trying to keep you safe from the possible wolves and from some of the men here on the island. They didn’t know about you, and now they do so my job just got a little harder.” I knew what he was saying was the truth, but it angered me to be considered a “job” by him. I didn’t know if it was pregnancy hormones, but I became angry once again.

  “I’m sorry I am such an inconvenience. Had I known I was a job for you, I’d have saved more money to pay you.”

  I stomped off toward the guest room and slammed the door as he followed me protesting the entire time.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, Amelia! Come on; don’t shut me out. I don’t view you as a job, but I do see it as my job to keep you safe while you’re a guest in my home.” I could tell he was still outside the door, so I opened it. He leaned against the door jamb with a look of deep sadness on his face.

  “Okay, Kellan, I understand. I’ll stay here, and I’ll stay hidden, so your job won’t be so hard.” I reached out and took his hand, and he smiled at me. I didn’t understand why I felt the need to grab his hand but the desire to comfort him was strong. I had never felt the things I had felt the past few days for anyone else, and it scared me a bit.

  We spent the rest of the evening in silence, and I tried to ignore the feelings that were pushing into my mind. I knew I shouldn’t feel the way I felt for him after only being there for three days, but he seemed different than any other man I had met. Though I had thought the same thing about Danny and look where that got me.

  Kellan went to bed early and left me alone in the living room. I wasn’t tired, so I wandered back to the bookshelf. I grabbed the book about dragons and began to read. Suddenly, Kellan appeared in front of me and transformed into a big blue dragon. I couldn’t believe my eyes and screamed in fright. I tried to run, but as I flung the door open to leave, Danny jumped on the porch and grabbed me. He proceeded to drag me off the porch as I kicked and screamed until he dropped me in the sand; it was at that moment the big blue dragon flew up behind Danny, and in one swift motion, swallowed him whole.

  I jumped and realized it had been a dream. I had fallen asleep with the book in my lap. I decided to put the book back and go to bed. I wondered why I had dreamed something so strange; the book hadn’t been that different. It had been about an island full of dragons that looked like humans. I drifted off to sleep and hoped I’d dream of the big blue dragon again.

  Chapter Four


  I watched Amelia from my doorway as she grabbed the book off the bookshelf and started to read. I hoped that she hadn’t figured out my secret, but I knew it would be for the best if she did. I sighed in relief as I watched her doze off and I decided to go to sleep as well. Sometime later, I heard her cry out, and I hurried down the hall but hid around the corner to watch her. She stood and put the book back on the shelf and headed toward the hallway. I hurried back to my room and listened as she shut her bedroom door. I wondered what her dream had been about and made a mental note to ask her in the morning.

  Morning came quickly, and I shook the drowsiness from my head as I made my way to the kitchen. Amelia wasn’t up yet, so I decided to surprise her with breakfast in bed. The food was almost finished when she came down the hallway. I was a bit disappointed, but I didn’t say anything. She grabbed a coffee mug and reached for the coffee pot as I sat her plate on the table.

  “Good morning, Amelia. Sleep well?”

  She eyed me suspiciously, and I smiled as I sat beside her at the table. She nodded in response to my question as she inhaled her breakfast. I had never seen a human eat as fast as she was eating. I was concerned, and I must have looked it because she slowed down and dropped her eyes to the table.

  “Sorry, I just woke up extremely hungry for some reason. I’ll try to slow down.”

  I grinned and picked up my fork as she continued to eat. I sensed fear in her but didn’t understand what she could be afraid of. It wasn’t me, was it? Had I done something to frighten her? I thought back to our argument and how I yelled at her. Was she afraid of me now since I yelled at her? I had so many questions burning inside me, but I didn’t want to scare her away by asking them. I did want to know what made her cry out the night before. After we had eaten and cleared the dishes, I asked Amelia to go on a walk with me. I smiled as she agreed to go, and I went to get ready.

  When I came back down the hall, she was dressed and ready. She tapped her foot impatiently as I slipped my shoes on. As we were about to leave the hut, she stopped and turned toward me as she opened the door.

  “How did you go from wanting me to stay inside to taking me for a walk? I thought I was in danger and needed to be kept inside to be safe?”

  I laughed at her obvious sarcasm as I ushered her out the front door and closed it behind me. I locked it with the key and motioned for her to follow me.

  “I know a place we can take a walk that no one will see you. It’s a secret place on the island that only I know about,” I told her as we headed for the wooded area toward the back of the hut. She followed behind me as I led her up a hill that took us deeper into the trees. Once we were under the encompassing cover of the trees, I slowed my pace so that she could walk beside me.

  “I heard you cry out last night; did something happen? Why didn’t you come to get me?” She looked shocked at first, and she was silent for several minutes. I continued up the hill and hoped she’d answer me. I wondered if she would tell the tr
uth or if she would lie. I knew I should tell her that I knew she read the book, but I wanted to see if she’d be honest with me about it. Finally, we reached the top of the hill, and there was a clearing full of wildflowers. We walked to the middle of the clearing and circled around and took in the beauty before us. I heard Amelia gasp as she took it all in. She spun around in circles until she couldn’t stand up. She tumbled into the wildflowers and pulled me down with her as I tried to catch her.

  I hovered over her and stared into her eyes as she giggled, and suddenly the atmosphere changed between us and a burning desire welled up in me. Without thinking, I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers and moaned in surprise as her lips moved against mine. I pulled back from her panting; the need for more of her made it hard to resist her.

  “I’m sorry, Amelia, I shouldn’t have done that. I’m supposed to be protecting you, not kissing you.” I sat up and put some distance between us. The desire for her burned inside me, and I knew if I didn’t get some distance, I wouldn’t be able to control myself. I wanted to claim her as mine, but not yet. Not like this. I wanted her to want it as bad as I did. I wanted her to want me. I turned to face her as she put her hand on my arm.

  “Kellan, you don’t have to be sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong. It was just a kiss, and a very nice kiss at that.” Her cheeks flushed pink as she spoke.

  I smiled and scooted close to her again, and I felt my dragon push forward, reminding me I didn’t have much time to find a mate. I quieted the dragon as best I could and turned my attention to the questions I had for Amelia about the night before.

  “Are you going to answer my question? I guess I should let you know that I ran into the hall when I heard you cry out and I saw the book in your lap.”

  Amelia looked horrified as she scooted away from me. I knew she was afraid she was going to be in trouble for reading it, but I was glad she had. I didn’t know how far she got but her having read it would make it easier for me when I had to tell her what I was.

  “I’m sorry, Kellan, I know you didn’t want me to read it, but I was curious, and I have felt like you were hiding something from me since the day you brought me here. I just wanted to see if maybe it could tell me what it was you were hiding. Please don’t be angry with me.”

  I knew I needed to assure her that I wasn’t angry, but it was fun watching her squirm a bit. I was about to say something when Daryus approached with another member of our clan. I saw anger in their eyes and fear in hers. I knew if I didn’t keep this situation under control, things could get worse. I swallowed my fear as I smiled at them as they approached us.

  “Daryus! Shiloh! I didn’t realize you two knew where this place was. What can I do for you, gentleman?” I stood between them and Amelia as Shiloh’s gaze had rested on her. Daryus stepped close to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

  “Kellan, I tried to keep it from happening, but I told you it might since she ventured out on the island. The other members are angry that you kept her a secret, and they want a shot at claiming her.” Anger welled in me as he finished the last sentence and I balled my hands into fists.

  “No one is claiming her for anything; she isn’t interested in being anyone’s mate; she just needed a place to hide from the wolf that kidnapped her. You can go back and tell everyone that this human is off limits. If I see or hear of anyone trying to make advances toward her or claim her, there will be severe consequences.” Daryus stood toe to toe with me but backed off when I finished my statement. Shiloh stood behind Daryus and never took his eyes off Amelia.

  “Kellan, you are a liar!” Shiloh shouted. “You say no one can claim her but you have every intention of claiming her, don’t you? That whole story about her hiding from a wolf is complete bull crap, isn’t it? You just don’t want any trouble. Well, all I can say is you have trouble because keeping her a secret was one thing but lying about your intentions with her is another.”

  I raked my hand through my hair as they started to walk away. I had no idea how I was going to keep her safe now and keep my secret. They would come for her and for me and I would have to shift to defend us. I watched her as she stood quickly and started after Daryus and Shiloh. I went after her and tried to stop her, but she pulled away from me.

  “Kellan isn’t lying! I am running from a wolf shifter that kidnapped me. Danny was chasing me and caused me to get into a car accident on the interstate and Kellan saved me. If it weren’t for him, I would be dead. He’s also right about me not wanting to be claimed. I don’t want to be considered property; I want to be considered a mate, a partner. I am just staying with Kellan until after everything dies down with Danny and then I am going back to the mainland. I am not here to be claimed by anyone!”

  I watched them nervously as they took in what she said. I hoped that they would believe her; I did. Hearing what she said made me realize that I wasn’t going to have any success in convincing her to be my mate. Even though she returned the kiss, I was the only one it meant something to. Once Daryus and Shiloh disappeared down the hill, I showed Amelia a different way down to the hut. I couldn’t understand why she had stood up for me like that If she didn’t care for me. They could have taken her and claimed her, and she wouldn’t have been able to do anything about it. I unlocked the door of the hut and let her inside. I told her I’d be back, and I left again. I knew if I was going to convince her to stay and be my mate, I had to give her a reason to stay. I remembered her saying the island didn’t look very much like Christmas, so I decided I was going to find a tree and use the old ornaments my parents had used when they tried to live among humans before we discovered the island.

  I walked back to the wooded area, saw in hand as I searched for a tree that could be a Christmas tree. I wanted to make it special for her since she’d been through so much. I had a feeling she’d been through more than I could know. I headed up the trail we had hiked and turned left at the fork. At the end of the trail stood a full and fragrant pine tree. I smiled as I thought of her reaction as I grabbed the saw from the case it was in and started cutting the tree. I snuck the tree to the back of the hut and went inside. I noticed Amelia was in the shower, so I hurried to the attic to get the old tree stand my parents had used. I took it outside and put the tree in it.

  I left the tree on the back deck and went in to cook. I was filled with nervous excitement as I waited for time to pass so I could bring the tree in and surprise her. I knew if this didn’t work and she wouldn’t be my mate that I would be doomed to let my dragon control me. I tried not to think about it as I stirred the beef stew that simmered on the stove. Amelia came into the kitchen and filled the room with the smell of lavender and strawberries. I wondered if I would ever get used to being in an empty house again after having her with me. I shook the thought from my mind as I dipped the stew into bowls and carried them to the table as she grabbed silverware.

  I watched her eat as questions burned in my mind. I wanted to know if she had meant the things she said on the hill or if she had only said them so Daryus and Shiloh wouldn’t make a big deal out of her being here. I was afraid to ask that question because I was afraid of how she would respond. I felt the dragon lurch inside of me as it taunted me. I knew it was only a matter of time before it took control of me and I wanted what time I had left to be spent in her company.

  I was brought from my thoughts by Amelia as she ran from the table and slammed the bathroom door. I wondered what it was about my food that made her sick all the time and what I needed to do to fix it. I waited by the door for her to come out and she jumped when she saw me there. We both giggled and headed back to the kitchen. I cleared the table as she started filling the sink with water. I brought the dishes to the sink and slid them into the soapy water. I watched as she carefully washed the plate and I wished that I could be a plate for five minutes just to feel her touch.

  I shook that thought from my mind and concentrated on rinsing the dishes. We did the dishes in silence, both absorbed in our thoughts when my tho
ughts were interrupted by a handful of soap suds in my face. Amelia laughed as she wiped them across my face and I sprayed her with the hose by the faucet. She squealed and grabbed my hand to take the hose from me. She tried to turn my hand so that I would spray myself, but she wasn’t strong enough to do it. I reached down with my other hand and scooped suds up with my fingers then wiped them across her cheek. As my hand touched her skin, I felt the same change in the atmosphere that I felt in the clearing.

  I watched her chest heave as she began to pant and the movements her chest made were mesmerizing. My body responded, and I backed her against the counter as I kissed her deeply. I thought she was going to resist me at first, but she relaxed and snaked her arms around my neck as I parted her lips with my tongue. She started to respond to the things I was doing, and I knew if I went any further, I would end up claiming her. I pulled back from the kiss panting with need. She pulled me in and kissed me hard and urgent as our hands began to roam each other.

  “I want to claim you, Amelia. I want you to be mine. If we do this now, that’s what it will mean.” I felt her tense in my arms, and I backed away from her slightly. “Is that not something that you want? I thought you were lying to Daryus and Shiloh in the clearing? Was I wrong?”

  I backed away from her more, needing to give us distance. I waited for her answer and hoped it would be what I wanted to hear. I hadn’t connected with any human the way I connected with her. I hadn’t connected with any dragons for that matter. She sighed and hopped off the counter as she grabbed my hand.


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