Acbain: Sealer of the Crossblade

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Acbain: Sealer of the Crossblade Page 3

by Coty Schwabe

over to a table with items Acbain could not see clearly (her body obstructed the view), retrieved a few things, and returned. She handed them to Acbain. A scroll, two prepared action seals and two enermos shards. “The scroll was all we found after Kivemaer was... defeated.”

  “No sign of his staff?”

  Sarza shrugged. “Nowhere to be found. Taken? Destroyed, maybe? We don't know. I think the latter to be more probable. The scroll is an elemental scroll of some sort. Not really my specialty.”

  Acbain took the items, and looked over the scroll. A burning scroll.

  “And these shards? What are they for?”

  “Energy shards, to be used with the action seals. When you reach the appointed place, you will see a pair of rohkahn have already been placed. All you need to do is place the action seals and shards, and enchant them together, triggered by the touching of the Artifact. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, a triggered binding.” A lengthy process, their situation considered. “And the blade?”

  This time Rarhot stepped to him. “'Ere.” He handed Acbain a map with a small cross marked on it in a forest to the southeast. “That's where ye need ta go ta seal the blade. When ye get there, put the sword on the Holdin' Statue.”

  “Holding Statue?” Acbain asked, confused.

  Rarhot stomped his foot. “Stop askin' questions, ye stupid darkling! Just go and ye'll see what I'm talkin' bout!”

  Acbain stroked his hair. “But what happens when we seal the blade away? We just hope that these creatures don't find it? Even if it’s locked away, won't they find it in time?”

  “I have taken this into consideration. I have already appointed guardians to watch over the Artifacts, henceforth the Artifactians. From this point on, it will be their sole duty, just as yours was to protect me, and now to seal away said Artifact. Others will come after you to protect the blade, also spell casters, but none will be as great as you and the one that came before you.” Myza was a planned creature, and his wisdom had created the greatest king ever seen in creation. His forethought was impeccable.

  “Here. You'll also need this,” the King said, catching him off guard. Myza tossed a small ivory cross to him. Acbain caught it in one hand, and looked at it in the light. When the King had thrown it, it glowed bright white. Once Acbain touched it, the light diminished to a barely visible glow. “It's the key to locking the blade away. Guard it with your life.”

  “I will, sire. Anything else?” Acbain felt quite burdened already, and another thing on top of it all would surely crush him under its weight.

  “Yes,” Myza replied with a cold precision. “Aside from the rohkahn, I want you to bind a Guardian creature to the blade's location. I realize this will come at a heavy price to you, but we must protect the blade at any cost.”

  Damn. A binding on both inanimate objects and creatures? If the Shadows didn't kill him, these taxing processes surely would. “I understand.”

  Before he could take the bundled Crossblade, Na ‘Jahki grabbed his hand and slipped a ring on it. The ring was forged in the shape of biting dragon. “Will help carry.”

  Acbain understood the purpose of the dragon ring. He cradled the Crossblade in both hands, while stuffing the other items into the pouch at his side. The Artifact was surprisingly heavy. Then again, his weight peaked at just over a hundred pounds.

  King Myza's face went grave. “Now you must go. You have everything you need, and must be off before the forces gather here.”

  Once again, Na 'Jahki placed his hand on Acbain' shoulder. “Shadows. Killed by light. And heat. Beasts strong. Go with Father’s favor.”

  “Thank you, Na 'Jahki.” Acbain dipped his head to each of them. “Thank thee all, and may He watch over you as well.” His heart had resumed its hammering, his conscience trying to comprehend the magnitude of the task before him.

  He had taken no more than three steps towards the door when Myza spoke his last words. “Take my horse. Vandomare is of the Sulnderond breed. She will last longer and run faster than any other horse in the land. The Crossblade will fit into the holster at her side.”

  “But how will I control her? Is she not bound to your life?”

  Myza nodded. “I have already released her to you.”

  Acbain fought back tears. “Thank you m'lord. I will take care of her.” Acbain turned back and headed out the door, bearing the Crossblade on his shoulder.



  Acbain had nearly cleared the grand hall when it happened.

  A masculine scream came from above. The man's scream grew in volume until it smashed into the glass through the glass skylight. The glass shattered to fragments, falling like razor sharp crystals. The body crashed to the floor, bounced once, then lay still. Even from where he stood, Acbain could see blood pouring from the wound on his chest. He'd been stabbed.

  At once, servants scrambled in every direction, creating a perfect scene of chaos.

  Outside, Acbain could hear the hissing and chitter of creatures foreign to this world, and knew what was happening:

  The castle was under attack. And its trespassers were of the Neverplane.

  He bolted for the corridor, and heard the thump of a creature falling to the floor behind him. He dropped the Artifact at once, and spun on his heel to face it.

  This particular creature had imitated one of the Vorghoni, a slick onyx short sword in its hand. The creature had no discernible features, only the outline and form of the creature it had decided to imitate, hence the name Shadow. What the creature was actually made of was still unknown.

  The Shadow immediately went to work slashing the servants with quick strikes, slicing off limbs and appendages.

  Acbain stood frozen. He knew of the creatures – obviously had seen them when they arrived only days before – but never one so close. In his head, he knew he needed to run or attack or do something, but his body refused to move. He was paralyzed in fear. Do something! Why do you wish to join the knights, but cannot handle even one creature?

  A female servant - the one that conversed with him earlier - ran for the door opposite of him, angling for the throne room. She ran, and the creature took notice. She bounded for the door, heaving her weight forward...

  But did not make it. The creature impaled her right through her gut, and she stopped dead in her tracks. The creatures tittered in its sibilant voice, removing the sword from her body. She collapsed to the ground in a heap.

  The sight of her death made something in Acbain's mind snap. Light... light... Could he use a light spell? Did he dare use an alignment spell here? It wouldn't hurt the people, but, it would wear him out greatly...

  No. He needed something else. Something else that cast light. He glanced around the room, and saw that the creature was avoiding the area where the torches were strongest.

  Fire! It created light and heat!

  He held one hand out, with the other wrapped around it. He began his chant. “Flames of this place, I Redirect thee!” The flames of the sconces began to flicker.

  The creature heard him, and turned in his direction. It knows, his mind screamed. The creature came for him, walking the first few steps, then charging. It's going to kill me!

  The Shadow closed in. It raised its sword high up as it ran, and Acbain finished the spell. “I Command thee to come!” He threw his hands out wide. At once, the flames of the torches left their positions in the blink of an eye, casting the room in beautiful darkness save for the giant ball of flames.

  The creature came in for him, sword coming down. Acbain snapped his hands inwards to his body, and the flames followed the direction, also coming for him. He watched as the Shadow finished the last few steps, and brought the sword in. Acbain waited for the pain.

  Instead, what came was the smell of sulfur and a shrill, hissing scream.

  The Shadow before him roasted like a burning demon, and beyond it was utter darkness, pierced only by the moonlight that came in overhead like a celestial watcher.

  At t
he other end of the grand hall, the throne room doors burst open. The King and his few living Knights emerged into the moonlight, looking this way, then that, then to the creature that burned down the way from them.

  The Shadow roasted in seconds, leaving no trace other than its ghastly screaming echo, and foul stench; one of something rancid.

  Acbain picked up the Crossblade, hating its weight, but feeling its purpose. Protect me Acbain, it whispered. At all costs.

  The King and the others cleared the room in seconds and stood before him. “You have proven that you are worthy of being a Knight. You were called to this Acbain, this very purpose. You were made for such a time as this.” Acbain did not refute the statement, for now, he somewhat believed it. “But now you must make haste. Time is not our ally. Where there is one of these monsters, there are surely dozens.”

  As if to confirm this, another scream filled the night. All eyes went to the entryway. “Go! Hurry before they find it!”

  Before he could exit, Sarza ran up and kissed him on the cheek. “Our kinds may never see eye to eye, but you have proven yourself an honorable warrior, just as your mentor before you.” The kiss, a symbol of acceptance rather than love, filled him an odd sense of joy. He had to do this. He understood that now. “Hurry!” she cried.

  From the roof came a scuttling noise, and the shuffling of feet. “They’re a’comin'” Rarhot shouted. “Let 'em taste meh hammer!” Rarhot drew his hammer, Malagorn - also an Artifact, though a lesser one - and

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