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Lexi Monarch

Page 15

by T. K. Perry

  Lexi stopped fighting and sobbed quietly. Tiger looked down at her unhappily and relaxed his hold, but didn’t let her go.

  “You shouldn’t have come,” he murmured, distressed. “Couldn’t you just have waited for another noble to come into season?”

  Furiously, she shoved at his chest, forcing him to free her. “My mother insisted I marry Talan,” she choked out, angrily wiping away her tears.

  “Why?” he demanded irritably.

  Lexi glared at him, her breath coming in heaves. “Because I kissed him. Because he was there for my wing birth, and had to tear my dress open. Because he came to my balcony in the middle of the night, and I opened the door. Satisfied?!”

  Tiger's frown deepened into a scowl. “Then why didn’t you stay and marry him?”

  “Because I don’t even like him, and he’s a liar! He was fine with throwing me off that horse when he thought I was you. He wouldn’t even let me keep your mom as my lady’s maid! He wants to control me, and my whole life with him stretched out before me, robbed of the few things that give me joy, and I was just miserable!”

  They stared at each other for a few angry breaths, then Lexi stalked away, fury punctuating her footsteps. She could hear his soft tread just behind her, and it somehow irritated her more. Spinning on her heel, she confronted him. “I do know how to do my hair. Your mom taught me.”

  His mouth pulled into a weak smile. “How is my mom?”

  “Fine,” she muttered, resuming her walk.

  Matching her pace, he walked alongside her. “Did she lose her job, then?”

  “I don’t think so. I gave her the night off, and didn’t tell her what I was doing, so Mother couldn’t blame her,” Lexi said, her worry for Cercy cooling her anger.

  “But she’s your lady’s maid. If you don’t go back, she won’t have a job.”

  Lexi frowned. “I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t think of that. I’m sure Mother will find another position for her; they’re obligated to keep her since your father died working for them.”

  Tiger shook his head with a frown. “You know your mother doesn’t like more than she likes me.”

  “If it’s any consolation, she’s not fond of me just now, either,” Lexi said, trying to smile.

  “This isn’t a joke, Lex. My mom’s out of a job, and I’m not there to help her.”

  “It’s not a joke to me. I love your mom like she was my own mother. I don’t want to see her out of job any more than you do,” Lexi said miserably, tears of guilt making her voice catch.

  Tiger clutched at a tuft of hair from the back of his head as he stared down at the uneven floor. “You just...shouldn’t have come Lex.”

  “Thank you,” she said bitterly. “Now where is that stupid room?”

  Tiger glanced around them with a rueful laugh. “We’ve walked a full circuit of the castle. It’s this way,” he said, pointing down a different corridor.

  They walked the remaining distance in awkward silence.

  “Finally!” Beck complained as soon as he saw them. “He’s snoring now, but he tried to sneak out twice. He's really upset that you’re making him nap.”

  Tiger snorted. “I take it back, you’ll be a great mom.”

  Lexi’s mouth tightened into a firm line as she stepped past Beck, pulled open Cam’s door, and marched inside, slamming it heartily behind her.

  Cam jerked awake, looking around with a sleepy grin. “Is it dinner time?”

  In the dim light of the lantern, Lexi crossed the small room and sat gracefully at his little stool and table, willing herself to calm down. “Go back to sleep,” she directed.

  “Lex,” Tiger called, knocking heavily. “Come out of there.”

  “No, thank you,” Lexi answered in a polite tone.

  “Is that one of the Cretins?” Cam asked, tossing aside a gray rag of a blanket and sliding out of bed.

  “No, that’s my best friend, Tiger.”

  “Lex,” Tiger warned.

  “I don’t think he wants you in here with me,” Cam observed as he started for the door.

  Lexi caught his wrist and held it. “Don’t let him in.”

  “There’s no lock, Lexi. I think he’s just going to open it.”

  The door flew open with a bang as it ricocheted off the wall. “Lex, come out,” Tiger directed.

  “Why? I’m safe here.” Lexi slid her hand from Cam’s wrist to his hand and closed hers around it.

  “You shouldn’t be in any man’s room,” Tiger chided.

  “I was in yours,” Lexi countered, her expression a pleasant blank as Cam flinched and looked down at her.

  “No fights, guys,” Beck warned from behind Tiger.

  “Fine, I’ll just stand here.” Tiger planted his feet and crossed his arms; his entire body radiated obstinance.

  “Cam, signal,” Lexi commanded, squeezing his hand.

  Cam laughed nervously. “I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.”

  Lexi gave Cam’s arm a little yank. “Signal!” she demanded.

  Cam blushed as the smell of stolen cookies infused the room. “Happy?” he asked uncomfortably.

  Lexi stood and faced Tiger. “Look at my eyes. They’re not dilated, right? He doesn’t make me pheromone drunk. So you can go away now.”

  Tiger peered into her eyes, then let his arms fall to his side. “You still shouldn’t be in here.”

  “We can go somewhere else,” Cam suggested.

  “No, we’ll stay right here. Beck will be just outside the door. I’m safe. You’ve done your duty, now go away.”

  Tiger nodded once, his chocolate-brown eyes cold. “Don’t make me sorry I trusted you,” he warned Cam, poking one finger at his chest.

  Cam knocked his finger away with a steely look, and Tiger turned and left. Sucking in a big breath, Cam quietly shut the door. “What just happened?”

  Lexi stared at the door a moment before dragging her eyes up to Cam’s. “I’ll tell you if you lie down and rest.”

  Cam’s full lips tightened into a pucker. “I didn’t like that very much.”

  “I’m sorry, I just needed to get away from him,” Lexi explained, leading him back to the bed and forcing him to lie down.

  “Why? Did you two have a fight?” he asked, his wings pulled tightly back so he could watch her.

  Lexi nodded as she dragged the little stool over to the bed.

  “What’s pheromone drunk and why is he worried about it?”

  Lexi sighed and sat down carefully. “Relax your wings,” she directed.

  “You don’t want to tell me?” he asked, his dark eyes looking black in the dim lantern light.

  “Relax your wings and I will,” she promised.

  He let his wings fall, covering his face, and she told him, coaxing him back down onto the bed when he became too agitated by her story. He was silent for a time when she finished.

  “Are you disappointed I don’t have that kind of effect on you?” he asked.

  “No,” she said emphatically. “Now try to sleep.”

  “Are you going to leave if I fall asleep?”

  Lexi shifted in her seat, rearranging her dress. “I promised to tour the castle with my roommate, Clodi, before dinner.”

  “I’m coming.”

  Lexi smiled at the stubborn tone of his voice, and ran a finger along the edge of his wing until he shivered. “No, you’re not.”

  “I’ll be too worried about what’s happening to you to sleep.”

  “I’ll have Beck and Clodi; I’ll be fine.”

  He unfolded an arm from beneath his head and softly touched her ankle, caressing it. “Please stay.”

  “Just until you sleep,” she said, removing his hand from her ankle.

  Reluctantly, he folded his arm back under his head. “Tell me everything else I missed.”

  Sighing, she told him, editing out much of her conversation with Tiger.

  “But why did you fight with him?” he asked, his voice sounding d
rowsily distant.

  Lexi changed position, using the delay to sort her thoughts. “He’s upset I came here. He thinks I should have stayed home and married a noble because I’m not equipped for anything else," she explained, bitterness seeping into her tone.

  Cam lifted one wing to look at her. “Why would he say that?”

  Lexi stared down at her manicured hands. “I don’t know how to cook, or clean, care for children, sew... I’m not even very good at doing my own hair,” she whispered, running her fingers through her tangled tresses.

  Cam reached a hand under his bed and pulled out his bag, fumbling through an outer pocket until he drew out a comb. “I’ll do it,” he offered.

  Lexi laughed and covered her face, the sound coming out more akin to a cry.

  Cam got out of bed and stood behind her. He gently drew the comb through her long hair, working out the tangles without pulling. “I can cook and clean, too,” he added, gathering her hair back from her face with careful hands.

  Lexi laughed softly, her scalp tingling pleasantly. “And what will I do?”

  “Whatever you wish, and I will treat you like a queen.”

  Lexi’s smile faded as Tiger’s words echoed in her head: Lex, you’re acting like your mother. Frowning, she reached up to catch his hand on the comb and remove it from her hair. “You should sleep,” she said, standing up to go.

  “What did I say?” he asked, following her to the door.

  Lexi turned to look at him, lifting a hand to his cheek. “You’re very sweet. You remind me of my father.”

  Cam smiled at her, turning his mouth into her hand to kiss it gently before she pulled away.

  “Bye, Cam.” She flashed him a parting smile as she slipped out the door and gently pulled it closed.

  Lips pursed like a fish, Beck flicked his cheek to make the sound of dripping water. “I’m bored out of my mind. We need to get you a second guard so I have somebody to talk to.”

  “Which way to my room?” she asked, turning one way and then the other. The gray stone interior of the Old Castle all looked the same to her.

  “This way,” Beck nodded and began to walk. “You know that friend of yours has made about seven laps past Mr. Crescent's door in the last hour. If he gets stranded here, I’m definitely recommending him for guard duty.”

  Lexi swallowed back that unpleasant thought without comment.

  “He said you got pheromone drunk off the infamous Wes,” Beck mentioned, his eyes alight with interest.

  Lexi turned away to hide her irritation while she calmed her expression.

  “I should report that to the Governor,” Beck said, lifting one coppery eyebrow as he watched her out of the corner of his eye.

  “Please don’t,” Lexi said.

  “Is that an order?” Beck asked, his mouth pulled up in a lopsided smile.

  “Would you get in trouble if he found it out from someone else?”

  Beck thought for a moment. “Yes.”

  “Then it’s not an order, but I really don’t wish to discuss it with him.”

  Beck waited a moment, then seemed unable to resist the question. “Why’s that?”

  Lexi stopped outside her door and turned to him. “Is Limen cheating on my sister, Beck?”

  Beck’s eyes went wide at the question, and his mouth opened and shut. “My orders prevent me from answering,” he grumbled, staring down at his haggard shoes.

  Lexi took a deep breath, then blew it out slowly before opening the door to her room.

  Chapter Eight

  Psyche looked up from the table with a catty smile. “Oh good, you’re back.” Her platinum blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and regular features should have made her a great beauty, but her conniving expression spoiled the effect.

  Lexi glanced around the otherwise empty room. “Where’s Clodi?”

  “I sent her on an errand so we could talk. Have a seat.” Psyche pointed to the stool beside her.

  Lexi looked at the stool, then back at Psyche’s gloating mien with a sense of foreboding. With a nod to Beck, she shut the door and moved to sit beside her.

  “I would like to eat life servant meals for the rest of my time here,” Psyche announced, running a brush through her smooth, blonde hair as she gazed into the cloudy mirror. “I want them brought to our room, three times a day.”

  Lexi lifted a single dark brow. “That sounds pleasant.”

  “And I want to be exempt from the daily morning pregnancy tests.”

  Lexi allowed her face to show mild surprise. “I wasn’t aware there were daily pregnancy tests.”

  “Oh, yes. At 5:30 every morning a bitter hag bangs on our door and marches us down to the clinic where we spit on a table. If the test comes up positive, we get kicked off the mountain within an hour.”

  Lexi's mouth fell slightly ajar before she recovered herself. “I can understand why you would want to avoid that.”

  “You’re going to arrange that for me.”

  “What makes you think I can?”

  “Because you outrank the Governor, Your Highness,” Psyche crowed with a triumphant grin.

  Rather than panic, Lexi could feel the tangle of emotions within her galvanizing to an iron core. She smiled as she wondered if this was the same sense of exhilaration her mother felt each time she took command.

  “If you wish to alter the terms of your stay here, you will have to speak to the Governor,” Lexi countered dispassionately. She took a moment to enjoy the bemused frustration on Psyche's face, then Lexi turned and opened the door. “Beck, Psyche wishes to negotiate with the Governor regarding her food and pregnancy tests. Will you please escort her to him?”

  Psyche stood abruptly, knocking over her stool. “There’s no need for that,” she blurted as Beck entered the room and took her arm.

  “And Beck, please be certain she doesn’t discuss it with anyone before she’s had a thorough conversation with the Governor,” Lexi requested as Beck led Psyche out of the room.

  “You can’t stop me from talking. I’ll shout your little secret all the way there!”

  Lexi suppressed a laugh as she realized how little she cared if Psyche did exactly as she threatened. “That will make it rather difficult for you to bargain the terms of your silence.”

  Psyche’s mouth snapped shut as she glared venomously. Amused, Lexi gave her a sunny smile and shut the door.

  Humming to herself, Lexi meandered about the room as she braided her hair. Absently, she glanced up at the ceiling and sniffed; her humming stopping abruptly at the disappointment of not being able to smell Tiger and Wes' room. Shaking her head with a little frown, she searched for something to tie her hair. The unexpected knock at the door made her jump, and Lexi's fingers fumbled to reclaim the hair that was quickly unwinding. Giving up, she moved silently to the door and inhaled. The musty scent of the room’s mildewed rugs and wet stone filled her nose. The knock came again and Lexi reached for the handle, but the door was already opening from the outside. Lexi jumped back, then relaxed as Tiger let himself in.

  "That door really needs a lock," she commented.

  "I agree with you," Tiger said emphatically as he glanced around the room. “You’re alone?! You sent your guard away again?!” Tiger released an angry laugh as he turned to slam the door behind him. “I can’t leave you alone for a minute.”

  “Have you tried?”

  “Funny. What happened to your hair?” He flicked at the unraveling strands with his fingers.

  Lexi picked up the unwinding ends and began to rebraid her hair. “You startled me.”

  “Did you send Beck off to enforce nap time again?”

  “No,” Lexi snapped. “My roommate tried to blackmail me so I had Beck take her to the Governor.”


  Lexi nodded as she tied off her braid.

  Tiger snorted. “We're keeping Beck busy today.”

  Lexi let out a heavy breath. “Tell me you didn’t go talk to Limen about me.”

Are you asking me to lie to you?”

  Lexi gritted her teeth. “What did you do?”

  Tiger grinned. “Just about now they should be hauling Wes off to the dungeon, and you’re about to get another guard.”

  “Why do I need two guards if Wes is in the dungeon?”

  “So that when you send one off on an errand, you’ll still have one to guard you,” he explained, tugging at the end of her braid. “I take it back, you can do your own hair.”

  Lexi smacked at his hand. “How much are you taking back?”

  “All of the hair part,” he said, his mouth serious while his dark eyes lit up with amusement.

  “But none of the you’re-ruining-my-life-by-being-here-and-you’re-going-to-make-a-rotten-wife-and-mother part?”

  The amusement faded from his face. “I didn’t say that.”

  Lexi shook her head. “It’s a fair paraphrase, don’t quibble.”

  “I’m not quibbling,” he mocked. “I just didn’t say that.”

  “Fine. Then I’ll assume that’s what you meant. Move, please. I have a dinner date.”

  Tiger crossed his arms and stood more squarely in front of the door. “You’re not going without a guard.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You know you’re going to follow me anyway.”

  Tiger laughed, but didn’t move.

  “I order you to move.”

  “I have special permission from the King to ignore your orders,” Tiger reminded her with a grin.

  “When we were eight!” Lexi protested.

  “You’re just as bossy now as you were then, and he has never rescinded it,” Tiger said, laughing at the fury on her face.“Tiger,” Lexi warned through gritted teeth. “Move now.”

  “Or what?” Tiger asked, lifting her chin and shaking it back and forth.

  Lexi slapped his hand away with a little smile. “Or I’ll tell your girlfriend you wet your bed until you were ten.”

  “That’s low,” he said, shaking his head.

  Lexi laughed. “So is using your brute strength to keep me locked up in my room. Now move!” She grabbed him around the waist and tugged. “Ugh, you’re like a tree trunk,” she complained, ignoring his laughter and abruptly switching tactics with a jab to his armpit. Clenching his arm to his side with a surprised laugh, he jerked away from her. Lexi had the door open before he recovered, but he smacked it shut again before she could get through.


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