Lexi Monarch

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Lexi Monarch Page 21

by T. K. Perry

  Lexi shook her head slightly. “I have a boyfriend.”

  “Tiger?!” Clodi asked, her excitement plain.

  Lexi’s eyebrows constricted until she forced her face blank again. “No.”

  “Just no? You’re not going to tell me?” Clodi threw up her hands in exasperation.

  Amusement flickered across Lexi’s face then faded. “You don’t know him.”

  “So?! Tell me his name! Where’s he from? What’s his apprenticeship? Are you going to marry him?”

  At Clodi’s excited tone, the remainder of the line looked back at them. Lexi turned a blank gaze on them until they looked away.

  “I don’t know,” Lexi admitted.

  “You don’t know his name?!”

  Lexi sighed as the same heads turned around. “His name is Cam.”

  “Cam what?” Clodi asked in a bright tone.

  “Crescent,” Lexi fairly whispered.

  Clodi’s forehead wrinkled up in consternation. “A crescent? Don’t they tend to be pretty small?”

  Lexi suppressed a frown. “He’s taller than I am.”

  “But small wings?” Clodi prodded.

  Lexi allowed herself a slight shrug. “Smaller than mine.”

  “Doesn’t that bother you? I hate feeling big. I mean, I know I’m big, but I want to be with a guy that makes me feel small. Puny even,” Clodi added with a thoughtful grin. “Besides, if something were to go wrong on the flight home, I want a husband with wings big enough to fly me, at least safely to the ground.”

  Lexi’s jaw tightened as they drew to the front of the line where a middle-aged medic greeted them with a lethargic smile. “Name?”

  “Raven Fritillary.”

  “And Clodi Parnassian,” Clodi interrupted with a grin. “We’re brand new.”

  “Well then, please go wait right over there until Zelic calls for the next four,” the medic instructed, the corners of her mouth pulling up into a more genuine smile as her yellow wings wavered with suppressed amusement.

  “Thanks,” Clodi said enthusiastically, fairly skipping into the infirmary. She stared down the double row of beds, craning her neck, then lifted into a quick flight to survey the room. She returned to Lexi with a dejected frown.

  “Tull isn’t here,” she pouted. “He is so big and beautiful; I want you to meet him.”

  Lexi smiled her answer, then stiffened as Van’s angry girlfriend joined them with a venomous smile.

  “Hello girls. I’m Dina, but then you probably knew that. This is my twin, Ria,” she said, waving an arm dismissively at the girl who shuffled up next to her with solemn eyes. The two tall brunettes were identical, but where Dina’s face lit with an energetic malice, Ria’s self-conscious, shifting glance reminded Lexi of the Queen's browbeaten lady's maid.

  “I’m Clodi,” she announced, recovering her smile. “This is Raven. We’re new.”

  Dina gave them both a nasty smirk.

  “Next four!” a male medic called from behind a curtained operatory.

  “Excuse me,” Dina said insincerely as she bumped Lexi’s shoulder and forced her to move quickly to protect her wings. Dina sashayed behind the curtain without looking back, her sister trailing in her wake.

  Clodi’s forehead crumpled up. “That was rude. Did you two already meet?”

  Lexi merely nodded as they followed the sisters.

  Behind the curtain, a medic with curly brown hair waited impatiently, his beautiful yellow and black wings twitching as he flicked a piece of paper against the metal table in front of him. When he caught sight of Lexi, his movement stopped abruptly and his mouth fell slightly open. Lexi noted the change, and folded her wings tightly behind her to interrupt his rapt inspection. Closing his mouth, he looked down at the paper in front of him, then back at Lexi.

  “What’s your name?” he asked.

  “Raven Fritillary.”

  The medic leaned sideways to squint at her folded wings with a dogged shake of his head. He was about to speak when Dina leaned forward and spat on the table in front of him, her spittle spattering against his dingy white shirt. “Are you going to do the tests or not?” she demanded as her twin blushed.

  Clodi’s mouth dropped open, and a single nervous guffaw escaped her.

  Glaring, the medic wiped Dina’s spit from the table with a rag reeking of alcohol. “I have to check your mouth first.”

  “Sorry,” Dina lied, then opened her mouth obediently.

  Hesitantly, Clodi and Lexi did the same, pulling back reflexively as the medic leaned in to ensure their mouths were empty.

  “Swallow, then spit,” the medic directed irritably, his gaze once again falling on Lexi’s wings.

  Clodi’s cheeks burned with color. “We’re supposed to spit on the table?”

  The medic’s pale cheeks colored slightly. “We can’t spare the cups.”

  Clodi leaned close down to the table, letting the spit fall and dangle from her mouth before she self-consciously withdrew, licking her lips. “It’s bad manners to spit,” she muttered.

  Dina rolled her eyes, her tanned arms folded tightly against her chest. “Just test it,” she demanded irritably as Lexi spit quickly.

  The medic clenched his jaw as he tapped a tiny amount of powder into each pile of spittle, waiting as each little puddle changed color.

  “You’re pregnant,” he announced, eyeing Dina.

  Dina gave him a smug smile. “I know.”

  The medic glanced down at the table again. “The rest of you are negative; you can go.”

  Dina grabbed her sister’s arm to prevent her from leaving while Clodi and Lexi exited.

  “You have one hour to leave the mountain. You can pick up travel rations at the kitchen with this card,” the medic said quietly. The rest of his instructions were inaudible as they walked away.

  “I can’t believe she was pregnant! And she seemed so pleased about it! What’s the matter with her?” Clodi whispered loudly as they slipped through the door.

  Lexi merely shook her head.

  “I wonder who her mate is? Do you think he’ll actually marry her?” Clodi continued.

  “Van West,” Dina announced loudly as she flew up behind them, “and of course he will. We only waited this long because he wanted to be sure I could produce an heir. See, Van’s going to be a Lord some day, just like his daddy.” She peered into Lexi’s face with a wicked smile. “Oh sweetie, you didn’t actually think he was interested in you, did you? He said you smell like rotten apples, and the only reason he was even talking to you was to please his old friend, the Governor.” Dina coolly appraised Lexi’s blank face. “I’ll bet you’re one of the Governor’s illegitimate sisters, aren’t you?” Dina laughed when Lexi didn’t respond. “Well, I have to be going now; can’t be late to my own wedding. Bye, sweetie,” she taunted, patting Lexi’s hand, “I’m sure you’ll have better luck with someone of your own class.” Dina drew out the last word heavily, a cruel smile on her face as she turned and flew away.

  “What a nasty, little...” Clodi began, then pressed her lips together to prevent her final epithet from escaping her mouth. “If she wasn’t pregnant, I’d whack her one.”

  “Pity her, Clodi,” Lexi said, letting out a puff of air.

  “Why? She’s getting it all her own way, and being rotten about it, too.”

  Lexi merely shook her head, then stopped short as she saw Talan and Cam arguing outside her door, her guards separating them. Drawing a deep breath, she hurried forward.

  “She’s practically my wife, you ridiculous peasant,” Talan sneered, taking a threatening step forward before the white-winged guard blocked him.

  “She doesn’t want you! How many times does she have to tell you no before you go away?” Cam shot back.

  “Are they fighting over you?” Clodi asked as she hurried to keep pace with Lexi. All four men turned at her question.

  Lexi frowned as Talan moved forward to greet her. “I’ve arranged a private breakfast for us in Lim
en’s room, my love.”

  “I’ve already eaten,” Lexi said, stepping around him to take Cam’s offered arm.

  Talan’s jaw tightened, his mouth still open. “Then it’s true. You’ve taken to toying with peasants.”

  “I’m not toying with him,” Lexi declared, her face hard.

  Talan smirked. “You’re going to take rock boy here home to the palace and have him sire the next king?”

  “What?” Clodi asked.

  “Talan, you’re an idiot,” Lexi sighed, releasing Cam’s arm with a regretful little pat. She took Clodi’s hand, pulled her into their room, and quickly shut the door.

  “I’m not leaving,” Talan yelled through the door.

  Lexi swept her hair back from her face and looked into Clodi’s wide blue eyes.

  Clodi sucked in a huge breath, then let it out in a rush. “You live in the palace?”

  Lexi shook her head and released Clodi’s arm. “You know how you told me it’s hard for you to keep secrets?”

  Clodi nodded, her mouth open.

  “It’s important I keep my secrets, so I can’t answer your questions.”

  “But who is 'rock boy,' and why is he going to sire the next king?” Clodi asked, her forehead creased in confusion.

  Lexi shook her head and turned away, her face tightening as she listened to Talan and Cam’s angry voices.

  “She’s a princess, not some peasant bride!” Talan hissed loudly.

  Clodi gasped, her blue eyes frozen in an unblinking stare. “That’s why! You’re...you’re one of the princesses!” Clodi let out a delighted chortle as she clasped her hands together and jumped up and down. “Oh!” Clodi exclaimed, suddenly stopping to bend in a clumsy curtsy. “I’m sorry, Your Highness, my manners are all wrong. Do you want me to go away?”

  “No Clodi, please stay here. I think they’ll deliver breakfast soon. If you would open the door only wide enough to take the food, and let them think I am in here with you; that would be helpful,” Lexi said, moving to the balcony.

  “But where are you going...er, Your Highness? Can I ask you questions or is that just bad manners?” Clodi asked, following her.

  Lexi gave her a rueful smile. “You’re fine, Clodi. I just need a few moments to myself.”

  Lexi slid out the rugs and opened the balcony doors as quietly as possible. Outside, birds heralded the twilight dawn as the chilly air made her breath visible. The courtyard beneath her was still empty. With a relieved sigh, Lexi flew up the face of the castle to land on the roof jutting out of the mountainside. Taking deep breaths, she forced herself to wait, hoping Clodi would soon go back inside and shut the door. Shivering, she began to pace around the rows of solar lanterns chained together and waiting to be charged. On her third lap, she flitted down to Tiger’s balcony and listened. Finally, satisfied by the silence, she slowly pushed the door in and peered inside. A mollified smile flickered across her face at the empty beds and she slipped in and shut the door behind her. Lexi inhaled deeply. The scent instantly dulled the tension, relaxed her muscles, and soothed her even as she blushed in shame. It wasn’t Wes she needed or even wanted, she just needed the artificial calm of his scent, and a short reprieve from the tangle of thoughts that were cluttering her mind. Leaning forward, she rested her elbows on her knees, caught her face in her hands, and lost track of time.

  When Tiger returned, she lifted her head and smiled hazily. Frowning, he shut the door, walked over, and lifted her chin.

  “Your eyes are dilated again. Why are you sitting in here with the doors shut?” Tiger asked, only partially suppressing his irritation.

  Lexi blushed and pulled her chin from his grasp. “Just waiting for you,” she lied.

  “Talan and Cam are fighting outside your room.”

  Lexi looked up with slight alarm. “The guards are letting them fight?”

  Tiger’s frown deepened. “They’re keeping them apart, mostly.”

  Lexi let out a soft groan. “You were right, Tiger.”

  Tiger smirked. “I’m always right. And though I enjoy your drunken praise, I think it’s time to open the door.”

  “No,” Lexi insisted, catching his sleeve. “Just a little longer.”

  Tiger scowled. “You came in here to get pheromone drunk?!”

  Lexi pulled herself up by his sleeve, and put a hand over his mouth. “No yelling,” she said, one hand gripping his arm. “If I was home, I would sneak away and ride Raven. Here, this is all I have.”

  Tiger licked the hand covering his mouth, and she pulled it away in disgust.

  He grinned. “So go flying, don’t sit in here like a lonely drunk.” He punctuated his last two words by lightly tapping her nose.

  Lexi shook her head dismissively as she swatted at his hand. “You would have yelled if I had gone flying by myself, too.”

  Tiger grimaced as he considered her words. “Okay, that’s probably true,” he conceded. He picked up his pillow, then flopped on his bed, making it creak and shudder. He fussily arranged the pillow under his arms at the end of the bed before looking up at her. "So why do you need an escape?"

  Lexi sat back down on the stool. “Everyone is finding out, and Talan is going to follow me around until I go mad.”

  “So put him in the dungeon.”

  Lexi rolled her eyes. “You’re as bad as Limen. I can’t go incarcerating everyone who bothers me. Besides, he’s only following me because Mother ordered him to.”

  “See, the problem with you is that you haven’t learned to properly abuse your power,” Tiger said with feigned gravity.

  Lexi laughed softly. “You have all the best ideas, Tiger.”

  “I know. Problem’s all fixed now, right?” he teased, setting his chin on his folded arms and letting his beautiful wings relax.

  “Of course. Go to sleep.”

  Tiger scowled at her. “As long as you realize I’m going to sleep out of sheer exhaustion and not because you ordered me to.”

  “I know you secretly like me to boss you around.”

  Tiger growled, but shut his eyes to the sound of her laughing.

  Lexi listened to his steady breathing and watched his golden wings shudder with each exhale. “Tiger?”

  “What?” he asked sleepily, his lips pressed against his arm and distorting the word.

  “Does this room smell like you, too?”

  He waited so long to answer that she began to wonder if he had fallen asleep.

  “Yes,” he finally admitted.

  Lexi slumped on her stool with the heavy sensation of icicles sliding down her throat. “You make me pheromone drunk, too?”


  Lexi let out a heavy breath. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Tiger rubbed his forehead along his arms. “Could we not talk about this?”

  “Not now or not ever?”

  “Ever,” he groaned.

  Frowning, Lexi dragged the stool over to sit squarely in front of him. “Why?” she asked, leaning forward between his wings.

  Tiger lifted his chin on to his arms and met her eyes. “Let it go, Lex.”

  Lexi pulled back from the nearness of his face, feeling a sudden flush in her cheeks as her heart began to pound. Her gaze dropped from his intent brown eyes to his crooked nose, then lingered on his lips. “Oh,” she breathed and leapt off the stool. Beginning to pace, she nibbled on her thumbnail. “But we can still be friends, even though I’m...” she trailed off, embarrassed to tell him how attracted she was.

  Letting his head sink back onto his arms, Tiger nodded. “Sure.”

  Lexi bit the corner off her perfectly manicured nail. “Did I just ruin everything?” she asked, her voice barely audible.

  Tiger sighed. “It’s fine.”

  It doesn’t feel fine, she thought. “Good,” she said aloud. “Well, I’ll go so you can sleep.”

  “I can sleep with you here.”

  Lexi pulled the balcony door open without answering him, the fresh air feeling like a sl
ap of reality.

  “Are you going to fly alone?” Tiger asked, rising up on his elbows and closing his wings to watch her.

  Lexi drew herself up into princess posture with her back to him. “No,” she lied with a pleasant tone. “I’ve got a roommate to calm and a fight to break up. Busy day,” she explained, leaping from the balcony and flying downward before sailing across the courtyard and up over the trees. She flew hard for two hours, pushing herself until sweat ran into her eyes and mingled with a few humiliated tears. Beneath her, the solid forest opened up into a clear blue lake and she eagerly landed on the shore, stooping to scoop water and dribble it into her mouth. The rustle and thunk behind her startled her into spilling water down the front of her as she spun around.

  Tiger shook his head, panting as he shook perspiration from his face. “That water is going to make you sick.”

  “Don’t care,” she said, striving to sound lighthearted and failing. She turned her back on him and frowned. “How did you know?”

  “You used your princess voice; I always know when you’re lying.”

  “Then why not stop me in the courtyard?”

  Tiger shrugged. “You needed to escape.”

  Lexi laughed bitterly, clenching her jaw to stop the sobs that threatened. She bent to the water and splashed the icy liquid on her face as she listened to Tiger’s noisy drinking. “I thought you said the water would make us sick.”

  Tiger shrugged with a partial grin as water dripped from his chin. “I said the water would make you sick. I’m tough.”

  Lexi snorted, blowing a tangled strand of hair from her face. Self-consciously she attempted to run her fingers through the wild mass, wincing as she yanked the knots.

  “Van thinks I smell like rotten things, too,” she suddenly blurted, without turning around.

  “He told you that?” Tiger asked, his voice incredulous.

  “No. He pretended he was attracted to me. His girlfriend told me,” Lexi said, hating the sound of self-pity in her voice. “She’s pregnant. She thinks he’s going to marry her.”

  “You think he won’t?”

  Lexi turned to look at him, one hand still tangled in her hair. “His grandmother is going to give his inheritance to his sister unless he marries me.”


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