Fury's Rescue

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Fury's Rescue Page 3

by Shannon Tripp

  * * *

  Jeff sat on the couch and stared at the black screen on the TV. He was no closer to figuring out how to finish his assignment now than he was when first arrived. He listened to the rain ping on the roof and drum against the window.

  Finally bored, he slipped to the floor and reached under the couch. It has to be here somewhere, he thought as he fished blindly around. His hand slapped against something furry and he squeaked thinking a mouse had gotten inside.

  “Hey, do you mind. I’m reading under here.” Jasmine grumbled as the hand swept closer.

  “Reading what?” Jeff asked as he pulled her out. “And when did you sneak under there?”

  “About ten minutes ago. You were mooning out the window.” Jasmine snaked her head around and tried to bite Jeff. “And put me down.”

  “I wasn’t mooning. Whatever that means.” Jeff mumbled as he dropped her on the couch before returning to his search. He swept his hand over the carpet again. “Ha,” he said when his hand hit a spiral binding. He pulled it out, tossed it on the coffee table and then flopped back on the couch, barely missing the cat stretched out in the center.

  Jasmine recognized the notebook as soon as it hit the coffee table. She turned just enough to look at Jeff. “So, did you find what you were looking for?” She batted her lashes, trying to sound like she didn’t already know what the notebook was for.

  Jeff just grumbled at her. He knew perfectly well that she had been reading his ‘idea notebook’. He scooted to the front edge of the futon and opened the cover. Flipping through the pages, he dismissed each plan, one after another. When he reached the end, he signed in frustration and slapped the book closed. “Nothing. There’s nothing that will work. I’ve never come across a mark that was haunted by her twin. I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know which soul I’m supposed to take back,” Jeff wailed. He slumped forward, hiding his face in his hands and propping his elbows on his knees.

  Jasmine raised a brow. She’d never seen the demon so flustered. He always seemed so collected, ready to take on the world. This assignment was really getting to him. I suppose I could help him. We can think of something. Imagine the coupe if we managed to get both. Daddy Dearest loves it when he gets a newly corrupted soul. “Why not take both of them?”

  Jeff didn’t know where to begin trying to explain to the Fury why that was a horrible idea. “It won’t work,” he moaned.

  Alarmed that the demon might start crying, the Fury decided it was time to do something. Jasmine stretched; claws and jaws wide. Stepping daintily onto the coffee table, she sat squarely in front of the demon and wrapped her tail around her feet. “Snap out of it,” she hissed. The demon was getting on her last nerve. “Don’t make me hit you. You’re a retrieval demon. Now act like one.”

  Jeff rocked back feeling like he’d just been slapped. He blinked at his houseguest; his thoughts spinning around his head so fast he couldn’t think.

  Jasmine sighed. The last time she’d pulled rank on the demon she’d at least been outside. She glanced warily up at the ceiling and hoped it was high enough. Taking a deep breath, Jasmine allowed her magic to flood through her. Within two heartbeats, she was the same size as the demon. Two more heartbeats and she was flicking her ears in annoyance as they brushed against the ceiling. She cut the flow of magic and glared down at Jeff. “Jefftik, lower first class retrieval demon, snap out of it.”

  At the use of his name and title, Jeff snapped up straight and Jasmine winced in sympathy when she heard his back creak. She snorted at the look on his face when his butt left the couch; eyes wide and mouth gaping. He kind of looks like a fish, Jasmine thought trying to stifle her laughter.

  “Tell me why you don’t think we can come up with a plan to take both souls?”

  “Because Ellie’s soul is incorruptible.”

  Jasmine scoffed at that. “No one is incorruptible.”

  “Miss Ellie is. Nothing sticks to her.”

  Jasmine deflated in the face of Jeff’s conviction. The magic burst out of her in a sparkly purple cloud. When the magic cleared, she stared at Jeff. “What do you mean?”

  “It’s easier to show you,” he said as he reached for the door.

  * * *

  Jasmine stared in disbelief at the girl strolling down the street. She seemed to change from step to step. One minute she was smiling and happy to see everyone and the next, she was breaking a pick pocket’s finger that ‘accidently’ slipped into her handbag.

  “That has to put a dent in her soul. She can’t possible still be untouchable.”

  Jeff just shook his head. He’d seen all this before. “Check your map when you get a chance. You’ll see what I’m talking about.”

  Jasmine opened her mouth, intending to say something scathing to the demon when the girl down the street caught her eye. She blinked in surprise at the slim finger held up in their direction. “Oh come on. That has to guarantee at least yellow on the map.”

  Jeff turned to see what Jasmine was looking at. A huge smile split his face when he saw the girl flipping them the bird. “You’d think so, wouldn’t you? Let’s go home. You can check your map.”

  He turned around and started walking. Before he’d taken three steps, Jasmine caught up and passed him, her head and tail held high. Jeff just laughed. He knew the Fury was in for a surprise.

  * * *

  The map flickered against the only empty wall in Jeff’s apartment, but Jasmine didn’t care. She’d seen what she needed and she still didn’t believe her eyes. With a sigh, she let the map collapse back into its gem.

  “I see it. I just don’t believe it. Her soul is still as white as it was the day she was born.” Jasmine turned to face the demon lounging on the couch. “It’s not possible, yet it’s still happening.” The Fury shook her head, trying to say she didn’t get it without actually voicing the thought.

  “I’ve had an idea about that,” Jeff ventured. “I think it might not be Miss Ellie who is doing all that stuff.”

  Jasmine rolled her eyes. “Of course it’s Ellie. Who else could it be?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Jasmine wanted to smack her forehead. “Elizabeth,” she said sourly.

  Jeff nodded in agreement. “I think that Elizabeth is the dominate soul in that body now. Ellie might have been born in it, but I don’t think she has much control of it.”

  “So the easy solution is to take Elizabeth back to Daddy Dearest.” Jasmine sat up and beamed at the demon.

  “Oh yeah, easy.” Jeff flung himself off the couch and started pacing. He didn’t like this not knowing what to do. He was just a retrieval demon. He didn’t go out tricking people out of their souls. He just collected.

  “What exactly did the contract contain? The one that led to Miss Ellie.”

  “Why do you think I know?”

  “P-lease. If you didn’t read the details of the contract you were sent to collect on, then you would be the first.” Jasmine didn’t quite roll her eyes, but only through sheer will power.

  Jeff grinned sheepishly. He had always peeked; he just didn’t think he should flaunt his rule breaking. “It was the usual exchange: Power and money for the soul.”

  “Anything specific about the soul?”

  “It just stated first born.”

  Jasmine was appalled. “And it was accepted? Who was the Sign-holder?”


  A growl filled the room and Jeff turned in surprise to see the Fury swelling in size. He quickly moved the coffee table up against the futon and moved the TV to the bedroom. The cat started stalking around the room, growling every few feet and growing with almost every step.

  Finally, the Fury turned on Jeff. “Bertrand! I’m going to bust him so far down that he’s going to be what they scoop up from the pit,” she snarled. “I can’t believe they ever let him near a contract, much less put him in charge of one.” She turned on her back foot and started back across the room. She’d come even with the TV stand an
d stopped, frozen. Her eyes opened wide, she turned to face Jeff. “I need to see that contract.”

  Jeff sighed. He didn’t know if he could get his hands on it, but he’d try. He pushed Jasmine out of the way and reached for his jacket. His cell phone was in the front pocket and he’d need it if he was calling home.

  Jeff pulled his phone out and flipped open the top. He briefly stared at numbers before randomly punching numbers. It didn’t matter which ones he pushed, as long as there were thirteen of them. Listening to the phone ring was one of the low points to his assignment. He knew what was coming. He heard the phone connect and then an automated voice came on telling him that everyone was busy and that his call would be taken in the order received. He was currently number six.

  An hour and a half later, Jasmine wandered out of the bedroom yawning. Jeff was slouched on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table. He was snoring into the phone tucked between his ear and his shoulder. Hold music played from the speaker and Jasmine laughed when she heard what song was playing. Just got to love songs about human’s beating Daddy Dearest with a golden fiddle.

  “Thank you for holding. Your call is important to us. Your estimated wait time is five minutes. Please continue to hold. Your call is important to us.”

  Jeff snorted and sat up. He dropped the phone just as the recorded message turned back to music. “I’m still on hold? How long was I out?” he asked without really expecting an answer.

  “Almost two hours. Does it usually take this long to get anything done?”

  Jeff laughed. “I haven’t even started yet. Once I get hold of someone, I’ll probably be transferred four or five times before I even get the archives department. Then I’ll probably get transferred another four times before I get to talk to the demon in charge of keeping the contract records.”

  “You waste all that time? Why?”

  “How do you do it?”

  “Like this.” Jasmine tapped on the amethyst and the ruby with her paw and a mist swirled out highlighted with purple and red streaks. The cloud condensed and a red skinned demon with black button-like horns on his head stood impatiently waiting for the mist to disappear.

  “What now?” the deep voice did not match the three inch demon it came out of.

  “Copy of the contract Jefftik is collecting on.” Jasmine sniffed down at the little demon and raising a foot, she held over its head. “A little less attitude, Tiny.”

  The miniature demon looked up at the gaping jaws of the cat, gulped and quickly flipped through the book clenched in his fist. “Ah…ah…ah…here it is.” He ripped the page in his haste to get the information the Fury was looking for. With a flourish, he held it up and waved it in the cat’s face. “Here it is. One copy of this cur’s assignment.”

  Jasmine used her claws to snag the paper from the demon and then pawed her collar, turning the jewels off. Tiny disappeared in a swirl of purple and red clouds.

  “Now, let’s see what we’re up against.” She spread the paper out on the coffee table, smoothing the ends and patting the corner she punctured.

  Jeff leaned over the table and slowly read the contract. He’d scanned it before, but now, he realized exactly what he’d missed the first time around. “There’s a double jeopardy clause in here,” he said. He turned wide eyes on Jasmine, only to meet hers turning toward him. “Bertrand was smarter than I thought.”

  “Double jeopardy. Who would have thought he was smart enough to include that?”

  “Do you think she’ll fall for it?”

  “Yes.” A smirk crossed her face and Jeff could almost see the plan forming between her ears. “We have some ground work to cover, but I think I can see the other end of the tunnel.” Jasmine jumped off the table and sauntered over to the door. It swung open and Jasmine’s smirk grew as she stepped outside.

  Jeff pushed away from the table and followed the cat out, swinging the door closed behind him.

  * * *

  Jasmine huddled in the bushes behind Miss Ellie’s apartment while the retrieval demon went to fetch the sisters. She didn’t know what the demon was going to say to Miss Ellie, but his job was to draw them outside where she could call the contract into this realm.

  She glanced over her shoulder at the circle scraped into the dirt. She was kind of proud of it. It looked like a power circle to anyone who didn’t know better. She’d even squiggled meaningless symbols around the edges.

  This was going to be the best joke she’d ever played. And to think, I almost missed out. She looked over her circle one more time before scurrying back to her hiding place. The bushes had just closed on her tail when Jeff returned, hauling a struggling girl behind him.

  “The contract’s terms have been met and now I’m here for payment. Really, you don’t have a choice. Your soul was forfeit before your birth. If you want to curse someone, you should blame your mother.” Jeff was being ruthless. Jasmine could see the souls flickering in the body as one sister and then the other took over.

  “You can’t do this.” Jasmine decided that voice belonged to Elizabeth.

  “What’s he talking about? What contract?” That one belonged to Ellie. Jasmine almost felt bad for the girl, but if this plan worked, she wouldn’t be in the dark for long.

  “That contract was already fulfilled.” Jasmine huddled against the ground and tried to cover her ears with her paws as a lance of pain shot from her ears to the back of her skull. Damn, that girl’s voice sure is shrill.

  Jeff pulled the girl around him and threw her into the circle with an admonishment to stay. He turned slightly, looking for the Fury. “Jasmine?” he whispered.

  Jasmine walked around a blackberry bramble and surveyed the clearing. In the center of the circle, the girl was curled around herself with her arms wrapped around her legs and her face hidden in her knees. Jeff stood just to the side, with his toes touching the edge of one of the squiggles. A light breeze played with the leaves on the trees and stirred up the loose dirt. High overhead, a fat moon hung low in the sky, illuminating the entire clearing.

  Jasmine walked up to the shivering girl, growing with each step until she was the size of a large dog. With the way the girl was huddled, Jasmine was now at eye level with her. “Ellie McDowell, the terms of your contract have been met and now payment is due. Are you ready?”

  The breeze picked up and was whipping through the tree tops. Jeff glanced up, looking for the source of the rustling. It’s almost like the wind is angry at what is going on here. Is that possible?

  Jasmine stepped into the circle and tossed her head back, calling on her power. The ground beneath her feet rocked and a crack appeared snaking from her toes toward the heart of the circle.

  Miss Ellie gasped and moved away from the newly revealed crevasse. Something was going on she couldn’t grasp. Her sweet neighbor Jeff had dragged her out here blathering about a contract. Her twin Elizabeth was yammering in her head, but she couldn’t understand what her sister was yelling. Gaining her feet, she swayed at the edge of the canyon. A light breeze swirled around her and she felt her sister’s voice dwindle into the background. The huge cat before her faded into the unimportant and Jeff faded from her conscious. She spread her arms and welcomed the breeze.

  Jasmine gasped. This wasn’t going to work. The girl wasn’t even listening to them anymore. She stood on the edge of a yawning canyon, arms out wide, welcoming something else into the circle. Something hazy that formed around the girl, enfolding the innocent soul.

  To Jasmine’s eyes, Miss Ellie just disappeared. The hazy image solidified, taking her place. A tall woman, wearing gauzy robes that fluttered in a wind not of this world, stared at the Fury. *Why are you here?* The voice boomed in their heads and Jasmine whimpered faintly wishing she could clapped her hands over her ears the way Jeff was.

  “We have every right to be here. We’re collecting on a contract. Who are you?”

  *Right? Maybe. Reason? None. I’m the holder of that contract.* The voice dropp
ed in volume until it was breathy and light.

  “What? You can’t be the holder?”

  *Why not? Because I’m dead?*

  “Well, yes. To be a ghost, you have to have a soul.”

  *I’m not a ghost. I’m a banshee. Taking my soul allowed my powers to manifest.*

  “Well, bully for you. Glad everything worked out for you. Now get out of our way. We have a job to do and you’re just in the way.”

  “Jasmine,” Jeff hissed at her.

  *Bully for me?*


  *Bully…for me?* The banshee’s voice bounced around Jasmine’s skull. The Fury winced and a trickle of blood leaked from her nose.

  “Jasmine, don’t you know what a banshee does?” Jeff’s panicked voice penetrated Jasmine’s anger.


  “Don’t tick her off. She’ll turn your brain to mush.”

  *Bully…for me?* The banshee’s eyes blazed and the wind around her picked, whipping through her hair and lashing at her clothes. She opened her mouth and wailed.

  Jasmine shrieked and collapsed to the ground, clasping her paws over her ears. She felt her magic drain and her body shrink. She lay panting, fighting the banshee’s pull. “Stop,” she yelled trying to drown the banshee’s scream. “Stop!”

  *Bully for me?*

  “Please Clara, she didn’t mean it the way it sounded.”

  *Jeff? I remember you. You were there before,* the banshee’s cry cut off in mid syllable. *Why are you after my little girl? Isn’t one enough for you?*

  “But Clara, the contract you signed states first born. That’s Miss Ellie. You know that the contracts are unbreakable.”

  *Ellie isn’t my first born. Elizabeth is. And you've already claimed her soul.* The banshee shrugged sending her robes fluttering. *She seems made for your lifestyle.*

  “Elizabeth? But she’s not…I mean…What?”

  “Stop spluttering, Jeff. You told me you’d brought Elizabeth to Daddy Dearest.”

  “Yes, but she was left on her own.”

  “To ripen. Who was her keeper? She’s a deep purple and that color doesn’t happen over night. She should have been recollected before she ripened that much. So, why was she still on her own?” Jasmine shook the dirt from her coat and faced the banshee. “What do you know?”


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