drunken father). It’s almost beyond understanding that woman is punished by death because of her curiosity, while women luring their father into incest are not.
Tamara’s deception. Disguised as a whore she sleeps with the father of her dead husband. (When Tamara’s husband died, his brother Eunan should take her as a wife according to law, however he refused, so God killed him by lightening. Juda, her father-in-law refused as well, however Tamara managed to deceive him disguised as a whore and conceived.)
Amazon. Women who did not glorify men. On the contrary. They didn’t need them at all, except for breeding. After that they killed them. As soldiers, carrying weapons, they even had their breasts removed. They were companions of the black-sea Goddess Kotito, a refugee like all hordes of Pont. They were known as Curetes (guarded priestesses). There are, of course, male Curetes, Daktyloi-Kouretes as well, for example Korybantes Euboioi. They were wearing ponytails and were the young Zeus’ guards in Akrezion, Cave of Zeus. Kotito alias Aphrodite was so strong that many young men were castrated by their own will thus getting the right to be Aphrodite’s priests. Castration was widely spread among priests and ministers an obligatory act.
Through history women, weak or strong, have mostly been despised and feared by men. Still nowadays most Churches don't allow them to be priestesses. What sounds funny is that priests themselves dress in women’s costume when in front of the altar.
Even Nostradamus was against the female supremacy. The fear, having its roots far in the past is so strong that in the past the groom was given a wedding witness whose duty was to spend the first night with the bride, because it was believed that women have teeth in vagina that can, at the first intercourse, bite off the penis. So, being a groom was a heroic deed.
The second fear or reproach against women is their birth giving. A birthing mother was not allowed to enter Church, because she was thought to still be impure. A few weeks after giving birth she was allowed to come as far as to the threshold of the church. That period was called introduction. That was the real reason why the newborn child was taken to be baptized by godparents.
So much about Christian women. A bitter taste at the very beginning of their motherhood.
And witches? Who accused women of being witches? Some were even burnt naked, which was an additional humiliation. Nakedness was thought to be a humiliation, not only for women but for men too. For example: Adam suddenly realizes that he is naked. Noah is caught drunk and naked by his youngest son. Joseph of Egypt is stripped by his master’s wife just to accuse him of harassment, which is a lie, she is the one who is harassing him. When John the Evangelist wants to warm up by the kettle in the garden, the maids exclaim: ‘This one was with Jesus’, grabbing him by his shirt and he escapes naked.
And now back to women.
There were times when the girl eligible for marriage was swapped, meaning, she did not marry she was given to a man by her parents. The saying ‘they made a good match’ shows that couples to be married had often been chosen by lot.
Here the role of the so incriminated mother-in-law has to be mentioned. Once having been a victim herself, she now, instead of understanding her daughter-in-law, vented her anger on her.
Another example of inequality between men and women are stories like this: When to a farmer a girl was born instead of a boy, the whole village was sad. If she later became the heir of the farm, a perpetual guilt for not having been born as a man accompanied her, for after she married the genre was lost. However, her husband was not especially cherished by his parents-in-law either. A humiliating attitude towards the son-in-law is nicely preserved in the Slovenian language. The Slovenian word for groom is ženin, the Slovenian word for woman is žena. As if a man were a possession of a woman.
Well, some words with double meaning prove that family is, in fact, a slavery cell. For example:
The double meaning of the word faminine is a woman and the one who has no word. Her status in the family is or was very often inferior. (Among others, she’s not allowed to sit at table with men)
The word putus has also double meaning. It is a boy and a slave. Slave and boy are incompatible, however, they are the evidence of the actual situation in families in the past when a master’s son, while still a kid, was not worth more than a slave.
Suffering of many girls and women is described in poetry as well. Some poems tell us how they try to find a way out of domestic torture. Secretly, at night. There is a poem about a woman, who leaves her home, husband and her child, goes to the woods where she is changed into a willow. Willow that cries. Willow that is sad.
The word willow is of Germanic origin, German Weib, vip. Weib has a pejorative meaning nowadays, however etymological research tells us that the first word vip, (later Weib) described divine abilities of women. Women who, at least in Slovenian versions of folk songs, changed into willows. The Weeping willow is an allusion to the Lady of the Sorrows. That way a woman solved or even determined her own destiny, independently of the man with whom she was connected.
The woman of today?
It’s still demanded of her to be a mother, a wife, a housewife, a worker and to be silent. Her wishes, buried in her unconsciousness, are not appreciated. However, I believe that woman is connected with the secrets of cosmos more than man is. The cosmic entity as absolutum (complete, unconditional) floating above us as the greatest entity, is still a riddle for even the most modern physics.
I must stress that I do not see this entity, absolutum respectively in religions that have robbed women of their womanliness, the entity, absolutum will be discovered by the modern physics in the future and the woman will return into the secrets of cosmos as the Mother. This will be the space not needing the man, what the animal world already proves.
I can conclude that supremacy of one gender over the other can be harmful. Nevertheless, our future predicts triumph of women over men. Why?
As already said at the beginning:
- the next ruler will be the blind Isaac; the Isaac of the Old Testament was the second or the third figure at the side of matriarch Rebecca;
- Saint Malachy predicts that the last pope will be black and Peter II. Black Peter sort of, whatever it means. If Roman Catholic Church agrees to priestesses, I am allowed to suspect she will also be the Popess.
- Priory of Sion stripped the apostles of aureole, they even changed John into a woman, Mary Magdalene.
- Vedas predict matriarchate in Europe
Regardless of everything I have said above, there seems to be one truth: despite the constant attempts to humiliate women, to subordinate them to men, they in the end will take the world power into their hands. Such are predictions. Who wouldn’t believe them?
Past Will Be Future Page 10