The Woman in the Pyjamas

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The Woman in the Pyjamas Page 4

by Sarah Pond

  'Aye, I'll take some.'

  The young man turned to the shelf and placed a bottle of vitamin C on the counter, 'That will be four pounds please.'

  'Pounds? I have a doubloon.'

  As he looked at Eve, his eyes drawn to her moustache like a moth to a flame, he said, 'Um, we can't take those here, I'm afraid, Sir.' He briefly made eye contact with the amused expression in Eve's eyes, and quickly corrected it to 'Madam.' The blush returned to his cheeks, and Eve gave him a wink.

  'Aye, I'll be off then, I need to check me treasure chest. Thank ye for ye help.' And with that, Eve about turned, and strolled out of the pharmacy.

  Back outside, Daisy was itching to hear what had happened. After relaying the story, Eve laughed, 'Well, it'll make an amusing tale to tell his mates. I hope I didn't embarrass him too much.'

  'It sounds like he handled it really well, actually!'

  Daisy handed Eve her coat, suggesting, 'Maybe you could keep the outfit on, it might be rather fun!'

  'Well, if you dress up as well, I'll consider it.'

  'Um, maybe another day. I think the moustache is very fetching, though!'

  Eve's eyes lit up, and Daisy groaned, knowing that she had inadvertently set another challenge.

  'Come on.' Eve pulled Daisy along. I'll just get changed, then the next thing is for both of us.'

  Fifteen minutes later, Eve was back in her jeans and blouse, and both she and Daisy were sporting a swirly moustache, courtesy of Eve's dark brown eyeliner. They giggled at each other as they looked at their reflections in the restroom mirrors. They also couldn't help laughing at the looks of one woman, who after glancing at them in the mirror, looked like she had a bad smell under her nose. So they spent the rest of the day sporting their drawn on moustaches. They did get a lot of funny looks, although nobody said anything.

  Daisy had such a lot of fun that day with Eve, and she thought that she had never laughed so much in her life, even her ribs ached. What if Stephen could see her now. The thought flashed through her mind out of nowhere. She didn't remember having so much fun with him. Well, maybe at the beginning. They used to go out a lot together, and they were in love. Weren't they? Yes, of course they were. But over time, Stephen was working more and more, and once they had Jess, there was so much more to do. More shopping, more washing, more everything. Not that Daisy would change it for the world. Jess was her world.

  Daisy's mind wandered.


  'Well, I'm just off down the pub to meet Pete. I shouldn't be gone too long.' Stephen smiled at Daisy. 'Now Jess is asleep, you can have a quiet evening to yourself.'

  Daisy looked up at him, thinking how she had hardly seen him recently. If he wasn't working, he always had something else he had to be doing. 'It would have been nice to spend the evening in together. Anyway, have a good time, say hi to Pete.'

  'Will do.' Stephen bent down to kiss Daisy on the cheek, and he was gone.

  They didn't seem to spend as much time together as they used to. Still, it was important that Stephen had his own friends, and he and Pete had been friends since they were teenagers.

  Over the weeks, Daisy hadn't really given it any more thought, until she bumped into Pete's wife in town one day. 'It's lovely to see you, how are you?' Lyn hugged Daisy.

  They exchanged some small talk, it had been a long time since they had seen one another. Just before they were about to part company, Lyn said, 'We must all get together for a meal, or something. Pete says he hasn't seen Stephen in ages.' With that simple comment, Daisy's world was knocked off its axis.

  'Are you okay? You look as white as a sheet.' Lyn looked worried.

  Daisy pushed herself into the present, 'I, I'm fine. Sorry, I've just remembered there's something I'm meant to do. Look, I'll be in touch. Bye.'

  Lyn looked a bit bewildered as Daisy rushed off. 'Bye.'


  On Saturday evening, just before Jess was going to bed, she had been telling Daisy what she had been doing that day at her friend's house. Then she looked closely at Daisy’s face.

  'What are you looking at?'

  'I was trying to work out what you’ve got on your lip.'

  'Where?' Daisy walked over to the mirror, and starting laughing. 'That's a bit of my pirate moustache. I thought I'd got it all off.'

  Jess was giving Daisy her, What have you been up to now? expression. Daisy explained the whole pirate challenge to Jess, who couldn't quite believe her ears.

  'So is this going to be a thing now with you and Eve?'

  'It seems to be, darling!'

  Jess laughed, 'You're crazy! I knew Eve was a bit mad, I can't believe you're doing this stuff.' She felt a bit embarrassed, and at the same time proud to bits of her mum.

  'Neither can I, to be honest! Before that weekend, I don't think I would have done it. But I must say, it's a lot of fun!'

  Eve was well liked by everyone in her office, and when she started sharing her exploits with Daisy at work, word soon got around. This, in turn, set off other people coming up with their own fun challenges. With all the fun and stories being shared amongst colleagues, it made for a great atmosphere in the office. Eve's boss saw the difference in the staff, noticing that they seemed happier, and less people were taking time off sick. With less stress and more productivity, she was intrigued to know what the difference was. When she found out how it all started, she gave Eve a promotion, so that she was now in charge of staff wellbeing.

  As Eve was telling Daisy one evening, 'This is fantastic. I get to help my colleagues have more fun, and reduce their stress levels at work. And I get paid more, too. My boss is thrilled to bits. She's been asking me for challenges to do!'

  Daisy was thoughtful, 'I wonder if that's something I could do at work. I already work in Human Resources, so I'm in a perfect place to start. Also, I'm sure Cheryl would be up for something like that, she likes a good laugh!'

  'Go for it! Seriously, it's made such a difference.'

  Ryan was already in the office kitchen with Cheryl and Dan when Daisy walked in. Cheryl said, 'I could have got you a drink, you only had to ask.'

  Daisy replied, 'Thanks, but I wanted to stretch my legs anyway.'

  Cheryl noticed both Ryan and Dan looking at Daisy. Dan was the first to speak, 'Daisy, you look different. Have you done something to your hair?'

  Daisy was busy making her cup of tea, and wasn't really paying much attention. 'Um, no.'

  'Well, whatever you've done, it suits you.'

  She stopped what she was doing, and looked up at him, smiling. 'Oh, thanks.'

  Cheryl said, 'It's probably your wardrobe makeover. You do look younger, if you don't mind me saying. Don't you think, guys?'

  Ryan looked, but didn't say anything. Dan nodded, 'Yes, that must be it.'

  'She looks great, doesn't she?' Dan nodded, but still there was no response from Ryan.

  Daisy face had reddened deeply, 'Cheryl, you're embarrassing me. Stop it!'

  'Sorry boss! See you back in the office.' With that, Cheryl disappeared, coffee mug in hand.

  Daisy smiled awkwardly at Dan and Ryan, then followed Cheryl back towards her office, her cheeks flaming.

  'Cheryl, my face is burning up!' Daisy had rushed back to her office, closing the door behind her.

  'Sorry, I didn't think you'd mind the compliment.' Cheryl pulled a face, which made Daisy laugh despite herself.

  'No, well, it's just... Anyway, I must get back on with work.' Daisy didn't want to give Cheryl any inkling that she might like Ryan. Knowing Cheryl, she would try and set them up on a date.

  Jess and Daisy were in town at the weekend to buy some new clothes. Jess seemed to be growing so quickly, her arms and legs starting to stick out of her clothes like a scarecrow. Along the way, Daisy spotted a couple of things she liked for herself. 'Try that blouse on, Mum.'

  'You think so?'

  'Yes, I like the new clothes you have, they're more fun than your old stuff.'

  'Thank you, darlin
g. Now, how about those trousers for you? Let's go and find the changing room.'

  They went off happily side by side, Jess chattering away about school and her friends. Daisy was enjoying spending time with Jess, it felt more like shopping with a friend rather than mum and daughter.

  'When we're finished, let's go for lunch. Where would you like to eat?'

  Daisy wasn't surprised to see Jess' face light up, as she said, 'JB's Diner please!'

  A couple of weeks later, Daisy was in the kitchen when Ryan walked in. She was facing away from him, and he walked up behind her, standing very close. She could feel his breath on her neck. 'I couldn't say anything before, I wanted to wait until we were alone.'

  'Wha, what do you mean?' She suddenly felt very flustered, his closeness like an electric blanket on a hot summers day.

  He spoke softly into her neck, causing the hairs to stand to attention, so as to catch every nuance of his words. 'Whatever it is you're doing, it's driving me crazy.'

  Daisy slowly turned towards Ryan, she could hardly believe what was happening. 'But...'

  Now Daisy was facing Ryan, and somehow she knew exactly what he was going to say.

  'I can't wait a minute longer. I have to kiss you now.' With that, as she felt the softness of his lips on her own, everything seemed to go swimmy in her head, her body a sudden whirlpool...

  Beep, beep, beep. What the?

  Shit, the alarm clock. Daisy shut it off and rubbed her eyes. Why did she have to wake up now?

  Daisy told Eve about the dream. She was the only person who knew that she liked Ryan. Even before Daisy had said anything, Eve had noticed how Daisy's body language changed whenever she mentioned him. Eve suggested that Daisy consider dating. 'It's been a couple of years since you split up with Stephen. I think it's about time.'

  'I have to consider Jess.'

  'Come on, you can't keep using that excuse. Anyway, she seems fine with Stephen dating. And it's been two years, so enough already.' She felt protective of Daisy, and why shouldn't she move on, Stephen certainly had. Well, he'd moved on while he was still with Daisy. Right, let's not go there.

  Daisy grimaced. 'Oh, I don't know. Maybe I could think about dipping my toe in the water.'

  'It's more than your toe that needs dipping!'

  'Eve! What are you like? Anyway, it's so many years since I went on a date, I wouldn't know what to do. When I was dating, it was a case of waiting for the guy to ask out the girl.'

  Eve laughed, 'Well, grandma, things may be a bit different now.'


  Eve gave Daisy a sidelong glance, 'What about Ryan?'

  Daisy blushed immediately. 'I don't think so. We say hello, but apart from that, he hasn't noticed me, not in that way.'

  'Maybe your dream is a sign. Is he single?'

  Daisy sighed, 'I don't know. I think so.'

  Eve nudged Daisy's arm, 'Ask him out!'

  'I couldn't, I wouldn't know what to say. And if he said no, I still have to see him at work. No, I can't.' She was mortified at the thought.

  Eve looked thoughtful for a moment, 'You know, you just need a bit of practice. How about you practice asking out people you don't know. Then it doesn't matter if they say no.'

  Daisy's words started rushing out like air from a punctured balloon, 'You can't be serious, no way. I'll get a reputation for being a, I don't know, but it won't be good. And anyway, who on earth would I ask? And if they say no, I'll feel bad, and if they say yes, then what?'

  Eve held up her hands, 'Whoa, slow down. Take a breath for a minute! If they say no, you won't take it so personally, and if they say yes, you might have a really good time.'

  Daisy looked horrified, 'I could end up with some weirdo.'

  'No, if you make a date, arrange to go for a coffee in the day time. You'll be in a public place, and if you don't like them, you won't have to sit through an awkward meal.'

  Daisy began to soften to the idea, 'Hmm, you may have a point. I don't know though, I don't want to be giving blokes the wrong idea.'

  Eve thought for a moment, 'You know, I've just had a thought. I'm going to call my friend Kate, I think we have your next challenge!'


  'I don't know how I let you talk me into this.' Daisy was feeling sick with nerves.

  'You'll be fine. Come on.' Eve gently pulled her along.

  The club was near the seafront in Brighton, the perfect place for what Eve had in mind. It was very dark as they walked in, so Daisy slowed down to let her eyes adjust. There was a large bar area, with a string of red and blue lights running along it. 'I'm really not sure about this. I think we should leave.'

  'Look, we're not trying to find you a soul mate, you're just here to dance and have a bit of fun for once.'

  Eve spotted her friend by the bar. 'Hi, Kate, how are you, hun?'

  'Good thanks. Good to see you.' They hugged warmly.

  'Kate, this is Daisy.'

  Kate was medium height, her thick wavy brown hair stopping short of her collar. She had a relaxed air about her, and smiled easily at Daisy. She spoke softly, 'Pleased to meet you. Eve says you want to let your hair down a bit tonight. This is a really friendly place, I can introduce you to some friends.'

  Daisy's face was a picture. Kate laughed, 'Hey, you don't have to look so freaked out!'

  'I'm not.' Daisy was momentarily indignant, then softened, 'Well, maybe I am. I haven't been out dancing in years. And I've never been to a club... like this.'

  'There's a first time for everything! Now, let's get some drinks.'

  As it was, Daisy had a really fun evening. She stuck by Eve's side most of the time, as if there was an invisible cord connecting them. By about ten o'clock, having had a few drinks, she was starting to relax. Eve had promised to only drink soft drinks, so she could keep an eye on Daisy, a condition on Daisy agreeing to this evening. Also, it meant that she could drive Daisy home later. Jess was staying at Stephen's this weekend, so that was another thing she didn't have to think about.

  Daisy danced with Kate and Eve, and a couple of Kate's friends. They all seemed like a friendly bunch. Before this evening, Eve had explained to Kate why she wanted to get Daisy out of the house, and said that she wasn't looking to meet someone, just relax a bit. 'Daisy's just lacking a bit of confidence. Her fifteen year marriage ended two years ago, and she hasn't dated at all. She doesn't think she's attractive, and she's worried about being rejected. She's also worried about giving men the wrong idea if she asks them out. I just want to get her mixing with people and having a good time, so she can relax a bit.'

  Kate said that she may be able to help. She had been there herself, and knew how it felt.


  When Stephen had come home from work that evening, Daisy had been desperate to talk to him. But she knew it would be best to wait until Jess was in bed. A couple of times over the evening, Stephen had asked whether Daisy was alright, and her response was a curt, 'Yes, fine.'

  Finally, Jess was asleep. Daisy's heart was beating in her mouth, but she steeled herself, trying, unsuccessfully, to sound as calm as possible. 'I ran into Lyn earlier today.'

  'Oh.' No visible response from Stephen, who had his head stuck behind the newspaper.

  'She said we should get together with her and Pete. Go for a meal, maybe.'

  'Sounds good.' There was no expression to Stephen's voice.

  The bloody nerve. 'Apparently, Pete was saying he's not seen you in ages.'

  'Huh?' Now, Stephen lowered the newspaper. Daisy couldn't see anything on his face other than slight confusion.

  'Stephen, put the bloody paper down, will you.' Surprised by Daisy's sudden outburst, Stephen did just that. 'Don't you have anything to say?'

  Stephen still looked nonplussed. 'What do you want me to say?'

  'When you said you were meeting Pete at the pub, where were you really going?'

  'I was meeting Pete. I think Lyn must have misunderstood. Maybe Pete said that months ago.'

/>   Daisy was trying very hard to stay calm, but she could feel herself beginning to shake. 'Stephen, are you having an affair?' She didn't really believe it, but something told her not to let this go so easily.

  'No, of course I'm not.' He was quickly dismissive.

  'Then why have you been lying to me about seeing Pete?'

  'I have been seeing Pete.' He smiled placatingly, which served to annoy Daisy more.

  Daisy's face remained stern. 'So, if I called Pete right now, he would confirm that he saw you last Wednesday, then?'

  Daisy picked up the phone, her hand trembling. She wasn't sure whether she could trust herself to go through with it. She wanted to hear it from Stephen, not Pete. As her finger hovered over the numbered buttons, it was a few seconds before Stephen said, 'I can explain.'

  Suddenly the bottom dropped out of Daisy's world. She sat there like stone, whilst Stephen explained that he hadn't meant it to happen. That it didn't mean anything. He had felt so guilty, that he had already ended it.


  Whilst Eve was still dancing, Kate was chatting with Daisy at a corner table. Despite the level of the music, Kate still seemed to speak softly. Daisy found Kate really easy to talk to, and in some ways the fact that she hardly knew her made it easier to talk about Ryan. 'I really like him, but I don't think he's even noticed me.'

  'I find that hard to believe, you're very attractive.'

  Daisy blushed, 'Don't be silly. You're just saying that.'

  Kate looked Daisy right in the eye, 'Believe me, I'm being completely serious. You've just had your confidence knocked, that's all.'

  Turning her head to one side and raising an eyebrow, Daisy asked, 'Did Eve put you up to this?'


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