The Woman in the Pyjamas

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The Woman in the Pyjamas Page 15

by Sarah Pond

  'I'm good, thanks. Erm, we had a few drinks last night. You're a bit early for lunch, aren't you?'

  'Well, we like to start with a mid-morning g and t on a Sunday.'

  Kate appeared from the kitchen, another glass of water in hand. 'Mum, this is Kate.' Daphne turned around.

  'Hi. Nice to meet you.' Kate gave an embarrassed little wave.

  'Grandma, this is Kate, the one I told you about. We do gardening together.'

  'Oh, yes. I've heard a lot about you.' Kate blushed. 'Jess is always talking about you. It's good to put a face to the name.'

  'Jess is a superstar. She's a natural with gardening.' She smiled at both Daphne and Jess.

  'I'm delighted to hear it. Now, I won't keep you, I just wanted to drop this round. I don't usually go to charity shops, but I saw this in the window, and thought of you.'

  Daisy stifled a laugh. 'Thanks Mum, it's lovely.'

  'I'm not sure whether I bought you one like this before. I hope not.'

  Jess went to say something, and Daisy silenced her with a look and a very slight shake of her head. 'No, I definitely don't have one like this.' I did have. This exact one. Boy, I'd better take my charity donations to somewhere out of town in future. 'Thank you, it's very thoughtful of you.'

  'Well, I'll leave you to it, then. Nice to meet you, Kate.'

  Having said her goodbyes, Daphne left for her lunch. As soon as the door was closed, Daisy dissolved into fits of laughter, scarf still in hand, then explained to the others what had tickled her so much. The state of hilarity also seemed to help improve Daisy's hangover.

  After a leisurely breakfast, the three of them chatted about what they wanted to do. 'Nothing too strenuous, I think.' Daisy was rubbing her eyes, then stretched out in a way that Nimbus would have been proud of.

  When they arrived in town, Daisy suggested that they start with a visit to a cafe. She announced that the two coffees she'd had at home with her breakfast hadn't really been strong enough to clear her head. Rolling her eyes, Jess reluctantly agreed. She was itching to get to the beach. Once Daisy had guzzled her coffee, a double espresso no less, the caffeine was now starting to take effect.

  'Okay, I'm ready. Come on then, let's go.' She grabbed hold of Kate's hand, trying to pull her up.

  'Okay, okay. Someone's suddenly in a rush!' Kate stood, laughing at Daisy's sudden burst of energy.

  Daisy bounded out of the cafe and down the road, heading towards the sea. Once they had arrived, she felt the gentle breeze on her face, and inhaled the sea air deeply. Ah, that's more like it. Then she seemed to go into overdrive, charging around like a demented toddler. It was both the funniest and scariest thing that Kate had seen since she had known Daisy. She looked at Jess, who just shrugged and rolled her eyes. 'She doesn't usually drink that much coffee,' she said in a matter of fact way.

  As if they were letting a puppy off its lead to run off some beans, Kate and Jess walked along the seashore, while Daisy rushed ahead of them. When they decided to sit down for a while to look at the view, Daisy stood at the water's edge, following the waves in and out, trying to keep her feet from getting wet. Then, taking off her shoes and socks, she threw them carelessly on the beach as she started to paddle. She waved her arms, 'Hey, you guys, come on. Join me.'

  It did look like fun. So Kate and Jess peeled off their socks and shoes. They laughed a lot as they splashed around. At one point, Daisy kicked up as a wave approached, soaking Kate. For a moment, she thought she had gone too far, Kate didn't look too happy. The reality was that Kate was deciding on her return move. She moved forward, scooping Daisy up in her arms. 'Right, missy!'

  Daisy squealed, as Kate lifted her higher, as though she was going to throw her in the sea, 'Noooo!'

  Just at the point that Daisy was bracing herself, Kate swung her back, and on her feet. Daisy was breathless, 'I really thought you were going to throw me in!'

  'I did consider it for a moment!' She winked at Daisy.

  Daisy looked back at Kate with an expression she couldn't decipher.

  Jess was watching a few feet away, in hysterics. She noticed that her mum would often be more playful when Kate was around.

  Having eaten a healthy lunch at Foodilic in North Street, along with a tasty smoothie each, Kate said it was time she was off. As Jess walked along ahead of them, Kate said, 'I've had a wonderful weekend, thank you.'

  'I'm glad you could make it. It's been great spending time with you, I don't remember when I last had so much fun.'

  Kate turned to look at Daisy, smiling. 'It certainly was fun. I have to say, you've loosened up a lot in the time I've known you.'

  Daisy flushed. 'Well, I'm trying to live in bit more in the moment. Be spontaneous, you know.' She paused before saying, 'You helped me to see that.'

  Kate smiled as they continued walking. When they got to the corner of Kate's road, they hugged goodbye. Daisy was serious when she said, 'Don't be a stranger.'

  Kate flushed. 'I won't. See you soon. Thanks again, Jess, for helping yesterday.'

  'I enjoyed it. I'd like to do it again.' She gave Kate a big hug.

  'I'll let you know when Mrs Mills asks me. Enjoy the rest of your day.'

  Daisy and Jess waved goodbye, then made their way back home.


  Cheryl walked into Daisy's office on Monday with a big grin on her face. 'Morning boss, how are you?'

  'Very well, thanks.'

  'Did you have a good weekend?'

  'D'you know, I had the best weekend that I've had for a long time. Jess went off gardening with Kate, and I had all afternoon to prepare and cook dinner.'

  Cheryl interrupted, 'That doesn't sound like a great weekend to me! Anyway, continue.'

  'I really enjoyed cooking for us all. Then we all watched Beauty and the Beast,-'

  'Animated or live action?'

  'Animated, miss interrupty-pants!'

  'Sorry.' Cheryl mimed pulling a zip closed across her mouth.

  'As I was saying, we watched the film, and after Jess had gone to bed, Kate and I chatted and drank wine. Well, a lot of wine, to be honest. I think I probably drank the most. Then yesterday, we just had the best day. Kate nearly threw me in the sea.'

  Cheryl looked at the happy expression on Daisy's face. This was the most content she had seen Daisy since she had broken up with Ryan. She was really pleased for her. She'd had a similar air about her when she was dating Ryan.

  Then Daisy giggled as she remembered, 'Oh, and I got stuck in the sofa bed. That was funny! How was your weekend?'

  'Good, but certainly not as much fun as yours! I did hear about something fun, though. I thought you might like to try it with me.'

  'What's that?'

  'Pole fitness.'


  'A friend of mine has just started it, she says it's great. She lives in London, so I can't really go to her class. I've found a local one, though. Do you fancy it?'

  'Pole dancing? You must be kidding!' Daisy looked horrified.

  'No, it's a fitness thing. It's really good to build up your core strength. The first one is free, to see if you like it.'

  Daisy waved her hands away, 'I think that's one for you to try on your own, thanks all the same.'

  'Well, I thought with all the challenges you've been doing, you'd be up for it. So I put both our names down.'

  Daisy looked up in shock, 'What?'

  'Come on, it's been a while since you tried something new.'

  'Let me think about it.'

  'Pleeease. I really don't want to go on my own.'

  Cheryl's pleading look softened Daisy. 'Oh, okay then. Just for the first one!'

  'Yes!' Cheryl clapped her hands together quickly, grinning inanely. 'It's tomorrow night.'

  'What? I can't do it that short notice.'

  'I'm sure you can get a babysitter. Who goes out on a Tuesday night?'

  'Well, apparently, we do! I'll ask Eve if she's free.'

  In the event, Eve was worki
ng late, but Kate was available. Jess was thrilled about that. Kate said she would take some gardening books for Jess to borrow.

  Leaving the two of them snuggled up on the sofa, with Nimbus happily curled up next to them, Daisy grimaced a goodbye to them. 'I won't be long, I think it's an hour. See you later.'

  'Good luck! Have fun.' Kate grinned widely at her friend.

  Daisy met Cheryl at the community hall where the classes were being held. 'I hope I've got the right gear on.' Daisy was getting nervous now.

  'They said shorts and vest top, or something similar. Apparently you need to be able to grip the pole with your legs, so that's why it needs to be shorts.'

  The hall was set up with six metal poles attached from floor to ceiling, with a circular foam mat beneath. Daisy was thinking, at least it's a soft landing if I fall off.

  The instructor was very friendly, and explained that as the class was quite new, most people were relative beginners, with a couple having had some experience. There were two people to a pole, and she left Daisy and Cheryl to share. Having done some thorough warm up exercises, she gave the beginners a couple of simple moves to practice to get started.

  So far, so good. Cheryl seemed to pick it up very quickly. Although she was quite a large build, she was very graceful, and made the moves look easy. Daisy was beginning to enjoy herself. She had got over her self-consciousness, and actually felt overdressed if anything, compared to what some of the people were wearing. No matter what people's body shape or size, everyone seemed to be comfortable and relaxed within themselves.

  Now it was time to have a go at holding the pole, whilst swinging their legs around. It was certainly a lot harder than the instructor made it look, which was to be expected of course. Having explained to the group, she also walked around to every person to explain and help them if they needed it. 'That's great Cheryl, really good.'

  'Right, Daisy, your turn. I could do with a little rest.' Cheryl was red faced from the exertion.

  'Okay. Right, which hand on top?'

  'Right above the left, I think.'

  Daisy stretched one hand high up the pole, the other just beneath. She swung herself round, 'I'm doing it, I'm doing it!' This was followed by a loud and unmistakeable escape of wind.

  As Daisy's face went beetroot, Cheryl collapsed on the mat in laughter. Daisy let go of the pole, and just wished the ground would swallow her up whole. She was absolutely mortified. Despite seeing the shock on her face, Cheryl was incapacitated. Tears of laughter were now rolling down her cheeks, and as soon as she wiped them away, they were replaced by more.

  'Cheryl, for goodness sake.' Daisy wasn't seeing the funny side of it, she was still paralysed with embarrassment.

  Eventually, Cheryl started to calm down. 'Don't worry about it, I don't suppose anyone else heard.'

  'I think they probably did. Anyway, your hysterics certainly would have drawn their attention.'

  'Come on, let's keep practicing. Now you've let out your hot air, you'll be fine!'

  The rest of the class passed without any further incident, and Daisy was relieved that it was nearly over. They finished with some warm down exercises and stretching. Daisy hurriedly pulled her jogging trousers on over her shorts and threw her sweatshirt on. Thanking the instructor, she rushed out of the door. Outside, the air felt cold on her flushed cheeks. 'Thank goodness that's over.'

  'I really enjoyed it.' Cheryl looked very pleased with herself.

  'Yes, I know you did! At my expense, mostly.'

  'No, I mean I enjoyed the actual class. Obviously, you did make the evening a lot funnier than I thought it would be!'

  Daisy looked simultaneously serious and worried, 'You won't tell anyone about it, will you?'

  'Of course not.' Cheryl was still smiling.

  'You promise?'

  'Promise, boss.' Daisy looked at Cheryl through narrowed eyes. 'Hey, essentially you pay my salary, so I'm hardly going to go telling tales on you!'

  Daisy gave a reluctant smile. 'Right, time to go home. See you tomorrow.'

  'Have a good evening. Bye.'

  'How was it?' Kate looked up as Daisy walked into the lounge, then slumped down on the armchair. 'You look tired.'

  'It was pretty hard work. Some of them make it look so easy. I don't think I'm cut out for it.'

  'Maybe you need to go a few more times. It takes a lot of practice.'

  'I won't be doing that.' The thought of going back made Daisy flush with embarrassment all over again.

  'It is a work out, that's for sure. A friend of mine does it.'

  Daisy wanted to change the subject, 'So, what have you two been doing?'

  Jess said, 'Kate's been teaching me more about gardening. This book is really good, I'm learning loads.'

  'Fabulous. Kate, do you fancy a glass of wine?'

  Although she was going to say no, the thought of it was rather appealing. 'Thank you, as long as you're having one.'

  'Oh, definitely. I think I've earned it after tonight! Phew, it's warm in here.'

  Daisy peeled off her sweatshirt and joggers, flinging them over the armchair. Jess said she had some homework to finish off, and disappeared up to her room. Kate stayed on the sofa, and Daisy appeared in the doorway, 'Do you fancy some nibbles? I'm really hungry now.'

  Kate got up to follow Daisy into the kitchen. As she busied herself fetching wine from the fridge, and packets from the cupboard, Kate couldn't help but stare at Daisy in her shorts, which showed off her legs to great advantage. 'Right, I think that's everything. Shall we sit down?'

  Kate helped carry the dishes of nuts, crisps and olives to the lounge. Once they were settled, Daisy said, 'It's lovely coming home, and you being here.' Kate smiled, feeling a cosy warmth rise up inside her. 'It feels like we're a little family. I haven't had that feeling for a long time.'

  Daisy wasn't sure about the look on Kate's face. Oh god, had she put her foot in it again.

  Kate was feeling elation on the one hand, in the way that Daisy had described them, but it also churned up her insides. It was the strangest sensation. Whilst she was trying to process what was going on in her head, Daisy's voice cut through again.

  'Sorry, I say things without thinking.'

  'You really don't have to apologise. I feel honoured that you feel like that. You and Jess mean so much to me.'

  Daisy's smile warmed Kate, and she knew it was time to tell her. But how would she find the words. She hadn't told anyone about it. Even Eve didn't know the whole story.

  Kate was quiet for a long while. Then she began to speak, very softly and slowly. 'My long term partner, Kiri, she and I decided to have a baby. We had talked about it for a long time, and eventually she said she was ready. Well, she became pregnant, and it all seemed okay in the beginning. Then there were some complications, and she lost the baby. We were devastated, but we carried on with our lives, as you do.' Kate paused for a long time, and Daisy quietly wiped away a tear. 'Anyway, over time, I started to tentatively suggest trying again. Kiri kept saying she needed more time, which I completely understood. Having a child together had always been on the cards from early in our relationship, and I certainly didn't want her to feel under any pressure. After many more discussions, Kiri said that she didn't want to go through an experience like that again. I was disappointed, but I understood. I did suggest that I have a baby this time, but she still didn't want to. So, we stopped talking about it. I wanted to be with her, and I thought that if having a family together wasn't meant to be, I would just deal with it. There was also a possibility of adoption further down the line, maybe. Anyway, we carried on as we were for a couple of years. Then when I found out about her affair, we were over.'

  'I'm so sorry.' Daisy took Kate's hand in hers, squeezing it gently.

  Kate was looking down, then raised her eyes to Daisy's. 'But, do you know what the kicker was? I found out that within a year, she was pregnant with her new partner. I bumped into her once when she'd just had the baby. She looked so happy,
and I was heartbroken.'

  'Kate, I had no idea.'

  'Of course you didn't.'

  'Shit, I don't think when I say things.'

  Kate's face brightened a bit, 'What you said was one of the loveliest things anyone has ever said to me. And of course you couldn't have known.'

  As Daisy pulled Kate into a hug, she felt a relief that she had shared this part of herself. A tear slipped quietly away, and she made no move to dry it.

  Daisy felt awful. No wonder she had reacted quietly whenever she had mentioned children. Now she knew, she would be more careful. 'I'm so sorry.'

  As Kate drew back, she looked into Daisy's eyes. 'Look, don't keep apologising. I'm glad I told you, though. Also, I know you understand how it feels to be cheated on.'

  Daisy gently wiped the tear from Kate's cheek. 'You're certainly right there. Come on, let's have another glass of wine.'

  Having topped up both glasses, Daisy handed one to Kate, and they clinked them together gently. 'Here's to happier futures!'

  'I'll drink to that!' Kate smiled back at Daisy.

  Daisy looked serious for a moment, 'Thank you for sharing with me, I know it can't have been easy to talk about.'

  Kate exhaled deeply. Raising her eyes to Daisy, she said, 'It's a relief to get it off my chest. I didn't realise how much so until now. There's always been a tightness there, and now it feels a bit easier to breathe. Thank you.'

  'For what?'

  'For listening. For being there for me.' Their eyes met for the longest amount of time. Just as Kate was about to say something else, Jess came bursting into the room, and Kate looked up, startled.

  'I've finished my homework. What are you two doing?'

  'Just chatting,' Daisy said easily, not giving away the enormity of the conversation. When it came to Jess, she was able to smooth over things, so that Jess wouldn't be worried unnecessarily.

  'Can we watch a film, Mum?'

  'Not now darling, it's getting late. And you have school in the morning.'

  'It doesn't matter.'

  'Yes, it does. Go and get ready, I'll be up in a minute. Say goodnight to Kate.'


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