The Woman in the Pyjamas

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The Woman in the Pyjamas Page 17

by Sarah Pond

  In the event, the afternoon passed very pleasantly. Trish-sorry-Patricia seemed to delight Daphne and Charles. Daisy noticed that, if she didn't know any better, she appeared to be a very nice, polite person. She was probably being on her best behaviour as she was meeting David's family for the first time. She even spent some time chatting with Jess. Daisy didn't remember her ever speaking to her before.

  Over tea and cake, Daisy asked, 'So how exactly did you two meet?'

  Was that a blush Daisy glimpsed on Trish's cheeks? 'We were wandering around an antique market in Arundel, and we both happened to reach for a teacup at the same time.'

  Oh my god, I think I'm gonna hurl. How twee is that, I don't buy it for a moment. Daisy plastered a smile on her face, trying to look interested. She was saved by responding by David taking up the story.

  'Yes, we both apologised, saying to each other that the other person should take it, and then I invited Patricia to the tea rooms.'

  Daphne was looking thrilled. At last her David had met a very nice young lady, it was about time.

  Daisy couldn't help looking around the table at everyone's faces. Even Jess seemed to like her. Well, she was hardly going to be her bitchy school gates self here, was she.

  After David and Patricia had left, Daphne and Charles were exclaiming how delightful Patricia was. Daisy managed to hold her tongue, but only just. 'Well, I'd better get moving. Jess has school and I've got work in the morning. Thank you for a lovely day.'

  Daisy and Jess hugged and kissed Daphne and Charles, and made their way home.

  At the school gates on Friday, Daisy could see Trish already standing chatting to another dad. As she walked over, she turned her attention to Daisy. That was a first. 'Hi, how are you?' That was new, too.

  'Fine, thanks. You?' Daisy thought she ought to ask out of politeness, not that she really wanted to know.

  'I really enjoyed last Sunday afternoon. Your parents were a delight.'

  Daisy blinked, am I really having this conversation? 'Yes, it was nice.'

  'David is such a darling. I was lucky to meet him.' She beamed at Daisy.

  Daisy managed to smile back, 'Yes, he is a good one. I didn't know you were single, to be honest.'

  'I don't like to make it too obvious. I don't want the attention, especially at school.'

  Really? I've seen you flirting and flicking your hair at the good looking dads. Oops, I'm doing it again. Say something. 'I know what you mean.' I have no idea what you mean.

  Patricia smiled kindly, 'I hope we can be friends. Especially now.'

  Daisy felt like her mouth had dropped to the floor like a brick, and was now hurriedly trying to pick it up again. 'Oh, er, yes, Of course.' Thankfully she was saved any further embarrassment by Jess running up to her, and giving her a hug.


  As the day of Stephen's wedding approached, Daisy was feeling mixed emotions. Most of all, she wanted Jess to be okay. Stephen picked Jess up on the Friday evening, so that she could get ready on the Saturday morning with the other bridesmaids. Eve had arranged a girls night out on the Friday, and said that Daisy and Kate could stay at her place. She thought a change of scenery would be good for Daisy. Stephen was bringing Jess home on Sunday evening as usual, as the honeymoon wasn't until Monday.

  Eve had booked a table at the Cote Brasserie, near the North Laines, and this was followed with a night of dancing.

  At the club, a woman seemed to be showing quite a lot of interest in Kate, who was oblivious to the attention. When they were waiting for their drinks later at the bar, Daisy leaned nearer, so that Kate might hear her over the blaring music, 'I think she likes you.'


  'The woman in the red silk top. Tight jeans.'

  Kate briefly glanced her way, 'I don't think so.' She was there for Daisy tonight, and was enjoying hanging out with Eve. She had no intention of ditching them this evening.

  Daisy nudged Kate's arm, 'She can't take her eyes off you.'

  Kate laughed, 'I think you're imagining things!'

  'I have to say, you do look rather striking this evening.'

  Kate was wearing snuggly fitting plum jeans, with a white shirt and charcoal waistcoat. She had a tie loosely knotted around her neck. It really was a good look on her.

  'I wasn't sure whether this outfit was a bit too boyish, but I wanted to try something different.'

  Daisy smiled, 'It really suits you. Miss Red Silk Top certainly likes it!'

  'Oh, stop it, you!' Kate playfully smacked Daisy's arm.

  Back at Eve's, they were lounging around, chatting about nothing in particular. Daisy said, 'I think I'm getting too old for clubbing. I still can't hear properly after the volume of that music!'

  Eve was beaming, 'It was loud. I loved it!'

  Daisy looked at Kate, 'I don't know why you didn't go and talk to that woman.'

  'Which woman?'

  Daisy rolled her eyes, 'Really? Red silk top. Honestly, you're hopeless!'

  Kate shrugged, 'I wasn't interested tonight. I just wanted to hang out with you guys.'

  'I'm starting to see why you're not meeting anyone new at the moment. Anyone would think you didn't want to.'

  Eve caught the briefest glimpse of longing in Kate's eyes, before she covered it again.

  'I don't have time at the moment. Maybe in a couple of months, when work has quietened down.' Then she managed to change the subject.

  Towards the end of their second bottle of wine, Daisy said, 'I hope Jess is okay. I hope she's having a good time.'

  Eve smiled. 'I'm sure she is.'

  'But Stephen is such a shit.'

  Oh dear. Eve spoke again, 'Daisy, it's not going to do you any good going down that road again. It's done. You've got to move on.'

  'I have moved on. Remember Ryan?' Daisy sounded like a spoilt teenager.

  'Yes, we remember Ryan. It's a shame it didn't work out.'

  'Oh my god, he was so hot. Why did I end it with him?'

  'He wanted kids, you don't want more.'

  'Well, someone has to think about the future. When I was getting married to Stephen, my future all seemed so certain.'

  Daisy started to reminisce about them meeting, the engagement and their wedding. Eve rolled her eyes at Kate, she had heard this so many times before. Not that she didn't care, she really did. But the alcohol drew the story out into a big soap opera, then it was inevitable that Daisy would get upset at the end of it.

  When Daisy had finally run out of words, Kate said, 'Maybe I'm better off staying single, after all.'

  'You and me, Kate. We'll swear off men.'

  'I think I can do that!' She raised her glass.

  Daisy burst out laughing when she realised what she'd said. 'Is it easier with women?' She looked at Kate earnestly.

  'Honestly?' Daisy nodded at Kate. 'No.'

  Later that night, when Daisy was fast asleep on the sofa, and snoring, Eve called Kate into the kitchen, quietly closing the door behind them. 'Kate, how are you doing?'

  'Really good, thanks. Why do you ask?'

  'You're not still carrying a torch for Daisy are you?' She was watching Kate closely, to see if she would give anything away.

  Kate rolled her eyes, trying to make light of things, 'No, of course not.'


  Kate sighed heavily. 'I can't help the fact that I like her. But I know it's never going to happen. That woman tonight was cute, but this evening was about being there for Daisy, and that's what I'm doing.' As Eve narrowed her eyes at her, she firmly added, 'As a friend.' There was a clear full stop in the glare from her eyes.

  'So you did notice that woman checking you out, then.'

  Kate blushed slightly, 'I did.'

  Eve sounded matter of fact, 'That's good. Okay, then. Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to hit the sack. See you in the morning.'

  'Nighty night.'

  Before going upstairs, Kate pulled a blanket over the heavily sleeping Daisy. She could
n't resist very softly kissing the top of Daisy's head, wishing her a peaceful night's sleep. Suddenly, Daisy made a noise, making Kate jump. She turned over, muttering something in her sleep. Kate could only make out the odd word. She stopped short as she heard Daisy say her name. Kate looked down, to see Daisy looking up at her, sleepy eyed.

  Kate whispered, 'Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I was just covering you over.'

  Daisy reached her hand out, to hold Kate's. 'Thank you. You're so lovely, Kate.'

  Closing her eyes, Daisy was asleep again, still holding Kate's hand. She smiled at Daisy, and gently released her hand, tucking Daisy's back under the blanket. Sitting on the floor, she sighed heavily, running her hands through her hair. Okay, so this was a bit difficult. Despite her feelings, though, she knew she would rather be in Daisy's life as a friend, than nothing at all.

  Daisy was dreaming. It started as the morning of her wedding to Stephen. She was excited, and dressed and ready to go to the church. Then she was arriving. Through the church doors, and down the aisle. There was music playing, but she didn't recognise it. As she moved along the aisle, it felt as though she was floating rather than walking. She noticed that Stephen wasn't wearing a jacket, just a shirt, tie and waistcoat. And as she got nearer, the image became blurred, and it didn't even look like Stephen any more.

  Daisy woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. Where on earth was she? Why on earth was it so dark. She started to panic, finding it harder to breathe.

  'Hey, what'ya doing? You're all tangled up!'

  Kate helped free Daisy from the blanket, which had somehow ended up over her head. As Daisy was freed, she was staring wide eyed up at Kate, her heart beating furiously. As Kate smiled at her, she had the strangest feeling. Oh god, had she got drunk last night and done something stupid again.

  'You okay?' Kate looked concerned.

  Daisy took a moment to recover herself. 'Um, yes.'

  'You look like you've seen a ghost or something.'

  'No. I'm fine. I just woke from a dream.' She ran her hand through her hair as she spoke.

  'Was it good?'

  'I don't know. I can't remember.' There was something scratching at the edge of her consciousness, but she couldn't quite grasp it.

  'Eve's just making scrambled eggs on toast. Do you fancy some?' Kate thought that Daisy seemed to be looking at her a little oddly. 'Tell you what, I'll give you a bit of time to wake up properly.' She sauntered off to the kitchen to help Eve.

  Back at home on Sunday night, Daisy was tucking Jess up in bed. 'So you had a good time, then?' The whole wedding wasn't a disaster, she thought to herself. No, that was an awful thing to think.

  Jess smiled, 'Yes, it was lovely.'

  'That's good, then.'

  'Lisa looked very pretty.'

  Daisy's stomach lurched. She forced out an insincere, 'That's nice.'

  'Mum, you know, Lisa is very nice.'

  'I'm sure she is.' Ooh, did that come out as sarcastically as it sounded in her head?

  Jess looked up at her mum with wide, loving eyes, 'I'm not going to call her mum. She's dad's wife now, and I like her. But she's Lisa. Just so you know.'

  'Oh, darling.' Daisy hugged Jess tightly, tears in her eyes.

  'Nearly half the people in my class have parents who are divorced or separated. So, don't feel bad about it.'

  Out of the mouths of babes! Daisy couldn't help but let a little giggle escape. 'Thanks, darling. I won't.'

  'Good. That's settled, then.' Jess sounded like she was closing a business meeting. Since when had she become so grown up.

  Kate invited Daisy to coffee that Friday afternoon. 'I wanted to pop round to see you earlier in the week, but I thought you might want a bit of time to yourself. Was everything okay after the wedding?'

  They both sat nursing their coffees in their usual Neros. 'Yes, fine, thank you. It's sweet of you to be so concerned. Jess had a lovely time.' She relayed their conversation to Kate, making her laugh.

  'She's a bright girl, is Jess.'

  'Yes, she certainly is.'

  Kate's voice was soft, 'So, how are you doing?'

  Daisy sighed. 'I'm alright. It feels a bit like everyone else is moving forward, and I'm just stuck. I don't know, maybe I should try dating again.'

  The squeeze on Kate's heart was involuntary. 'You've got nothing to lose.' She managed a smile.

  'It's just that up to now, it's not gone too well! How about you, do you think it's time to get back in the game?'

  Kate burst out laughing, causing Daisy to ask, 'What?'

  'I don't know why that's funny, it's just the way you said it. Seriously, though, it probably is. I did see the woman at the club again last night. You know, the one with the red silk top.'

  Daisy's eyes lit up, 'Oh, yes. And?'

  'We danced.'

  'Kate, you're not getting coy with me are you? Are you blushing?'

  She smiled shyly, 'We have a date tomorrow night.'

  'Good for you. I told you she was into you, I don't know why you didn't believe me.'

  After the other night, whilst Kate was sat on the floor next to a sleeping Daisy, she had done some soul searching. Mooning around over Daisy was ridiculous. She could still be there for her as a friend, whilst dating herself. So she had been to the club, in the hope that even if that woman wasn't there again, there might be someone else out there who was looking for a bit of romance. The silly thing was, Kate and Daisy wanted pretty much the same thing from a relationship point of view. The fly in the ointment was rather too big to miss, though.

  Daisy's voice cut through Kate's thoughts. 'So where are you going for your date?'

  'Not very original, but a restaurant in the Lanes.'

  'Very nice.'

  'I hope so. I'm a bit nervous, to be honest. I haven't been on a date in a long time.'

  'It doesn't seem that long ago you were giving me advice to just go with the moment.' Daisy looked Kate straight in the eye.

  'Yes, you're quite right. I'll stop thinking about it!'

  'Just be yourself, you can't go wrong.' Kate smiled at Daisy.

  Daisy had been chatting with Eve about David and Patricia. 'I'm pleased for him that he's happy, but Trish. Of all the people he could have met.'

  Eve couldn't help chuckling. 'Well, it's not like you see much of David, anyway. I'm sure it'll be fine. You may even get to like her.'

  Daisy pulled a face, 'She's already being more friendly and chatty at school.'

  'Well, there you go. That's got to be a good thing, hasn't it?'

  'I suppose. But isn't it a bit superficial? She's only making the effort because of David.'

  'Doesn't that show that she cares about him then?'

  Daisy was thoughtful for a moment, 'Yes, I suppose it does. I hadn't thought about it like that.'

  'David is lovely, I'm happy for him.' Daisy gave Eve a sideways look, and started to smile. 'What?' Eve was beginning to blush.

  'I'd almost forgotten.' Daisy was starting to laugh.

  'Please don't!'

  'Our last year at school. You had a major crush on David.'

  'You said you wouldn't mention it again. You're such a-.' Eve stopped herself, as a look crossed her face. If she were a cartoon character, it would be the look when the baddie gets an idea for an evil plan.

  Daisy was still laughing, 'Uh oh, that's a look I haven't seen for a while! Okay, I take it back!' Daisy threw up her hands in surrender.

  'It's too late now. Forfeit time. Now, what shall it be?'

  'I really think I've done enough over the last few months.'

  'I've thought of the perfect thing! It won't be today though.'

  Daisy breathed a temporary sigh of relief. Hopefully Eve would forget about it.

  Okay, so Eve had a good memory. Daisy was going to have to think of something really good to get Eve back for this.

  Kate arrived at the pub a bit later than intended, as she'd been held up at work. As she walked in, she could hardly
believe her eyes. There was Daisy, standing on a table, belting out Dancing Queen. She stood and watched from where she had entered the pub. At the end, she applauded, and walked over to Daisy, offering a hand to help her down from the table. 'Kate! I didn't see you come in.' Daisy's already flushed cheeks turned a shade deeper. Taking Kate's hand, she started her descent.

  'I'm glad I caught the show!'

  Once Daisy was back at ground level, she hugged Kate hello. Eve greeted Kate, then said to Daisy, 'You were amazing.'

  'You know I'm going to get you back for that.'

  'I don't care, it'll be worth it! To be honest, I didn't think you'd actually do it. I was all prepared for something a bit lower key if you'd said no.'

  'Great, now you tell me.'

  Kate was still a bit in awe, 'There's certainly no end to your talents!'

  'Well, don't get used to it, that was my opening and farewell performance in one!'

  Kate asked Eve, 'You didn't happen to video it on your phone by any chance?'

  Daisy looked mortified, 'Oh no, you better not have.'

  Eve pulled a face, and sheepishly said, 'I may have.'

  'Please delete it. I really don't want anyone else to see it.'

  'Maybe I'll keep it for a bit, just in case you decide you do want to see it at some point in the future. In the meantime, let's get some more drinks.'

  Seated back down at the table, Daisy asked Kate how her date went. 'It was really nice, thanks. There weren't exactly sparks, but we are going to go out again.'

  'I'm pleased for you.'

  'Thanks. So, dancing on the table then! How did that happen?'

  Daisy relayed the story of Eve's former crush on David, breaking into fits of laughter as she spoke.

  Over the next few weeks, it seemed that Kate was getting on well with her new friend. She didn't really talk about her much to Daisy. Whenever Daisy asked after her, Kate was always a bit vague. Still, it was good that Kate was moving on with her life now, and Daisy was pleased for her.


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